Marco Rubio, our Establishment’s controlled sock puppet

I support Obama and HRC about the same as I support Kasich and Rubio.

I am a mainstream Republican, and you are a far right loony.

Rubio can do what Trump can do.
The fact that you are whining clearly reveals you are turned inside out again.

You would be my sock in order to show just how bad the far right is in defending their nonsense.

But you do such a great job, I will let you be yourself.

Hmmm, laughing at you and making fun or you is not whining. Both of your identities are jokes with zero credibility. quite pathetic really, but keep it up, you help our cause with each new post.
Yup, you are whining. It is fun to watch your equivocate and run around in circles.


I support Obama and HRC about the same as I support Kasich and Rubio.

I am a mainstream Republican, and you are a far right loony.

Rubio can do what Trump can do.

I don't think many Republicans support Obama or Hillary.
You don't get it. Politicians are politicians whether left or right of the middle. I support right policy before I do party.
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He grew up poor and sold out to the establishment.

Oh did you hear, Rubio is polled as the only Republican that beats Hillary in a general election?

Isn't it wonderful how he got 3rd place in Iowa. He's surging in the polls because of his 3rd place finish.

Trump got second. How patheric. Rubio is the money man. He gives great speeches. He reads them just as well as Obama.

Vote for Rubio so he can lose to Hillary.
How did he sell out? I think you're a bit mixed up, Trump is the money man and makes no bones about it.
the difference is that Trump is using his own money, he owes no favors to anyone except the people who elect him.
So Reagan was an establishment payed for politician that owed his supporters as well?

Reagan had the guts to buck the establishment, I am not sure Marco does.
What specifically makes Rubio establishment and Reagan not?
About 30 years.
So Reagan was an establishment payed for politician that owed his supporters as well?

Reagan had the guts to buck the establishment, I am not sure Marco does.
What specifically makes Rubio establishment and Reagan not?

different times. The establishment did not support Reagan. The establishment is supporting Rubio.

But having said that, I will vote for and support Rubio if he is the GOP nominee. I would prefer Trump, but I will vote against whoever the dems run. If more of us had done that in 2012, we would not have the asshole that we now have in the whitehouse.

I hope republicans and conservatives learned that "Romney is not conservative enough" and "Romney is a Mormon" are two phrases that gave obozo a second term.
I just listened to Rubio with Martha McCalum and he's bucked the trend on a number of fronts. Doesn't sound like he takes orders from the high command.

Look, I am not saying that I don't like Rubio and wont support him if he is the guy. I just want someone who will have the guts to buck the trend and tell the power brokers to get screwed and then do what the country needs. I am not yet sure that Marco is that guy.

His immigration deal with Schumer really bothers me.

Agreed! In addition, Rubio's support of Fast Track Trade Promotion Authority being placed in the President's hands, which is intentionally designed to reverse the President's and Congress' assigned duties with respect to legislating regulations of commerce with foreign nations, and which violates the separations of powers of our constitutional system, should also offend the American people who do support and defend our constitutionally limited system of government.

Rubio's support for fast track is a good indication he is taking his marching orders from the Chamber of Commerce and The Club for Growth, who represent the interests of international corporate giants and our Wall Street Crowd.


To support Marco Rubio is to support our Global Governance Crowd and their WTO, NAFTA, GATT, and CAFTA, all used to circumvent America First trade policies, while fattening the fortunes of international corporate giants who have no allegiance to America or any nation.
Does anyone here know why Rubio supports increasing H1B visas?

To answer the question see: Disney Sacks American Employees, Makes Them Train Foreign Replacements

"Disney is laying off hundreds of American employees in favor of replacing them with cheaper foreign workers. Adding insult to injury, the former employees have 90 days to train their replacements or risk losing their promised bonuses.

It's a loophole many companies are exploiting in the H1B visa law that allows them to bring in foreign labor when there's a labor shortage. According to an attorney who spoke with ABC7 in Sarasota, Florida, there are about 800,000 H1B workers currently in the United States. Their purpose is to "fill highly specialized positions for companies that are unable to find qualified Americans to fill those jobs," Sara Blackwell said."

The truth is, Disney and other corporations are using this loophole to replace American workers with foreigners who will work below the going wage. A shortage of highly specialized American workers has nothing to do with this crap. It's all about driving down the earned wages of American citizens, and Rubio has thrown his hat in with these snakes!

