Media Must Report Truth Of Anti-Trump Spy Operation Before It’s Too Late For Them


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Media Must Report Truth Of Anti-Trump Spy Operation Before It’s Too Late For Them
As facts about the Obama administration's spying and leaking are spilling out, media have a brief window of opportunity to salvage some credibility.

17 May 2020 ~~ By Mollie Hemingway
As new details emerge about the Obama administration’s broad spying-and-leaking campaign against the incoming Trump administration, reporters have a choice to make about whether to cover this story honestly, at long last. There is a brief window of time afforded the media to get the story right. They should take advantage of it.
Journalist Lee Smith already noted the seriousness of the problem facing legacy media after the implosion of the Russia collusion conspiracy theory they peddled. “Americans still want and need accurate information on which to base their decisions about their own lives and the path that the country should take. But neither the legacy media nor the expert class it sustains is likely to survive the post-dossier era in any recognizable form,” he wrote. “For them, Russiagate is an extinction level event.”
Many of our supposedly smart media elites are dinosaurs who are completely unaware of the asteroid headed right to them. Instead, they are doing their part in an all-hands-on-deck effort to continue pushing out Democratic talking points that got them into the mess. This week, that meant they regurgitated the Democratic claim that the Obama administration’s spying and leaking was “normal” and that to be concerned about it is nothing more than a “distraction.”
Many of these people are simply in too deep. They’re not giving back the awards they got for peddling the false story uncritically. To do so is a level of honesty they are not currently capable of. But not everyone needs to follow them. For liberal media who want to be honest, there is plenty of ground between shouting “OBAMAGATE!” in all caps and denying the spying and leaking ever happened.
A rather obvious intimidation campaign has been launched against any reporter who breaks with the groupthink on whether it’s a scandal (or even just a legitimate news story!) to spy and leak falsehoods against political opponents. The Daily Beast’s Maxwell Tani alleged that merely reporting on the existence of public documents related to the spying and leaking campaign, as opposed to ignoring them, meant that CBS’ Catherine Herridge was problematic. No one could defend the journalistic merits of killing such an explosive story. These attacks on Herridge — which sadly did not result in a strong defense from her employer or colleagues — are chin music directed at everyone else who might be courageous enough to step out of the groupthink zone.
The media should know, however, that journalism’s trashed reputation is not going to go away by further suppressing the story. They’re not going to dig themselves out of their self-dug hole by taking swings at Herridge or other courageous reporters with their shovels.
It was one thing to spin the Russia collusion hoax during a time of mass elite freakout. But now everyone knows it was false. The truth is an existential threat to journalists, which is why the more activist among them are scrambling to kill the story and paint it as a distraction. These reporters won book contracts, TV gigs, promotions, and political success by peddling the hoax. They truly can’t be honest about it.
But others who weren’t so complicit have a shot here. There is no getting out of this easy, so if there are any reporters who care about their reputation, much less the truth, they should get on the side of truth now.

As soon as Trump started calling the MSM out on their biased game, it became time for the Media to close shop or begin to become the Fourth Estate rather than the Fifth Column they had reverted too.
When it comes to the MSM, there's no doubt we have been suffering through decades of a factual drought, that has been tearing us away from the comfort of instantaneously accessible, and truthful information.
This is fueled by the refusal of many in the political class to admit by claiming ignorance, as we seek information.
In our quest for knowledge and truth, the MSM rushes to fill the void with misinformation.
The MSM is a perfect example of the dangers of combining a widespread yearning for information, with a widespread lack of objective critical thinking. A well established methods formulated by Edward Bernays and refined by Joseph Goebbels and the Communist apparat.
Given that the misinformation horse has already bolted, it seems that the ability to retrospectively regain control of '''truth''' has been lost.
How can we ever fight back against the disinformation we're fed daily, when their lies are already so deeply entrenched?
The MSN are driven by a desire to feel uniquely enlightened by 'their truth' and their unshakeable insistence on never allowing the rejection of even the most objective and unquestionable counter-evidence.
Have we all forgotten when CNN's Peter Arnet falsely charged that the purpose of the program called “Valley of Death” about Operation Tailwind was to kill American defectors who were helping the North Vietnam Army in Laos and that poison gas was used in this operation, or when Dan Rather demonstrated his propensity for lying and creating false documents in the early change of the century I became very suspicious? ABC lost me the day after the 1994 election when Peter Jennings scolded the American people for pitching a temper tantrum (his take on the election that turned control of Congress over to Republicans after how many decades of the Democrats holding the reins the vast majority of the time?). I wished we could rescind his citizenship and send him back up to his home in Canada. And then Tom Brokaw began following the crowd in the late 90s and I turned off NBC "News." They all lost my viewing and support. They won't get me back.
Media Must Report Truth Of Anti-Trump Spy Operation Before It’s Too Late For Them
As facts about the Obama administration's spying and leaking are spilling out, media have a brief window of opportunity to salvage some credibility.

17 May 2020 ~~ By Mollie Hemingway
As new details emerge about the Obama administration’s broad spying-and-leaking campaign against the incoming Trump administration, reporters have a choice to make about whether to cover this story honestly, at long last. There is a brief window of time afforded the media to get the story right. They should take advantage of it.
Journalist Lee Smith already noted the seriousness of the problem facing legacy media after the implosion of the Russia collusion conspiracy theory they peddled. “Americans still want and need accurate information on which to base their decisions about their own lives and the path that the country should take. But neither the legacy media nor the expert class it sustains is likely to survive the post-dossier era in any recognizable form,” he wrote. “For them, Russiagate is an extinction level event.”
Many of our supposedly smart media elites are dinosaurs who are completely unaware of the asteroid headed right to them. Instead, they are doing their part in an all-hands-on-deck effort to continue pushing out Democratic talking points that got them into the mess. This week, that meant they regurgitated the Democratic claim that the Obama administration’s spying and leaking was “normal” and that to be concerned about it is nothing more than a “distraction.”
Many of these people are simply in too deep. They’re not giving back the awards they got for peddling the false story uncritically. To do so is a level of honesty they are not currently capable of. But not everyone needs to follow them. For liberal media who want to be honest, there is plenty of ground between shouting “OBAMAGATE!” in all caps and denying the spying and leaking ever happened.
A rather obvious intimidation campaign has been launched against any reporter who breaks with the groupthink on whether it’s a scandal (or even just a legitimate news story!) to spy and leak falsehoods against political opponents. The Daily Beast’s Maxwell Tani alleged that merely reporting on the existence of public documents related to the spying and leaking campaign, as opposed to ignoring them, meant that CBS’ Catherine Herridge was problematic. No one could defend the journalistic merits of killing such an explosive story. These attacks on Herridge — which sadly did not result in a strong defense from her employer or colleagues — are chin music directed at everyone else who might be courageous enough to step out of the groupthink zone.
The media should know, however, that journalism’s trashed reputation is not going to go away by further suppressing the story. They’re not going to dig themselves out of their self-dug hole by taking swings at Herridge or other courageous reporters with their shovels.
It was one thing to spin the Russia collusion hoax during a time of mass elite freakout. But now everyone knows it was false. The truth is an existential threat to journalists, which is why the more activist among them are scrambling to kill the story and paint it as a distraction. These reporters won book contracts, TV gigs, promotions, and political success by peddling the hoax. They truly can’t be honest about it.
But others who weren’t so complicit have a shot here. There is no getting out of this easy, so if there are any reporters who care about their reputation, much less the truth, they should get on the side of truth now.

