Massive change in the democratic party. No more speaking up for unions and national healthcare. Now it’s about LGBT and BLM things.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
In a few years, there’s been a radical change in the Democratic Party

A few notes on the map:

  • In 1964, the Midwest was full of manufacturing jobs and had the highest concentration of union workers in America. That has changed dramatically — both because the share of jobs in manufacturing has fallen, and because fewer of the manufacturing jobs that remain are held by union workers.

Over the past few decades, we’ve seen an extraordinary loss in the number of union jobs in this country. About 35% in the 1960s were union jobs today it’s about 10%

In the past few years, the Democratic Party has undergone radical changes. Constantly talking about Black Lives Matter and LGBT rhetoric. That is shameful because today we live in an equal country where everyone in America is equal in most ways... In fact, if anything it’s actually very tough now for white men. Many colleges and businesses go out of their way to give jobs to people who are minorities even if they don’t have the same skills as white men..

The bottom line is, we should have a meritocracy, but we don’t have that many businesses and colleges do not engage in meritocracy.

The Democrat party brainwashes some of their voters to personally attack and act like monsters to follow Democrats who say wait a minute what happened to this party. Accusations of racism are launched with absolutely no evidence.

The 1960s was a prosperous time in America where the inner cities were thriving. Talk with any older black or white man and they will tell you this. Unions were way different in those days compared to today. some unions we have left today often are problematic and engage in anti-Americanism.

Those who deny these realities are living in a fantasy world, making other Americans lives a nightmare. Take Buffalo for example, we used to have 300,000 manufacturing jobs people get those jobs right out of high school. That situation does not exist today. There’s tons of videos, showing the decline of inner cities in the past few decades.
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In a few years, there’s been a radical change in the Democratic Party

A few notes on the map:

  • In 1964, the Midwest was full of manufacturing jobs and had the highest concentration of union workers in America. That has changed dramatically — both because the share of jobs in manufacturing has fallen, and because fewer of the manufacturing jobs that remain are held by union workers.

Over the past few decades, we’ve seen an extraordinary loss in the number of union jobs in this country. About 35% in the 1960s were union jobs today it’s about one and 10.

In the past few years, the Democratic Party has undergone radical changes. Constantly talking about Black Lives Matter and LGBT rhetoric. That is shameful because today we live in an equal country where everyone in America is equal in most ways... In fact, if anything it’s actually very tough now for white people. Many colleges and businesses go out of their way to give jobs to people who are minorities even if they don’t have the same skills as whites..

The bottom line is, we should have a meritocracy, but we don’t have that many businesses and colleges do not engage in meritocracy.

The Democrat party brainwashes some of their voters to personally attack and act like monsters to follow Democrats who say wait a minute what happened to this party. Accusations of racism are launched with absolutely no evidence.

The 1960s was a prosperous time in America where the inner cities were thriving. Talk with any older black or white man and they will tell you this. Unions were way different in those days compared to today. some unions we have left today often are problematic and engage in anti-Americanism.

Those who deny these realities are living in a fantasy world, making other Americans lives a nightmare. Take Buffalo for example, we used to have 300,000 manufacturing jobs people get those jobs right out of high school. That situation does not exist today. There’s tons of videos, showing the decline of inner cities in the past few decades.

They've also surrendered their former position on gun control by cheering Hunter Biden getting away with committing a federal firearms felony.
In a few years, there’s been a radical change in the Democratic Party
Nah. The Democrats haven't changed. They've always focused on the economy and healthcare, the issues that matter to Americans.

The Republicans don't want to talk about economic issues, because they know Americans think Republican positions there stink. That's why Republicans always deflect with culture war issues, screaming hysterically about race and gender stuff. You know, like the OP did in this thread.

The Republicans (and their paid Russian shill allies, like the OP), they've gone off-the-rails with extremism. Their party isn't recognizable to Republicans of 1980. If Ronald Reagan was running as a Republican now, he'd be called a dirty RINO marxist, and he'd lose massively in the primary.

