Mass Knife Killings, as Dangerous as Gun Massacres if Trained Killers


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
If the knife weilder has training in how to make lethal wounds that medics c ant close by simply applying pressure and the victims would likely bleed out before arriving at a hospital, then you have greater lethality of said knife attacks. That kind of training is not common in the US, but is over seas and will likely arrive here as well. In fact it already is here among older veterans who simply dont talk about it.

"It's difficult to quantify the exact number of knife-related casualties that occur in U.S. schools, since federal statistics on school-related injuries and fatalities do not break down the numbers by the type of weapon used.
Seven percent of public school students in grades 9-12 reported being threatened or injured with a weapon at school in the 2010-11 school year, according to the most recent data available from the U.S. Department of Education...
"Large-scale knife-related incidents at schools are still more common in countries where people have more limited access to guns than people do in the United States. Between 2010 and 2012, a spate of attacks with knives and hammers at Chinese schools left dozens dead and more than 100 injured."
School Stabbings Signal Need for Broad Safety Plans

US/Canada knife school attacks
With 20 high school students stabbed or cut by a 16-year old classmate at Franklin Regional Senior High School in Murraysville, Pennsylvania,...
School Stabbings Signal Need for Broad Safety Plans

An attack by a knife-wielding student on a college campus near Houston on Tuesday left 14 people wounded – two of them seriously – and rekindled fears of yet another brazen daytime assault on students.
Mass knife attacks, like at Texas college, are rare

Nine students critical after US school knife attack
Nine students critical after US school knife attack

5 University of Calgary students fatally stabbed in city's 'worst mass murder'
5 University of Calgary students fatally stabbed at end-of-year party -

A 20-year-old student who investigators said reported having fantasies of killing people went on a stabbing rampage at a Texas community college campus Tuesday, wounding 14 people, two of them critically...

In contrast, compare to Chinese knife attacks
Chinese authorities say two WOMEN were part of knife-wielding terror gang which left at least 33 dead and 143 wounded after attacking a train station in China
Chinese authorities say two WOMEN were part of knife-wielding terror gang which left at least 33 dead and 143 wounded after attacking a train station in China

China was racked by two knife attacks in schools in the span of two days that in turn followed a March 23 attack in which eight children were killed.
Knife Attacks Plague Schools in China

56-year-old suspect who killed four students

Stabbing Spree Reportedly Leaves 7 Dead

Knife attack at Chinese school wounds 22 children

Measures directed at keeping guns away from schools is idiocy for many reasons, but among them is the simple fact that a knife can be as effectively used if the killer has the know-how.
Measures directed at keeping guns away from schools is idiocy for many reasons, but among them is the simple fact that a knife can be as effectively used if the killer has the know-how.
True, but the left isn't worried about knives being used to against government crackdowns.
If the knife weilder has training in how to make lethal wounds that medics c ant close by simply applying pressure and the victims would likely bleed out before arriving at a hospital, then you have greater lethality of said knife attacks. That kind of training is not common in the US, but is over seas and will likely arrive here as well. In fact it already is here among older veterans who simply dont talk about it.

"It's difficult to quantify the exact number of knife-related casualties that occur in U.S. schools, since federal statistics on school-related injuries and fatalities do not break down the numbers by the type of weapon used.
Seven percent of public school students in grades 9-12 reported being threatened or injured with a weapon at school in the 2010-11 school year, according to the most recent data available from the U.S. Department of Education...
"Large-scale knife-related incidents at schools are still more common in countries where people have more limited access to guns than people do in the United States. Between 2010 and 2012, a spate of attacks with knives and hammers at Chinese schools left dozens dead and more than 100 injured."
School Stabbings Signal Need for Broad Safety Plans

US/Canada knife school attacks
With 20 high school students stabbed or cut by a 16-year old classmate at Franklin Regional Senior High School in Murraysville, Pennsylvania,...
School Stabbings Signal Need for Broad Safety Plans