As soon as Trump started calling the MSM out on their biased game, it became time for the Media to close shop or begin to become the Fourth Estate rather than the Fifth Column they had reverted too.
When it comes to the MSM, there's no doubt we have been suffering through decades of a factual drought, that has been tearing us away from the comfort of instantaneously accessible, and truthful information.
This is fueled by the refusal of many in the political class to admit by claiming ignorance, as we seek information.
In our quest for knowledge and truth, the MSM rushes to fill the void with misinformation.
The MSM is a perfect example of the dangers of combining a widespread yearning for information, with a widespread lack of objective critical thinking. A well established methods formulated by Edward Bernays and refined by Joseph Goebbels and the Communist apparat.
Given that the misinformation horse has already bolted, it seems that the ability to retrospectively regain control of '''truth''' has been lost.
How can we ever fight back against the disinformation we're fed daily, when their lies are already so deeply entrenched?
The MSN are driven by a desire to feel uniquely enlightened by 'their truth' and their unshakeable insistence on never allowing the rejection of even the most objective and unquestionable counter-evidence.
Have we all forgotten when CNN's Peter Arnet falsely charged that the purpose of the program called “Valley of Death” about Operation Tailwind was to kill American defectors who were helping the North Vietnam Army in Laos and that poison gas was used in this operation, or when Dan Rather demonstrated his propensity for lying and creating false documents in the early change of the century I became very suspicious? ABC lost me the day after the 1994 election when Peter Jennings scolded the American people for pitching a temper tantrum (his take on the election that turned control of Congress over to Republicans after how many decades of the Democrats holding the reins the vast majority of the time?). I wished we could rescind his citizenship and send him back up to his home in Canada. And then Tom Brokaw began following the crowd in the late 90s and I turned off NBC "News." They all lost my viewing and support. They won't get me back.

Honestly, you Trump supporters need a life. It would be better if you threw your support behind someone who was worthy of it. Right now, as it stands, you're pushing not only the Republican Party toward extinction, but also any hope for resurrecting or salvaging the ideology of conservatism. Look, I get it. Obama ran a clean ship for 8 years. You didn't like the guy and I understand that. But making shit up out of thin air is just hastening your demise. The media reports what Trump says and does. There's nothing that needs to be conjured out of thin air by anyone. This is the basic reason why I have absolutely no respect for the man and why I shake my head at people like you who just refuse to see the guy for what he is. A sham and a fraud. It's too bad, you have a lot of other conservative figures you could be throwing your support behind. When the end comes, you people will have no one to blame but yourselves.
Media Must Report Truth Of Anti-Trump Spy Operation Before It’s Too Late For Them
As facts about the Obama administration's spying and leaking are spilling out, media have a brief window of opportunity to salvage some credibility.

17 May 2020 ~~ By Mollie Hemingway
As new details emerge about the Obama administration’s broad spying-and-leaking campaign against the incoming Trump administration, reporters have a choice to make about whether to cover this story honestly, at long last. There is a brief window of time afforded the media to get the story right. They should take advantage of it.
Journalist Lee Smith already noted the seriousness of the problem facing legacy media after the implosion of the Russia collusion conspiracy theory they peddled. “Americans still want and need accurate information on which to base their decisions about their own lives and the path that the country should take. But neither the legacy media nor the expert class it sustains is likely to survive the post-dossier era in any recognizable form,” he wrote. “For them, Russiagate is an extinction level event.”
Many of our supposedly smart media elites are dinosaurs who are completely unaware of the asteroid headed right to them. Instead, they are doing their part in an all-hands-on-deck effort to continue pushing out Democratic talking points that got them into the mess. This week, that meant they regurgitated the Democratic claim that the Obama administration’s spying and leaking was “normal” and that to be concerned about it is nothing more than a “distraction.”
Many of these people are simply in too deep. They’re not giving back the awards they got for peddling the false story uncritically. To do so is a level of honesty they are not currently capable of. But not everyone needs to follow them. For liberal media who want to be honest, there is plenty of ground between shouting “OBAMAGATE!” in all caps and denying the spying and leaking ever happened.
A rather obvious intimidation campaign has been launched against any reporter who breaks with the groupthink on whether it’s a scandal (or even just a legitimate news story!) to spy and leak falsehoods against political opponents. The Daily Beast’s Maxwell Tani alleged that merely reporting on the existence of public documents related to the spying and leaking campaign, as opposed to ignoring them, meant that CBS’ Catherine Herridge was problematic. No one could defend the journalistic merits of killing such an explosive story. These attacks on Herridge — which sadly did not result in a strong defense from her employer or colleagues — are chin music directed at everyone else who might be courageous enough to step out of the groupthink zone.
The media should know, however, that journalism’s trashed reputation is not going to go away by further suppressing the story. They’re not going to dig themselves out of their self-dug hole by taking swings at Herridge or other courageous reporters with their shovels.
It was one thing to spin the Russia collusion hoax during a time of mass elite freakout. But now everyone knows it was false. The truth is an existential threat to journalists, which is why the more activist among them are scrambling to kill the story and paint it as a distraction. These reporters won book contracts, TV gigs, promotions, and political success by peddling the hoax. They truly can’t be honest about it.
But others who weren’t so complicit have a shot here. There is no getting out of this easy, so if there are any reporters who care about their reputation, much less the truth, they should get on the side of truth now.

