Many Deep South Republican Voters Believe Interracial Marriage Should Be Illegal

If anyone is going to claim that the south is not still a bastion of racism, including opposition to interracial marriage, I urge them to ask themselves....what region is proving to be the most resistant to same sex marriage and to then consider this: Gay Marriage Opponents Mimic Objections to Interracial Marriage, Forde-Mazrui Says

Sorry to disappoint you, but sex is not a race.
Thank you for that most informative post. Ya think that we didn't already know that? The fact that you think that you had to tell me that calls into question your intellectual capacity and mental status. The fact is, that whether we are talking about race, gender, or SEXUAL ORIENTATION, the courts treat it as an innate, immutable characteristic and there is no distinction UNDER THE LAW when it comes to issues of discrimination. Furthermore, the yahoos and bigots treat them the same as well. Deal with it sucKKKa.
Thankfully in less then a generation these "people" will be long gone or totally marginalized

Despite the fact that the number of interracial marriages in the U.S. reached an all-time high this year, there are many who still believe that mixed-race marriage is unacceptable and should be made illegal, according to a new report.

On Monday, polling firm Public Policy Polling (PPP) revealed that 29 percent of likely GOP voters surveyed in Mississippi believe that interracial marriage should be illegal. Fifty-four percent said intermarriage should remain legal, and the rest responded that they weren’t sure. The survey also found that 21 percent of likely GOP voters polled in Alabama believe that interracial marriage should be illegal.

Interracial Marriage: Many Deep South Republican Voters Believe Interracial Marriage Should Be Illegal
I'm betting there are an equal number of black Democrats against interracial marriage, fool.
Really fool? Where are you getting that from? And so what if it's true? Intolerance by anyone is still intolerance and it does not exonerate these southern yahoos who do not know that they lost the civil war.

People have a right to believe as they do, and that includes being intolerant.

Grow up.

BTW, it was the Democrats who lost the Civil War, and will lose the next one as well.
Yes you have a right to your bigoted antediluvian bovine excrement beliefs. You do not have the right to discriminate, marginalize or demean others. And save that idiotic civil war era "Democrats as racist" horseshit. It is just desperate and stupid. That was then and this is now and we know what the Republicans stand for NOW

The democrats have always been racist. It's one of the defining characteristics of their offensive party.
Thankfully in less then a generation these "people" will be long gone or totally marginalized

Despite the fact that the number of interracial marriages in the U.S. reached an all-time high this year, there are many who still believe that mixed-race marriage is unacceptable and should be made illegal, according to a new report.

On Monday, polling firm Public Policy Polling (PPP) revealed that 29 percent of likely GOP voters surveyed in Mississippi believe that interracial marriage should be illegal. Fifty-four percent said intermarriage should remain legal, and the rest responded that they weren’t sure. The survey also found that 21 percent of likely GOP voters polled in Alabama believe that interracial marriage should be illegal.

Interracial Marriage: Many Deep South Republican Voters Believe Interracial Marriage Should Be Illegal
I'm familiar with PPP. They're a "Push Polling" organization. They ask crazy unflattering questions that are designed to make headlines in order to promote the Democrat party. They're all about convincing people to become Democrats by highlighting fringe Republicans. Some time back I believed they questioned whether Obama would be admitted into heaven. There's no real reason to poll such a question other than to mock those who answer it in the negative in an effort to promote a political party. They're well known for this and aren't to be taken seriously.
If anyone is going to claim that the south is not still a bastion of racism, including opposition to interracial marriage, I urge them to ask themselves....what region is proving to be the most resistant to same sex marriage and to then consider this: Gay Marriage Opponents Mimic Objections to Interracial Marriage, Forde-Mazrui Says

Sorry to disappoint you, but sex is not a race.
Thank you for that most informative post. Ya think that we didn't already know that?

You obviously did not.
Thankfully in less then a generation these "people" will be long gone or totally marginalized

Despite the fact that the number of interracial marriages in the U.S. reached an all-time high this year, there are many who still believe that mixed-race marriage is unacceptable and should be made illegal, according to a new report.