An attack by a knife-wielding student on a college campus near Houston on Tuesday left 14 people wounded – two of them seriously – and rekindled fears of yet another brazen daytime assault on students.
Mass knife attacks, like at Texas college, are rare

Nine students critical after US school knife attack
Nine students critical after US school knife attack

5 University of Calgary students fatally stabbed in city's 'worst mass murder'
5 University of Calgary students fatally stabbed at end-of-year party -

A 20-year-old student who investigators said reported having fantasies of killing people went on a stabbing rampage at a Texas community college campus Tuesday, wounding 14 people, two of them critically...
Texas student accused in stabbing spree at college

In contrast, compare to Chinese knife attacks
Chinese authorities say two WOMEN were part of knife-wielding terror gang which left at least 33 dead and 143 wounded after attacking a train station in China
Chinese authorities say two WOMEN were part of knife-wielding terror gang which left at least 33 dead and 143 wounded after attacking a train station in China

China was racked by two knife attacks in schools in the span of two days that in turn followed a March 23 attack in which eight children were killed.
Knife Attacks Plague Schools in China

56-year-old suspect who killed four students
School children fatally stabbed in China

Stabbing Spree Reportedly Leaves 7 Dead
REPORT: Stabbing Spree Leaves 7 Dead In China

Knife attack at Chinese school wounds 22 children
Knife attack at Chinese school wounds 22 children -

Measures directed at keeping guns away from schools is idiocy for many reasons, but among them is the simple fact that a knife can be as effectively used if the killer has the know-how.

Knives have always been a formidable weapon. And in the hands of a dextrous handler, can of course be deadly to multiple victims at once. That's well known.

The differences are (a) we don't live in a Knife Culture, where knives litter every TV show, movie, video game, comic book, toy store, romantic histories and dozens of idioms and sports metaphors; and (b) knives don't allow for sniping from a distance, so they don't return the sensory feedback of spraying random strangers from afar while watching them run for cover and take a hit from a distance.

If it were about murder it might be a more fair comparison. Mass gun shootings are not about murder -- they're about carnage. There's no better tool for that than a firearm. Including knives. They just don't cut it.
If knife users are super special trained...

Gee, what if mass shooters were trained in the use of their weapons?

Stupid thread
If the knife weilder has training in how to make lethal wounds that medics c ant close by simply applying pressure and the victims would likely bleed out before arriving at a hospital, then you have greater lethality of said knife attacks. That kind of training is not common in the US, but is over seas and will likely arrive here as well. In fact it already is here among older veterans who simply dont talk about it.

"It's difficult to quantify the exact number of knife-related casualties that occur in U.S. schools, since federal statistics on school-related injuries and fatalities do not break down the numbers by the type of weapon used.
Seven percent of public school students in grades 9-12 reported being threatened or injured with a weapon at school in the 2010-11 school year, according to the most recent data available from the U.S. Department of Education...
"Large-scale knife-related incidents at schools are still more common in countries where people have more limited access to guns than people do in the United States. Between 2010 and 2012, a spate of attacks with knives and hammers at Chinese schools left dozens dead and more than 100 injured."
School Stabbings Signal Need for Broad Safety Plans

US/Canada knife school attacks
With 20 high school students stabbed or cut by a 16-year old classmate at Franklin Regional Senior High School in Murraysville, Pennsylvania,...
School Stabbings Signal Need for Broad Safety Plans

An attack by a knife-wielding student on a college campus near Houston on Tuesday left 14 people wounded – two of them seriously – and rekindled fears of yet another brazen daytime assault on students.
Mass knife attacks, like at Texas college, are rare

Nine students critical after US school knife attack
Nine students critical after US school knife attack

5 University of Calgary students fatally stabbed in city's 'worst mass murder'
5 University of Calgary students fatally stabbed at end-of-year party -