As soon as Trump started calling the MSM out on their biased game, it became time for the Media to close shop or begin to become the Fourth Estate rather than the Fifth Column they had reverted too.
When it comes to the MSM, there's no doubt we have been suffering through decades of a factual drought, that has been tearing us away from the comfort of instantaneously accessible, and truthful information.
This is fueled by the refusal of many in the political class to admit by claiming ignorance, as we seek information.
In our quest for knowledge and truth, the MSM rushes to fill the void with misinformation.
The MSM is a perfect example of the dangers of combining a widespread yearning for information, with a widespread lack of objective critical thinking. A well established methods formulated by Edward Bernays and refined by Joseph Goebbels and the Communist apparat.
Given that the misinformation horse has already bolted, it seems that the ability to retrospectively regain control of '''truth''' has been lost.
How can we ever fight back against the disinformation we're fed daily, when their lies are already so deeply entrenched?
The MSN are driven by a desire to feel uniquely enlightened by 'their truth' and their unshakeable insistence on never allowing the rejection of even the most objective and unquestionable counter-evidence.
Have we all forgotten when CNN's Peter Arnet falsely charged that the purpose of the program called “Valley of Death” about Operation Tailwind was to kill American defectors who were helping the North Vietnam Army in Laos and that poison gas was used in this operation, or when Dan Rather demonstrated his propensity for lying and creating false documents in the early change of the century I became very suspicious? ABC lost me the day after the 1994 election when Peter Jennings scolded the American people for pitching a temper tantrum (his take on the election that turned control of Congress over to Republicans after how many decades of the Democrats holding the reins the vast majority of the time?). I wished we could rescind his citizenship and send him back up to his home in Canada. And then Tom Brokaw began following the crowd in the late 90s and I turned off NBC "News." They all lost my viewing and support. They won't get me back.

Honestly, you Trump supporters need a life. It would be better if you threw your support behind someone who was worthy of it. Right now, as it stands, you're pushing not only the Republican Party toward extinction, but also any hope for resurrecting or salvaging the ideology of conservatism. Look, I get it. Obama ran a clean ship for 8 years. You didn't like the guy and I understand that. But making shit up out of thin air is just hastening your demise. The media reports what Trump says and does. There's nothing that needs to be conjured out of thin air by anyone. This is the basic reason why I have absolutely no respect for the man and why I shake my head at people like you who just refuse to see the guy for what he is. A sham and a fraud. It's too bad, you have a lot of other conservative figures you could be throwing your support behind. When the end comes, you people will have no one to blame but yourselves.

I suggest you look into the mirror......
It's no longer about credibility!

The MSM and the democrats want you dead! Look at how they are now telling us hydroxychloroqine will kill you.

Even though it's proven effective on over 90% of those who have taken it...AND it has harmed nobody...the democrats & MSM spread their lies because the more people that die the more likely they can push for mail-in voting!

For Gods sake it's been in use for 65 years!
Media Must Report Truth Of Anti-Trump Spy Operation Before It’s Too Late For Them
As facts about the Obama administration's spying and leaking are spilling out, media have a brief window of opportunity to salvage some credibility.

17 May 2020 ~~ By Mollie Hemingway
As new details emerge about the Obama administration’s broad spying-and-leaking campaign against the incoming Trump administration, reporters have a choice to make about whether to cover this story honestly, at long last. There is a brief window of time afforded the media to get the story right. They should take advantage of it.
Journalist Lee Smith already noted the seriousness of the problem facing legacy media after the implosion of the Russia collusion conspiracy theory they peddled. “Americans still want and need accurate information on which to base their decisions about their own lives and the path that the country should take. But neither the legacy media nor the expert class it sustains is likely to survive the post-dossier era in any recognizable form,” he wrote. “For them, Russiagate is an extinction level event.”
Many of our supposedly smart media elites are dinosaurs who are completely unaware of the asteroid headed right to them. Instead, they are doing their part in an all-hands-on-deck effort to continue pushing out Democratic talking points that got them into the mess. This week, that meant they regurgitated the Democratic claim that the Obama administration’s spying and leaking was “normal” and that to be concerned about it is nothing more than a “distraction.”
Many of these people are simply in too deep. They’re not giving back the awards they got for peddling the false story uncritically. To do so is a level of honesty they are not currently capable of. But not everyone needs to follow them. For liberal media who want to be honest, there is plenty of ground between shouting “OBAMAGATE!” in all caps and denying the spying and leaking ever happened.
A rather obvious intimidation campaign has been launched against any reporter who breaks with the groupthink on whether it’s a scandal (or even just a legitimate news story!) to spy and leak falsehoods against political opponents. The Daily Beast’s Maxwell Tani alleged that merely reporting on the existence of public documents related to the spying and leaking campaign, as opposed to ignoring them, meant that CBS’ Catherine Herridge was problematic. No one could defend the journalistic merits of killing such an explosive story. These attacks on Herridge — which sadly did not result in a strong defense from her employer or colleagues — are chin music directed at everyone else who might be courageous enough to step out of the groupthink zone.
The media should know, however, that journalism’s trashed reputation is not going to go away by further suppressing the story. They’re not going to dig themselves out of their self-dug hole by taking swings at Herridge or other courageous reporters with their shovels.
It was one thing to spin the Russia collusion hoax during a time of mass elite freakout. But now everyone knows it was false. The truth is an existential threat to journalists, which is why the more activist among them are scrambling to kill the story and paint it as a distraction. These reporters won book contracts, TV gigs, promotions, and political success by peddling the hoax. They truly can’t be honest about it.
But others who weren’t so complicit have a shot here. There is no getting out of this easy, so if there are any reporters who care about their reputation, much less the truth, they should get on the side of truth now.

As soon as Trump started calling the MSM out on their biased game, it became time for the Media to close shop or begin to become the Fourth Estate rather than the Fifth Column they had reverted too.
When it comes to the MSM, there's no doubt we have been suffering through decades of a factual drought, that has been tearing us away from the comfort of instantaneously accessible, and truthful information.
This is fueled by the refusal of many in the political class to admit by claiming ignorance, as we seek information.
In our quest for knowledge and truth, the MSM rushes to fill the void with misinformation.
The MSM is a perfect example of the dangers of combining a widespread yearning for information, with a widespread lack of objective critical thinking. A well established methods formulated by Edward Bernays and refined by Joseph Goebbels and the Communist apparat.
Given that the misinformation horse has already bolted, it seems that the ability to retrospectively regain control of '''truth''' has been lost.
How can we ever fight back against the disinformation we're fed daily, when their lies are already so deeply entrenched?
The MSN are driven by a desire to feel uniquely enlightened by 'their truth' and their unshakeable insistence on never allowing the rejection of even the most objective and unquestionable counter-evidence.
Have we all forgotten when CNN's Peter Arnet falsely charged that the purpose of the program called “Valley of Death” about Operation Tailwind was to kill American defectors who were helping the North Vietnam Army in Laos and that poison gas was used in this operation, or when Dan Rather demonstrated his propensity for lying and creating false documents in the early change of the century I became very suspicious? ABC lost me the day after the 1994 election when Peter Jennings scolded the American people for pitching a temper tantrum (his take on the election that turned control of Congress over to Republicans after how many decades of the Democrats holding the reins the vast majority of the time?). I wished we could rescind his citizenship and send him back up to his home in Canada. And then Tom Brokaw began following the crowd in the late 90s and I turned off NBC "News." They all lost my viewing and support. They won't get me back.