Rubio is a slithering snake, bought and paid for by The Club for Growth and Chamber of Commerce which are front organizations for our Global Governance Crowd!


To support Marco Rubio is to support our
Global Governance Crowdand their WTO, NAFTA, GATT, and CAFTA, all used to circumvent America First trade policies, while fattening the fortunes of international corporate giants who have no allegiance to America or any nation.
Florida voters reject open borders, amnesty loving Rubio

SEE: Rubio's 'guest-worker' bill would expand Disney-style layoffs

”Marco Rubio’s signature immigration bill is drawing fire from conservatives who say it would allow more companies to go the route of Disney and replace their American employees with cheap foreign “guest workers” from India, China, Pakistan and elsewhere.

Rubio, R-Fla., is one of eight Republicans and four Democrats to co-sponsor the “I-Squared” bill in the U.S. Senate. It would triple the number of temporary guest workers allowed into the U.S. on the H1-B visa each year, from 65,000 to 195,000, while also allowing the visa holders to bring in family members.”

The above is why Rubio is in fourth place in Florida's presidential poll. He can't even carry his own state!

I'm not reading the whole diatribe, but Rubio isn't "the establishment" by any stretch. He grew up poor and made something of himself. Immigration isn't an easy answer, anyone that thinks we are going to round up all 11 million illegals and throw them out is insane. Marco is trying to come up with a solution, like Reagan. If you read what he said, recently here, no ties, you'll be sent packing. But he also said they'll just come right back, and they do so fixing the broken system is a critical first step.
he made himself into a politician for sale.

he has a disturbing financial past

The authentically disturbing thing about Rubio's checkered financial past is that it isn't that far in the past and there is no sign that the youthful mistakes that one could attribute them to has waned.

For those who do not know, I encourage you to do your own research. I'm going from memory:

He was making something like $300,000 a year as an attorney and bought a $180,000 brand new yatch. Supposedly the people "in the know" about such things say that you "never" buy a new yatch as your first buy a used one that you know is sea worthy. Okay...not sure why that matters but spending over 1/2 a year's salary on a toy when you still have school debt and the sort is nobody's definition of responsible.

Usually, one could attribute this to the "mistakes of youth". A little later he used either a Party or Government P card to pay for personal expenses and cashed in his retirement early paying a hefty penalty.

Again...youthful errors?

Well, during the GOP clown car's salad days when they were filibustering responsible legislation because Obama was in favor of favorable legislation and little else; Marco said this during the filibuster...

That takes me back to another modern day poet by the name of Jay-Z in one of the songs he wrote: "It's funny what seven days can change. It was all good just a week ago."
Well, I don't know if it was all good a week ago, but I can tell you that things have really changed, because if the President was George W. Bush, and this was a question being asked of him, and his response was the silence we've gotten, we'd have a very different scenario here tonight except that I actually believe the Senator from Kentucky would be on the floor making the exact same argument he's making.

Jay-Z, Wiz Khalifa Quoted By Marco Rubio During Senate Filibuster
by MTV News Staff 3/7/2013
By Maurice Bobb
One doesn’t normally hear hip-hop quotables on Capitol Hill, but Florida Senator Marco Rubio, a self-described West Coast hip-hop fan, stepped to the podium Wednesday night (Mar 6) and dropped salient references to “modern day poets” Wiz Khalifa and Jay-Z.
It was during a filibuster in the Senate chamber by Kentucky Republican Rand Paul to block a vote on President Barack Obama’s CIA Chief pick, John O. Brennan, that Rubio took his fellow senators to the cypher, first using a line from the ONIFC MC’s “Work Hard Play Hard.”
“Let me begin by quoting a modern day poet, his name is Wiz Khalifa. He has a song called ’Work Hard Play Hard’,” Rubio said, drawing laughter from the chamber. “You look at the time, I think it’s a time when many of our colleagues expected to be home, back in the home state playing hard, but I’m happy we’re here still working hard on this issue.”

Keep in mind, he could have said anything, quoting anyone, and he chose these two folks:

Here is Whiz's mugshot and a picture of him smoking a joint:


And for the record, here is Brooklyn Nets owner Jay Z's picture; courtesy of the local constabulary:

His choice of whom to channel and quote and whom he thinks deserves mention in the Halls of Congress is his business. Our business is to decide whom is best to lead the nation...

