Mass shooting in Britain....a little late, but is about average time for a mass shooting in Britain...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Before they confiscated guns in Britain, they had a mass public shooting about every 10 years.....this one is a little late, but isn't unexpected.......see, it isn't access to guns, it is the decision of the mass shooter to commit the mass public shooting that determines the rates of mass public shootings...

According to the FBI here across the pond...a mass public shooting is the murder of 4 or more people...unrelated to the, the mother being murdered gets taken out, that leaves 4 others.......

LONDON (AP) — A young man who killed five people, including his mother, and then took his own life in Britain’s first mass shooting in over a decade had complained online about difficulties meeting women and being “beaten down” by life.

He did not hurry and, according to witnesses, hardly spoke except perhaps to tell one local: “Nothing to worry about, mate.” Yet within the space of 12 minutes on a warm August evening, the 22-year-old Jake Davison had murdered five people.

The first was his 51-year-old mother, Maxine Davison. He shot her dead in the home he had shared with her in the suburbs of Plymouth. He then walked out of the front door on to the quiet cul-de-sac, Biddick Drive, and began opening fire, apparently at random.

Davison, an apprentice at the international aerospace, defence and security company Babcock, killed a three-year-old local girl, Sophie Martyn, who happened to be passing by with her 43-year-old adoptive father, Lee Martyn. Next he turned his weapon on a man, 33, and woman, 53, who were injured but survived, before striding into a small park at the end of the cul-de-sac and shooting another man, 59-year-old Stephen Washington, dead.

By now police marksmen were on the scene but Davison had time for one more murder: Kate Shepherd, 66, outside a hair salon. Before police could get to him he had shot himself dead.

And typical mass public shooter end.......when the police arrive........with guns.....he killed himself....
The last mass public shooting in Britain was the Cumbria 2010....again, they average about one mass public shooting every 10 years....this was the pattern before they banned guns, so it wasn't access to guns that keeps their mass public shootings low.....

In the Cumbria shooting the murderer used a sawn off, double barreled shotgun and a .22 bolt action rifle......killed AR-15 in sight.

( I wish these sites would stop including the murderer in the number killed.)
They use mostly machetes, knives, cars, vans and other large and/or sharp objects and the UK healthcare system now don't they.
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Before they confiscated guns in Britain, they had a mass public shooting about every 10 years.....this one is a little late, but isn't unexpected.......see, it isn't access to guns, it is the decision of the mass shooter to commit the mass public shooting that determines the rates of mass public shootings...

According to the FBI here across the pond...a mass public shooting is the murder of 4 or more people...unrelated to the, the mother being murdered gets taken out, that leaves 4 others.......

LONDON (AP) — A young man who killed five people, including his mother, and then took his own life in Britain’s first mass shooting in over a decade had complained online about difficulties meeting women and being “beaten down” by life.

He did not hurry and, according to witnesses, hardly spoke except perhaps to tell one local: “Nothing to worry about, mate.” Yet within the space of 12 minutes on a warm August evening, the 22-year-old Jake Davison had murdered five people.

The first was his 51-year-old mother, Maxine Davison. He shot her dead in the home he had shared with her in the suburbs of Plymouth. He then walked out of the front door on to the quiet cul-de-sac, Biddick Drive, and began opening fire, apparently at random.

Davison, an apprentice at the international aerospace, defence and security company Babcock, killed a three-year-old local girl, Sophie Martyn, who happened to be passing by with her 43-year-old adoptive father, Lee Martyn. Next he turned his weapon on a man, 33, and woman, 53, who were injured but survived, before striding into a small park at the end of the cul-de-sac and shooting another man, 59-year-old Stephen Washington, dead.

By now police marksmen were on the scene but Davison had time for one more murder: Kate Shepherd, 66, outside a hair salon. Before police could get to him he had shot himself dead.

And typical mass public shooter end.......when the police arrive........with guns.....he killed himself....

He was from Arizona and a Trump fan.
Hey....British police are just as incompetent as the American FBI.....and the Air Force....

A gunman who killed five people including his own mother and a three-year-old girl during a rampage had his shotgun certificate taken away in December.

However, Jake Davison, 22, had it reinstated by police last month after he attended an anger management course, it has been revealed.

Devon and Cornwall Police will now face an investigation from the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) over the events leading to yesterday’s attack

Who shoots to wound? LOLOL

Actually, the criminals particular, if you look at Ireland, they shoot to wound as punishment. They will take a send a note to a rule breakers family and inform them their family member violated one of their rules ...... then the family will present the rule breaker to have his knee or elbow shot out....

In England, when you read about criminal shootings, the majority of the time they are to the lower extremities, not the head or chest......cultural differences between American and British criminals....American criminals shoot to kill
Who shoots to wound? LOLOL


Paramilitary-style “punishment” shootings and beatings have surged again across Northern Ireland, with a 60% increase in such attacks over the past four years, according to the latest police figures obtained by the Guardian.

Hamilton said: “You have a culture of lawlessness and fear in some of these communities where the victims know who is shooting them; the parent knows who is shooting their child. Sometimes parents are negotiating with these thugs to take the kid to certain places by arrangement.