Honestly, you Trump supporters need a life. It would be better if you threw your support behind someone who was worthy of it. Right now, as it stands, you're pushing not only the Republican Party toward extinction, but also any hope for resurrecting or salvaging the ideology of conservatism. Look, I get it. Obama ran a clean ship for 8 years. You didn't like the guy and I understand that. But making shit up out of thin air is just hastening your demise. The media reports what Trump says and does. There's nothing that needs to be conjured out of thin air by anyone. This is the basic reason why I have absolutely no respect for the man and why I shake my head at people like you who just refuse to see the guy for what he is. A sham and a fraud. It's too bad, you have a lot of other conservative figures you could be throwing your support behind. When the end comes, you people will have no one to blame but yourselves.
Before it’s too late? C’mon, that train left the station a long time ago. The credibility of much of the MSM is part of their histories now.
Media Must Report Truth Of Anti-Trump Spy Operation Before It’s Too Late For Them
As facts about the Obama administration's spying and leaking are spilling out, media have a brief window of opportunity to salvage some credibility.

17 May 2020 ~~ By Mollie Hemingway
As new details emerge about the Obama administration’s broad spying-and-leaking campaign against the incoming Trump administration, reporters have a choice to make about whether to cover this story honestly, at long last. There is a brief window of time afforded the media to get the story right. They should take advantage of it.
Journalist Lee Smith already noted the seriousness of the problem facing legacy media after the implosion of the Russia collusion conspiracy theory they peddled. “Americans still want and need accurate information on which to base their decisions about their own lives and the path that the country should take. But neither the legacy media nor the expert class it sustains is likely to survive the post-dossier era in any recognizable form,” he wrote. “For them, Russiagate is an extinction level event.”
Many of our supposedly smart media elites are dinosaurs who are completely unaware of the asteroid headed right to them. Instead, they are doing their part in an all-hands-on-deck effort to continue pushing out Democratic talking points that got them into the mess. This week, that meant they regurgitated the Democratic claim that the Obama administration’s spying and leaking was “normal” and that to be concerned about it is nothing more than a “distraction.”
Many of these people are simply in too deep. They’re not giving back the awards they got for peddling the false story uncritically. To do so is a level of honesty they are not currently capable of. But not everyone needs to follow them. For liberal media who want to be honest, there is plenty of ground between shouting “OBAMAGATE!” in all caps and denying the spying and leaking ever happened.
A rather obvious intimidation campaign has been launched against any reporter who breaks with the groupthink on whether it’s a scandal (or even just a legitimate news story!) to spy and leak falsehoods against political opponents. The Daily Beast’s Maxwell Tani alleged that merely reporting on the existence of public documents related to the spying and leaking campaign, as opposed to ignoring them, meant that CBS’ Catherine Herridge was problematic. No one could defend the journalistic merits of killing such an explosive story. These attacks on Herridge — which sadly did not result in a strong defense from her employer or colleagues — are chin music directed at everyone else who might be courageous enough to step out of the groupthink zone.
The media should know, however, that journalism’s trashed reputation is not going to go away by further suppressing the story. They’re not going to dig themselves out of their self-dug hole by taking swings at Herridge or other courageous reporters with their shovels.
It was one thing to spin the Russia collusion hoax during a time of mass elite freakout. But now everyone knows it was false. The truth is an existential threat to journalists, which is why the more activist among them are scrambling to kill the story and paint it as a distraction. These reporters won book contracts, TV gigs, promotions, and political success by peddling the hoax. They truly can’t be honest about it.
But others who weren’t so complicit have a shot here. There is no getting out of this easy, so if there are any reporters who care about their reputation, much less the truth, they should get on the side of truth now.

As soon as Trump started calling the MSM out on their biased game, it became time for the Media to close shop or begin to become the Fourth Estate rather than the Fifth Column they had reverted too.
When it comes to the MSM, there's no doubt we have been suffering through decades of a factual drought, that has been tearing us away from the comfort of instantaneously accessible, and truthful information.
This is fueled by the refusal of many in the political class to admit by claiming ignorance, as we seek information.
In our quest for knowledge and truth, the MSM rushes to fill the void with misinformation.
The MSM is a perfect example of the dangers of combining a widespread yearning for information, with a widespread lack of objective critical thinking. A well established methods formulated by Edward Bernays and refined by Joseph Goebbels and the Communist apparat.
Given that the misinformation horse has already bolted, it seems that the ability to retrospectively regain control of '''truth''' has been lost.
How can we ever fight back against the disinformation we're fed daily, when their lies are already so deeply entrenched?
The MSN are driven by a desire to feel uniquely enlightened by 'their truth' and their unshakeable insistence on never allowing the rejection of even the most objective and unquestionable counter-evidence.
Have we all forgotten when CNN's Peter Arnet falsely charged that the purpose of the program called “Valley of Death” about Operation Tailwind was to kill American defectors who were helping the North Vietnam Army in Laos and that poison gas was used in this operation, or when Dan Rather demonstrated his propensity for lying and creating false documents in the early change of the century I became very suspicious? ABC lost me the day after the 1994 election when Peter Jennings scolded the American people for pitching a temper tantrum (his take on the election that turned control of Congress over to Republicans after how many decades of the Democrats holding the reins the vast majority of the time?). I wished we could rescind his citizenship and send him back up to his home in Canada. And then Tom Brokaw began following the crowd in the late 90s and I turned off NBC "News." They all lost my viewing and support. They won't get me back.
obviously the Press is trying to suppress the ObamaGate scandal
It's no longer about credibility!

The MSM and the democrats want you dead! Look at how they are now telling us hydroxychloroqine will kill you.