He was making these decisions 36 months ago...I doubt Mario's maturity or judgment have become more seasoned in the intermission.

Compared to how many millions of dollars the Clintons and their foundation took in from corporations and foreign governments when she was SoS?

I guess you think the Rubio family and Marco's ego are charitable or philanthropic causes?
Rubio can beat Hillary, which neither Cruz or Trump can do.

any of them can beat the hildebeast. She will very likely be under indictment and will not be the dem candidate. put your money on plugs Biden, snake
Biden would easily beat Cruz or Trump. He would have a real fight on his hands with Rubio.

well that's your opinion, and you are free to state it. I disagree.

I will vote for whoever the GOP runs, I will vote against whoever the DNC runs. We will know in November who is right.

BTW, when do you revert to your rightwinger screen name?

Good to see you have zero scruples...typical republican.
Marco Rubio's Gang of Eight amnesty bill

See: The Ugly Truth About Marco Rubio And His Gang-of-Eight Amnesty Bill

"Instead of cracking down on the Administration’s abuse of power, S. 744 places unprecedented new restrictions on interior enforcement–making the current situation much worse and much more hazardous. It is as if S. 744 were explicitly written to handcuff law enforcement officials–binding their hands while giving virtually unchecked authority to executive branch officials to prevent future removals, including removals of criminal aliens. — ICE Council president Chris Crane

Rubio's amnesty bill would allow an estimated 30 million foreigners as legal entrants. This would in fact fundamentally transform our system into a "free cheese democracy" since over 70 percent of immigrants from Mexico and Central America wind up on the public dole while American Citizens are made into tax slaves to pay for their economic needs. And this does not even take into account how these illegal entrants are squeezing American Citizens out of jobs in the construction trades and service industry by working off the books, below the going wage and avoid paying taxes on their earned wages. Why do you think Rubio wants to increase H1B visas?

Rubio is a low life snake who takes his walking instructions from the Club For Growth, Chamber of Commerce and our global governance crowd.