A 20-year-old student who investigators said reported having fantasies of killing people went on a stabbing rampage at a Texas community college campus Tuesday, wounding 14 people, two of them critically...
Texas student accused in stabbing spree at college

In contrast, compare to Chinese knife attacks
Chinese authorities say two WOMEN were part of knife-wielding terror gang which left at least 33 dead and 143 wounded after attacking a train station in China
Chinese authorities say two WOMEN were part of knife-wielding terror gang which left at least 33 dead and 143 wounded after attacking a train station in China

China was racked by two knife attacks in schools in the span of two days that in turn followed a March 23 attack in which eight children were killed.
Knife Attacks Plague Schools in China

56-year-old suspect who killed four students

Stabbing Spree Reportedly Leaves 7 Dead
REPORT: Stabbing Spree Leaves 7 Dead In China

Knife attack at Chinese school wounds 22 children
Knife attack at Chinese school wounds 22 children -

Measures directed at keeping guns away from schools is idiocy for many reasons, but among them is the simple fact that a knife can be as effectively used if the killer has the know-how.

One of my many brothers is a psychiatrist------being a psychiatrist in a hospital is stressful------the psychiatrist gets blamed if the patient succeeds in committing suicide-------like "did you medicate him, did you restrain him, did you put a guard on him???" He has commented-------"if a person wants to kill himself---he will find a way" ---------I did something else------in my line of work I discovered that if a person wants to KILL..... he will---------when I presented the case "93 year old black male confined to wheel chair killed 60 year old wife
with a decorative sword he took off the wall" ------my presentation was met with skepticism --------but----
well--------it turned out to be true-----------the man did it---------of course I demanded an evaluation for dementia---to keep him out of jail The Armenian genocide of something like 2 million was accomplished with knives
and clubs
If the knife weilder has training in how to make lethal wounds that medics c ant close by simply applying pressure and the victims would likely bleed out before arriving at a hospital, then you have greater lethality of said knife attacks. That kind of training is not common in the US, but is over seas and will likely arrive here as well. In fact it already is here among older veterans who simply dont talk about it.

"It's difficult to quantify the exact number of knife-related casualties that occur in U.S. schools, since federal statistics on school-related injuries and fatalities do not break down the numbers by the type of weapon used.
Seven percent of public school students in grades 9-12 reported being threatened or injured with a weapon at school in the 2010-11 school year, according to the most recent data available from the U.S. Department of Education...
"Large-scale knife-related incidents at schools are still more common in countries where people have more limited access to guns than people do in the United States. Between 2010 and 2012, a spate of attacks with knives and hammers at Chinese schools left dozens dead and more than 100 injured."
School Stabbings Signal Need for Broad Safety Plans

US/Canada knife school attacks
With 20 high school students stabbed or cut by a 16-year old classmate at Franklin Regional Senior High School in Murraysville, Pennsylvania,...
School Stabbings Signal Need for Broad Safety Plans

An attack by a knife-wielding student on a college campus near Houston on Tuesday left 14 people wounded – two of them seriously – and rekindled fears of yet another brazen daytime assault on students.
Mass knife attacks, like at Texas college, are rare

Nine students critical after US school knife attack
Nine students critical after US school knife attack

5 University of Calgary students fatally stabbed in city's 'worst mass murder'
5 University of Calgary students fatally stabbed at end-of-year party -

A 20-year-old student who investigators said reported having fantasies of killing people went on a stabbing rampage at a Texas community college campus Tuesday, wounding 14 people, two of them critically...
Texas student accused in stabbing spree at college

In contrast, compare to Chinese knife attacks
Chinese authorities say two WOMEN were part of knife-wielding terror gang which left at least 33 dead and 143 wounded after attacking a train station in China
Chinese authorities say two WOMEN were part of knife-wielding terror gang which left at least 33 dead and 143 wounded after attacking a train station in China

China was racked by two knife attacks in schools in the span of two days that in turn followed a March 23 attack in which eight children were killed.
Knife Attacks Plague Schools in China

56-year-old suspect who killed four students

Stabbing Spree Reportedly Leaves 7 Dead
REPORT: Stabbing Spree Leaves 7 Dead In China

Knife attack at Chinese school wounds 22 children
Knife attack at Chinese school wounds 22 children -

Measures directed at keeping guns away from schools is idiocy for many reasons, but among them is the simple fact that a knife can be as effectively used if the killer has the know-how.

