Maxine Waters to Give Official Racist Response on BET After State of the Union

Why can't Maxine just give her response at some KFC while eating a bag of nuggets?

And passing out breadcrumbs to everyone in the form of $2,000 dollars cash!

Make it Rain Maxine!

you mean like your trumploons make it rain for Donald and the other swamp dwelling kleptocrats? or like they make it rain for Michelle bachmjann's "family farm" or her husband's pray away the gay scam?
Maxine Waters is pretty much the brain trust for the Democrat Party nowadays, isn't she?

She gives Shelia Jackson Lee and Nancy Peloski a run for the money for the dumbest piece of shit in Congress, doesn't she?

All these Democrats are dumber than a door knob, aren't they?
Maxine Waters is pretty much the brain trust for the Democrat Party nowadays, isn't she?

She gives Shelia Jackson Lee and Nancy Peloski a run for the money for the dumbest piece of shit in Congress, doesn't she?

All these Democrats are dumber than a door knob, aren't they?
Scientists want her brain when the times comes,,,but will there be anything left of it by then?
Leave them alone.

They just got their asses trounced in an election where Whites fled in
droves from the Democratic Party. Blue Collar Labor led the way
in fleeing that party.

Now...Here on the verge of the 1st SOTU...the BET Network gonna give
their response. With a Looney as the mouth piece.

Not to be outdone, the Hollywood Celebrities are having their own shindig.
That ought to lose them another couple hundred thousand.

The Official Response is gonna be from a "Kennedy." You couldn't
have a movie with this type of stuff and have people believe it. Sexual
Assault and Abuse is rampant in the Country and a "Kennedy" is gonna
be the face of the Dems?

What's he gonna talk about..."How to Drive Over a Bridge?"
i am actually looking forward to hearing Maxine speak of the progress she has made in stopping the russians from bombing Korea.
She will make an idiot of herself. It will great stuff for Republicans to use in 2018.
when the asteroid hits earth at 33,000 MPH, the only living things that will survive will be cockroaches and maxine waters
I stand corrected.

I originally posted that the Dems are going to give 3 responses.


It is now up to 4.

Bernie Sanders is going to give his own response to the SOTU.

I stand corrected.

I originally posted that the Dems are going to give 3 responses.


It is now up to 4.

Bernie Sanders is going to give his own response to the SOTU.

The official Democratic response is by that cute Kennedy with the freckles. Is he old enough to be Pres?

All the rest are just "pundits" aren't they? They're not all going to be televised as an official response? Jesus, that would REALLY take all night. I'm going to watch my recorded Antiques Roadshow programs. If Trump says anything really profound, I'm sure y'all will tell me.

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