McCain / Palin Hate Speech


liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007
US Supreme Court: Hate Speech

"Unique among courts in the world, the Supreme Court has extended broad protection in the area of hate speech—abusive, insulting, intimidating, and harassing speech that at the least fosters hatred and discrimination and at its worst promotes violence and killing. The justices have consistently held that statutes punishing speech or conduct solely on the grounds that they are unseemly or offensive are unconstitutionally overly broad. Only by protecting all forms of speech can the public be assured of uninhibited, vigorous, and wide-open debate."

hate speech: Definition from

McCain and Palin Are Playing With Fire By Khaled Hosseini

"What I find most unconscionable is the refusal of the McCain-Palin tandem to publicly condemn the cries of "traitor," "liar," "terrorist" and (worst of all) "kill him!" that could be heard at recent rallies. McCain is perfectly capable of telling hecklers off. But not once did he or his running mate bother to admonish the people yelling these obscene -- and potentially dangerous -- words. They may not have been able to hear the slurs at the rallies, but surely they have had ample time since to get on camera and warn that this sort of ugliness has no place in an election season. But they have not. Simply calling Obama "a decent person" is not enough."

And John Sweeney

"Sen. John McCain, Gov. Sarah Palin and the leadership of the Republican party have a fundamental moral responsibility to denounce the violent rhetoric that has pervaded recent McCain and Palin political rallies," said John Sweeney, president of the AFL-CIO, which has endorsed Obama. "When rally attendees shout out such attacks as 'terrorist' or 'kill him' about Sen. Barack Obama, when they are cheered on by crowds incited by McCain-Palin rhetoric -- it is chilling that McCain and Palin do nothing to object.

"In a world where unspeakable violence is too often promulgated by extremists, it is no small or trivial matter to call someone a terrorist -- or to incite potentially dangerous individuals toward violence," Sweeney said in a statement. "John McCain, Sarah Palin and Republican leaders are walking a very thin line in pretending not to hear the hateful invectives spewed at their rallies. McCain should end this line of attack in the strongest possible terms. Anything less puts McCain in the same camp as the racists and extremists who are bringing their angry rhetoric to his campaign events."

Labor warns McCain about crowds - 2008 Presidential Campaign Blog - Political Intelligence -
Don't expect McCain and Palin to seriously take on this movement that is behind them.

We've seen this Rovian technique being played in by Republicans throught too many election cycles not to expect it.

Really stupid people (people for example who truly think the word liberal is an insult) stick to their hateful last like a fascist shoemaker sticks to his jackboots.
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that crap aint going to fly MC

Oh, it flies with partisans, TM.

One of the things one cannot help but notice is that the real partisans have no sense of perspective, no sense of history, and no clue what is really happeneing.

They seldom seem to know the news, but depend on their hatemongering ltalking heads to give them their weeks talking points.

Now you and I can see, probably because we've been paying attention, that the Obama campaign has mostly been ignoring McCain the man and focusing on McCain the politican with a history.

Meanwhile we see, as seen on TV this AM, that the people lining up to vote for McCain are still making claims like they can't vote for Obama because he is a secret Moslem.

How can anyone possible overcome such studied ignorance with any technique like marshalling facts and applying loigical thinking skills?

Debating most partisans is a bit like getting into a fight with a completely crazy person.

It doesn't matter how often you can clean a stupid person's clock in intellectual debate, they feel no pain because their stupidity makes them impervious to change by intellectual discovery.

Som intellectually, these diehard partisans who will lie (who knows? maybe they believe this shit they spew. They are pretty stupid) over and over and over again are impervious to the kinds of blows that intellectually honest people might feel in such an environment as this one.

They're not here to discuss issues they're here to discuss PEOPLE. They're not here to discuss personalities based on reality, either. They're here to character assassinate personalities.

They're here to spew soundbyte chucks they've been force fed by their hatemongering coaches on talk radio and Fox.

Basically, what I'm saying so circumloquatiously is that smart cannot really ever the truly trump the truly stupid or the intellectually dishonest, in a debate environment.

The truth stupid do not CARE about truth because they know their lack the acumen to ferret it out, anyway, so why bother to try thinking critically?

Hence to them truth does not matter, and they typicially presume that it therefore doesn't matter to anyone who disagrees with them either.

Stupid liars assume everyone lies, amigo.

They assume that lying on behalf of the team IS THE GAME.

