Map Israel


Diamond Member
Dec 29, 2020
OK for us non experts, and without having to go through mega threads. Her is the map. So in the west on media all we hear about is
2)Gaza Strip
3)West Bank
4)Golan Heights (won in a war with Syria or Lebanon?)

So where are the fences, walls, secured areas, who has freedom of movement to go where, who is restricted to what, which areas are considered Palestine and which are considered Israel? Where are the so called illegal settlements or new construction going on. When Jews started to go back during after WW1 what part of the map did they go back to? What would you your ID/Passport say on it it it based on where you live in this map?
RE: Map Israel
⁜→ Synthaholic, et al,

BLUF: Unrealistic hypothetical

If a giant earthquake destroys "Israel" whose country's land will they steal next?

For nearly than 8 centuries, the State of Israel, the adjacent territories in dispute, and most of the remaining region, was under the Ottoman Empire.

Under the terms of:
Section 1 • Territorial Clauses • Article 16 said:
Turkey hereby renounces all rights and title whatsoever over or respecting the territories situated outside the frontiers laid down in the present Treaty and the islands other than those over which her sovereignty is recognised by the said Treaty, the future of these territories and islands being settled or to be settled by the parties concerned.

The provisions of the present Article do not prejudice any special arrangements arising from neighbourly relations which have been or may be concluded between Turkey and any limitrophe countries.

SOURCE: Treaty of Lausanne (1923)

The territory under the Mandate for Palestine was taken control by the Allied Powers under the Treaty. The Supreme Council had decided in 1920, San Remo, that connection between the land and the Jewish People.


I'm an old man, you have to be a bit more clear in your question so that I may understand your intentional claim.

◈ When did the alleged thief occur?​
◈ Who was the victim (that nation holding sovereignty or authority over the "land") of the theft?​
Help me out here. Please tell me what "law" was violated by whom and when? This will help me understand your allegation. Let's see if we can nail the perpetrator down?

◈ Means,?​
◈ Motive,?​
◈ Opportunity?​


Most Respectfully,
OK for us non experts, and without having to go through mega threads. Her is the map. So in the west on media all we hear about is
2)Gaza Strip
3)West Bank
4)Golan Heights (won in a war with Syria or Lebanon?)

So where are the fences, walls, secured areas, who has freedom of movement to go where, who is restricted to what, which areas are considered Palestine and which are considered Israel? Where are the so called illegal settlements or new construction going on. When Jews started to go back during after WW1 what part of the map did they go back to? What would you your ID/Passport say on it it it based on where you live in this map?

The 'map' of Israel has changed a dozen times or more (depending on who is drawing it) since 1948.

Between 1967 and the 1970s, the map of Israel was nearly twice as large as it is shown above.
RE: Map Israel
⁜→ Synthaholic, et al,

BLUF: I may not be able to answer your hypothetically, but I know a wrong answer when I see it.

If a giant earthquake destroys "Israel" whose country's land will they steal next?
So no one can answer the question? I say Lebanon and Syria's land.

Israel came into existence by means of the International Trustee System (Article 77a of the UN Charter) and the Application of the principle of "Self-Determination." Neither Lebanon nor Syria are territories in the International Trustee System. And I cannot foresee a contingency that would alter that paradigm. (TRIVIA: oddly enough some 3000 y/a • Yemen was formerly a land under the reign of Queen Asma was alleged to be the wife of King Solomon of Israel.) Yemen is the closest "Failed State" anywhere in the immediate region. But even it (I would suspect) would revert back to Saudi Arabia if they would even entertain to have it back. It is a mess.


Most Respectfully,
Back in 2003, Iranian President Ahmadinejad visited President Bush in The White House.

Ahmadinejad told The President a story. He said, "I had a prophecy in my dream, I saw Washington DC covered with flags and banners proclaiming Allah and the glorious Islamic Republic. The White House had a banner praising Allah as the one and only true god."

Bush told Ahmadinejad, "I had a prophecy as well. I saw Tehran covered in banners."

Ahmadinejad asked, "What did the banners say?".

Bush said, "I don't know. I don't read Hebrew."
Back in 2003, Iranian President Ahmadinejad visited President Bush in The White House.

Ahmadinejad told The President a story. He said, "I had a prophecy in my dream, I saw Washington DC covered with flags and banners proclaiming Allah and the glorious Islamic Republic. The White House had a banner praising Allah as the one and only true god."

Bush told Ahmadinejad, "I had a prophecy as well. I saw Tehran covered in banners."

Ahmadinejad asked, "What did the banners say?".

Bush said, "I don't know. I don't read Hebrew."
Highly doubtful that story is true. But a nice story designed to buck up the faithful, anyway.
RE: Map Israel
⁜→ Synthaholic, et al,

BLUF: I may not be able to answer your hypothetically, but I know a wrong answer when I see it.

If a giant earthquake destroys "Israel" whose country's land will they steal next?
So no one can answer the question? I say Lebanon and Syria's land.

Israel came into existence by means of the International Trustee System (Article 77a of the UN Charter) and the Application of the principle of "Self-Determination." Neither Lebanon nor Syria are territories in the International Trustee System. And I cannot foresee a contingency that would alter that paradigm. (TRIVIA: oddly enough some 3000 y/a • Yemen was formerly a land under the reign of Queen Asma was alleged to be the wife of King Solomon of Israel.) Yemen is the closest "Failed State" anywhere in the immediate region. But even it (I would suspect) would revert back to Saudi Arabia if they would even entertain to have it back. It is a mess.


Most Respectfully,
Yeah, I guess the State of Palestine wasn't a member, either.
Palestinians themselves will tell you rejecting the UN Partition Plan and going to war in 1948 was a mistake. The plan would have given them most of the country but they rejected it because the Arab League promised them everything. They lost the war and got nothing.
Do not forget the Rothschilds of Paris were buying land from the Arab Effendis during the Ottoman period. Rishon le Zion Petakh Tikvah Tel Aviv Hadera and the kibbutzism were founded by Jews and have nothing to do with palestinians.
RE: Map Israel
⁜→ Synthaholic, et al,

BLUF: I believe that the Status of Palestine is still "non-member."

Yeah, I guess the State of Palestine wasn't a member, either.

◈ 2012- UN Memo on Issue of the use of the name "Palestine"

◈ A/RES/67/19 Status of Palestine in the United Nations


The entity called Palestine is not really a self-governing institution "able to stand alone," as the objective standard (Article 22(4), Covenant of the League of Nations). "In 1923, a third attempt was made to establish an institution through which the Arab population of Palestine could be brought into cooperation with the government." That decision damaged the Arab Palestinians political influence irreparably. "From 1922 until the end of the Mandate in 1948, the High Commissioner governed Palestine with the aid of Councils consisting exclusively of British officials." There was no real direct involvement by the Arab Palestinians. They rejected the idea totally. Even unto the end of the Mandate, the Arab Palestinians rejected the invitation to work with the UN Palestine Commission in the establishment of self-governing institutions. However, the Jewish Agency and (in the background) the National Council for the Jewish State, worked tirelessly to achieve such conditions as may be recognized by the Palestine Commission.


Most Respectfully,

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