Massive French Study Finds Hydroxychloroquine Is Effective Treatment for COVID-19 When Used Properly


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
All Dems can do is talk about Remdesivir. They never gave hydroxychloroquine a chance.
A recent 1,000-plus-patient study done by one of France's leading infectious disease experts has found that, when used properly, hydroxychloroquine can be an effective treatment for COVID-19:

Greater than 97% effective if used before the cyto-storm. 91% effective if given early in the cyto-storm. only 35% effective in late stage progression. And its cheep and has a long history of being safe...
I love how he’s from the Smith Center of Infectious disease. Sounds important, right? It’s him and two other docs, based on his website.

Always makes me wonder how these doctors get on TV.
All Dems can do is talk about Remdesivir. They never gave hydroxychloroquine a chance.
Hydroxychloroquine is generic and costs next to nothing.

Remdesivir is a new drug, guaranteed to cost 100x as much.

Follow the money.


follow what money -

production cost of a skeeter med

the production cost of a novel virus vaccine

the money lost in an economy being ran by Trump chinese traitors

All Dems can do is talk about Remdesivir. They never gave hydroxychloroquine a chance.
No, check that. When celebrities like Rita Wilson and tom hanks used it and recovered, and the WHO along with a French Doctor who originally said it was a promising treatment, the dems said nothing.

However, when and only when and only after Trump said in a press conference that it was a promising treatment, did the media direct their yapping monkeys (yes monkeys) to yell and screech about how bad it is.

Rita Wilson, all of a sudden made a public statement about how bad the side effects were. Not before Trump said anything mind you, only after.

That is how sick and pathetic they are. Do you know they still think the fbi conducted a legit investigation while they wasted resources during their 3 year long coup attempt? They still think Trump told the world to drink clorox and lysol.

Not kidding. Their derangement is a threat. A direct and real threat. It goes well beyond words.
I love how he’s from the Smith Center of Infectious disease. Sounds important, right? It’s him and two other docs, based on his website.

Always makes me wonder how these doctors get on TV.

Perhaps because he's gotten very good results with Hydroxychloroquine himself. Damn you commies are ignorant.

I love how he’s from the Smith Center of Infectious disease. Sounds important, right? It’s him and two other docs, based on his website.

Always makes me wonder how these doctors get on TV.

Perhaps because he's gotten very good results with Hydroxychloroquine himself. Damn you commies are ignorant.


perhaps he's shoved a uv wand up his ass too -
I love how he’s from the Smith Center of Infectious disease. Sounds important, right? It’s him and two other docs, based on his website.

Always makes me wonder how these doctors get on TV.

Perhaps because he's gotten very good results with Hydroxychloroquine himself. Damn you commies are ignorant.


perhaps he's shoved a uv wand up his ass too -

Fuck off troll.

I love how he’s from the Smith Center of Infectious disease. Sounds important, right? It’s him and two other docs, based on his website.

Always makes me wonder how these doctors get on TV.

Perhaps because he's gotten very good results with Hydroxychloroquine himself. Damn you commies are ignorant.

Yeah, I know. Anyone who says what you want to hear can get in Fox News.
I love how he’s from the Smith Center of Infectious disease. Sounds important, right? It’s him and two other docs, based on his website.

Always makes me wonder how these doctors get on TV.

Perhaps because he's gotten very good results with Hydroxychloroquine himself. Damn you commies are ignorant.

Yeah, I know. Anyone who says what you want to hear can get in Fox News.

Your ignorance is astounding, the commie propaganda machine notwithstanding, hydroxychloroquine is the standard of care in many US hospitals. Dr. Mark Seigle was confident enough in it, he made sure his 96 year old father got it, and it worked well. You should try investigating for yourself instead of just spewing the party line. Nah, trolls don't do things like that.

I love how he’s from the Smith Center of Infectious disease. Sounds important, right? It’s him and two other docs, based on his website.

Always makes me wonder how these doctors get on TV.

Perhaps because he's gotten very good results with Hydroxychloroquine himself. Damn you commies are ignorant.

Yeah, I know. Anyone who says what you want to hear can get in Fox News.

Your ignorance is astounding, the commie propaganda machine notwithstanding, hydroxychloroquine is the standard of care in many US hospitals. Dr. Mark Seigle was confident enough in it, he made sure his 96 year old father got it, and it worked well. You should try investigating for yourself instead of just spewing the party line. Nah, trolls don't do things like that.


Bullshit. They put these random docs on air because they say what they want to say. It's Trump propoganda.

Why aren't they talking to the academics? Why aren't they talking to the researchers? The people who actually determine the standard of care by doing the actual science? Why is is always these random doctors no one has ever heard of before?

Hell, half the time they lie about their credentials.

A recent 1,000-plus-patient study done by one of France's leading infectious disease experts has found that, when used properly, hydroxychloroquine can be an effective treatment for COVID-19:

This French doctor has a bad history of bad research, and it's not a double blind study. This whole interview is just bullshit. The quack she's interviewing says they don't have time to do a double blind study. BULLSHIT.
I love how he’s from the Smith Center of Infectious disease. Sounds important, right? It’s him and two other docs, based on his website.

Always makes me wonder how these doctors get on TV.

Perhaps because he's gotten very good results with Hydroxychloroquine himself. Damn you commies are ignorant.

Yeah, I know. Anyone who says what you want to hear can get in Fox News.

Your ignorance is astounding, the commie propaganda machine notwithstanding, hydroxychloroquine is the standard of care in many US hospitals. Dr. Mark Seigle was confident enough in it, he made sure his 96 year old father got it, and it worked well. You should try investigating for yourself instead of just spewing the party line. Nah, trolls don't do things like that.


Bullshit. They put these random docs on air because they say what they want to say. It's Trump propoganda.

Why aren't they talking to the academics? Why aren't they talking to the researchers? The people who actually determine the standard of care by doing the actual science? Why is is always these random doctors no one has ever heard of before?

Hell, half the time they lie about their credentials.

these fox docs get a fee for being there and free advertisement, --- rw dopes in their area flock to them like maggots on dead meat .
A recent 1,000-plus-patient study done by one of France's leading infectious disease experts has found that, when used properly, hydroxychloroquine can be an effective treatment for COVID-19:

This French doctor has a bad history of bad research, and it's not a double blind study. This whole interview is just bullshit. The quack she's interviewing says they don't have time to do a double blind study. BULLSHIT.

contradicts rw talking point - no double blind study

more often then not, no blind study just selective spin -
All Dems can do is talk about Remdesivir. They never gave hydroxychloroquine a chance.
Hydroxychloroquine is generic and costs next to nothing.

Remdesivir is a new drug, guaranteed to cost 100x as much.

Follow the money.


Democrats = big pharma.
Republicans = big pharma.

Only the never-Trumpers.

Trump endorsed the generic medicine. Democrats would leave you to believe the only alternative is fish tank cleaner or bleach.

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