Mauna Loa shows that reducing economic Activity has NO EFFECT on CO2


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009

Not sure how much clearer is can be that human activity has NO EFFECT on CO2 which in turn has no ability to drive temperature and climate on planet Earth
My perspective is that the bed wetters are on the path of making cow farts the primary culprit, since the CO2 part of the climate hoax has been exposed and fewer people are buying it.

Especially when humans produce only 3% of all the CO2, and CO2 itself is only accountable for 3% of the so called "warming".

Plus leftists hate the idea of peasants being able to afford to consume beef, while mooch obozo makes his ass fatter eating Kobe Beef burgers.

And you know that how?

Florida has been rebuilding its beaches due to erosion since the 1930's mostly on a city by city basis. In the 1950's it was decided that the effort to restore Florida beaches had to be done at the state level. Here is one of the first organizations to recruit the state of Florida in the fight against beach erosion:

"The Florida Shore & Beach Preservation Association was organized in 1957 at a meeting of 37 local government and university leaders concerned about the growing problem of beach erosion that had virtually destroyed important resort beaches such as Miami Beach."


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