Why Did I Have To Learn So Many Useless Things In School?

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
That I never even use in my lifetime anyways? Like I remember some of the US presidents, but how is that going to help me get a job or anything? That's just one example. It's just as well I only paid attention enough to get by school and deleted all of the brain clutter out of my mind later on.
That I never even use in my lifetime anyways? Like I remember some of the US presidents, but how is that going to help me get a job or anything? That's just one example. It's just as well I only paid attention enough to get by school and deleted all of the brain clutter out of my mind later on.
That I never even use in my lifetime anyways? Like I remember some of the US presidents, but how is that going to help me get a job or anything? That's just one example. It's just as well I only paid attention enough to get by school and deleted all of the brain clutter out of my mind later on.

The Seven-Lesson Schoolteacher - By John Taylor Gatto, New York State Teacher of the Year, 1991​

"Call me Mr. Gatto, please. Twenty-six years ago, having nothing better to do at the time, I tried my hand at schoolteaching. The license I hold certifies that I am an instructor of English language and English literature, but that isn't what I do at all. I don't teach English, I teach school -- and I win awards doing it.

Teaching means different things in different places, but seven lessons are universally taught from Harlem to Hollywood Hills. They constitute a national curriculum you pay for in more ways than you can imagine, so you might as well know what it is. You are at liberty, of course, to regard these lessons any way you like, but believe me when I say I intend no irony in this presentation. These are the things I teach, these are the things you pay me to teach. Make of them what you will.. . . . "

So the teachers can justify their jobs as teachers and not just as day care workers at the children center.
Oh btw, I can see if you want to be a teacher you need to know all that stuff to teach the useless crap to other people, but most of the time you won't need to know it.
Obviously you are unemployed, broke, and ignorant.

Let me guess: A Trump supporter?

You don't see any room for improvement in our education system? It's not working very well when you consider we spend more money per child than any other country, yet rank in the bottom of education quality when compared to other First World nations. In my opinion, we are still using a 1950s model of educating in the 21st century. The Chinese have figured this out and that's why they are beating the piss out of us in math and science. I constantly hear people justifying importing thousands of immigrants from China, India, and other countries utilizing the H-1B visa program to fill technology jobs because there aren't enough qualified Americans to do them and yet, at no point in time do I ever hear anyone point out what an indictment that is of our public school system.
You don't see any room for improvement in our education system? It's not working very well when you consider we spend more money per child than any other country, yet rank in the bottom of education quality when compared to other First World nations. In my opinion, we are still using a 1950s model of educating in the 21st century. The Chinese have figured this out and that's why they are beating the piss out of us in math and science. I constantly hear people justifying importing thousands of immigrants from China, India, and other countries utilizing the H-1B visa program to fill technology jobs because there aren't enough qualified Americans to do them and yet, at no point in time do I ever hear anyone point out what an indictment that is of our public school system.

What do you mean by 1950's model?
That I never even use in my lifetime anyways? Like I remember some of the US presidents, but how is that going to help me get a job or anything? That's just one example. It's just as well I only paid attention enough to get by school and deleted all of the brain clutter out of my mind later on.

Is school just about learning what you need to know for your life? Or is it about getting an education?
That I never even use in my lifetime anyways? Like I remember some of the US presidents, but how is that going to help me get a job or anything? That's just one example. It's just as well I only paid attention enough to get by school and deleted all of the brain clutter out of my mind later on.
Those who don’t understand history are doomed to repeat it.
That I never even use in my lifetime anyways? Like I remember some of the US presidents, but how is that going to help me get a job or anything? That's just one example. It's just as well I only paid attention enough to get by school and deleted all of the brain clutter out of my mind later on.
How does one determine what they’re going to need to know?
You don't see any room for improvement in our education system? It's not working very well when you consider we spend more money per child than any other country, yet rank in the bottom of education quality when compared to other First World nations. In my opinion, we are still using a 1950s model of educating in the 21st century. The Chinese have figured this out and that's why they are beating the piss out of us in math and science. I constantly hear people justifying importing thousands of immigrants from China, India, and other countries utilizing the H-1B visa program to fill technology jobs because there aren't enough qualified Americans to do them and yet, at no point in time do I ever hear anyone point out what an indictment that is of our public school system.
We are absolutely failing in the STEM fields, but we, as a country, have never made them a priority in education. The entire public high school model needs revision, to be sure, but we have the best (and most expensive) universities on the planet, and between 65 to 70% of Masters and PhD students are foreign students.

What we need to change, first and foremost, is the cost of higher education. If a kid cannot afford college, will he or she really give a shit about what they learn in H.S.?
Obviously you are unemployed, broke, and ignorant.

Let me guess: A Trump supporter?

1. Yes but I'm currently working on getting a job. (I still graduated high school just so you know.)
2. Nope, not broke I have SSI.
3. Nope!

Is school just about learning what you need to know for your life?

It should be.

How does one determine what they’re going to need to know?

Well if something ever comes up Google is your friend.

What we need to change, first and foremost, is the cost of higher education. If a kid cannot afford college, will he or she really give a shit about what they learn in H.S.?

I never went to college,.. why waste my time with more school (that I hate) when I can get a job anyways?
That I never even use in my lifetime anyways? Like I remember some of the US presidents, but how is that going to help me get a job or anything? That's just one example. It's just as well I only paid attention enough to get by school and deleted all of the brain clutter out of my mind later on.
Well this thread explains a lot. Maybe instead of reading fantasy you should actually feed your brain and become a well rounded educated individual. The sad thing is you have limited yourself from many experiences. If you had paid attention you may have found that thing you were really really good at and been able to feel the pleasure of contributing to society with great skill.

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