Martin Bashir kicked out of MSNBC

I'm very saddened that it came to this. I don't know why the bigwhigs at msnbc cave like they do.

He didn't have to resign.

He should not have.

Let's face it Black...he was forced out.

Right after the debacle he took a sudden extra vacation.

Then he resigned.

I was wondering why everybody else BUT Bashir was hosting his show.

I'm saddened by this. I really like Bashir, he's a good Big Ed.


"Fighter"? Hardly. He's a closet coward who can talk tough in front of a camera but if the chips were truly down he'd cry like a baby.

What a stupid comment. He said it on camera, you keyboard commandos are the cowards.

Please stop whining, you all are making me laugh.

Yes, you are sadly very laughable.
Nice job lying in the title shithead, but that's expected from radical right wing idiots like yourself. Take a truth (he resigns) then just make up a lie (he was fired) and believe it as the truth :cuckoo:

Truth is, he was forced to resign.

He had a choice. He could resign or he could be fired.

He chose to resign.
The left thought it was ok to fire Don Imus for saying "nappy headed ho's". They shouldn't object to Bashir being forced to resign over his "shit in Palin's mouth" comment.
Ah, one less hypnotoad to worry about.

Nah, they have a new hypnoid everyday over at Fox.

What I like about the way women anchors are treated on MSNBC: They sit behind a desk, wear professional clothing and do not look like ex-runway models.

On Fox, the producers and Roger Ailes KNOW the material is thin propaganda. So they have their female anchors and contributors sitting on couches in skimpy, short dresses (see Elizabeth Hasselbeck), or with plunging necklines and all with hair and makeup only a stylist for beauty pageants can achieve.

Fox chooses eye candy for the majority of their viewers which are old white men who hope to get a woody while getting their "news".

I think if "you" NoTeaPartyPleez get a "woody" from the gals on MSMBC, you're probably Gay.

I did like "your" appraisal of the ladies on Fox and the sexual inspiration you receive, it did made me laugh.:lol:

You should probably start writing throbbing member Romance Novels.
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Ah, one less hypnotoad to worry about.

Nah, they have a new hypnoid everyday over at Fox.

What I like about the way women anchors are treated on MSNBC: They sit behind a desk, wear professional clothing and do not look like ex-runway models.

On Fox, the producers and Roger Ailes KNOW the material is thin propaganda. So they have their female anchors and contributors sitting on couches in skimpy, short dresses (see Elizabeth Hasselbeck), or with plunging necklines and all with hair and makeup only a stylist for beauty pageants can achieve.

Fox chooses eye candy for the majority of their viewers which are old white men who hope to get a woody while getting their "news".
Who knew that Shepard Smith, Bill Hemmer, Bret Baier, Neil Cavuto and Jon Scott were women?

Dayum! :lol:
Whereas Bashir was vulgar and immature in his presentation of his sentiments, I do not agree that he should have been "forced out" for exercising his right to free speech. Let the advertisers and listeners decide if they want to be part of it. That is how the free market works.

What bothers me are the women's groups that spend donators money to speak out against inflammatory comments made to women...but are silent when they are conservative women. Yes, they, too, have the right to free speech...but if they receive any type of funding from tax payers funds then they need to be consistent.

were there any statements from the women's groups?

ya knoe sumthin ? that is precisely why he ain't there no more so the liberal PMSNBC, listened to the advertisers and listeners who done the deciding and FIRED him but allowed him to say he resigned to save what little face he had..., AND that liberals is the fucking truth, so eat it and shut the fuck up :lmao: ... :lmao:
Ah, one less hypnotoad to worry about.

Nah, they have a new hypnoid everyday over at Fox.

What I like about the way women anchors are treated on MSNBC: They sit behind a desk, wear professional clothing and do not look like ex-runway models.

On Fox, the producers and Roger Ailes KNOW the material is thin propaganda. So they have their female anchors and contributors sitting on couches in skimpy, short dresses (see Elizabeth Hasselbeck), or with plunging necklines and all with hair and makeup only a stylist for beauty pageants can achieve.

Fox chooses eye candy for the majority of their viewers which are old white men who hope to get a woody while getting their "news".

only a demented liberal pervert would come up with shit like this ! :up:
On Fox, the producers and Roger Ailes KNOW the material is thin propaganda. So they have their female anchors and contributors sitting on couches in skimpy, short dresses (see Elizabeth Hasselbeck), or with plunging necklines and all with hair and makeup only a stylist for beauty pageants can achieve.

Fox chooses eye candy for the majority of their viewers which are old white men who hope to get a woody while getting their "news".

Actually they do it just to offend homosexuals. Thank you for confirming their accuracy.
On Fox, the producers and Roger Ailes KNOW the material is thin propaganda. So they have their female anchors and contributors sitting on couches in skimpy, short dresses (see Elizabeth Hasselbeck), or with plunging necklines and all with hair and makeup only a stylist for beauty pageants can achieve.

Fox chooses eye candy for the majority of their viewers which are old white men who hope to get a woody while getting their "news".

Actually they do it just to offend homosexuals. Thank you for confirming their accuracy.

aaaaaaaah so you are one....., homo that is, all along i believed your avatar says you are a transvestite, that really is a cute dress you have on. :lmao:
The dirty little secret is that the right wing has no tax exempt Media Matters or News Hounds propaganda network. The mainstream media keeps the Bashir resignation under wraps so he exits quietly and still there is no apology to the victim, Sara Palin and the radical left keeps it's hateful agenda intact.
That's one sick dude. Who watches MSNBC at this point? Pretty messed up people i guess.
I heard Bashir's groveling apology to Palin (although it was mostly a mea culpa by Bashir about how low he had sunk rhetorically).

I realize that I lack the ability to validly assess whether Bashir was being sincere. I do know it sounded sincere as far as it went.

I also recognize that his "resignation" is actually a "firing."

It's a start.

MSLSD owes Sarah Palin a WHOPPING and genuine apology.

It would be folly to hold one's breath, however.

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