McConnell opens door for Hunter Biden testimony at Trump trial...oh shit, can we say Arkancide?

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) says Republicans could subpoena Hunter Biden to testify about his business dealings with a Ukrainian gas company if Democrats insist on having witnesses such as former National Security Adviser John Bolton testify at the Senate impeachment trial.

“We’ll be dealing with the witness issue at the appropriate time into the trial and I think it’s certainly appropriate to point out that both sides would want to call witnesses they wanted to hear from,” McConnell told reporters Tuesday when asked about GOP senators who want Biden, former Vice President Joe Biden’s son, to testify.

“When you get to that issue, I can’t imagine that only the witnesses that our Democratic colleagues would want to call would be called,” he said.

The GOP leader also noted “there is little or no sentiment in the Republican conference for a motion to dismiss” the articles of impeachment immediately, adding, “our members feel that we have an obligation to listen to the arguments.”


(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Be sure to call Ms. LUDENS LAWYERS to the hearings....a financial disclosure is SURECto be of interest TO HER AND HUNTERS BABY!!!
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) says Republicans could subpoena Hunter Biden to testify about his business dealings with a Ukrainian gas company if Democrats insist on having witnesses such as former National Security Adviser John Bolton testify at the Senate impeachment trial.

“We’ll be dealing with the witness issue at the appropriate time into the trial and I think it’s certainly appropriate to point out that both sides would want to call witnesses they wanted to hear from,” McConnell told reporters Tuesday when asked about GOP senators who want Biden, former Vice President Joe Biden’s son, to testify.

“When you get to that issue, I can’t imagine that only the witnesses that our Democratic colleagues would want to call would be called,” he said.

The GOP leader also noted “there is little or no sentiment in the Republican conference for a motion to dismiss” the articles of impeachment immediately, adding, “our members feel that we have an obligation to listen to the arguments.”


(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Be sure to call Ms. LUDENS LAWYERS to the hearings....a financial disclosure is SURECto be of interest TO HER AND HUNTERS BABY!!!

The Whistle blowers and their lawyer, Zaid need to testify if we are going to do witnesses.

When is Hunter Biden going to be charged with Contempt of Court for refusing to produce the financial documents the judge ordered him to produce regarding his Burisma income?

Joe Biden and Manafort, Podesta, and Gates, and Brennan need to testify about what was going on in The Ukraine during the elections and why were they trying to interfere in the election of an Anti-Corruption Government.
What would they ask him?

"Why did you make Trumpybear demand a publicly announced investigation into the prior corruption of the Ukraine Company that hired you, before he would release the Congressional approve aid?

"Was this a set up from that StrikieCrowd Ukrainian company or somesuchshit?"

"Did your dad put you up to this son?"
What would they ask him?

"Why did you make Trumpybear demand a publicly announced investigation into the prior corruption of the Ukraine Company that hired you, before he would release the Congressional approve aid?

"Was this a set up from that StrikieCrowd Ukrainian company or somesuchshit?"

"Did your dad put you up to this son?"
AG Barr Opens Investigation Into Biden Corruption
Nothing wrong with listening to the case arguments by each side and then asking and answering questions. After that is when things get interesting, cuz at that point there's going to be a vote to acquit. If it passes as it should, then it's over. If it doesn't, then it turns into a political shit-show with each side trying their best to damage the other with witnesses. Do not forget, the outcome is already not in doubt: Trump is not going to be removed, end of story. The question will be how many Senate Repubs get replaced by a Dems in November.
You know if I were the Democrats I would make the trade off. Witnesses for the Bidens. Have Bolton testify in exchange for Hunter Biden. Biden's testimony will blow up in the faces of the Republicans and make them look like fools. Bolton will be hostile but in the end will reveal Trump for the slimy little corrupt creature he is.
The energy the democrat party thought would come with the impeachment fell flat. Be prepared for all sorts of stuff about Biden and Bolton and McConnell but it's all bullshit designed to gin up interest.
Don't forget people. He changed his name to, Whers Hunter

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inasmuch as the Biden conspiracy was debunked by Trumps team since the very start, calling Hunter would be welcome by the dems and a total fuck up by mitch the bitch ----

so I'm all for his testimony, UNDER OATH !

It Joe Biden we need to hear from.

He admitted to shaking down the Ukrainian Gov't to get their Attorney General, called Prosecutor there----FIRED.

Clearest quid pro quo ever---Admitted to.

Did he do it to get them off his son's company. Certainly looks like it---a crime while serving as our Vice-President.

