Massive Teachers Union Sues Mom Who Asked About Political Material In Kindergarten Curriculum

For you stupid Moon Bats anybody opposing a Marxist agenda is a "nutter".

Then we wonder why education in the US fell from first in the world to the gutter.

The Teacher's Union has become a greedy left Wing cash cow for the filthy Democrats. No wonder anybody that can afford it will send their kids to private schools.

Oh boy, you just throw things together into a that bucket you call a head and fish around for them.

The teacher's unions are why people can't afford private schools. Wow, how far did you have to reach to connect those dots. Gotta use a lot of yard to get from point A to point Z.

"Moonbat", "nutter", "marxist"...... great opening to introduce your objective argument about Teacher's Unions.

"Cash cow", "filthy".... wow, not use to using your forebrain, are you.
Is that learning about how to share or learning to rinse your paint brush before putting it away ?

No, poor Tommy, wrong as usual. This same union, the NEA did 2 things recently, which I think you're unaware of because you are too busy spying on your neighbors.

1. Said they would establish a legal fund to protect any teacher teaching what, IIRC, they said was "the correct version of history"

2. Passed a business item that stated clearly it was an objective to forward, among other things, CRT in pre-K-12.

When these pieces of shit realized that they had posted this business item as part of a conference record on a publicly available page on their website they immediately scrubbed it, of course, in an attempt to cover for their parallel propaganda argument that this was a college only course type, but they passed that business item for the world to see.

These people are fucking nuts Tommy, and you may now proceed back to your window to spy on your neighbors.
No, poor Tommy, wrong as usual. This same union, the NEA did 2 things recently, which I think you're unaware of because you are too busy spying on your neighbors.

1. Said they would establish a legal fund to protect any teacher teaching what, IIRC, they said was "the correct version of history"

2. Passed a business item that stated clearly it was an objective to forward, among other things, CRT in pre-K-12.

When these pieces of shit realized that they had posted this business item as part of a conference record on a publicly available page on their website they immediately scrubbed it, of course, in an attempt to cover for their parallel propaganda argument that this was a college only course type, but they passed that business item for the world to see.

These people are fucking nuts Tommy, and you may now proceed back to your window to spy on your neighbors.
God forbid that any teacher would dare to teach a true account of history. I can see why the right is mortified.
God forbid that any teacher would dare to teach a true account of history. I can see why the right is mortified.

Ah, now we shift, eh Tommy? First it was mocking the very idea now we erect our scarecrows.

The real question is why the NEA was claiming this is college only material while at the same time forwarding it in pre-k-12.

Then why would it be scrubbed.

I have not personally thoroughly researched CRT to this point, (of course that begs the question of whether you have or if you are simply regurtiating your talking points like a good little drone) but these are not people acting as if they have nothing to hide, and the idea that they are indeed forwarding this agenda has been firmly put to bed by the NEA itself, meaning that parents have every right to ask these questions at this point. And that they deserve answers.
Ah, now we shift, eh Tommy? First it was mocking the very idea now we erect our scarecrows.

The real question is why the NEA was claiming this is college only material while at the same time forwarding it in pre-k-12.

Then why would it be scrubbed.

I have not personally thoroughly researched CRT to this point, (of course that begs the question of whether you have or if you are simply regurtiating your talking points like a good little drone) but these are not people acting as if they have nothing to hide, and the idea that they are indeed forwarding this agenda has been firmly put to bed by the NEA itself, meaning that parents have every right to ask these questions at this point. And that they deserve answers.
Life is too short to study CRT. The college hasnt made any comment yet. You are guessing that they have refused to discuss the curriculum and usually put the basics on their website and talk about it at parents evenings. Maybe this wasnt enough for Karen.
the questions she was asking seemed to have very little to do with what the kids would be taught and amounted to a fishing expedition..
Life is too short to study CRT. The college hasnt made any comment yet. You are guessing that they have refused to discuss the curriculum and usually put the basics on their website and talk about it at parents evenings. Maybe this wasnt enough for Karen.
the questions she was asking seemed to have very little to do with what the kids would be taught and amounted to a fishing expedition..

No, life isn't too short. Not when it is something they plan on teaching my children. It is absolutely my job, and other parents as well, to know what they plan on pouring into his head.

And this pretty much answers the question on whether or not you are actually informed on the topic you are commenting on and forwarding as a 'true account of history'

That's just lazy. If you want to beat others over the head with facts it is a good idea to have those facts first.
As usual we have a fake OP.

