Massive railroad strike is a go this Friday.


Platinum Member
Nov 8, 2013
Reaction score
Kansas City, Missouri
All class 1 railroads are curtailing shipping this week in preparation for a strike, but more to persuade the public that this is the fault of the workers, when in fact it's the railroads that are stalling the negotiations.
All class 1 railroads are curtailing shipping this week in preparation for a strike, but more to persuade the public that this is the fault of the workers, when in fact it's the railroads that are stalling the negotiations.
Had to laugh the other day when I read that Biden was warning the unions that a prolonged strike could be bad for the fragile economy. He didn't seem to be warning businesses, only unions. Of course if it were Trump who was president, it would be, "Strike, strike, strike".
The railroads rake in billions in profits every year, yet they furloughed thousands of train crews and overwork the ones that are left.
Just another jerk that thinks businesses are created for the benefit of the workers. Nope, business exists to make a profit and the more profit, the more workers that benefit from a successful business. If crews were removed, it is more likely that they were not essential rather than targeted by some mean old boss, having a bad hair day. The workers remaining also benefit due to the overtime now available.
Brandon? I thought you kids gave that up.
Dark Brandon is beating these bitches like a drum, they cannot forget such whoopings.

Just another jerk that thinks businesses are created for the benefit of the workers. Nope, business exists to make a profit and the more profit, the more workers that benefit from a successful business. If crews were removed, it is more likely that they were not essential rather than targeted by some mean old boss, having a bad hair day. The workers remaining also benefit due to the overtime now available.
You have no clue. The workers are not benefiting from RR profits. No profit sharing - no matching 401k. NO overtime. Only the stockholders. I agree with you that a business is created to make a profit. But when profit gets in the way of public safety and economic growth, it's time somebody stepped in. Since the government or the companies themselves won't do it, the workers must do it. That starts this Friday.
FYI - greed exists on both sides of the political spectrum. Whether it's corporate greed for profit, or government greed for power - greed needs to be put in check.
Not only do these huge railroad companies despise it's workforce and it's customers, it despises the public as a whole:
Profit statements at board meetings is ALL that matters to these people.
All class 1 railroads are curtailing shipping this week in preparation for a strike, but more to persuade the public that this is the fault of the workers, when in fact it's the railroads that are stalling the negotiations.
Right. Shut them down. Who needs them?
You have no clue. The workers are not benefiting from RR profits. No profit sharing - no matching 401k. NO overtime. Only the stockholders. I agree with you that a business is created to make a profit. But when profit gets in the way of public safety and economic growth, it's time somebody stepped in. Since the government or the companies themselves won't do it, the workers must do it. That starts this Friday.
FYI - greed exists on both sides of the political spectrum. Whether it's corporate greed for profit, or government greed for power - greed needs to be put in check.
I can't speak with direct knowledge regarding the railroad union's benefit packages, but being a past member of a couple of transportation related unions, I can tell you from experience their benefit packages are among the best in the country. Your statement about overtime is just plain false, and anyone with half a brain would know that. In respect to the 3 other items mentioned, very few unions or private companies offer a combination of such high-end benefits. To do so would be financially destructive and lead to massive job losses. The RR workers are using the tools available to them through their collective bargaining agreement, and I wish them the best.
I can't speak with direct knowledge regarding the railroad union's benefit packages, but being a past member of a couple of transportation related unions, I can tell you from experience their benefit packages are among the best in the country. Your statement about overtime is just plain false, and anyone with half a brain would know that. In respect to the 3 other items mentioned, very few unions or private companies offer a combination of such high-end benefits. To do so would be financially destructive and lead to massive job losses. The RR workers are using the tools available to them through their collective bargaining agreement, and I wish them the best.
It is NOT false. Conductors and Engineers are paid by the mile - not by the hour. They get paid the same if they make their trip in 5 hours or 10 hours. They work an average of 280 hours a month - ZERO overtime - not including the time stuck in hotel rooms waiting to take a train back.
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