Anti Vaxxers Willing to Become Transwomen to Beat Covid. Avoid Poven Remedies


Platinum Member
Jun 11, 2015
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The commie infested, queer loving liberal NE USA
This is rich. First they were pushing Ivermectin -the anti parasite drug most commonly used in animals- and now this:

Anti-Vaxxers Are Taking Feminizing HRT to (Try to) Cure COVID​

I am willing to bet that there is a big overlap between these people and those who disparage and belittle trans people, since both groups can be found on the right wing/ conservative end of the political spectrum. Yet, here it is!

Selected Excerpts:

On Sunday, Fox News aired an interview with Dr. Pierre Kory, president of an organization called the “Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance,” through which Kory has advocated for the use of the antiparasitic drug ivermectin to treat COVID-19 (even after contracting the disease himself last year).

Kory directed viewers to consult the Critical Care Alliance’s “MATH+ hospital protocols” for drugs they should take to prevent or treat COVID-19 — and according to those protocols, “first line” therapy for hospitalized patients should include “dual anti-androgen therapy,” specifically drugs like spironolactone and finasteride.

Many transfeminine readers will be reading through their fingers at this point with mouth agape, because Kory’s recommendation is literally just that people Do a Medical Transition to beat COVID (instead of, you know, getting one of several safe and effective vaccines ahead of time). Finasteride and spironolactone are feminizing drugs that are commonly prescribed as part of hormone replacement therapy for trans women; both block testosterone, an androgen, from being absorbed into the bloodstream.

In the interest of being fair, because I only dunk on people in the name of Truth, there actually has been a small amount of support in medical literature indicating anti-androgens have some use in COVID treatment. A study published last year in the medical journal Viruses concluded that spironolactone’s “beneficial effect” in blocking androgen receptors merited additional study. But the study’s authors stopped far short of recommending spiro be actively taken to combat symptoms or boost recovery, pushing instead for more general research into receptor antagonism.

Can someone PLEASE explain the mentality that drives this insanity? They don't trust the vaccine, they don't trust proven anti viral drugs, they don't trust the government to tell them the truth about Covid deaths...... BUT THEY BELIEVE A GROUP OF QUACKS WITH QUESTIONABLE MOTIVES AND ETHICS !!!
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The Fauxi ouchi isn't a "proven remedy", meathead.
I bet anti vaxers with herpes would take the shot if they heard

The vaccine also helps manage sores on the genitals and groin areas. The vaccine has been shown in scientific research to reduce pain and help manage outbreaks.

Bet they would accept that science. They'd believe then.
The op, is a psychotic, and it hasn't yet received its Biden Booster, which it must do, or it cannot become full frontal fascist, and thus it risks getting sick and dying of 'err" something or other.... Get that Biden Booster, ask for a fourth jab, a fifth if you can manage it, but get that Biden Booster, absent those third, fourth, or fifth jabs, you are not to be considered fully vaccinated, and thus just a lowly fascist wannabe, and remember the mask, wear three of them if you can, tape them to face and wear them always, even to bed... :banana:
This is rich. First they were pushing Ivermectin -the anti parasite drug most commonly used in animals- and now this:

Anti-Vaxxers Are Taking Feminizing HRT to (Try to) Cure COVID​

I am willing to bet that there is a big overlap between these people and those who disparage and belittle trans people, since both groups can be found on the right wing/ conservative end of the political spectrum. Yet, here it is!

Selected Excerpts:

Can someone PLEASE explain the mentality that drives this insanity? They don't trust the vaccine, they don't trust proven anti viral drugs, they don't trust the government to tell them the truth about Covid deaths...... BUT THEY BELIEVE A GROUP OF QUACKS WITH QUESTIONABLE MOTIVES AND ETHICS !!!
Democrats won't use ivermectin because they ARE parasites, and it could be fatal.
I bet anti vaxers with herpes would take the shot if they heard

The vaccine also helps manage sores on the genitals and groin areas. The vaccine has been shown in scientific research to reduce pain and help manage outbreaks.