Even though it's proven effective on over 90% of those who have taken it...AND it has harmed nobody...the democrats & MSM spread their lies because the more people that die the more likely they can push for mail-in voting!

For Gods sake it's been in use for 65 years!
But now it's starting to kill morbidly obese Democrats. Republicans.....not yet but they're hoping for that to change soon.
Media Must Report Truth Of Anti-Trump Spy Operation Before It’s Too Late For Them
As facts about the Obama administration's spying and leaking are spilling out, media have a brief window of opportunity to salvage some credibility.

17 May 2020 ~~ By Mollie Hemingway
As new details emerge about the Obama administration’s broad spying-and-leaking campaign against the incoming Trump administration, reporters have a choice to make about whether to cover this story honestly, at long last. There is a brief window of time afforded the media to get the story right. They should take advantage of it.
Journalist Lee Smith already noted the seriousness of the problem facing legacy media after the implosion of the Russia collusion conspiracy theory they peddled. “Americans still want and need accurate information on which to base their decisions about their own lives and the path that the country should take. But neither the legacy media nor the expert class it sustains is likely to survive the post-dossier era in any recognizable form,” he wrote. “For them, Russiagate is an extinction level event.”
Many of our supposedly smart media elites are dinosaurs who are completely unaware of the asteroid headed right to them. Instead, they are doing their part in an all-hands-on-deck effort to continue pushing out Democratic talking points that got them into the mess. This week, that meant they regurgitated the Democratic claim that the Obama administration’s spying and leaking was “normal” and that to be concerned about it is nothing more than a “distraction.”
Many of these people are simply in too deep. They’re not giving back the awards they got for peddling the false story uncritically. To do so is a level of honesty they are not currently capable of. But not everyone needs to follow them. For liberal media who want to be honest, there is plenty of ground between shouting “OBAMAGATE!” in all caps and denying the spying and leaking ever happened.
A rather obvious intimidation campaign has been launched against any reporter who breaks with the groupthink on whether it’s a scandal (or even just a legitimate news story!) to spy and leak falsehoods against political opponents. The Daily Beast’s Maxwell Tani alleged that merely reporting on the existence of public documents related to the spying and leaking campaign, as opposed to ignoring them, meant that CBS’ Catherine Herridge was problematic. No one could defend the journalistic merits of killing such an explosive story. These attacks on Herridge — which sadly did not result in a strong defense from her employer or colleagues — are chin music directed at everyone else who might be courageous enough to step out of the groupthink zone.
The media should know, however, that journalism’s trashed reputation is not going to go away by further suppressing the story. They’re not going to dig themselves out of their self-dug hole by taking swings at Herridge or other courageous reporters with their shovels.
It was one thing to spin the Russia collusion hoax during a time of mass elite freakout. But now everyone knows it was false. The truth is an existential threat to journalists, which is why the more activist among them are scrambling to kill the story and paint it as a distraction. These reporters won book contracts, TV gigs, promotions, and political success by peddling the hoax. They truly can’t be honest about it.
But others who weren’t so complicit have a shot here. There is no getting out of this easy, so if there are any reporters who care about their reputation, much less the truth, they should get on the side of truth now.

As soon as Trump started calling the MSM out on their biased game, it became time for the Media to close shop or begin to become the Fourth Estate rather than the Fifth Column they had reverted too.
When it comes to the MSM, there's no doubt we have been suffering through decades of a factual drought, that has been tearing us away from the comfort of instantaneously accessible, and truthful information.
This is fueled by the refusal of many in the political class to admit by claiming ignorance, as we seek information.
In our quest for knowledge and truth, the MSM rushes to fill the void with misinformation.
The MSM is a perfect example of the dangers of combining a widespread yearning for information, with a widespread lack of objective critical thinking. A well established methods formulated by Edward Bernays and refined by Joseph Goebbels and the Communist apparat.
Given that the misinformation horse has already bolted, it seems that the ability to retrospectively regain control of '''truth''' has been lost.
How can we ever fight back against the disinformation we're fed daily, when their lies are already so deeply entrenched?
The MSN are driven by a desire to feel uniquely enlightened by 'their truth' and their unshakeable insistence on never allowing the rejection of even the most objective and unquestionable counter-evidence.
Have we all forgotten when CNN's Peter Arnet falsely charged that the purpose of the program called “Valley of Death” about Operation Tailwind was to kill American defectors who were helping the North Vietnam Army in Laos and that poison gas was used in this operation, or when Dan Rather demonstrated his propensity for lying and creating false documents in the early change of the century I became very suspicious? ABC lost me the day after the 1994 election when Peter Jennings scolded the American people for pitching a temper tantrum (his take on the election that turned control of Congress over to Republicans after how many decades of the Democrats holding the reins the vast majority of the time?). I wished we could rescind his citizenship and send him back up to his home in Canada. And then Tom Brokaw began following the crowd in the late 90s and I turned off NBC "News." They all lost my viewing and support. They won't get me back.
obviously the Press is trying to suppress the ObamaGate scandal
What was your first clue?
Media Must Report Truth Of Anti-Trump Spy Operation Before It’s Too Late For Them
As facts about the Obama administration's spying and leaking are spilling out, media have a brief window of opportunity to salvage some credibility.

17 May 2020 ~~ By Mollie Hemingway
As new details emerge about the Obama administration’s broad spying-and-leaking campaign against the incoming Trump administration, reporters have a choice to make about whether to cover this story honestly, at long last. There is a brief window of time afforded the media to get the story right. They should take advantage of it.
Journalist Lee Smith already noted the seriousness of the problem facing legacy media after the implosion of the Russia collusion conspiracy theory they peddled. “Americans still want and need accurate information on which to base their decisions about their own lives and the path that the country should take. But neither the legacy media nor the expert class it sustains is likely to survive the post-dossier era in any recognizable form,” he wrote. “For them, Russiagate is an extinction level event.”
Many of our supposedly smart media elites are dinosaurs who are completely unaware of the asteroid headed right to them. Instead, they are doing their part in an all-hands-on-deck effort to continue pushing out Democratic talking points that got them into the mess. This week, that meant they regurgitated the Democratic claim that the Obama administration’s spying and leaking was “normal” and that to be concerned about it is nothing more than a “distraction.”
Many of these people are simply in too deep. They’re not giving back the awards they got for peddling the false story uncritically. To do so is a level of honesty they are not currently capable of. But not everyone needs to follow them. For liberal media who want to be honest, there is plenty of ground between shouting “OBAMAGATE!” in all caps and denying the spying and leaking ever happened.
A rather obvious intimidation campaign has been launched against any reporter who breaks with the groupthink on whether it’s a scandal (or even just a legitimate news story!) to spy and leak falsehoods against political opponents. The Daily Beast’s Maxwell Tani alleged that merely reporting on the existence of public documents related to the spying and leaking campaign, as opposed to ignoring them, meant that CBS’ Catherine Herridge was problematic. No one could defend the journalistic merits of killing such an explosive story. These attacks on Herridge — which sadly did not result in a strong defense from her employer or colleagues — are chin music directed at everyone else who might be courageous enough to step out of the groupthink zone.
The media should know, however, that journalism’s trashed reputation is not going to go away by further suppressing the story. They’re not going to dig themselves out of their self-dug hole by taking swings at Herridge or other courageous reporters with their shovels.
It was one thing to spin the Russia collusion hoax during a time of mass elite freakout. But now everyone knows it was false. The truth is an existential threat to journalists, which is why the more activist among them are scrambling to kill the story and paint it as a distraction. These reporters won book contracts, TV gigs, promotions, and political success by peddling the hoax. They truly can’t be honest about it.
But others who weren’t so complicit have a shot here. There is no getting out of this easy, so if there are any reporters who care about their reputation, much less the truth, they should get on the side of truth now.