You know what to do now, Trump cult commies. Deflect harder. Scream more about race and how much you hate gay people. It's not like you can do anything else, given how the nation thinks your economic policies are dogshit.
In a few years, there’s been a radical change in the Democratic Party

A few notes on the map:

  • In 1964, the Midwest was full of manufacturing jobs and had the highest concentration of union workers in America. That has changed dramatically — both because the share of jobs in manufacturing has fallen, and because fewer of the manufacturing jobs that remain are held by union workers.

Over the past few decades, we’ve seen an extraordinary loss in the number of union jobs in this country. About 35% in the 1960s were union jobs today it’s about 10%

In the past few years, the Democratic Party has undergone radical changes. Constantly talking about Black Lives Matter and LGBT rhetoric. That is shameful because today we live in an equal country where everyone in America is equal in most ways... In fact, if anything it’s actually very tough now for white men. Many colleges and businesses go out of their way to give jobs to people who are minorities even if they don’t have the same skills as white men..

The bottom line is, we should have a meritocracy, but we don’t have that many businesses and colleges do not engage in meritocracy.

The Democrat party brainwashes some of their voters to personally attack and act like monsters to follow Democrats who say wait a minute what happened to this party. Accusations of racism are launched with absolutely no evidence.

The 1960s was a prosperous time in America where the inner cities were thriving. Talk with any older black or white man and they will tell you this. Unions were way different in those days compared to today. some unions we have left today often are problematic and engage in anti-Americanism.

Those who deny these realities are living in a fantasy world, making other Americans lives a nightmare. Take Buffalo for example, we used to have 300,000 manufacturing jobs people get those jobs right out of high school. That situation does not exist today. There’s tons of videos, showing the decline of inner cities in the past few decades.
Ronald Reagan the union buster
Shhh. Democrats think they have the winning issues for 2024.
Orange man bad

Besides, January 6th.

I think after watching voters in Pennsylvania elect a democrat in Fetterman who had just had a stroke and could not even speak during the debate, as well as electing a democrat to the state senate who had died months prior to the election, I no longer think that Democrats have any reason to try to appeal to voters in any way whatsoever.

It's just their voting machine is all that matters, whether you think it results from fraud or propaganda or something else, it is what it is.

The candidate no longer matter, just the cult of party.
Ronald Reagan the union buster
We tried to warn the country that the Free Trade Zones were a scam to rip off the middle class but we were offered cheaper goods and we bought um. I'm afraid the elite of both parties supported that outflow of capital. That an automation destroyed the good paying union jobs.
We tried to warn the country that the Free Trade Zones were a scam to rip off the middle class but we were offered cheaper goods and we bought um. I'm afraid the elite of both parties supported that outflow of capital. That an automation destroyed the good paying union jobs.
When Reagan BS'd the union by taking their side he got endorsed by them... and he turned his back on them.
In a few years, there’s been a radical change in the Democratic Party

A few notes on the map:

  • In 1964, the Midwest was full of manufacturing jobs and had the highest concentration of union workers in America. That has changed dramatically — both because the share of jobs in manufacturing has fallen, and because fewer of the manufacturing jobs that remain are held by union workers.

Over the past few decades, we’ve seen an extraordinary loss in the number of union jobs in this country. About 35% in the 1960s were union jobs today it’s about 10%

In the past few years, the Democratic Party has undergone radical changes. Constantly talking about Black Lives Matter and LGBT rhetoric. That is shameful because today we live in an equal country where everyone in America is equal in most ways... In fact, if anything it’s actually very tough now for white men. Many colleges and businesses go out of their way to give jobs to people who are minorities even if they don’t have the same skills as white men..

The bottom line is, we should have a meritocracy, but we don’t have that many businesses and colleges do not engage in meritocracy.

The Democrat party brainwashes some of their voters to personally attack and act like monsters to follow Democrats who say wait a minute what happened to this party. Accusations of racism are launched with absolutely no evidence.