One of my many brothers is a psychiatrist------being a psychiatrist in a hospital is stressful------the psychiatrist gets blamed if the patient succeeds in committing suicide-------like "did you medicate him, did you restrain him, did you put a guard on him???" He has commented-------"if a person wants to kill himself---he will find a way" ---------I did something else------in my line of work I discovered that if a person wants to KILL..... he will---------when I presented the case "93 year old black male confined to wheel chair killed 60 year old wife
with a decorative sword he took off the wall" ------my presentation was met with skepticism --------but----
well--------it turned out to be true-----------the man did it---------of course I demanded an evaluation for dementia---to keep him out of jail The Armenian genocide of something like 2 million was accomplished with knives
and clubs

The first case would be a standard murder. The second would be, as it's called, genocide, which is in effect murder on a collective scale.

Those still differ from mass shootings. The two cases above are targeted to specific people, for specific reasons relating to those specific people.

Mass shootings are not -- the victims are random, based only on who's available to be a target. That's why I draw the distinction.

When a murderer has a specific target -- philandering spouse, cheating business partner, or as above despised ethnicity -- it requires locating, identifying and targeting a specific individual. Or if you hire a hit man, you give him instructions on exactly who the target is and how to identify them. It's personal. And then the perp has to get in close enough to do the deed, often waiting for a setting where it won't be seen.

That's a very different animal from loading up an Uzi and spraying randomly into a crowd. That guy doesn't need to locate, identify or get close to anybody, nor is he concerned with being seen, except by his victims as a threat, which is in large part what he's going for anyway. When you have that kind of distance to play with, the firearm is made to order for the job. That's why it's apples and oranges to compare standard murder and mass shootings; they're different acts committed for different reasons.
If the knife weilder has training in how to make lethal wounds that medics c ant close by simply applying pressure and the victims would likely bleed out before arriving at a hospital, then you have greater lethality of said knife attacks. That kind of training is not common in the US, but is over seas and will likely arrive here as well. In fact it already is here among older veterans who simply dont talk about it.

"It's difficult to quantify the exact number of knife-related casualties that occur in U.S. schools, since federal statistics on school-related injuries and fatalities do not break down the numbers by the type of weapon used.
Seven percent of public school students in grades 9-12 reported being threatened or injured with a weapon at school in the 2010-11 school year, according to the most recent data available from the U.S. Department of Education...
"Large-scale knife-related incidents at schools are still more common in countries where people have more limited access to guns than people do in the United States. Between 2010 and 2012, a spate of attacks with knives and hammers at Chinese schools left dozens dead and more than 100 injured."
School Stabbings Signal Need for Broad Safety Plans

US/Canada knife school attacks
With 20 high school students stabbed or cut by a 16-year old classmate at Franklin Regional Senior High School in Murraysville, Pennsylvania,...
School Stabbings Signal Need for Broad Safety Plans

An attack by a knife-wielding student on a college campus near Houston on Tuesday left 14 people wounded – two of them seriously – and rekindled fears of yet another brazen daytime assault on students.
Mass knife attacks, like at Texas college, are rare

Nine students critical after US school knife attack
Nine students critical after US school knife attack

5 University of Calgary students fatally stabbed in city's 'worst mass murder'
5 University of Calgary students fatally stabbed at end-of-year party -

