Mark Meadows’s irrelevant memories about whether Trump declassified documents: The President declassified the documents by taking the documents.

Prosecutors have enough evidence to charge a former President. Something not done lightly. In fact you'd have to be an extreme criminal to be a former president and get charged. It's never been done before. And if Trump were innocent, this will help him in November 2024. But you know he's not going to be exhonorated at all these trials. Prosecutors have tons of evidence. Which of the 4 cases is the strongest? IDK. They are all pretty strong.

You can't make up 4 indictments and 100's of counts. We would all see right through it that it's just politics. This is not just politics. This is a criminal who wants to be POTUS again.

I always compared Trump to a mafia boss. But I never imagined he'd actually get charged with RICO. This is fucking great.

Sorry, not a witch hunt. You'd have to be a drooling fool to think that.

Now you could be like my brother and nephew and say you don't care if he's a criminal. You're so sick of WOKE you just don't care. Plus you might convince yourself "they are all criminals". But watch. That's no defense in a court of law.

Trump won't be able to say what about Hunter at his trial. Or what about BLM at his insurrection trial. Nope. Those arguments won't fly there. But you feel free to continue using those kinds of tactics.
Prosecutors have a legal theory it has little to do with actual law. An activist judge may convict but it will be overturned on appeal. You got a lot of nothing and big time election interference.
Leftists are still blubbering about supposedly "classified documents" that Trump took with him when he left the White House. They claim to support Law and Order, but the truth is they don't even know the law.
Leftists are excited. They’ve got him now because Mark Meadows, Trump’s former chief of staff, doesn’t recall Trump declassifying the documents later seized at Mar-a-Lago. In fact, that’s a big “who cares?”. Trump didn’t need to follow bureaucratic requirements to declassify anything. As one with plenary power over national security under the Constitution, merely by taking them with him, he declassified them.
ABC News' story :

Trump is correct. He declassified the documents by taking the documents. That’s all he needed to do.
Let me explain.
National security questions belong solely to the president. That’s not me saying that; that’s the Supreme Court saying that:
You are so full of shit I can smell you through my keyboard.
When someone tries to argue these points you throw out there about how Trump can (supposedly) declassify the documents simply by stealing them they're going to be laughed out of court.
The LAW says otherwise.
You are the whiny ass titty baby on this site. You declared all judges were crooked, not me.
Why are you so wrong with every post?
Seek help.
The majority are corrupt. If you cannot figure the gross disdain they show for the rule of law you are an idiot that defends criminals. Glad that is settled.
Leftists are still blubbering about supposedly "classified documents" that Trump took with him when he left the White House. They claim to support Law and Order, but the truth is they don't even know the law.
Leftists are excited. They’ve got him now because Mark Meadows, Trump’s former chief of staff, doesn’t recall Trump declassifying the documents later seized at Mar-a-Lago. In fact, that’s a big “who cares?”. Trump didn’t need to follow bureaucratic requirements to declassify anything. As one with plenary power over national security under the Constitution, merely by taking them with him, he declassified them.
ABC News' story :

Trump is correct. He declassified the documents by taking the documents. That’s all he needed to do.
Let me explain.
National security questions belong solely to the president. That’s not me saying that; that’s the Supreme Court saying that:

That court case you cited has fuck-all to do with classified documents. It has to do with the President deciding if someone can be granted a security clearance.

Remember this? Officials rejected Kushner for top secret clearance, were overruled
Their stuff got lost in the shuffle. Careless, sloppy, call it what you will. Neither Biden nor Pence suffer from the personality disorder Trump is afflicted with.

So the best you can argue is Biden and Pence was careless and sloppy.

Shouldn't we do and expect better than that?
“Secret. This is secret information. Look, look at this. This was done by the military and given to me.”

“As president, I could have declassified, but now I can’t."

The end.

The majority are corrupt. If you cannot figure the gross disdain they show for the rule of law you are an idiot that defends criminals. Glad that is settled.
Another fantasy post you can't prove. I could retort that It's only the FedSociety trump appointed judges that are crooked. Is that true? Possibly. And more likely. But you will throw a tantrum about that. So I will throw your gross disdain back atcha!
Here's Trey Gowdy, conservative hero, Benghazi hearings chairman, former federal prosecutor:

“Well, the most damning piece of evidence to me is the audiotape. I mean, you want to talk about consciousness of guilt? You want to talk about knowledge and intent? I mean, those are the darlings of a prosecutor’s nursery, and that came from President Trump’s own mouth."
If you were really involved in classified information you would know better.

The DOCUMENT is not classified as much as the INFORMATION in that document is classified

A President removing a document from a SCIF does not declassify it
Everyone who has a copy of that document must be notified that document is now declassified b
Every person who has a document with that information must be notified that information is now unclassified.

A President who thinks he should declassify information just because he is too lazy to protect it is a sorry excuse for someone in charge of our nations security
You are talking directly from your ass.

There are MILLIONS of documents that are no longer classified but continue to carry classified document notifications and warnings in their headers and are protected under the rules of information security.

90 percent of classified documents Secret or above are only reviewed for declassification at their 25 year automatic declassification date.

Many original copies of those documents have long ago been declassified by the originating authority...but that declassification was never communicated.


Because just because information is declassified DOESN'T mean the documents are intended for wide release...and communicating their newly declassified nature only brings attention to them.

There is NO requirement that the President or ANY OTHER classification authority must inform a single soul that the information in the document is now declassified. It would be nice if that was the case...but there are entire units classed with scrubbing old documents that are now declassified from SCIFs across the country.

So please, quit making shit up.

You look like an ass.
Another fantasy post you can't prove. I could retort that It's only the FedSociety trump appointed judges that are crooked. Is that true? Possibly. And more likely. But you will throw a tantrum about that. So I will throw your gross disdain back atcha!
I can prove it with no evidentiary hearings concerning the obvious fraud in 2020.
A President removing a document from a SCIF does not declassify it does.

Read for yourself.

Although all classified documents can be viewed in a SCIF, it is not required that documents in the least restrictive classification categories be viewed in those facilities. The facilities are used typically for materials categorized as “top secret/sensitive compartmented information.”

In five years of service I NEVER ONCE of a Top Secret or TS/SCI document EVER leaving a SCIF.

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FYI- around 20 documents found in Joe's possession were secret or top secret classified, from all his cases in the various locations searched is what I've read on it.....

That's still 20 too many documents but I doubt they would fill a quarter of one box/case.... does.

Read for yourself.

Although all classified documents can be viewed in a SCIF, it is not required that documents in the least restrictive classification categories be viewed in those facilities. The facilities are used typically for materials categorized as “top secret/sensitive compartmented information.”

In five years of service I NEVER ONCE of a Top Secret or TS/SCI document EVER leaving a SCIF.

Doesn’t disprove

A President removing a document from a SCIF does not declassify it

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