McConnell breaks with RNC over January 6th "violent insurrection."

Garland is the one that needs to grow a pair now. How can he allow a person, former president or not, to go free after instigating an "violent insurrection?"

And the lame repub party calls the attack on the "People's House" legitimate?

I guess voters will realize now that trump has turned the repub party into His Cult.

The TDS has spread to the brain it is now terminal. You are spitting when you babble now.
Yeah, Garland really has been a mystery.

I've seen that his reputation is that he is extremely meticulous and thorough, and that leaks just don't come from his office. So here's hoping. No doubt he understands that any actions he takes have to essentially be flawless, given the gravity of the situation and the sliminess of the subject.
While a former president has never been even indicted for a federal crime, neither has a former president instigated a "violent insurrection" and then worked hard to cover up his involvement.

I think Mitch and some of his associates understand that the information handed over by the Presidential Archines may be the final straw that proves trump is a criminal. They don't want to be standing waving that trump flag when the sh*t comes down.

I mean, trump himself, actually tore up many of those documents and the staff at the archives had to piece them back together. The man is a fat, elderly, toddler.

I am anxiously awaiting the public hearings that bring out the facts of the attack. I think lots of people are gonna be implicated and lots more are gonna be shocked at what they see and hear.
While a former president has never been even indicted for a federal crime, neither has a former president instigated a "violent insurrection" and then worked hard to cover up his involvement.

I think Mitch and some of his associates understand that the information handed over by the Presidential Archines may be the final straw that proves trump is a criminal. They don't want to be standing waving that trump flag when the sh*t comes down.

I mean, trump himself, actually tore up many of those documents and the staff at the archives had to piece them back together. The man is a fat, elderly, toddler.

I am anxiously awaiting the public hearings that bring out the facts of the attack. I think lots of people are gonna be implicated and lots more are gonna be shocked at what they see and hear.
Its Dimmer oclock....cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo!!!
And time is running out....November elections and the nutbags are gone from Congress...then Poopeypants next....tick, tick, tick
While a former president has never been even indicted for a federal crime, neither has a former president instigated a "violent insurrection" and then worked hard to cover up his involvement.

I think Mitch and some of his associates understand that the information handed over by the Presidential Archines may be the final straw that proves trump is a criminal. They don't want to be standing waving that trump flag when the sh*t comes down.

I mean, trump himself, actually tore up many of those documents and the staff at the archives had to piece them back together. The man is a fat, elderly, toddler.

I am anxiously awaiting the public hearings that bring out the facts of the attack. I think lots of people are gonna be implicated and lots more are gonna be shocked at what they see and hear.
The "final straw" hahahahahahahahaha
Its Dimmer oclock....cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo!!!
And time is running out....November elections and the nutbags are gone from Congress...then Poopeypants next....tick, tick, tick
Then the committee hands everything they have over to the DOJ. Sorry.

It's a shame (but not surprising) that you guys are so desperate to shut this down. It won't work.
Only those interested in a sideshow, kangaroo court would even watch.
What you are saying is the trump toe suckers will not watch. Everyone else will be very interested. It will play over and over on CNN, MSNBC, and all the evening news shows. I think we will be shocked to find out the extent the repub party was involved in the "violent insurrection."
What you are saying is the trump toe suckers will not watch. Everyone else will be very interested. It will play over and over on CNN, MSNBC, and all the evening news shows. I think we will be shocked to find out the extent the repub party was involved in the "violent insurrection."
Toe suckers? Wow, does your Trumpybear know you are into this weird stuff?
Gettin kinky with his Trumpybear....
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Race? How does race come into what I said....unless you are a closet racist who puts on good face on around minorities to avoid being shot....:auiqs.jpg:
When you posted, "But the white trump butt kissers got to go home."

Tell me you aren't really as stupid as your posts, Jim. Racism just comes natural to your type. :eusa_whistle:
yeeeeaaa...... McConnell is a major douch
BTW, I hope that the Senate elects Ted Cruz for the new Senate leader in 2023.
It is a fact

It is a fact....the white trump butt kissers got to go home. Tell me what is not true about that statement.
They broke no laws so the people waving flags went home. But so did the murderer who shot the unarmed lady....was that a Poppeypants kisser??
Then the committee hands everything they have over to the DOJ. Sorry.

It's a shame (but not surprising) that you guys are so desperate to shut this down. It won't work.
The repubs are at a crossroads. They can once again be the respected GOP....or they can remain on their knees and remain trump's party of conspiracy theories. Their choice....
The repubs are at a crossroads. They can once again be the respected GOP....or they can remain on their knees and remain trump's party of conspiracy theories. Their choice....
Actually, when we take back Congress, we will show you commie America haters just what we have become.
The repubs are at a crossroads. They can once again be the respected GOP....or they can remain on their knees and remain trump's party of conspiracy theories. Their choice....
Whichever they choose, they will win seats in the House, proving once again the voters won’t care, they will perceive how bad Biden and the Democrats are and vote Dems out. Then the Dems will be at a crossroads.

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