Media Laughs at Old, Senile Joe Biden When He Said He Told Putin To Stop Ransomware Attacks Coming from Russia or Else


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Media Laughs at Old, Senile Joe Biden When He Said He Told Putin To Stop Ransomware Attacks Coming from Russia or Else

11 Jul 2021 ~~ By Joe Hoft

Senile Joe Biden reportedly had a call with Russian President Vladimir Putin where he asked Putin to address the ransomware culprits working in Russia.

When Biden responded that there would be consequences for Russia’s reported misdeeds the media all laughed.

American Military News reports:
According to a White House readout of the call, Biden confronted Putin about the attacks and “underscored the need for Russia to take action to disrupt ransomware groups operating in Russia and emphasized that he is committed to continued engagement on the broader threat posed by ransomware.”​
Biden also told Putin that “the United States will take any necessary action to defend its people and its critical infrastructure in the face of this continuing challenge.”​

Senile Joe Biden responded to a reporter’s question but first had a brain freeze before he remembered where he was at.

The reporters even know that old Joe Biden is no threat to Putin.

How many times a day does Joey Xi just freeze like that? What will he do when he's faced with a crisis, just stare into space vacantly? It's unbelievable that the US is in this situation with Joey Bai Dung sitting in the White House.
Joey Xi deserves zero slack. He’s been an arse decades. Let the arrogant, corrupt, Robert Byrd KKK mentored ignoramous wallow in it all. He once said he’d prostitute himself and that’s the only truth he’s ever told. POS
See: VIDEO: Joe Biden Once Said 'I Went to the Big Guys for Money, I Was Ready to Prostitute Myself' - National File
Didn't Biden just lay down the law to Putin a few weeks ago when he gave Putin a list?
I'm old enough to remember when Putin forcibly annexed Crimea and barry soetoro told us "I told them to cut it out!!"
Putin did not forcibly annex Crimea. Not a shot was fired.

In 2014 Obama/Biden "negotiated a power transfer" (aka orchestrated a bloody coup) in Kiev that ousted the democratically elected government in Ukraine and put neo-Nazi's, who hate Russian Slavs even more than Jews, in power.

As a direct result of that Obama/Biden orchestrated coup, the people in Crimea, who are primarily Russian Slavs, held a referendum and overwhelmingly voted to secede from Ukraine. And held another referendum in which they overwhelmingly voted to join the Russian Federation.

Putin did not forcibly annex Crimea, Obama/Biden gave Crimea to Putin. Either that or Putin was playing 3D chess while the Obama/Biden administration was playing checkers.

Whatever the case, as a direct result of the actions of the Obama administration, the Crimean peninsula, home of Russia's Black Sea Fleet since the 18th century, is now part of Russia again. And Putin gloats.

Biden is Putin's bitch.
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Media Laughs at Old, Senile Joe Biden When He Said He Told Putin To Stop Ransomware Attacks Coming from Russia or Else

11 Jul 2021 ~~ By Joe Hoft

Senile Joe Biden reportedly had a call with Russian President Vladimir Putin where he asked Putin to address the ransomware culprits working in Russia.

When Biden responded that there would be consequences for Russia’s reported misdeeds the media all laughed.

American Military News reports:
According to a White House readout of the call, Biden confronted Putin about the attacks and “underscored the need for Russia to take action to disrupt ransomware groups operating in Russia and emphasized that he is committed to continued engagement on the broader threat posed by ransomware.”​
Biden also told Putin that “the United States will take any necessary action to defend its people and its critical infrastructure in the face of this continuing challenge.”​

Senile Joe Biden responded to a reporter’s question but first had a brain freeze before he remembered where he was at.

The reporters even know that old Joe Biden is no threat to Putin.

How many times a day does Joey Xi just freeze like that? What will he do when he's faced with a crisis, just stare into space vacantly? It's unbelievable that the US is in this situation with Joey Bai Dung sitting in the White House.
Joey Xi deserves zero slack. He’s been an arse decades. Let the arrogant, corrupt, Robert Byrd KKK mentored ignoramous wallow in it all. He once said he’d prostitute himself and that’s the only truth he’s ever told. POS
See: VIDEO: Joe Biden Once Said 'I Went to the Big Guys for Money, I Was Ready to Prostitute Myself' - National File

When the media laughs at Joe, they're laughing at themselves, when you consider the perpetual ass kissing they laid on Joe's sphincter.
The problem is that the media didn't really laugh at him, in fact they seemed to go along with the old dude's craziness.
Biden's doing fine compared to where we were when trump was in. Looks like his base hasn't figured out yet that the cockroach tried to over throw this country on january 6 of this year. I attribute this to their ignorance, stupidity, and their constant brainwashing from the know nothings at fox news.

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