On Monday, polling firm Public Policy Polling (PPP) revealed that 29 percent of likely GOP voters surveyed in Mississippi believe that interracial marriage should be illegal. Fifty-four percent said intermarriage should remain legal, and the rest responded that they weren’t sure. The survey also found that 21 percent of likely GOP voters polled in Alabama believe that interracial marriage should be illegal.

Interracial Marriage: Many Deep South Republican Voters Believe Interracial Marriage Should Be Illegal
If science ever finds a way to convert hatred into energy, Guno alone could supply enough power to keep on the lights in millions of homes
Thankfully in less then a generation these "people" will be long gone or totally marginalized

Despite the fact that the number of interracial marriages in the U.S. reached an all-time high this year, there are many who still believe that mixed-race marriage is unacceptable and should be made illegal, according to a new report.

On Monday, polling firm Public Policy Polling (PPP) revealed that 29 percent of likely GOP voters surveyed in Mississippi believe that interracial marriage should be illegal. Fifty-four percent said intermarriage should remain legal, and the rest responded that they weren’t sure. The survey also found that 21 percent of likely GOP voters polled in Alabama believe that interracial marriage should be illegal.

Interracial Marriage: Many Deep South Republican Voters Believe Interracial Marriage Should Be Illegal
Lived in the south

know a lot of people from there

and no one ever brought it up, not one time, ever.

I did hear a DJ in Philly say she would never insult her family by dating a white man.

course she was never called to task for being a racist, but that's magically different.
Thankfully in less then a generation these "people" will be long gone or totally marginalized

Despite the fact that the number of interracial marriages in the U.S. reached an all-time high this year, there are many who still believe that mixed-race marriage is unacceptable and should be made illegal, according to a new report.

On Monday, polling firm Public Policy Polling (PPP) revealed that 29 percent of likely GOP voters surveyed in Mississippi believe that interracial marriage should be illegal. Fifty-four percent said intermarriage should remain legal, and the rest responded that they weren’t sure. The survey also found that 21 percent of likely GOP voters polled in Alabama believe that interracial marriage should be illegal.

Interracial Marriage: Many Deep South Republican Voters Believe Interracial Marriage Should Be Illegal
I'm betting there are an equal number of black Democrats against interracial marriage, fool.
Really fool? Where are you getting that from? And so what if it's true? Intolerance by anyone is still intolerance and it does not exonerate these southern yahoos who do not know that they lost the civil war.

People have a right to believe as they do, and that includes being intolerant.

Grow up.

BTW, it was the Democrats who lost the Civil War, and will lose the next one as well.
Yes you have a right to your bigoted antediluvian bovine excrement beliefs. You do not have the right to discriminate, marginalize or demean others. And save that idiotic civil war era "Democrats as racist" horseshit. It is just desperate and stupid. That was then and this is now and we know what the Republicans stand for NOW
Of course he has the right to discriminate, marginalize and demean. He thinks you're an idiot and I agree. It's called disagreement.
I don't like barack obama's policies, you call me racist.
I think illegal immigrants should be deported, I'm "anti immigrant".
I don't think gays should get special treatment and people who are confused about their gender should use the bathroom that corresponds to their plumbing and DNA and you call me a homophobe.
You'd have a damned hard time convincing my second wife that I'm racist, you twit, and for your information, I intensely dislike barack obama's white half as well.
My grandparents were immigrants, son. They came here LEGALLY.

I have lots of gay friends. They don't make me uncomfortable at all much less fearful of them, then they aren't asking me to install another bathroom for them and they don't bitch that the bar's pool team calls themselves the Straight Shooters As a matter of fact, it's a joke with our lesbian member.
Your thing is, you want to create groups and assign them a grievance that you can pretend to care in return for their votes.
Conservatives think we all should strive for excellence despite our differences.
Hell yes! black lives matter, but no more and no differently than any other life. People want equal rights? ACT equal and put in equal effort or shut the fuck up.
Thankfully in less then a generation these "people" will be long gone or totally marginalized

Despite the fact that the number of interracial marriages in the U.S. reached an all-time high this year, there are many who still believe that mixed-race marriage is unacceptable and should be made illegal, according to a new report.