As soon as Trump started calling the MSM out on their biased game, it became time for the Media to close shop or begin to become the Fourth Estate rather than the Fifth Column they had reverted too.
When it comes to the MSM, there's no doubt we have been suffering through decades of a factual drought, that has been tearing us away from the comfort of instantaneously accessible, and truthful information.
This is fueled by the refusal of many in the political class to admit by claiming ignorance, as we seek information.
In our quest for knowledge and truth, the MSM rushes to fill the void with misinformation.
The MSM is a perfect example of the dangers of combining a widespread yearning for information, with a widespread lack of objective critical thinking. A well established methods formulated by Edward Bernays and refined by Joseph Goebbels and the Communist apparat.
Given that the misinformation horse has already bolted, it seems that the ability to retrospectively regain control of '''truth''' has been lost.
How can we ever fight back against the disinformation we're fed daily, when their lies are already so deeply entrenched?
The MSN are driven by a desire to feel uniquely enlightened by 'their truth' and their unshakeable insistence on never allowing the rejection of even the most objective and unquestionable counter-evidence.
Have we all forgotten when CNN's Peter Arnet falsely charged that the purpose of the program called “Valley of Death” about Operation Tailwind was to kill American defectors who were helping the North Vietnam Army in Laos and that poison gas was used in this operation, or when Dan Rather demonstrated his propensity for lying and creating false documents in the early change of the century I became very suspicious? ABC lost me the day after the 1994 election when Peter Jennings scolded the American people for pitching a temper tantrum (his take on the election that turned control of Congress over to Republicans after how many decades of the Democrats holding the reins the vast majority of the time?). I wished we could rescind his citizenship and send him back up to his home in Canada. And then Tom Brokaw began following the crowd in the late 90s and I turned off NBC "News." They all lost my viewing and support. They won't get me back.
Lol, there are no "facts" there, just a wacky conspiracy theory.
It's no longer about credibility!

The MSM and the democrats want you dead! Look at how they are now telling us hydroxychloroqine will kill you.

Even though it's proven effective on over 90% of those who have taken it...AND it has harmed nobody...the democrats & MSM spread their lies because the more people that die the more likely they can push for mail-in voting!

For Gods sake it's been in use for 65 years!
:thankusmile: :thankusmile:
Media Must Report Truth Of Anti-Trump Spy Operation Before It’s Too Late For Them
As facts about the Obama administration's spying and leaking are spilling out, media have a brief window of opportunity to salvage some credibility.

17 May 2020 ~~ By Mollie Hemingway
As new details emerge about the Obama administration’s broad spying-and-leaking campaign against the incoming Trump administration, reporters have a choice to make about whether to cover this story honestly, at long last. There is a brief window of time afforded the media to get the story right. They should take advantage of it.
Journalist Lee Smith already noted the seriousness of the problem facing legacy media after the implosion of the Russia collusion conspiracy theory they peddled. “Americans still want and need accurate information on which to base their decisions about their own lives and the path that the country should take. But neither the legacy media nor the expert class it sustains is likely to survive the post-dossier era in any recognizable form,” he wrote. “For them, Russiagate is an extinction level event.”
Many of our supposedly smart media elites are dinosaurs who are completely unaware of the asteroid headed right to them. Instead, they are doing their part in an all-hands-on-deck effort to continue pushing out Democratic talking points that got them into the mess. This week, that meant they regurgitated the Democratic claim that the Obama administration’s spying and leaking was “normal” and that to be concerned about it is nothing more than a “distraction.”
Many of these people are simply in too deep. They’re not giving back the awards they got for peddling the false story uncritically. To do so is a level of honesty they are not currently capable of. But not everyone needs to follow them. For liberal media who want to be honest, there is plenty of ground between shouting “OBAMAGATE!” in all caps and denying the spying and leaking ever happened.
A rather obvious intimidation campaign has been launched against any reporter who breaks with the groupthink on whether it’s a scandal (or even just a legitimate news story!) to spy and leak falsehoods against political opponents. The Daily Beast’s Maxwell Tani alleged that merely reporting on the existence of public documents related to the spying and leaking campaign, as opposed to ignoring them, meant that CBS’ Catherine Herridge was problematic. No one could defend the journalistic merits of killing such an explosive story. These attacks on Herridge — which sadly did not result in a strong defense from her employer or colleagues — are chin music directed at everyone else who might be courageous enough to step out of the groupthink zone.
The media should know, however, that journalism’s trashed reputation is not going to go away by further suppressing the story. They’re not going to dig themselves out of their self-dug hole by taking swings at Herridge or other courageous reporters with their shovels.
It was one thing to spin the Russia collusion hoax during a time of mass elite freakout. But now everyone knows it was false. The truth is an existential threat to journalists, which is why the more activist among them are scrambling to kill the story and paint it as a distraction. These reporters won book contracts, TV gigs, promotions, and political success by peddling the hoax. They truly can’t be honest about it.
But others who weren’t so complicit have a shot here. There is no getting out of this easy, so if there are any reporters who care about their reputation, much less the truth, they should get on the side of truth now.