The union is suing the school over releasing private documents. This woman looks and sounds like a nutter and has found a right wing nutter group to finance her nonsense.

Dear Tommy Tainant
Your insistence on painting the mother as a "nutter" is equally an Emotionally charged bias and hurts your credibility in making this argument if you do the same.

Here is a better description of what is going on:

Because EMAILS were requested, which contain personal information that has to be redacted, this delays the process. The lawsuit specifies to block exempted information protected from disclosure requirements, and to delay the process due to having to go through the documents such as emails and redact personal references such as names etc.

The AMOUNT of overly broad requests, if every school gets bombarded like this, can be abused to harass and bully by legal abuse.

The equal problem is that by responding with a lawsuit, this ties up the process with even more time and costs through courts and can also be seen as legal abuse.

Both sides can abuse the process to bully or block the other instead of communicating to resolve the conflict over CRT and gender policy.

The same problem still exists: the teachers and union that have biases toward teaching liberal interpretations of history, govt, gender, etc. are in conflict with parents, families and taxpayers in their districts with opposing beliefs.

Instead of fighting legally or legislatively, the two ideologies should just agree to separate jurisdiction, and have separate schools. Instead of banning or demanding what is or isn't going to be taught.

We need more teachers to manage smaller class sizes so students receive more individualized attention.

By democratizing schools so parents, teachers and students all have equal choice and access to the policies they agree on and believe in, we can stop all this endless conflict over differences in beliefs which govt cannot mandate, regulate, establish or prohibit.

Whether the differences in beliefs are over: God, prayer, references to Creation or the Bible. Evolution, climate change, CRT, gender or sexual orientation and sex education policies. Or political beliefs about the role of govt and rights of taxpayers to have representation and consent in policies.

westwall DrLove C_Clayton_Jones danielpalos: if we are going to have equal "public accommodations" in the schools, then to include and treat people equally when (a) liberal parents/teachers/taxpayers want to teach LGBT and CRT in schools but NOT let schools teach God/prayer or people having Constitutional Authority to consent and check our own govt while (b) Christian and Conservative parents/teachers/taxpayers want to BAN teachings that blame economic and political disparity on White Racism and instead want to teach empowerment and equal access and justice through KNOWLEDGE of both Constitutional and Biblical history -- then clearly we need to allow equal choice of taxpayers to fund and follow their own curricula.

You cannot have govt either banning or establishing what type of speech is allowed in schools. People have to agree freely. If we don't agree, we need to separate so govt is not abused to force speech or to ban or regulate it.

I do not agree with liberal agenda being forced through schools at taxpayer expense without consent, any more than imposing or harassing people over religious beliefs. But one good thing that may come from the CRT debate is the right for districts to separate.

Have democratically run schools to prevent conflicts, and while we're at it, democratize clinics, hospitals, medical education and care to stop imposing conflicting beliefs and mandates over pandemic policies as well.

It will take the same efforts to solve multiple conflicts at once, by democratizing districts.

The best shortcut I see for this reform, is calling on Party leaders and groups per distruct and precinct to start separating taxpayers into likeminded associations and Cooperatives. And prepare to invest in organizing resources around enough Sites to serve the local populations proportionally.

We are not going to change each other's political beliefs about govt, and policies we want to fund or defund.

Let's be transparent, and agree to fund and follow what we believe, ask Parties and teacher/police unions to help organize and democratize our communities, and ask state reps and city/county govt to apply the same toward democratizing medical policies through Cooperatives that allow citizens to pay for the policies they want to enforce.

I support you in this effort, both my fellow progressive prochoice Liberal Democrats seeking universal care and inclusion of minority populations, and my fellow Conservative Christian Constitutionalists and Independents who support Libertarian principles of limits and checks on govt to defend individual liberties that belong to people not federal govt.

As the parent in this case stated: Game On!

Let's see if we can all win equally, liberal style, where everyone wins and nobody loses. So we can meet the standards of Equal Justice and Protections under Law, for ALL people regardless of class race or creed, and provide Public Accommodations for everyone, even the smallest minority sector where nobody is discriminated against or excluded for their beliefs.


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They follow the law. The law requires that they respond to the requests. They need to have a judge give them the authority to deny the requests. So far, they have responded to over 200 at a cost of over $75,000 in wasted time. The judge will give them the authority to

I get it, you have the "I can do whatever I want" mentality. It doesn't work that way. Not in the history of the human race has it ever worked that way. Unless you are Ted Kaczynski, living in a shack in the middle of a National Forest, you don't get to do whatever you want whenever you want to. Oh, that's right, neither could he. He crossed the line when he started mailing bombs to people.