To support Marco Rubio is to support our
Global Governance Crowdand their WTO, NAFTA, GATT, and CAFTA, all used to circumvent America First trade policies, while fattening the fortunes of international corporate giants who have no allegiance to America or any nation.
I'm not reading the whole diatribe, but Rubio isn't "the establishment" by any stretch. He grew up poor and made something of himself. Immigration isn't an easy answer, anyone that thinks we are going to round up all 11 million illegals and throw them out is insane. Marco is trying to come up with a solution, like Reagan. If you read what he said, recently here, no ties, you'll be sent packing. But he also said they'll just come right back, and they do so fixing the broken system is a critical first step.
A "solution" that has failed repeatedly. Incidentally, by pure coincidence, that is an insane failed policy that keeps our wages stagnate and his big donors support. Yes, I totally get it now..
If that fuck REALLY wanted to fix immigration, he wouldn't have the support that he does. He would be calling for e-verify and cut them off at the source. Instead, he supports amnesty and shipping our jobs overseas. Which, BTW, would ALSO keep wages stagnate. Not to mention losing them completely.
YOU believe it!!
I'm not reading the whole diatribe, but Rubio isn't "the establishment" by any stretch. He grew up poor and made something of himself. Immigration isn't an easy answer, anyone that thinks we are going to round up all 11 million illegals and throw them out is insane. Marco is trying to come up with a solution, like Reagan. If you read what he said, recently here, no ties, you'll be sent packing. But he also said they'll just come right back, and they do so fixing the broken system is a critical first step.
A "solution" that has failed repeatedly. Incidentally, by pure coincidence, that is an insane failed policy that keeps our wages stagnate and his big donors support. Yes, I totally get it now..
If that fuck REALLY wanted to fix immigration, he wouldn't have the support that he does. He would be calling for e-verify and cut them off at the source. Instead, he supports amnesty and shipping our jobs overseas. Which, BTW, would ALSO keep wages stagnate. Not to mention losing them completely.
YOU believe it!!
No, he doesn't support blanket amnesty. I don't see how a single senator is going to fix immigration. They broke the job market? I call bull. They are doing low grunt stuff for the most part, yard work, painting, etc. The border needs to be secured to prevent it but we aren't going to round them up. Rubio's plan sounds reasonable to me, recent ones with no ties get shipped out with penalties and waiting periods for those staying. Your solution is what?
I'm not reading the whole diatribe, but Rubio isn't "the establishment" by any stretch. He grew up poor and made something of himself. Immigration isn't an easy answer, anyone that thinks we are going to round up all 11 million illegals and throw them out is insane. Marco is trying to come up with a solution, like Reagan. If you read what he said, recently here, no ties, you'll be sent packing. But he also said they'll just come right back, and they do so fixing the broken system is a critical first step.
A "solution" that has failed repeatedly. Incidentally, by pure coincidence, that is an insane failed policy that keeps our wages stagnate and his big donors support. Yes, I totally get it now..
If that fuck REALLY wanted to fix immigration, he wouldn't have the support that he does. He would be calling for e-verify and cut them off at the source. Instead, he supports amnesty and shipping our jobs overseas. Which, BTW, would ALSO keep wages stagnate. Not to mention losing them completely.
YOU believe it!!
No, he doesn't support blanket amnesty. I don't see how a single senator is going to fix immigration. They broke the job market? I call bull. They are doing low grunt stuff for the most part, yard work, painting, etc. The border needs to be secured to prevent it but we aren't going to round them up. Rubio's plan sounds reasonable to me, recent ones with no ties get shipped out with penalties and waiting periods for those staying. Your solution is what?
He is running for President. I am sorry, but his opinion matters.....
Illegals didn't break the market. Our politicians did it. The same fuckin kind that POS is. I don't agree with deportation. I used to, but I came up with a better solution : TNHarleys solution to the immigration problem
I'm not reading the whole diatribe, but Rubio isn't "the establishment" by any stretch. He grew up poor and made something of himself. Immigration isn't an easy answer, anyone that thinks we are going to round up all 11 million illegals and throw them out is insane. Marco is trying to come up with a solution, like Reagan. If you read what he said, recently here, no ties, you'll be sent packing. But he also said they'll just come right back, and they do so fixing the broken system is a critical first step.
A "solution" that has failed repeatedly. Incidentally, by pure coincidence, that is an insane failed policy that keeps our wages stagnate and his big donors support. Yes, I totally get it now..
If that fuck REALLY wanted to fix immigration, he wouldn't have the support that he does. He would be calling for e-verify and cut them off at the source. Instead, he supports amnesty and shipping our jobs overseas. Which, BTW, would ALSO keep wages stagnate. Not to mention losing them completely.
YOU believe it!!
No, he doesn't support blanket amnesty. I don't see how a single senator is going to fix immigration. They broke the job market? I call bull. They are doing low grunt stuff for the most part, yard work, painting, etc. The border needs to be secured to prevent it but we aren't going to round them up. Rubio's plan sounds reasonable to me, recent ones with no ties get shipped out with penalties and waiting periods for those staying. Your solution is what?
He is running for President. I am sorry, but his opinion matters.....
Illegals didn't break the market. Our politicians did it. The same fuckin kind that POS is. I don't agree with deportation. I used to, but I came up with a better solution : TNHarleys solution to the immigration problem
Why are you sorry his opinion matters? Who said otherwise? The illegals are here because no one has fixed the border problems yet.

Your solution involves everyone proving they are citizens, which means carrying your papers like Nazi Germany. No one will win with that plan. And there are laws against hiring illegals. How do they legally pay federal withholding?
I'm not reading the whole diatribe, but Rubio isn't "the establishment" by any stretch. He grew up poor and made something of himself. Immigration isn't an easy answer, anyone that thinks we are going to round up all 11 million illegals and throw them out is insane. Marco is trying to come up with a solution, like Reagan. If you read what he said, recently here, no ties, you'll be sent packing. But he also said they'll just come right back, and they do so fixing the broken system is a critical first step.
A "solution" that has failed repeatedly. Incidentally, by pure coincidence, that is an insane failed policy that keeps our wages stagnate and his big donors support. Yes, I totally get it now..
If that fuck REALLY wanted to fix immigration, he wouldn't have the support that he does. He would be calling for e-verify and cut them off at the source. Instead, he supports amnesty and shipping our jobs overseas. Which, BTW, would ALSO keep wages stagnate. Not to mention losing them completely.
YOU believe it!!
No, he doesn't support blanket amnesty. I don't see how a single senator is going to fix immigration. They broke the job market? I call bull. They are doing low grunt stuff for the most part, yard work, painting, etc. The border needs to be secured to prevent it but we aren't going to round them up. Rubio's plan sounds reasonable to me, recent ones with no ties get shipped out with penalties and waiting periods for those staying. Your solution is what?
He is running for President. I am sorry, but his opinion matters.....
Illegals didn't break the market. Our politicians did it. The same fuckin kind that POS is. I don't agree with deportation. I used to, but I came up with a better solution : TNHarleys solution to the immigration problem
Why are you sorry his opinion matters? Who said otherwise? The illegals are here because no one has fixed the border problems yet.