You know they think that way because they like to remind us that:

"Perception IS reality".

They cling to that horrible thought-byte for dear life, because that BIG LIE excuses them from having to establish what the TRUTH really is.

FWIW, this condemnation of the partisan stupid is applicable to all stupid partisans, regardless of what colors they're flying under
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US Supreme Court: Hate Speech

"Unique among courts in the world, the Supreme Court has extended broad protection in the area of hate speech—abusive, insulting, intimidating, and harassing speech that at the least fosters hatred and discrimination and at its worst promotes violence and killing. The justices have consistently held that statutes punishing speech or conduct solely on the grounds that they are unseemly or offensive are unconstitutionally overly broad. Only by protecting all forms of speech can the public be assured of uninhibited, vigorous, and wide-open debate."

hate speech: Definition from

McCain and Palin Are Playing With Fire By Khaled Hosseini

"What I find most unconscionable is the refusal of the McCain-Palin tandem to publicly condemn the cries of "traitor," "liar," "terrorist" and (worst of all) "kill him!" that could be heard at recent rallies. McCain is perfectly capable of telling hecklers off. But not once did he or his running mate bother to admonish the people yelling these obscene -- and potentially dangerous -- words. They may not have been able to hear the slurs at the rallies, but surely they have had ample time since to get on camera and warn that this sort of ugliness has no place in an election season. But they have not. Simply calling Obama "a decent person" is not enough."

And John Sweeney

"Sen. John McCain, Gov. Sarah Palin and the leadership of the Republican party have a fundamental moral responsibility to denounce the violent rhetoric that has pervaded recent McCain and Palin political rallies," said John Sweeney, president of the AFL-CIO, which has endorsed Obama. "When rally attendees shout out such attacks as 'terrorist' or 'kill him' about Sen. Barack Obama, when they are cheered on by crowds incited by McCain-Palin rhetoric -- it is chilling that McCain and Palin do nothing to object.

"In a world where unspeakable violence is too often promulgated by extremists, it is no small or trivial matter to call someone a terrorist -- or to incite potentially dangerous individuals toward violence," Sweeney said in a statement. "John McCain, Sarah Palin and Republican leaders are walking a very thin line in pretending not to hear the hateful invectives spewed at their rallies. McCain should end this line of attack in the strongest possible terms. Anything less puts McCain in the same camp as the racists and extremists who are bringing their angry rhetoric to his campaign events."

Labor warns McCain about crowds - 2008 Presidential Campaign Blog - Political Intelligence -
You are calling Hate-Speech on things you admit that McCain/Palin did not say?
seems palin's job is to incite the masses or movement and then have mccain look good by trying to settle them. rather transparent try by the mccain campaign..i wonder where rove is?
obama is running ads in nc about uniting the country etc...quite a contrast to mccains ads. nc has moved from solidly red to a toss up state? how in the hell do you offend the damned good old boys enough to make them vote for a black man...after all this is the state of jesse helms? in nc they have threatened the good old boys with having their taxes raised, their guns taken away etc...i think most are seeing thur is hurting in jobs etc...we have lost textiles and the furniture industries. The loss of wachovia is going to impact hard the city of charlotte. let's not kid ourselves, mccain needed to do very little to win...and has managed to seemingly mangle that. As a woman and a mother, I consider the choice of Palin a total insult. McCain and Palin are looking like a one trick dog and pony show at this point.

As for obama he is outspending mccain 3 to 1 as much as 8 to 1 in certian toss up states. Obama is spending money. He has purchased a 1/2 hour on cbs and is trying to buy more. I have yet to see a debate that was not a rehearsed pagent. None of them are addressing the key issues that should matter to the american voter. at this point, as an american voter...i feel like i have been given the choice of belladonna or hemlock for dinner.
Obama doesn't use hate speech.
Take the filters off your ears. Every time he accuses Republicans of being racists that's hate speech, when he says his grandmother acted like a "typical white person" that's hate speech, when he says "middle Americans cling to guns and religion and have antipathy for people who aren't like them" that is hate speech. And if that ain't bad enough, Barack Obama sat in a church whose pastor patterns his sermons from a guy who believes white people should be exterminated, a pastor who says G D America right after 3000 Americans were murdered in cold blood.

