Meat Loaf Serenades Mitt Romney With 'America the Beautiful'


Meatloaf gets around...

Who IS that with him/her?

See below...


Steve Phillips' Brooke Hundley Affair: ESPN Analyst In Sex Scandal

You're out! ESPN cans Phillips; he heads to rehab -

Looks like Mittens isn't the only one who will get in bed wit anybody.

GAWD - WTF has happened to the GOP?

Obama had Katy Perry singing You're a Firework. She wore a dress that had a ballot drawn on it with Obama's name checked.

Really cute.

Meatloaf? Not so much.

I'm sure her support sways the morons.

The intellectual level of the left ain't what it used to be.

as many people as clint 'empty chair' eastwood, and mr. loaf do.

so why whine? both sides try to ring those bells.

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