The 1960s was a prosperous time in America where the inner cities were thriving. Talk with any older black or white man and they will tell you this. Unions were way different in those days compared to today. some unions we have left today often are problematic and engage in anti-Americanism.

Those who deny these realities are living in a fantasy world, making other Americans lives a nightmare. Take Buffalo for example, we used to have 300,000 manufacturing jobs people get those jobs right out of high school. That situation does not exist today. There’s tons of videos, showing the decline of inner cities in the past few decades.
That is the natural evolution of progressive thinking. It never benefits the base because it's always seeking the next parasitic relationship.
In a few years, there’s been a radical change in the Democratic Party

A few notes on the map:

  • In 1964, the Midwest was full of manufacturing jobs and had the highest concentration of union workers in America. That has changed dramatically — both because the share of jobs in manufacturing has fallen, and because fewer of the manufacturing jobs that remain are held by union workers.

Over the past few decades, we’ve seen an extraordinary loss in the number of union jobs in this country. About 35% in the 1960s were union jobs today it’s about 10%

In the past few years, the Democratic Party has undergone radical changes. Constantly talking about Black Lives Matter and LGBT rhetoric. That is shameful because today we live in an equal country where everyone in America is equal in most ways... In fact, if anything it’s actually very tough now for white men. Many colleges and businesses go out of their way to give jobs to people who are minorities even if they don’t have the same skills as white men..

The bottom line is, we should have a meritocracy, but we don’t have that many businesses and colleges do not engage in meritocracy.

The Democrat party brainwashes some of their voters to personally attack and act like monsters to follow Democrats who say wait a minute what happened to this party. Accusations of racism are launched with absolutely no evidence.

The 1960s was a prosperous time in America where the inner cities were thriving. Talk with any older black or white man and they will tell you this. Unions were way different in those days compared to today. some unions we have left today often are problematic and engage in anti-Americanism.

Those who deny these realities are living in a fantasy world, making other Americans lives a nightmare. Take Buffalo for example, we used to have 300,000 manufacturing jobs people get those jobs right out of high school. That situation does not exist today. There’s tons of videos, showing the decline of inner cities in the past few decades.
Americans have changed and so the D party is trying to evolve into a party that represents the interests of the people.

I think that the 'American way' makes that impossible on account of the D party needs to stay committed to representing big money interests that feeds their existence.

For example, the D party voters have no socially responsible position against racism and the party itself won't dare take a strong public stance against it.
Their position against racism is based only on their need for non-white voters.

And they're equally dead in the water on the guns issue.

The 'unions' issue? They're dead in the water on account of America needing to try to compete with China and the rest of the world's booming economies.

If the R's could find their way around Trump, they could soar. Everything in America favours extreme right capitalism.
Nah. The Democrats haven't changed. They've always focused on the economy and healthcare, the issues that matter to Americans.

The Republicans don't want to talk about economic issues, because they know Americans think Republican positions there stink. That's why Republicans always deflect with culture war issues, screaming hysterically about race and gender stuff. You know, like the OP did in this thread.

The Republicans (and their paid Russian shill allies, like the OP), they've gone off-the-rails with extremism. Their party isn't recognizable to Republicans of 1980. If Ronald Reagan was running as a Republican now, he'd be called a dirty RINO marxist, and he'd lose massively in the primary.

You know what to do now, Trump cult commies. Deflect harder. Scream more about race and how much you hate gay people. It's not like you can do anything else, given how the nation thinks your economic policies are dogshit.
The D Party has become R Party Light. It started with Bubba who turned his back on the working class and sucked up to Wall Street. Overturning Glass-Steagall and passing NAFTA. Then Ears really sealed it by blowing big pharma and Wall Street simultaneously. Now Joe continues to suck up to the wealthy and big corporations at every turn.

All things you don’t know.
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In a few years, there’s been a radical change in the Democratic Party

A few notes on the map:

  • In 1964, the Midwest was full of manufacturing jobs and had the highest concentration of union workers in America. That has changed dramatically — both because the share of jobs in manufacturing has fallen, and because fewer of the manufacturing jobs that remain are held by union workers.