Oh, yes...let's all turn a blind eye to the hate factor in Barack Obama's history. You Obama supporters a dumber than dirt.
John McCain wrote the book on corrupt by hanging out with Charles Keating!:eusa_whistle:

You sir are one broke dick individual. Born under the protective arm of a catus?

To even suggest that McCain, the holder of the Navy Cross is corrupt shows how little you know, and WHAT you represent.

I thought they grew them tall, and honest in Arizona, not short, fat, and traitorous.
but he dosen't have Ayers, ACORN, Wright, Farrakan, Pfleger, Rezko.. oh no Obama take the cake in corruption. Obama spit.

First of all you are so misguided and uninformed! Obama was eight years old when Bill Ayers was in the Weather Underground. Just because someone was part of a group when they were younger, that had radical views, now reformed as a college professor, doesn't make you a terrorist! And If you believe that, you need to have your head examined! I knew Timothy Leary, that doesn't make me an LSD advocate! Second, you are a closeted racist! You bought into the line that Lee Altwater and Karl Rove used. There is nothing more terrifying to a white person than the name Louis Farrakan! The republicans have become so disgusting in their strategy that they will use anyone and anything to scare the shit out of white people to get votes! Obama had no business with Farrakan! Bringing up ones church pastor is a double-edged sword! Pandering to Jerry Fallwell to get votes doesn't cut it! Associating with people that are so arrogant to say, that "We are the real Christians" such as Fallwell, Robertson, Dobson, and others, is disgusting to invoke religion is such a phony manner, it is sickening! Can you say Jack Abramoff? Charles Keating? George W. Bush? You need to educate yourself son, and stop spewing that spoonfed garbage! :eusa_whistle:
You sir are one broke dick individual. Born under the protective arm of a catus?

To even suggest that McCain, the holder of the Navy Cross is corrupt shows how little you know, and WHAT you represent.

I thought they grew them tall, and honest in Arizona, not short, fat, and traitorous.

Just because you were a former POW, doesn't make you a hero! And saying I know how to win wars is insane! Is he saying that we won Vietnam? And what about being a POW, gives you the knowledge to win a war?:eusa_whistle:
US Supreme Court: Hate Speech

"Unique among courts in the world, the Supreme Court has extended broad protection in the area of hate speech—abusive, insulting, intimidating, and harassing speech that at the least fosters hatred and discrimination and at its worst promotes violence and killing. The justices have consistently held that statutes punishing speech or conduct solely on the grounds that they are unseemly or offensive are unconstitutionally overly broad. Only by protecting all forms of speech can the public be assured of uninhibited, vigorous, and wide-open debate."

hate speech: Definition from

McCain and Palin Are Playing With Fire By Khaled Hosseini

"What I find most unconscionable is the refusal of the McCain-Palin tandem to publicly condemn the cries of "traitor," "liar," "terrorist" and (worst of all) "kill him!" that could be heard at recent rallies. McCain is perfectly capable of telling hecklers off. But not once did he or his running mate bother to admonish the people yelling these obscene -- and potentially dangerous -- words. They may not have been able to hear the slurs at the rallies, but surely they have had ample time since to get on camera and warn that this sort of ugliness has no place in an election season. But they have not. Simply calling Obama "a decent person" is not enough."

And John Sweeney

"Sen. John McCain, Gov. Sarah Palin and the leadership of the Republican party have a fundamental moral responsibility to denounce the violent rhetoric that has pervaded recent McCain and Palin political rallies," said John Sweeney, president of the AFL-CIO, which has endorsed Obama. "When rally attendees shout out such attacks as 'terrorist' or 'kill him' about Sen. Barack Obama, when they are cheered on by crowds incited by McCain-Palin rhetoric -- it is chilling that McCain and Palin do nothing to object.

"In a world where unspeakable violence is too often promulgated by extremists, it is no small or trivial matter to call someone a terrorist -- or to incite potentially dangerous individuals toward violence," Sweeney said in a statement. "John McCain, Sarah Palin and Republican leaders are walking a very thin line in pretending not to hear the hateful invectives spewed at their rallies. McCain should end this line of attack in the strongest possible terms. Anything less puts McCain in the same camp as the racists and extremists who are bringing their angry rhetoric to his campaign events."

Labor warns McCain about crowds - 2008 Presidential Campaign Blog - Political Intelligence -

Don't forget lying and it's a good thing for you the Supreme Court rules as it does or YOU would doing consecutive life terms many times over.

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