Scotland gives 4 year olds the right to change gender


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2016
I don't think that given little boys the right to have a sex change operation before they are old enough to be home alone is a disgrace.

This story shows how extreme the left will be.

Of course , Scotland is a lot more leftist than America, but this shows where we are going.

What in the F is going on with this planet?

Anyone who voted for this should be charged with child endangerment.

Christianity, which civilized a large part of the world, is under constant attack and debasement. Into the void, something must step, as nature abhors a vacuum.

Satanic degeneracy is what is going on. We see this with the religion of climate change, gender "fluidity", how the left embraces Mohammedanism, etc.

These are average 4 year olds. Those sick child molesters in Scotland need to be stood against a wall.
don't think that given little boys the right to have a sex change operation before they are old enough to be home alone is a disgrace
As a matter of fact, the article doesn't say that these boys will be allowed to change sex.
I don't think that given little boys the right to have a sex change operation before they are old enough to be home alone is a disgrace.

This story shows how extreme the left will be.

Of course , Scotland is a lot more leftist than America, but this shows where we are going.

Are you under the impression that 4 year olds are having sex change operations?!
Christianity, which civilized a large part of the world, is under constant attack and debasement. Into the void, something must step, as nature abhors a vacuum.

Satanic degeneracy is what is going on. We see this with the religion of climate change, gender "fluidity", how the left embraces Mohammedanism, etc.
By the time the fools begin to fear the monster, it will be far too late for them. I actually pity the youth who were indoctrinated by those who teach them to trust the doctrines of demons.
As a matter of fact, the article doesn't say that these boys will be allowed to change sex.
No, it doesn't. Do you imagine those kinds of surgeries will be sought more often by adults who were made so confused about their own bodies or does that seem unlikely? They are allowing adults to teach the most impressionable minds about concepts they cannot understand and so will be willing to agree to as a way to be accepted. It's a mental illness and those pushing it on children are evil.
Ethical's been the rage in Europe since the end of the last world war...and it shows.
The SNP in charge of this policy are absolute scum - there's no two ways about it.

However, Scotland isn't a left-wing country. That's an illusion.

The SNP Government is an extreme left, hard-progressive Government but Scotland is a lot more complex than that and you need to peel things back a bit.

Only 30% of Scotland's population votes for the SNP.

The problem there is that makes them the biggest party outright who get to Govern and come up with shit like this.

But 100% of SNP are supporters of Scottish Independence from the UK. I know lots of right-wingers, or at least right-leaning who vote for the SNP just because they want Scotland to be a separate country to the rest of the UK and have no problem putting up with these hard leftist policies in the meantime because they are so deluded that they think once Scotland is "independent" we will have a better chance of a right-wing Government in Scotland. It's fairytale stuff.

Of course Scotland like every country has it's fair share of leftists nutjobs including a lot of SNP voters.

But in Scotland it's more complex and it's an illusion that the SNP are heroes and all Scottish people want separation from the UK - they literally don't. That's a fact.

But when you've a party that can command 30% of the populations vote because of one issue independence and the Unionist vote is split between Conservatives, Labour and Lib Dems then only one thing is ever going to happen and that's that the SNP clean up every election and get to create the narrative coming from Scotland.

Trust me - despite what one of the main newspapers here and the SNP Government says, the majority of folk DO NOT WANT transgender children, separation from the UK, LGBTQ lessons in schools and mass-scale immigration.
No, it doesn't. Do you imagine those kinds of surgeries will be sought more often by adults who were made so confused about their own bodies or does that seem unlikely? They are allowing adults to teach the most impressionable minds about concepts they cannot understand and so will be willing to agree to as a way to be accepted. It's a mental illness and those pushing it on children are evil.
People who feel the need to change their gender have this feeling from inside. I don't believe this can be taught or persuaded or something like that.
People who feel the need to change their gender have this feeling from inside. I don't believe this can be taught or persuaded or something like that.
That must be why they are teaching it in schools now.

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