A 20-year-old student who investigators said reported having fantasies of killing people went on a stabbing rampage at a Texas community college campus Tuesday, wounding 14 people, two of them critically...
Texas student accused in stabbing spree at college

In contrast, compare to Chinese knife attacks
Chinese authorities say two WOMEN were part of knife-wielding terror gang which left at least 33 dead and 143 wounded after attacking a train station in China
Chinese authorities say two WOMEN were part of knife-wielding terror gang which left at least 33 dead and 143 wounded after attacking a train station in China

China was racked by two knife attacks in schools in the span of two days that in turn followed a March 23 attack in which eight children were killed.
Knife Attacks Plague Schools in China

56-year-old suspect who killed four students
School children fatally stabbed in China

Stabbing Spree Reportedly Leaves 7 Dead
REPORT: Stabbing Spree Leaves 7 Dead In China

Knife attack at Chinese school wounds 22 children
Knife attack at Chinese school wounds 22 children -

Measures directed at keeping guns away from schools is idiocy for many reasons, but among them is the simple fact that a knife can be as effectively used if the killer has the know-how.

Knives have always been a formidable weapon. And in the hands of a dextrous handler, can of course be deadly to multiple victims at once. That's well known.

The differences are (a) we don't live in a Knife Culture, where knives litter every TV show, movie, video game, comic book, toy store, romantic histories and dozens of idioms and sports metaphors; and (b) knives don't allow for sniping from a distance, so they don't return the sensory feedback of spraying random strangers from afar while watching them run for cover and take a hit from a distance.

If it were about murder it might be a more fair comparison. Mass gun shootings are not about murder -- they're about carnage. There's no better tool for that than a firearm. Including knives. They just don't cut it.

yeah-----ok ------"TARGET" and motice was not my point--------sticking knives into people at random is
all about genocide
If the knife weilder has training in how to make lethal wounds that medics c ant close by simply applying pressure and the victims would likely bleed out before arriving at a hospital, then you have greater lethality of said knife attacks. That kind of training is not common in the US, but is over seas and will likely arrive here as well. In fact it already is here among older veterans who simply dont talk about it.

"It's difficult to quantify the exact number of knife-related casualties that occur in U.S. schools, since federal statistics on school-related injuries and fatalities do not break down the numbers by the type of weapon used.
Seven percent of public school students in grades 9-12 reported being threatened or injured with a weapon at school in the 2010-11 school year, according to the most recent data available from the U.S. Department of Education...
"Large-scale knife-related incidents at schools are still more common in countries where people have more limited access to guns than people do in the United States. Between 2010 and 2012, a spate of attacks with knives and hammers at Chinese schools left dozens dead and more than 100 injured."
School Stabbings Signal Need for Broad Safety Plans

US/Canada knife school attacks
With 20 high school students stabbed or cut by a 16-year old classmate at Franklin Regional Senior High School in Murraysville, Pennsylvania,...
School Stabbings Signal Need for Broad Safety Plans

An attack by a knife-wielding student on a college campus near Houston on Tuesday left 14 people wounded – two of them seriously – and rekindled fears of yet another brazen daytime assault on students.
Mass knife attacks, like at Texas college, are rare

Nine students critical after US school knife attack
Nine students critical after US school knife attack

5 University of Calgary students fatally stabbed in city's 'worst mass murder'
5 University of Calgary students fatally stabbed at end-of-year party -

A 20-year-old student who investigators said reported having fantasies of killing people went on a stabbing rampage at a Texas community college campus Tuesday, wounding 14 people, two of them critically...
Texas student accused in stabbing spree at college

In contrast, compare to Chinese knife attacks
Chinese authorities say two WOMEN were part of knife-wielding terror gang which left at least 33 dead and 143 wounded after attacking a train station in China
Chinese authorities say two WOMEN were part of knife-wielding terror gang which left at least 33 dead and 143 wounded after attacking a train station in China

China was racked by two knife attacks in schools in the span of two days that in turn followed a March 23 attack in which eight children were killed.
Knife Attacks Plague Schools in China

56-year-old suspect who killed four students
School children fatally stabbed in China

Stabbing Spree Reportedly Leaves 7 Dead
REPORT: Stabbing Spree Leaves 7 Dead In China

Knife attack at Chinese school wounds 22 children
Knife attack at Chinese school wounds 22 children -

Measures directed at keeping guns away from schools is idiocy for many reasons, but among them is the simple fact that a knife can be as effectively used if the killer has the know-how.