Over the past few decades, we’ve seen an extraordinary loss in the number of union jobs in this country. About 35% in the 1960s were union jobs today it’s about 10%

In the past few years, the Democratic Party has undergone radical changes. Constantly talking about Black Lives Matter and LGBT rhetoric. That is shameful because today we live in an equal country where everyone in America is equal in most ways... In fact, if anything it’s actually very tough now for white men. Many colleges and businesses go out of their way to give jobs to people who are minorities even if they don’t have the same skills as white men..

The bottom line is, we should have a meritocracy, but we don’t have that many businesses and colleges do not engage in meritocracy.

The Democrat party brainwashes some of their voters to personally attack and act like monsters to follow Democrats who say wait a minute what happened to this party. Accusations of racism are launched with absolutely no evidence.

The 1960s was a prosperous time in America where the inner cities were thriving. Talk with any older black or white man and they will tell you this. Unions were way different in those days compared to today. some unions we have left today often are problematic and engage in anti-Americanism.

Those who deny these realities are living in a fantasy world, making other Americans lives a nightmare. Take Buffalo for example, we used to have 300,000 manufacturing jobs people get those jobs right out of high school. That situation does not exist today. There’s tons of videos, showing the decline of inner cities in the past few decades.
Democrats have deserted union members in favor of climate activists.
Democrats have deserted union members in favor of climate activists.
You can see the beginning of the end of the Democrat party coming. They're carefully calculating whether or not they have enough replacement voters to completely ignore Americans. I think they're going to be unpleasantly surprised to find out that many of the replacements they're bringing in are not going to play ball with them.
The D Party has become R Party Light. It started with Bubba who turned his back on the working class and sucked up to Wall Street. Overturning Glass-Steagall and passing NAFTA. Then Ears really sealed it by blowing big pharma and Wall Street simultaneously. Now Joe continues to suck up to the wealthy and big corporations at every turn.

All thing you don’t know.
You're essentially right IMO, but they still have something to ride on with the healthcare issue.

Nothing much else of any consequence.

But far and away the deciding factor is in the lack of a leader in both parties.

Whatever party can dump their current leader is guaranteed huge appeal as long as the other party doesn't respond in kind.
Oh, and the climate change issue?
The D's are sunk on that too on account of the American way is not the D's way anymore.
The R's can get away with denial for another 4 years but likely no more.
You can see the beginning of the end of the Democrat party coming. They're carefully calculating whether or not they have enough replacement voters to completely ignore Americans. I think they're going to be unpleasantly surprised to find out that many of the replacements they're bringing in are not going to play ball with them.
That’s a good point brother.

A lot of these immigrants and refugees have traditional religious values whether they’re Catholic or Muslim. They are against abortion. They are against the radical LGBT agenda. They support equal rights for all but they do not support a radical leftist wha agenda.

I look at how some Democrats are reacting on the Washington journal cspan yesterday when the topic was “do you trust the legal system with the January 6 cases”

There was a few far left-wing black folks who called in complaining about treatment of blacks, engaging in the propaganda hysteria that Black people don’t do what whites do. That the January 6 thing was a “white supremacist insurrection.” They Ignore the BLM riots, how BLM and antifa took over Seattle aka the chop zone remember that. They caused billions of dollars worth of damage attacked government buildings literally killed 25 people.

One of the far left callers on cspan repeated the propaganda line that the January 6 protesters killed people. No they did not.

History shows us that even in the 1940s, The United States was perhaps the most liberal country in the world. I mean slavery was occurring in Ethiopia in this time And in other parts of the world not in America.

It is a fact that the black divorce rate from 1890 to 1920 was lower than that of the white divorce rate. Amid struggles black Americans had a lot more success then minorities around the world in the 20th century.

facts don’t matter to many democrat voters. They’re totally brainwashed. They’re happy to live in a tiny communist style apartment as long as Kamala Harris’s is talking about “civil rights.” And as long as Democrats are criticizing Donald Trump, and January 6 protesters.