As soon as Trump started calling the MSM out on their biased game, it became time for the Media to close shop or begin to become the Fourth Estate rather than the Fifth Column they had reverted too.
When it comes to the MSM, there's no doubt we have been suffering through decades of a factual drought, that has been tearing us away from the comfort of instantaneously accessible, and truthful information.
This is fueled by the refusal of many in the political class to admit by claiming ignorance, as we seek information.
In our quest for knowledge and truth, the MSM rushes to fill the void with misinformation.
The MSM is a perfect example of the dangers of combining a widespread yearning for information, with a widespread lack of objective critical thinking. A well established methods formulated by Edward Bernays and refined by Joseph Goebbels and the Communist apparat.
Given that the misinformation horse has already bolted, it seems that the ability to retrospectively regain control of '''truth''' has been lost.
How can we ever fight back against the disinformation we're fed daily, when their lies are already so deeply entrenched?
The MSN are driven by a desire to feel uniquely enlightened by 'their truth' and their unshakeable insistence on never allowing the rejection of even the most objective and unquestionable counter-evidence.
Have we all forgotten when CNN's Peter Arnet falsely charged that the purpose of the program called “Valley of Death” about Operation Tailwind was to kill American defectors who were helping the North Vietnam Army in Laos and that poison gas was used in this operation, or when Dan Rather demonstrated his propensity for lying and creating false documents in the early change of the century I became very suspicious? ABC lost me the day after the 1994 election when Peter Jennings scolded the American people for pitching a temper tantrum (his take on the election that turned control of Congress over to Republicans after how many decades of the Democrats holding the reins the vast majority of the time?). I wished we could rescind his citizenship and send him back up to his home in Canada. And then Tom Brokaw began following the crowd in the late 90s and I turned off NBC "News." They all lost my viewing and support. They won't get me back.

Honestly, you Trump supporters need a life. It would be better if you threw your support behind someone who was worthy of it. Right now, as it stands, you're pushing not only the Republican Party toward extinction, but also any hope for resurrecting or salvaging the ideology of conservatism. Look, I get it. Obama ran a clean ship for 8 years. You didn't like the guy and I understand that. But making shit up out of thin air is just hastening your demise. The media reports what Trump says and does. There's nothing that needs to be conjured out of thin air by anyone. This is the basic reason why I have absolutely no respect for the man and why I shake my head at people like you who just refuse to see the guy for what he is. A sham and a fraud. It's too bad, you have a lot of other conservative figures you could be throwing your support behind. When the end comes, you people will have no one to blame but yourselves.

I suggest you look into the mirror......
And stop being a lying piece of shit troll with that crap thst obomination ran a clean ship for 8 years bullshit.
Media Must Report Truth Of Anti-Trump Spy Operation Before It’s Too Late For Them
As facts about the Obama administration's spying and leaking are spilling out, media have a brief window of opportunity to salvage some credibility.

17 May 2020 ~~ By Mollie Hemingway
As new details emerge about the Obama administration’s broad spying-and-leaking campaign against the incoming Trump administration, reporters have a choice to make about whether to cover this story honestly, at long last. There is a brief window of time afforded the media to get the story right. They should take advantage of it.
Journalist Lee Smith already noted the seriousness of the problem facing legacy media after the implosion of the Russia collusion conspiracy theory they peddled. “Americans still want and need accurate information on which to base their decisions about their own lives and the path that the country should take. But neither the legacy media nor the expert class it sustains is likely to survive the post-dossier era in any recognizable form,” he wrote. “For them, Russiagate is an extinction level event.”
Many of our supposedly smart media elites are dinosaurs who are completely unaware of the asteroid headed right to them. Instead, they are doing their part in an all-hands-on-deck effort to continue pushing out Democratic talking points that got them into the mess. This week, that meant they regurgitated the Democratic claim that the Obama administration’s spying and leaking was “normal” and that to be concerned about it is nothing more than a “distraction.”
Many of these people are simply in too deep. They’re not giving back the awards they got for peddling the false story uncritically. To do so is a level of honesty they are not currently capable of. But not everyone needs to follow them. For liberal media who want to be honest, there is plenty of ground between shouting “OBAMAGATE!” in all caps and denying the spying and leaking ever happened.
A rather obvious intimidation campaign has been launched against any reporter who breaks with the groupthink on whether it’s a scandal (or even just a legitimate news story!) to spy and leak falsehoods against political opponents. The Daily Beast’s Maxwell Tani alleged that merely reporting on the existence of public documents related to the spying and leaking campaign, as opposed to ignoring them, meant that CBS’ Catherine Herridge was problematic. No one could defend the journalistic merits of killing such an explosive story. These attacks on Herridge — which sadly did not result in a strong defense from her employer or colleagues — are chin music directed at everyone else who might be courageous enough to step out of the groupthink zone.
The media should know, however, that journalism’s trashed reputation is not going to go away by further suppressing the story. They’re not going to dig themselves out of their self-dug hole by taking swings at Herridge or other courageous reporters with their shovels.
It was one thing to spin the Russia collusion hoax during a time of mass elite freakout. But now everyone knows it was false. The truth is an existential threat to journalists, which is why the more activist among them are scrambling to kill the story and paint it as a distraction. These reporters won book contracts, TV gigs, promotions, and political success by peddling the hoax. They truly can’t be honest about it.
But others who weren’t so complicit have a shot here. There is no getting out of this easy, so if there are any reporters who care about their reputation, much less the truth, they should get on the side of truth now.

As soon as Trump started calling the MSM out on their biased game, it became time for the Media to close shop or begin to become the Fourth Estate rather than the Fifth Column they had reverted too.
When it comes to the MSM, there's no doubt we have been suffering through decades of a factual drought, that has been tearing us away from the comfort of instantaneously accessible, and truthful information.
This is fueled by the refusal of many in the political class to admit by claiming ignorance, as we seek information.
In our quest for knowledge and truth, the MSM rushes to fill the void with misinformation.
The MSM is a perfect example of the dangers of combining a widespread yearning for information, with a widespread lack of objective critical thinking. A well established methods formulated by Edward Bernays and refined by Joseph Goebbels and the Communist apparat.
Given that the misinformation horse has already bolted, it seems that the ability to retrospectively regain control of '''truth''' has been lost.
How can we ever fight back against the disinformation we're fed daily, when their lies are already so deeply entrenched?
The MSN are driven by a desire to feel uniquely enlightened by 'their truth' and their unshakeable insistence on never allowing the rejection of even the most objective and unquestionable counter-evidence.
Have we all forgotten when CNN's Peter Arnet falsely charged that the purpose of the program called “Valley of Death” about Operation Tailwind was to kill American defectors who were helping the North Vietnam Army in Laos and that poison gas was used in this operation, or when Dan Rather demonstrated his propensity for lying and creating false documents in the early change of the century I became very suspicious? ABC lost me the day after the 1994 election when Peter Jennings scolded the American people for pitching a temper tantrum (his take on the election that turned control of Congress over to Republicans after how many decades of the Democrats holding the reins the vast majority of the time?). I wished we could rescind his citizenship and send him back up to his home in Canada. And then Tom Brokaw began following the crowd in the late 90s and I turned off NBC "News." They all lost my viewing and support. They won't get me back.
Lol, there are no "facts" there, just a wacky conspiracy theory.
So says the paid shill from Langley who always defends the governments lies and version of events.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Media Must Report Truth Of Anti-Trump Spy Operation Before It’s Too Late For Them
As facts about the Obama administration's spying and leaking are spilling out, media have a brief window of opportunity to salvage some credibility.