Are you able to string more than one idea together to form a coherent idea?
Who said anything about 'doing whatever they want.' It is a request for information, something that should be readily and easily accomplished in a system supposedly run by the people. If the information is not public then deny the requests for information. Instead, it appears they are trying to punish people for requesting it in the first place by making it prohibitively expensive.

Charging a person almost 100k because they filed a information request, no matter how many times, is asinine and totalitarian rather than open and democratic. With that mentality, the government can keep anything they want hidden. They just need to ensure the people do not have the resources to 'request' information. That it cost that amount to fill the requests is a problem in itself. The system is clearly set up to favor withholding things from the public and that is also wrong.
They follow the law. The law requires that they respond to the requests. They need to have a judge give them the authority to deny the requests. So far, they have responded to over 200 at a cost of over $75,000 in wasted time. The judge will give them the authority to

I get it, you have the "I can do whatever I want" mentality. It doesn't work that way. Not in the history of the human race has it ever worked that way. Unless you are Ted Kaczynski, living in a shack in the middle of a National Forest, you don't get to do whatever you want whenever you want to. Oh, that's right, neither could he. He crossed the line when he started mailing bombs to people.

Are you able to string more than one idea together to form a coherent idea?
Perhaps you can explain why a simple request suddenly supposedly costs thousands of dollars?
No it shouldnt. It should be confidential between the employer and employee.There are safeguards in place to protect the kids and that is that.
no, if a teacher is a pedophile it is public notice. You're wrong.
This stupid woman put in 200 information requests which are listed. The curriculum seemed to be a small part of it. Every school I have had dealings with is delighted to engage with you on what they are teaching. This woman is just fishing.
and her right
Dear Tommy Tainant
Your insistence on painting the mother as a "nutter" is equally an Emotionally charged bias and hurts your credibility in making this argument if you do the same.

Here is a better description of what is going on:

Because EMAILS were requested, which contain personal information that has to be redacted, this delays the process. The lawsuit specifies to block exempted information protected from disclosure requirements, and to delay the process due to having to go through the documents such as emails and redact personal references such as names etc.

The AMOUNT of overly broad requests, if every school gets bombarded like this, can be abused to harass and bully by legal abuse.

The equal problem is that by responding with a lawsuit, this ties up the process with even more time and costs through courts and can also be seen as legal abuse.

Both sides can abuse the process to bully or block the other instead of communicating to resolve the conflict over CRT and gender policy.

The same problem still exists: the teachers and union that have biases toward teaching liberal interpretations of history, govt, gender, etc. are in conflict with parents, families and taxpayers in their districts with opposing beliefs.

Instead of fighting legally or legislatively, the two ideologies should just agree to separate jurisdiction, and have separate schools. Instead of banning or demanding what is or isn't going to be taught.

We need more teachers to manage smaller class sizes so students receive more individualized attention.

By democratizing schools so parents, teachers and students all have equal choice and access to the policies they agree on and believe in, we can stop all this endless conflict over differences in beliefs which govt cannot mandate, regulate, establish or prohibit.

Whether the differences in beliefs are over: God, prayer, references to Creation or the Bible. Evolution, climate change, CRT, gender or sexual orientation and sex education policies. Or political beliefs about the role of govt and rights of taxpayers to have representation and consent in policies.

westwall DrLove C_Clayton_Jones danielpalos: if we are going to have equal "public accommodations" in the schools, then to include and treat people equally when (a) liberal parents/teachers/taxpayers want to teach LGBT and CRT in schools but NOT let schools teach God/prayer or people having Constitutional Authority to consent and check our own govt while (b) Christian and Conservative parents/teachers/taxpayers want to BAN teachings that blame economic and political disparity on White Racism and instead want to teach empowerment and equal access and justice through KNOWLEDGE of both Constitutional and Biblical history -- then clearly we need to allow equal choice of taxpayers to fund and follow their own curricula.

You cannot have govt either banning or establishing what type of speech is allowed in schools. People have to agree freely. If we don't agree, we need to separate so govt is not abused to force speech or to ban or regulate it.

I do not agree with liberal agenda being forced through schools at taxpayer expense without consent, any more than imposing or harassing people over religious beliefs. But one good thing that may come from the CRT debate is the right for districts to separate.

Have democratically run schools to prevent conflicts, and while we're at it, democratize clinics, hospitals, medical education and care to stop imposing conflicting beliefs and mandates over pandemic policies as well.