And the Executive Branch was well justified in asking the Ukrainian Gov't to look into it. Now that Ukraine and corruption is front and center in the Senate---let them look into it.

Call Uncle Joe!
What would they ask him?

"Why did you make Trumpybear demand a publicly announced investigation into the prior corruption of the Ukraine Company that hired you, before he would release the Congressional approve aid?

"Was this a set up from that StrikieCrowd Ukrainian company or somesuchshit?"

"Did your dad put you up to this son?"
AG Barr Opens Investigation Into Biden Corruption

Breaking: Trumpublicans downgrade United States of America to Two-Bit Dictator status.

Good job ya Orange Clown.
It Joe Biden we need to hear from.

He admitted to shaking down the Ukrainian Gov't to get their Attorney General, called Prosecutor there----FIRED.

Clearest quid pro quo ever---Admitted to.

Did he do it to get them off his son's company. Certainly looks like it---a crime while serving as our Vice-President.

And the Executive Branch was well justified in asking the Ukrainian Gov't to look into it. Now that Ukraine and corruption is front and center in the Senate---let them look into it.

Call Uncle Joe!

Why hasn’t the Senate started an investigation into Joe Biden? Why shoehorn it into the impeachment trial? Makes no sense.
It Joe Biden we need to hear from.

He admitted to shaking down the Ukrainian Gov't to get their Attorney General, called Prosecutor there----FIRED.

Clearest quid pro quo ever---Admitted to.

Did he do it to get them off his son's company. Certainly looks like it---a crime while serving as our Vice-President.

And the Executive Branch was well justified in asking the Ukrainian Gov't to look into it. Now that Ukraine and corruption is front and center in the Senate---let them look into it.

Call Uncle Joe!

Why hasn’t the Senate started an investigation into Joe Biden? Why shoehorn it into the impeachment trial? Makes no sense.

open the link I gave you -

Trump lied, thats why.

What would they ask him?

"Why did you make Trumpybear demand a publicly announced investigation into the prior corruption of the Ukraine Company that hired you, before he would release the Congressional approve aid?

"Was this a set up from that StrikieCrowd Ukrainian company or somesuchshit?"

"Did your dad put you up to this son?"

Not just Hunter Biden, but Ciaramella, Brennan, Clapper, Schiff, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, and any other defense witnesses who can testify to the deep state coup attempts against Trump from the day he announced he was running. Barr and Durham should have some idea what questions to ask which witness to unravel the sham impeachment, especially anyone involved with Operation Crossfire Hurricane. The Horowitz report can give you some idea where the damaging evidence is.
The democrats will regret insisting on witnesses. The democrat senators may miss the primaries unless Mitch allows a quick dismissal.

I don't know if you are a confused Dumb-Ass or just a fucking liar.

Biden and his son's fraud and sellout of America has nothing to do with Russia and possibly Ukraine interfering with the election.

As to the former, Biden is on tape bragging about how he extracted a quid pro quo---and interfered with Ukraine's internal politics by refusing to release a billion dollars until they fired the Prosecutor who was investigating his son's corrupt company.

As to the "debunking" calling it that, or LIARS like Brennan or Clapper calling it that---is not evidence---as they are liars, its far from it. Further, the fact that Russia may have hacked the DMC e-mails DOES NOT mean that Ukraine might not also have tried to interfere as well--on behalf of the bogus fraud Hillary Clinton.

What would they ask him?

"Why did you make Trumpybear demand a publicly announced investigation into the prior corruption of the Ukraine Company that hired you, before he would release the Congressional approve aid?

"Was this a set up from that StrikieCrowd Ukrainian company or somesuchshit?"

"Did your dad put you up to this son?"

How about...'why did you send money to latvia first instead of depositing it first?' Isn't that money laundering? That might elicit and interesting response.
What would they ask him?

"Why did you make Trumpybear demand a publicly announced investigation into the prior corruption of the Ukraine Company that hired you, before he would release the Congressional approve aid?

"Was this a set up from that StrikieCrowd Ukrainian company or somesuchshit?"

"Did your dad put you up to this son?"
AG Barr Opens Investigation Into Biden Corruption

Breaking: Trumpublicans downgrade United States of America to Two-Bit Dictator status.

Good job ya Orange Clown.

The democrat clown car impeachment kangaroo court made a joke out of the impeachment process. Both Articles are unconstitutional.
Article-1 is based on hearsay evidence which is not allowed in the senate.
Article-2 can be thrown out because the USSC voided it when they took the Trump vs House subpoena for his tax records. There is no such thing as "obstruction of the House", they need to fight it out in court. As Professor Turley said, the abuse of power is by the House not the president.

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