17 May 2020 ~~ By Mollie Hemingway
As new details emerge about the Obama administration’s broad spying-and-leaking campaign against the incoming Trump administration, reporters have a choice to make about whether to cover this story honestly, at long last. There is a brief window of time afforded the media to get the story right. They should take advantage of it.
Journalist Lee Smith already noted the seriousness of the problem facing legacy media after the implosion of the Russia collusion conspiracy theory they peddled. “Americans still want and need accurate information on which to base their decisions about their own lives and the path that the country should take. But neither the legacy media nor the expert class it sustains is likely to survive the post-dossier era in any recognizable form,” he wrote. “For them, Russiagate is an extinction level event.”
Many of our supposedly smart media elites are dinosaurs who are completely unaware of the asteroid headed right to them. Instead, they are doing their part in an all-hands-on-deck effort to continue pushing out Democratic talking points that got them into the mess. This week, that meant they regurgitated the Democratic claim that the Obama administration’s spying and leaking was “normal” and that to be concerned about it is nothing more than a “distraction.”
Many of these people are simply in too deep. They’re not giving back the awards they got for peddling the false story uncritically. To do so is a level of honesty they are not currently capable of. But not everyone needs to follow them. For liberal media who want to be honest, there is plenty of ground between shouting “OBAMAGATE!” in all caps and denying the spying and leaking ever happened.
A rather obvious intimidation campaign has been launched against any reporter who breaks with the groupthink on whether it’s a scandal (or even just a legitimate news story!) to spy and leak falsehoods against political opponents. The Daily Beast’s Maxwell Tani alleged that merely reporting on the existence of public documents related to the spying and leaking campaign, as opposed to ignoring them, meant that CBS’ Catherine Herridge was problematic. No one could defend the journalistic merits of killing such an explosive story. These attacks on Herridge — which sadly did not result in a strong defense from her employer or colleagues — are chin music directed at everyone else who might be courageous enough to step out of the groupthink zone.
The media should know, however, that journalism’s trashed reputation is not going to go away by further suppressing the story. They’re not going to dig themselves out of their self-dug hole by taking swings at Herridge or other courageous reporters with their shovels.
It was one thing to spin the Russia collusion hoax during a time of mass elite freakout. But now everyone knows it was false. The truth is an existential threat to journalists, which is why the more activist among them are scrambling to kill the story and paint it as a distraction. These reporters won book contracts, TV gigs, promotions, and political success by peddling the hoax. They truly can’t be honest about it.
But others who weren’t so complicit have a shot here. There is no getting out of this easy, so if there are any reporters who care about their reputation, much less the truth, they should get on the side of truth now.

As soon as Trump started calling the MSM out on their biased game, it became time for the Media to close shop or begin to become the Fourth Estate rather than the Fifth Column they had reverted too.
When it comes to the MSM, there's no doubt we have been suffering through decades of a factual drought, that has been tearing us away from the comfort of instantaneously accessible, and truthful information.
This is fueled by the refusal of many in the political class to admit by claiming ignorance, as we seek information.
In our quest for knowledge and truth, the MSM rushes to fill the void with misinformation.
The MSM is a perfect example of the dangers of combining a widespread yearning for information, with a widespread lack of objective critical thinking. A well established methods formulated by Edward Bernays and refined by Joseph Goebbels and the Communist apparat.
Given that the misinformation horse has already bolted, it seems that the ability to retrospectively regain control of '''truth''' has been lost.
How can we ever fight back against the disinformation we're fed daily, when their lies are already so deeply entrenched?
The MSN are driven by a desire to feel uniquely enlightened by 'their truth' and their unshakeable insistence on never allowing the rejection of even the most objective and unquestionable counter-evidence.
Have we all forgotten when CNN's Peter Arnet falsely charged that the purpose of the program called “Valley of Death” about Operation Tailwind was to kill American defectors who were helping the North Vietnam Army in Laos and that poison gas was used in this operation, or when Dan Rather demonstrated his propensity for lying and creating false documents in the early change of the century I became very suspicious? ABC lost me the day after the 1994 election when Peter Jennings scolded the American people for pitching a temper tantrum (his take on the election that turned control of Congress over to Republicans after how many decades of the Democrats holding the reins the vast majority of the time?). I wished we could rescind his citizenship and send him back up to his home in Canada. And then Tom Brokaw began following the crowd in the late 90s and I turned off NBC "News." They all lost my viewing and support. They won't get me back.

Honestly, you Trump supporters need a life. It would be better if you threw your support behind someone who was worthy of it. Right now, as it stands, you're pushing not only the Republican Party toward extinction, but also any hope for resurrecting or salvaging the ideology of conservatism. Look, I get it. Obama ran a clean ship for 8 years. You didn't like the guy and I understand that. But making shit up out of thin air is just hastening your demise. The media reports what Trump says and does. There's nothing that needs to be conjured out of thin air by anyone. This is the basic reason why I have absolutely no respect for the man and why I shake my head at people like you who just refuse to see the guy for what he is. A sham and a fraud. It's too bad, you have a lot of other conservative figures you could be throwing your support behind. When the end comes, you people will have no one to blame but yourselves.

I suggest you look into the mirror......
And stop being a lying piece of shit troll with that crap thst obomination ran a clean ship for 8 years bullshit.

He ran a clean ship for 8 years. And managed to do a decent job despite the river of vitriol and bile he had to put up with (in spite of the foreign policy blunders).
I would personally just deal with it.
Well it has only been 4 years so I would guess it going to take another 4 years of continued resuscitation before it finds a home in WikiLeak and have a proper burial. Toilets the official last good bye.


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