Knives have always been a formidable weapon. And in the hands of a dextrous handler, can of course be deadly to multiple victims at once. That's well known.

The differences are (a) we don't live in a Knife Culture, where knives litter every TV show, movie, video game, comic book, toy store, romantic histories and dozens of idioms and sports metaphors; and (b) knives don't allow for sniping from a distance, so they don't return the sensory feedback of spraying random strangers from afar while watching them run for cover and take a hit from a distance.

If it were about murder it might be a more fair comparison. Mass gun shootings are not about murder -- they're about carnage. There's no better tool for that than a firearm. Including knives. They just don't cut it.

yeah-----ok ------"TARGET" and motice was not my point--------sticking knives into people at random is
all about genocide

Not if it's random it isn't.
Genocide is by definition target-specific. If it were not, it couldn't be genocide.

The conflation is not yours -- it's the OP's. He's trying to equate "guns" with "knives" on the basis of "similar results" (i.e dead victims). It's like suggesting a Lambourghini is the same thing as walking, on the basis that both take you somewhere.
Knives have other uses besides killing.

And.........most nutbags are pussies and wouldn't find a knife massacre as satisfying nor as easy.

Great thread.
If knife users are super special trained...

Gee, what if mass shooters were trained in the use of their weapons?

Stupid thread

Hey, moron, as Pogo said above we live in a GUN CULTURE, not a knife culture, and learning to use one vrs the other is very different. A gun is point and shoot and if it is a big enough caliber you dont even need to hit a vital organ. I knife doesnt need to hit a vital organ, though that is lethal enough. A knife only needs about a one inch deep cut in any of about 17 places on the body and the person will bleed out. That type of knowledge is not common in our society as we are not a knife/sword culture.

Once we see guns banned we will become a knife culture sure as hell, idiot.
Not if it's random it isn't.
Genocide is by definition target-specific. If it were not, it couldn't be genocide.

The conflation is not yours -- it's the OP's. He's trying to equate "guns" with "knives" on the basis of "similar results" (i.e dead victims). It's like suggesting a Lambourghini is the same thing as walking, on the basis that both take you somewhere.

I am conflating nothing, and you said, "The first case would be a standard murder. The second would be, as it's called, genocide, which is in effect murder on a collective scale." So YOU brought the word 'genocide' into the discussion, which is ludicrous. A mass killing is not in and of itself a genocide. To be a genocide you must kill ALL the people of a specific race or ethnicity. ATTEMPTED GENOCIDE is all that anyone has ever actually done, doofus.

My whole point to this thread is simple; right now American mass knife attacks are largely not lethal, but if guns are banned Americans will learn how to make them lethal and thus nothing has been improved.

You do want to see improvement in the situation, right and not just demagogue the issue to the point of stupidity, right?
Not if it's random it isn't.
Genocide is by definition target-specific. If it were not, it couldn't be genocide.

The conflation is not yours -- it's the OP's. He's trying to equate "guns" with "knives" on the basis of "similar results" (i.e dead victims). It's like suggesting a Lambourghini is the same thing as walking, on the basis that both take you somewhere.

I am conflating nothing, and you said, "The first case would be a standard murder. The second would be, as it's called, genocide, which is in effect murder on a collective scale." So YOU brought the word 'genocide' into the discussion, which is ludicrous. A mass killing is not in and of itself a genocide. To be a genocide you must kill ALL the people of a specific race or ethnicity. ATTEMPTED GENOCIDE is all that anyone has ever actually done, doofus.

