Media, AKA professional liars


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2011
Midwestern U.S.
ANYONE remember PBS and McNeil/Lehrer Report? Or even say Walter Cronkite on CBS or the Huntly- Brinkley report on NBC? And they never ever opined with stupid opinioned crap like gravity or time or gender was a construct. Hmm, no. Nor did they drive race riots. Back in the day, They reported FACTS straight up with no chaser. FACTS, no narratives. YOU had to figure it out. We desperately NEED to get back to that old school journalism, and fast!
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The press still reports facts.

That you and others on the right don’t like the facts being reported doesn’t make the press ‘liars.’
Its clear that "media" is biased, its not about your party affiliations. Facts are NOT the DOMINION of one group. FACTS are all we should be concerned with.
ANYONE remember PBS and McNeil/Lehrer Report? Or even say Walter Cronkite on CBS or the Huntly- Brinkley report on NBC? And they never ever opined with stupid opinioned crap like gravity or time or gender was a construct. Hmm, no. Nor did they drive race riots. Back in the day, They reported FACTS straight up with no chaser. FACTS, no narratives. YOU had to figure it out. We desperately NEED to get back to that old school journalism, and fast!
You think gravity and time are opinions?

This is worse than I thought.
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All I want, and this can't be too much to ask: The media and so called "journalist" just refrain from stories and narratives or morals, just report the frigging FACTS! We will tease out what they mean, we don't need some assholes reading us a bedtime story. Especially when they seem to have some political ax to grind...and are funded by wealthy "benefactors(?)" with a even bigger ax to grind.
ANYONE remember PBS and McNeil/Lehrer Report? Or even say Walter Cronkite on CBS or the Huntly- Brinkley report on NBC? And they never ever opined with stupid opinioned crap like gravity or time or gender was a construct. Hmm, no. Nor did they drive race riots. Back in the day, They reported FACTS straight up with no chaser. FACTS, no narratives. YOU had to figure it out. We desperately NEED to get back to that old school journalism, and fast!
We have alternative facts :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
You might. WE live in the real universe with gravitation and traffic laws.
Can you believe it? They forced these god damn driving passports on us like tyrants! And they control us with multi-colored lights??? Stop being a sheep! Your car your choice!
Nobody watches those shit clowns anymore.... other than a handful of shut-ins with broken remotes.

Imagine staring at this shit-eating neanderthal for 20 seconds and not feeling euphorically superior for weeks....

And this brings up the laughable concept of "fact checkers" When the Babylon Bee, a humor site is found to be found "wrong" on a satirical post...facts?
All these people complaining about "the media" are hilarious, given that most are willing to swallow anything that Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, National Review, the Hill, etc. publishes hook, line, and sinker. How does each news outlet compare in issuing corrections and retractions promptly?

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