Bet they would accept that science. They'd believe then.
You don't take a vax after you get the disease, double meathead.
The op, is a psychotic, and it hasn't yet received its Biden Booster, which it must do, or it cannot become full frontal fascist, and thus it risks getting sick and dying of 'err" something or other.... Get that Biden Booster, ask for a fourth jab, a fifth if you can manage it, but get that Biden Booster, absent those third, fourth, or fifth jabs, you are not to be considered fully vaccinated, and thus just a lowly fascist wannabe, and remember the mask, wear three of them if you can, tape them to face and wear them always, even to bed... :banana:
The OP is psychotic!!?? Listen to yourself! Get help!!
The OP is psychotic!!?? Listen to yourself! Get help!!
Sure, anything you say.... :auiqs.jpg: See below, you know what makes that story absolutely fucking devastating to you, and your psychotic worldview??? It was carried by "REUTER'S" which signifies the end of the lies, so upon running fat little ass down to the neighborhood stop & jab, be certain you also obtain a script for Clorpromizine(thorazine)and get busy treating that psychotic state you are stuck in! :TH_WAY~113:

Sure, anything you say.... :auiqs.jpg: See below, you know what makes that story absolutely fucking devastating to you, and your psychotic worldview??? It was carried by "REUTER'S" which signifies the end of the lies, so upon running fat little ass down to the neighborhood stop & jab, be certain you also obtain a script for Clorpromizine(thorazine)and get busy treating that psychotic state you are stuck in! :TH_WAY~113:

How stupid are you! Reuters is reporting on what a Japanese Company Said. They are not reporting it as fact. They point out that it is controversial"

From your link:
Clinical trials are ongoing, but promotion of ivermectin as a COVID-19 treatment has generated controversy.

Prominent vaccine sceptic Joe Rogan, whose podcast on Spotify has prompted protests by singers Joni Mitchell and Neil Young, has long stirred controversy with his views on the pandemic, government mandates and COVID-19 vaccines.
Now what about the hormone shit?
Democrats won't use ivermectin because they ARE parasites, and it could be fatal.
THAT is the explanation! That's why the ridiculousness about "horse dewormer" -- It would kill them if they took it! No wonder the parasites are so adamant!

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm............. thoughts of slipping it into their soi-lattes!
Nothing psychotic about taking a live stock de-wormer and a hormone blocker instead of the Vaxx and proven anti viral drugs, right?
Ah! A new word to add to the list! "Racist", "fascist", "conspiracy theorist" and now "de-wormer" -- all of the used-up, worn-out buzz words that leftist losers trot out because they think using them makes them look smart when they don't know what the fuck they're talking about.
Ah! A new word to add to the list! "Racist", "fascist", "conspiracy theorist" and now "de-wormer" -- all of the used-up, worn-out buzz words that leftist losers trot out because they think using them makes them look smart when they don't know what the fuck they're talking about.
It's what is idiot.
This is rich. First they were pushing Ivermectin -the anti parasite drug most commonly used in animals- and now this:

Anti-Vaxxers Are Taking Feminizing HRT to (Try to) Cure COVID​

I am willing to bet that there is a big overlap between these people and those who disparage and belittle trans people, since both groups can be found on the right wing/ conservative end of the political spectrum. Yet, here it is!

Selected Excerpts:

Can someone PLEASE explain the mentality that drives this insanity? They don't trust the vaccine, they don't trust proven anti viral drugs, they don't trust the government to tell them the truth about Covid deaths...... BUT THEY BELIEVE A GROUP OF QUACKS WITH QUESTIONABLE MOTIVES AND ETHICS !!!

I don't think I've ever heard of this source before, THEM.US, but taking a quick look over the site, it appears, even by the the standards of the sort of sources that TheOppresiveFaggot usually cites, this one is just plain batshit crazy. Most of the other stories that come immediately before me when I look there are as mentally- and morally fucked-up as the story that is cited in the OP—most from a pro-faggot, pro-tranny perspective, but at a far new level of insanity and sickness than one usually sees from such sources. I guess this is a source for someone whose brain is ravaged by the last stages of syphilis, who now finds more mainstream faggot sources like Pink News to not be batshit crazy enough for his liking.

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