Your solution involves everyone proving they are citizens, which means carrying your papers like Nazi Germany. No one will win with that plan. And there are laws against hiring illegals. How do they legally pay federal withholding?
Because apparently you think it doesn't..
And no one will fix it. For gawd sakes man, you are sitting there basically supporting something that will only make it worse! If you want to fix it, fix it. Don't invoke FAILED POLITICAL INSANITY.
No it doesn't. Not at all. It means proving you are a citizen to rent or buy a home etc. Seems like any civilized country with laws would do that in the first place. Especially not giving law breakers rights to tax payer money.
But that's what we get when dumbfucks elect establishment republicans and democrats. Anti-American policies.
I'm not reading the whole diatribe, but Rubio isn't "the establishment" by any stretch. He grew up poor and made something of himself. Immigration isn't an easy answer, anyone that thinks we are going to round up all 11 million illegals and throw them out is insane. Marco is trying to come up with a solution, like Reagan. If you read what he said, recently here, no ties, you'll be sent packing. But he also said they'll just come right back, and they do so fixing the broken system is a critical first step.
A "solution" that has failed repeatedly. Incidentally, by pure coincidence, that is an insane failed policy that keeps our wages stagnate and his big donors support. Yes, I totally get it now..
If that fuck REALLY wanted to fix immigration, he wouldn't have the support that he does. He would be calling for e-verify and cut them off at the source. Instead, he supports amnesty and shipping our jobs overseas. Which, BTW, would ALSO keep wages stagnate. Not to mention losing them completely.
YOU believe it!!
No, he doesn't support blanket amnesty. I don't see how a single senator is going to fix immigration. They broke the job market? I call bull. They are doing low grunt stuff for the most part, yard work, painting, etc. The border needs to be secured to prevent it but we aren't going to round them up. Rubio's plan sounds reasonable to me, recent ones with no ties get shipped out with penalties and waiting periods for those staying. Your solution is what?
He is running for President. I am sorry, but his opinion matters.....
Illegals didn't break the market. Our politicians did it. The same fuckin kind that POS is. I don't agree with deportation. I used to, but I came up with a better solution : TNHarleys solution to the immigration problem
Why are you sorry his opinion matters? Who said otherwise? The illegals are here because no one has fixed the border problems yet.

Your solution involves everyone proving they are citizens, which means carrying your papers like Nazi Germany. No one will win with that plan. And there are laws against hiring illegals. How do they legally pay federal withholding?
Because apparently you think it doesn't..
And no one will fix it. For gawd sakes man, you are sitting there basically supporting something that will only make it worse! If you want to fix it, fix it. Don't invoke FAILED POLITICAL INSANITY.
No it doesn't. Not at all. It means proving you are a citizen to rent or buy a home etc. Seems like any civilized country with laws would do that in the first place. Especially not giving law breakers rights to tax payer money.
But that's what we get when dumbfucks elect establishment republicans and democrats. Anti-American policies.
But according to your philosophy Ronald Reagan was an establishment politician. We need to crack down on illegal immigration and I'm not for giving them public assistance, that should come from the state and monitored accordingly. Rubio's plan is much more palatable to the masses than Trump's. I'm not sure where Cruz is on it.
Why am I having these visions of Rubio being bribed to keep Obamacare in exchange for a new pair of Dr. Denton red Jammies with a velcro-closing back flap?


Isn't that all it takes to turn a Republican into a Closetcrat these days?

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