McCain goes far right and reveals he will lose the election

John Mccain says the stupid thing that republicans have been peddling for years and is called stupid. He just said it plainly instead of the Trump pussy foot way of going "Who knows if he's a terrorist or has Americans tied up in a basement somewhere? IDK? But its a good question"
I think McCain is just really really pissed, and really really doesn't like (hates with a gusto) Obama, in part because if we'd followed through and left 20K troops there, Isis may never have happened.

And there is a possibility McCain is right on this. Nevertheless, some things you can't say in public, even if they're arguably correct.
If we left 20K troops that meant a SOFA acceptable to us would have been signed.

It was not, and the troops came home.

McCain said in 2011 that victory was great and Bush should get some of the credit.
If we left 20K troops that meant a SOFA acceptable to us would have been signed.

It was not, and the troops came home.

McCain said in 2011 that victory was great and Bush should get some of the credit.
Well the theory is that a SOFA was achievable before Obama. Like I tried to say, maybe yes, maybe no.

W did leave "leaders" like All-ah-Mucky and Kharzi so much opium

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