“It is not unknown to my officers that in certain circumstances parents have dosed their kids up with powerful painkillers and alcohol to remove the impact of the ‘punishment’ shooting or beating. By colluding in this they [the parents] are hoping to negotiate less severe beatings or shootings. There is something madly wrong with society whenever parents even countenance doing that with their own children.”
Liam Kennedy, a Queen’s University of Belfast lecturer and long-term campaigner against paramilitary “punishment” attacks, said that given the young ages of many of those targeted the practice was “tantamount to child abuse”.Kennedy, the author of a major study into the long-term practice of alternative paramilitary policing in Northern Ireland titled They Shoot Children Don’t They?, said: “The trend is still alarmingly upwards. The last month has been a particularly vicious month.
The victims are mainly young men from working-class areas, and not even children are immune. Last year three children were singled out for mutilation through gunshot wounds to the legs. This is child abuse of a kind comparable to the actions of paedophiles.”

oh well that makes it all better. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

Hmmmm.....did anyone imply that?

It is a difference in cultures, that's all......and it also explains why there aren't more gun murders in Britain...the criminals have guns, they simply don't use them for murder.
Before they confiscated guns in Britain, they had a mass public shooting about every 10 years.....this one is a little late, but isn't unexpected.......see, it isn't access to guns, it is the decision of the mass shooter to commit the mass public shooting that determines the rates of mass public shootings...

According to the FBI here across the pond...a mass public shooting is the murder of 4 or more people...unrelated to the, the mother being murdered gets taken out, that leaves 4 others.......

LONDON (AP) — A young man who killed five people, including his mother, and then took his own life in Britain’s first mass shooting in over a decade had complained online about difficulties meeting women and being “beaten down” by life.

He did not hurry and, according to witnesses, hardly spoke except perhaps to tell one local: “Nothing to worry about, mate.” Yet within the space of 12 minutes on a warm August evening, the 22-year-old Jake Davison had murdered five people.

The first was his 51-year-old mother, Maxine Davison. He shot her dead in the home he had shared with her in the suburbs of Plymouth. He then walked out of the front door on to the quiet cul-de-sac, Biddick Drive, and began opening fire, apparently at random.

Davison, an apprentice at the international aerospace, defence and security company Babcock, killed a three-year-old local girl, Sophie Martyn, who happened to be passing by with her 43-year-old adoptive father, Lee Martyn. Next he turned his weapon on a man, 33, and woman, 53, who were injured but survived, before striding into a small park at the end of the cul-de-sac and shooting another man, 59-year-old Stephen Washington, dead.

By now police marksmen were on the scene but Davison had time for one more murder: Kate Shepherd, 66, outside a hair salon. Before police could get to him he had shot himself dead.

And typical mass public shooter end.......when the police arrive........with guns.....he killed himself....
INCEL American.....chalk one up for your guys.
According to his Facebook comments he sounds like another Trump supporter who went off the rails...and Britain's strict gun control laws may have saved some lives. He reportedly used a pump shotgun. If he had been in the good old gun loving states he would have used an AR-15 and racked up a lot more kills.
The first mass murderer over the past decade in the UK was a Trump supporter!

The man suspected of killing five people before turning the gun on himself in a mass shooting in England on Thursday night was an incel Trump supporter who posted about “devil worshipers” in government.​

Look at these Trump-supporting mass murderers!
Before they confiscated guns in Britain, they had a mass public shooting about every 10 years.....this one is a little late, but isn't unexpected.......see, it isn't access to guns, it is the decision of the mass shooter to commit the mass public shooting that determines the rates of mass public shootings...

According to the FBI here across the pond...a mass public shooting is the murder of 4 or more people...unrelated to the, the mother being murdered gets taken out, that leaves 4 others.......

LONDON (AP) — A young man who killed five people, including his mother, and then took his own life in Britain’s first mass shooting in over a decade had complained online about difficulties meeting women and being “beaten down” by life.

He did not hurry and, according to witnesses, hardly spoke except perhaps to tell one local: “Nothing to worry about, mate.” Yet within the space of 12 minutes on a warm August evening, the 22-year-old Jake Davison had murdered five people.

The first was his 51-year-old mother, Maxine Davison. He shot her dead in the home he had shared with her in the suburbs of Plymouth. He then walked out of the front door on to the quiet cul-de-sac, Biddick Drive, and began opening fire, apparently at random.

Davison, an apprentice at the international aerospace, defence and security company Babcock, killed a three-year-old local girl, Sophie Martyn, who happened to be passing by with her 43-year-old adoptive father, Lee Martyn. Next he turned his weapon on a man, 33, and woman, 53, who were injured but survived, before striding into a small park at the end of the cul-de-sac and shooting another man, 59-year-old Stephen Washington, dead.

By now police marksmen were on the scene but Davison had time for one more murder: Kate Shepherd, 66, outside a hair salon. Before police could get to him he had shot himself dead.

And typical mass public shooter end.......when the police arrive........with guns.....he killed himself....
So Covid deaths?

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