My whole point to this thread is simple; right now American mass knife attacks are largely not lethal, but if guns are banned Americans will learn how to make them lethal and thus nothing has been improved.

You do want to see improvement in the situation, right and not just demagogue the issue to the point of stupidity, right?
Wrong. Pogo just wants to demagogue the issue to the point of stupidity. It's a habit.
Not if it's random it isn't.
Genocide is by definition target-specific. If it were not, it couldn't be genocide.

The conflation is not yours -- it's the OP's. He's trying to equate "guns" with "knives" on the basis of "similar results" (i.e dead victims). It's like suggesting a Lambourghini is the same thing as walking, on the basis that both take you somewhere.

I am conflating nothing, and you said, "The first case would be a standard murder. The second would be, as it's called, genocide, which is in effect murder on a collective scale." So YOU brought the word 'genocide' into the discussion, which is ludicrous. A mass killing is not in and of itself a genocide. To be a genocide you must kill ALL the people of a specific race or ethnicity. ATTEMPTED GENOCIDE is all that anyone has ever actually done, doofus.

I didn't bring up "genocide". Rosie did. Post 5. I mentioned it to draw the distinction that it is NOT the same thing.

You even QUOTED HER following up on it:
yeah-----ok ------"TARGET" and motice was not my point--------sticking knives into people at random is
all about genocide


Where'd you learn to read, Doofus? On billboards?

My whole point to this thread is simple; right now American mass knife attacks are largely not lethal, but if guns are banned Americans will learn how to make them lethal and thus nothing has been improved.

You do want to see improvement in the situation, right and not just demagogue the issue to the point of stupidity, right?

I'm not the one who can't read what's sitting right in the thread, so ... whatever.

No I don't think "banning" one instrument -- as if that's even possible, which it isn't --- serves to transform anything cultural.

Mass gun slayers don't do what they do because they're out to slay masses. They do what they do because it involves guns. Guns give sensory feedback to the impotent, and mass gun slaughter is after all, all about power. Knives, as I so cleverly put it before, just don't cut it.
I didn't bring up "genocide". Rosie did. Post 5. I mentioned it to draw the distinction that it is NOT the same thing.

YOU mentioned it first between us two. Damn, maybe you need to get out of them Maine woods a little more often and socialize some, eh, Big Foot? :)

Mass gun slayers don't do what they do because they're out to slay masses. They do what they do because it involves guns. Guns give sensory feedback to the impotent, and mass gun slaughter is after all, all about power. Knives, as I so cleverly put it before, just don't cut it.

And the fact that there are dozens of Chinese mass slaying with knives proves you wrong, shit-for-brains. God damn, why dont you take a fucking critical thinking class or something. You come up with a bunch of god damned theory when there is a whole set of evidence proving you wrong right in front of your fucking pie whole, dude.

Shit, think BEFORE you respond, how about that idea?
I didn't bring up "genocide". Rosie did. Post 5. I mentioned it to draw the distinction that it is NOT the same thing.

YOU mentioned it first between us two. Damn, maybe you need to get out of them Maine woods a little more often and socialize some, eh, Big Foot? :)

The Armenian genocide of something like 2 million was accomplished with knives
and clubs

WHOSE name is on that?

Mass gun slayers don't do what they do because they're out to slay masses. They do what they do because it involves guns. Guns give sensory feedback to the impotent, and mass gun slaughter is after all, all about power. Knives, as I so cleverly put it before, just don't cut it.

And the fact that there are dozens of Chinese mass slaying with knives proves you wrong, shit-for-brains. God damn, why dont you take a fucking critical thinking class or something. You come up with a bunch of god damned theory when there is a whole set of evidence proving you wrong right in front of your fucking pie whole, dude.