It will take the same efforts to solve multiple conflicts at once, by democratizing districts.

The best shortcut I see for this reform, is calling on Party leaders and groups per distruct and precinct to start separating taxpayers into likeminded associations and Cooperatives. And prepare to invest in organizing resources around enough Sites to serve the local populations proportionally.

We are not going to change each other's political beliefs about govt, and policies we want to fund or defund.

Let's be transparent, and agree to fund and follow what we believe, ask Parties and teacher/police unions to help organize and democratize our communities, and ask state reps and city/county govt to apply the same toward democratizing medical policies through Cooperatives that allow citizens to pay for the policies they want to enforce.

I support you in this effort, both my fellow progressive prochoice Liberal Democrats seeking universal care and inclusion of minority populations, and my fellow Conservative Christian Constitutionalists and Independents who support Libertarian principles of limits and checks on govt to defend individual liberties that belong to people not federal govt.

As the parent in this case stated: Game On!

Let's see if we can all win equally, liberal style, where everyone wins and nobody loses. So we can meet the standards of Equal Justice and Protections under Law, for ALL people regardless of class race or creed, and provide Public Accommodations for everyone, even the smallest minority sector where nobody is discriminated against or excluded for their beliefs.
Separate but equal did not work in the past. Why would it work now?
Separate but equal did not work in the past. Why would it work now?
Dear danielpalos
1. Because PEOPLE are choosing it, not being forced by the govt.
2. The separation is based on BELIEFS, such as choosing your party, your religion, your group plan.
People are ALREADY choosing how to represent or affiliate by our preferences for party beliefs, candidates, leaders or platform.
So this is an EXTENSION of what we already use PARTIES to do.
3. We already have people organizing EQUALLY by religious organizations, such as Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim
and even Denominations WITHIN groups such as Catholic/Christian or Southern Baptist Convention etc.

So this is ALREADY working to have separate but equal choices of religious organizations.

This is more like recognizing Political Denominations and Caucus groups
the same as Religious Affiliations such as Christian Anarchist or Prolife Democrat or Log Cabin Republicans etc.
The teachers are the bosses of the teachers union. The union is protecting the privacy of its members As they are supposed to do.
See, there's the problem tommy and that is why so many in this country have come out against unions, what you describe may be business as usual in the EU but here that is how scams work...
In the U.S. though, anyone who is paid with tax dollars is obligated to address any and all complaints from those who pay their salary, here is how the scam artists get around that...
...someone sets up a taxpayer funded "front" [in this case the public schools], and then they/the scam artists gouge the school districts for billions [leaving the working class with crumbs] and cannot be touched because the union and the taxpayer never actually do business with one another.
But we do things differently here and when they/someone/anyone starts to resort to the old european style of graft the citizens are obligated to jump into action lest they deserve to be ripped off EU style...democracy needs transparency tommy, if the court does not protect the apparatchiks suing the school they will die from the light of day and that is what they are really trying to head off with this court proceeding!
BTW, if the people of the school district are not in charge ["THE BOSS"] here, then that is undeniable proof the public school system is corrupt.
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See, there's the problem tommy and that is why so many in this country have come out against unions, what you describe may be business as usual in the EU but here that is how scams work...
In the U.S. though, anyone who is paid with tax dollars is obligated to address any and all complaints from those who pay their salary, here is how the scam artists get around that...
...someone sets up a taxpayer funded "front" [in this case the public schools], and then they/the scam artists gouge the school districts for billions [leaving the working class with crumbs] and cannot be touched because the union and the taxpayer never actually do business with one another.
But we do things differently here and when they/someone/anyone starts to resort to the old european style of graft the citizens are obligated to jump into action lest they deserve to be ripped off EU style...democracy needs transparency tommy, if the court does not protect the apparatchiks suing the school they will die from the light of day and that is what they are really trying to head off with this court proceeding!
BTW, if the people of the school district are not in charge ["THE BOSS"] here, then that is undeniable proof the public school system is corrupt.
You really struggle with the concept of a free trade union serving the interests of its members. Trying to think of other countries where unions were so hated.
Thats the way legal docs are phrased because the judge is the arbiter. She wants copies of e mails, conversations and personal records which is nonsense.
She has made 200 information requests. All of which involve time and money to deal with.
She has obviously been put up to this nonsense so it is better to let a court deal with it now because their will be many more similar bullshit requests.
She has the absolute right to make as many FOIA requests as she likes regardlless of time and money.

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