McConnell opens door for Hunter Biden testimony at Trump trial...oh shit, can we say Arkancide?

How about if they're both in???? Hmmm?
Has Dooshbag ever tried a case?
Gooli will embarrass. Don't think he has ever defended anyone.

What do you think he did before becoming Mayor of NYC?
He sure as hell wasn't a defense attorney.

But he was a prosecutor. Plenty of experience for the witnesses Republicans wish to call.
30 years ago.

I used to think that, but then I realized, whatever the bidens were up to, if found to be corrupt, would be pivotal to showing trump's motive.

Without the bidens testimony, the left can continue saying it was for personal gain to trump, but if the bidens are indeed found to have been up to something shady there, then it puts a new light on why trump did what he did.

This is a completely reasonable post. Well said.

The tape of Biden bragging on having gotten the Attorney General (Prosecutor) fired is a clear quid pro pro.

Since the Prosecutor was investigating Hunter's corrupt company, it clearly puts the burden on Biden (Joe, not Hunter) to show why it wasn't Illegal.

This has not even been attempted. All we get is totally unsupported claims that this has been debunked---but never anything which actually "debunks" it...and some vague references that other countries thought the Prosecutor was corrupt. But the countries are ever identified, let alone anything Quoting these countries as saying "Joe, fire that Prosecutor, he's corrupt."

The burden is on JOE BIDEN to show why his admitted quid pro quo was NOT to protect his corrupt son's bogus gravy train.

We are waiting.

The claim that Shokin was investigating Burisma is completely unsupported. In fact, the State Dept at the time explicitly felt that the Prosecutor General was allowing his prosecutors to extort oligarchs to stop investigations which is why there was no corruption prosecutions from his tenure.

The embassy staff in Ukraine were pushing for Shokin’s firing before Biden even got involved.

If Biden was pushing for Shokin’s firing to protect Hunter, why was everyone else in the embassy pushing for it?

Bull Shit, you brainwashed Dumb-Ass. Shokin himself has signed an Affidavit under oath that such is exactly what he was doing!

Where are your affidavits that he was not?

And Fuck what "the State department at the time" supposedly said. You can produce what they supposedly said---and most of the country wouldn't believe the liars in the Obama/Clinton/Kerry State Department anyway.

Same for the Embassy---Obama Crooks---the same ones now trying to frame Trump. The women was FIRED for her actions?! Now, you quote her as fact---FOOL!

Oh, Shokin said it? You know that the little affidavit he filed “under oath” had no penalty if he’s lying. How come he can’t explain why he couldn’t prosecute anyone for corruption in one of the most corrupt countries?

People at the State Dept testified under oath that they were pushing for Shokin’s firing. They’re on record in 2015 and 2016 pushing for it.

You’re sucking up lies pushed by corrupt people because you want to believe them. They’re doing that on purpose because it makes you very easy to manipulate.


"You’re sucking up lies pushed by corrupt people because you want to believe them."

And you are doing exactly the same thing.

Trouble is: We have Biden on TAPE admitting to the Shakedown and the Quid Pro Quo---bragging on it---and it takes way way more than Bullshit on both sides to refute that.

It takes a FULL INVESTIGATION and that has not occurred.

The only thing Hunter Biden could bring to Burisma, for $83 k a month is the purchase of the office of the Vice President.
What would they ask him?

"Why did you make Trumpybear demand a publicly announced investigation into the prior corruption of the Ukraine Company that hired you, before he would release the Congressional approve aid?

"Was this a set up from that StrikieCrowd Ukrainian company or somesuchshit?"

"Did your dad put you up to this son?"
AG Barr Opens Investigation Into Biden Corruption

Breaking: Trumpublicans downgrade United States of America to Two-Bit Dictator status.

Good job ya Orange Clown.
The only down grade that was done by a president. Was Obama's down grading our credit.
You know if I were the Democrats I would make the trade off. Witnesses for the Bidens. Have Bolton testify in exchange for Hunter Biden. Biden's testimony will blow up in the faces of the Republicans and make them look like fools. Bolton will be hostile but in the end will reveal Trump for the slimy little corrupt creature he is.

Is TDS anything like a migraine headache or is it painless like a lobotomy is said to be?
You know if I were the Democrats I would make the trade off. Witnesses for the Bidens. Have Bolton testify in exchange for Hunter Biden. Biden's testimony will blow up in the faces of the Republicans and make them look like fools. Bolton will be hostile but in the end will reveal Trump for the slimy little corrupt creature he is.

Is TDS anything like a migraine headache or is it painless like a lobotomy is said to be?
You tell me.

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