In a country where inflation is very high, home prices are extremely high, the Democrats are using brainwashing tactics to distract people they’re not talking about kitchen table issues. They’re brainwashing people with BLM and LGBT rhetoric along with January 6.
That’s a good point brother.

A lot of these immigrants and refugees have traditional religious values whether they’re Catholic or Muslim. They are against abortion. They are against the radical LGBT agenda. They support equal rights for all but they do not support a radical leftist wha agenda.

I look at how some Democrats are reacting on the Washington journal cspan yesterday when the topic was “do you trust the legal system with the January 6 cases”

There was a few far left-wing black folks who called in complaining about treatment of blacks, engaging in the propaganda hysteria that Black people don’t do what whites do. That the January 6 thing was a “white supremacist insurrection.” They Ignore the BLM riots, how BLM and antifa took over Seattle aka the chop zone remember that. They caused billions of dollars worth of damage attacked government buildings literally killed 25 people.

One of the far left callers on cspan repeated the propaganda line that the January 6 protesters killed people. No they did not.

History shows us that even in the 1940s, The United States was perhaps the most liberal country in the world. I mean slavery was occurring in Ethiopia in this time And in other parts of the world not in America.

It is a fact that the black divorce rate from 1890 to 1920 was lower than that of the white divorce rate. Amid struggles black Americans had a lot more success then minorities around the world in the 20th century.

facts don’t matter to many democrat voters. They’re totally brainwashed. They’re happy to live in a tiny communist style apartment as long as Kamala Harris’s is talking about “civil rights.” And as long as Democrats are criticizing Donald Trump, and January 6 protesters.

In a country where inflation is very high, home prices are extremely high, the Democrats are using brainwashing tactics to distract people they’re not talking about kitchen table issues. They’re brainwashing people with BLM and LGBT rhetoric along with January 6.
The D's still have it on the abortion issue. But the R's can defuse that by compromising in the political debate stage, and then going for all the marbles after the campaigning is over.

All should be fine for the R party as long as they can find a way to drive a stake through Trump's heart.
In a few years, there’s been a radical change in the Democratic Party

A few notes on the map:

  • In 1964, the Midwest was full of manufacturing jobs and had the highest concentration of union workers in America. That has changed dramatically — both because the share of jobs in manufacturing has fallen, and because fewer of the manufacturing jobs that remain are held by union workers.

Over the past few decades, we’ve seen an extraordinary loss in the number of union jobs in this country. About 35% in the 1960s were union jobs today it’s about 10%

In the past few years, the Democratic Party has undergone radical changes. Constantly talking about Black Lives Matter and LGBT rhetoric. That is shameful because today we live in an equal country where everyone in America is equal in most ways... In fact, if anything it’s actually very tough now for white men. Many colleges and businesses go out of their way to give jobs to people who are minorities even if they don’t have the same skills as white men..

The bottom line is, we should have a meritocracy, but we don’t have that many businesses and colleges do not engage in meritocracy.

The Democrat party brainwashes some of their voters to personally attack and act like monsters to follow Democrats who say wait a minute what happened to this party. Accusations of racism are launched with absolutely no evidence.

The 1960s was a prosperous time in America where the inner cities were thriving. Talk with any older black or white man and they will tell you this. Unions were way different in those days compared to today. some unions we have left today often are problematic and engage in anti-Americanism.

Those who deny these realities are living in a fantasy world, making other Americans lives a nightmare. Take Buffalo for example, we used to have 300,000 manufacturing jobs people get those jobs right out of high school. That situation does not exist today. There’s tons of videos, showing the decline of inner cities in the past few decades.

Labor Unions were strong when America had lots and lots of manufacturing. ... look back to the 1980s.
Reagan was well within his right and Constitutional authority to shircan each and every one of those PATCO ingrates, as well as jail the leadership. There is that Itty bitty thing called the Hatch Act.
The PATCO strike wasn't Reagan's only union bashing.

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