Shit, think BEFORE you respond, how about that idea?

China doesn't have a goddam motherfucking bitch piss fart gun culture, does it fucking shitforbrains asshole dipshit wanker? Nor motherfuckfuckfuck shit goddam piss is it anywhere near as god damn motherfucking asshole cocksucker easy to get a gun there as god damn motherfucking shit scumbag here, is it? Nor, goddam motherucking insert here, does a goddam motherfucking asshole cocksucker bitch bastard knife return the goddam motherfucking sonofabitch sensory goddamfucking feedback a goddamfucking firearm does, so therefuckingfore we're motherfucking asshole cocksucker arguably really not comparing apples to goddam shit piss **** jesus christ asshole jerkoff apples, are we?

Goddammotherfuckingassholecocksuking think about it.

I tried to put that in your own vernacular. How'd I do? I'm a quick study. :eusa_angel:
Last edited:
WHOSE name is on that?

Look, fucktwatface baby, I said that you mentioned genocide befrfoe I did when you said that I was trying to conflate the issue with it.

Fuck, son, go get some fish oil or sumpin, huh?

China doesn't have a goddam motherfucking bitch piss fart gun culture, does it fucking shitforbrains asshole dipshit wanker? Nor motherfuckfuckfuck shit goddam piss is it anywhere near as god damn motherfucking asshole cocksucker easy to get a gun there as god damn motherfucking shit scumbag here, is it? Nor, goddam motherucking insert here, does a goddam motherfucking asshole cocksucker bitch bastard knife return the goddam motherfucking sonofabitch sensory goddamfucking feedback a goddamfucking firearm does, so therefuckingfore we're motherfucking asshole cocksucker arguably really not comparing apples to goddam shit piss **** jesus christ asshole jerkoff apples, are we?

Goddammotherfuckingassholecocksuking think about it.

I tried to put that in a vernacular you could follow. How'd I do? :eusa_angel:

Thats better but you are still lacking in style points, shitbucket.
WHOSE name is on that?

Look, fucktwatface baby, I said that you mentioned genocide befrfoe I did when you said that I was trying to conflate the issue with it.

Fuck, son, go get some fish oil or sumpin, huh?

China doesn't have a goddam motherfucking bitch piss fart gun culture, does it fucking shitforbrains asshole dipshit wanker? Nor motherfuckfuckfuck shit goddam piss is it anywhere near as god damn motherfucking asshole cocksucker easy to get a gun there as god damn motherfucking shit scumbag here, is it? Nor, goddam motherucking insert here, does a goddam motherfucking asshole cocksucker bitch bastard knife return the goddam motherfucking sonofabitch sensory goddamfucking feedback a goddamfucking firearm does, so therefuckingfore we're motherfucking asshole cocksucker arguably really not comparing apples to goddam shit piss **** jesus christ asshole jerkoff apples, are we?

Goddammotherfuckingassholecocksuking think about it.

I tried to put that in a vernacular you could follow. How'd I do? :eusa_angel:

Thats better but you are still lacking in style points, shitbucket.

NOR did I ever say, imply, contend, intimate or hint that you were trying to conflate the issue with genocide, ever. I addressed the poster who brought up genocide -- which was Rosie, POST FIVE. Then AFTER THAT, POST SEVEN -- SHE (Rosie) responded to ME .....

.. and just so you're properly scoring at home, or even if you're by yourself, that's TWO OTHER PEOPLE NEITHER OF WHOM IS TALKING TO YOU.....

... SHE (Rosie) protested that she wasn't talking about "targets and motives" and brought "Genocide" up AGAIN.

Still with us? Need a break to ponder all this?

... I then responded to HER (again, "her" ≠ "you") that "genocide" wasn't really part of the point here.

Don't delay on those reading lessons. You're digging deeper and deeper into a backlog of what you missed the first time by NOT PAYING GODDAMFUCKING ATTENTION.

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