Medicare and private insurance should not pay for unvaccinated who get Covid


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
Medicare and private insurance should not pay for unvaccinated who get Covid.
Why should the government or all of us, through higher insurance rates, pay for the stupidity of the unvaccinated.
If you do not want to get vaccinated, fine, but pay your medical expenses if you get Covid.
Medicare and private insurance should not pay for unvaccinated who get Covid.
Why should the government or all of us, through higher insurance rates, pay for the stupidity of the unvaccinated.
If you do not want to get vaccinated, fine, but pay your medical expenses if you get Covid.
Umm... The only medical expenses I had when I got Covid was the hospital visit they made me take. They gave me NOTHING in the hospital but a test.

Seems absolutely fair. I agree.

Edit: I understand that old people and unhealthy people are prone to Covid. If they are afraid of the normal flu, they should get the vaccination. It's risk for them either way. Choose what you are taking your chances on.
Medicare and private insurance should not pay for unvaccinated who get Covid.
Why should the government or all of us, through higher insurance rates, pay for the stupidity of the unvaccinated.
If you do not want to get vaccinated, fine, but pay your medical expenses if you get Covid.
Turing the fascism up 11 today, huh?
These people have purposely chosen to not only endanger their own lives, but also the lives of their families and countless others.The people whose lives they freely chose to endanger should not be required to foot the bill for them in any way. They chose to be the walking diseased in the U.S.
Medicare and private insurance should not pay for unvaccinated who get Covid.
Why should the government or all of us, through higher insurance rates, pay for the stupidity of the unvaccinated.
If you do not want to get vaccinated, fine, but pay your medical expenses if you get Covid.
then they shouldnt pay for people who are overweight and eat to much junk food .
These people have purposely chosen to not only endanger their own lives, but also the lives of their families and countless others.The people whose lives they freely chose to endanger should not be required to foot the bill for them in any way. They chose to be the walking diseased in the U.S.
Hyperbole isn't an argument.
Medicare and private insurance should not pay for unvaccinated who get Covid.
Why should the government or all of us, through higher insurance rates, pay for the stupidity of the unvaccinated.
If you do not want to get vaccinated, fine, but pay your medical expenses if you get Covid.
Why? Are you wanting to benefit from forced asset sales?
Medicare and private insurance should not pay for unvaccinated who get Covid.
Why should the government or all of us, through higher insurance rates, pay for the stupidity of the unvaccinated.
If you do not want to get vaccinated, fine, but pay your medical expenses if you get Covid.
thats very fascist of you to tell a private company what they should do,,

are you a fascist??
Medicare and private insurance should not pay for unvaccinated who get Covid.
Why should the government or all of us, through higher insurance rates, pay for the stupidity of the unvaccinated.
If you do not want to get vaccinated, fine, but pay your medical expenses if you get Covid.
So those people could expect a check from the government and/or private insurance for all the money they paid in, right? Or is this just another Marxist theft scheme?
Hyperbole isn't an argument.
It's not "hyperbole." These people have deliberately chosen to endanger their fellow Americans and even their own families. They want to circulate their diseased selves in U.S. society. What if a family goes to the local gocery store with their young kids or their seniors and there is one of these filthy diseased monkeys in there without even a mask or social distancing?
Medicare and private insurance should not pay for unvaccinated who get Covid.
Why should the government or all of us, through higher insurance rates, pay for the stupidity of the unvaccinated.
If you do not want to get vaccinated, fine, but pay your medical expenses if you get Covid.
Medicare and private insurance should not pay for drug users who overdose, drunk drivers who get into a car accident, and fat people who get diabetes.
Why should the government or all of us, through higher insurance rates, pay for the stupidity of the irresponsible?
If you want to ruin your health, fine, but pay your medical expenses if you get sick or injured.

You agree with that, right, Branch Covidian?
Medicare and private insurance should not pay for unvaccinated who get Covid.
Why should the government or all of us, through higher insurance rates, pay for the stupidity of the unvaccinated.
If you do not want to get vaccinated, fine, but pay your medical expenses if you get Covid.
Not a bad idea.

These folks want a "free market", let them fend on their own.
Medicare and private insurance should not pay for unvaccinated who get Covid.
Why should the government or all of us, through higher insurance rates, pay for the stupidity of the unvaccinated.
If you do not want to get vaccinated, fine, but pay your medical expenses if you get Covid.
Funny dont remember libs saying this about people with aids...
It's not "hyperbole." These people have deliberately chosen to endanger their fellow Americans and even their own families. They want to circulate their diseased selves in U.S. society. What if a family goes to the local gocery store with their young kids or their seniors and there is one of these filthy diseased monkeys in there without even a mask or social distancing?
More hyperbole.

The irony of you calling anyone else a filthy monkey is off the scale.
Medicare and private insurance should not pay for unvaccinated who get Covid.
Why should the government or all of us, through higher insurance rates, pay for the stupidity of the unvaccinated.
If you do not want to get vaccinated, fine, but pay your medical expenses if you get Covid.
Because promoting the general welfare is in our federal Constitution.

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