On Monday, polling firm Public Policy Polling (PPP) revealed that 29 percent of likely GOP voters surveyed in Mississippi believe that interracial marriage should be illegal. Fifty-four percent said intermarriage should remain legal, and the rest responded that they weren’t sure. The survey also found that 21 percent of likely GOP voters polled in Alabama believe that interracial marriage should be illegal.

Interracial Marriage: Many Deep South Republican Voters Believe Interracial Marriage Should Be Illegal
Lived in the south

know a lot of people from there

and no one ever brought it up, not one time, ever.

I did hear a DJ in Philly say she would never insult her family by dating a white man.

course she was never called to task for being a racist, but that's magically different.
I live in the South and there is very little objection to interracial marriage here. Several such couples are among my customers.
If anyone is going to claim that the south is not still a bastion of racism, including opposition to interracial marriage, I urge them to ask themselves....what region is proving to be the most resistant to same sex marriage and to then consider this: Gay Marriage Opponents Mimic Objections to Interracial Marriage, Forde-Mazrui Says
I grew up in Connecticut and now live in Alabama. I assure you there is far more racial tension in Bridgeport Connecticut than in Mobile Alabama. We respect each other here. It's not a competition about who can get the most from government.
Thankfully in less then a generation these "people" will be long gone or totally marginalized

Despite the fact that the number of interracial marriages in the U.S. reached an all-time high this year, there are many who still believe that mixed-race marriage is unacceptable and should be made illegal, according to a new report.

On Monday, polling firm Public Policy Polling (PPP) revealed that 29 percent of likely GOP voters surveyed in Mississippi believe that interracial marriage should be illegal. Fifty-four percent said intermarriage should remain legal, and the rest responded that they weren’t sure. The survey also found that 21 percent of likely GOP voters polled in Alabama believe that interracial marriage should be illegal.

Interracial Marriage: Many Deep South Republican Voters Believe Interracial Marriage Should Be Illegal
I'm betting there are an equal number of black Democrats against interracial marriage, fool.
Really fool? Where are you getting that from? And so what if it's true? Intolerance by anyone is still intolerance and it does not exonerate these southern yahoos who do not know that they lost the civil war.

People have a right to believe as they do, and that includes being intolerant.

Grow up.

BTW, it was the Democrats who lost the Civil War, and will lose the next one as well.
Yes you have a right to your bigoted antediluvian bovine excrement beliefs. You do not have the right to discriminate, marginalize or demean others. And save that idiotic civil war era "Democrats as racist" horseshit. It is just desperate and stupid. That was then and this is now and we know what the Republicans stand for NOW
Of course he has the right to discriminate, marginalize and demean. He thinks you're an idiot and I agree. It's called disagreement.
I don't like barack obama's policies, you call me racist.
I think illegal immigrants should be deported, I'm "anti immigrant".
I don't think gays should get special treatment and people who are confused about their gender should use the bathroom that corresponds to their plumbing and DNA and you call me a homophobe.
You'd have a damned hard time convincing my second wife that I'm racist, you twit, and for your information, I intensely dislike barack obama's white half as well.
My grandparents were immigrants, son. They came here LEGALLY.

I have lots of gay friends. They don't make me uncomfortable at all much less fearful of them, then they aren't asking me to install another bathroom for them and they don't bitch that the bar's pool team calls themselves the Straight Shooters As a matter of fact, it's a joke with our lesbian member.
Your thing is, you want to create groups and assign them a grievance that you can pretend to care in return for their votes.
Conservatives think we all should strive for excellence despite our differences.
Hell yes! black lives matter, but no more and no differently than any other life. People want equal rights? ACT equal and put in equal effort or shut the fuck up.
Wow dude! That is quite a rant. You sound like you blew a gasket. Chill!! I do not recall calling you a racist, and I certainly would not have called you- or anyone – a racist for simply opposing Obama’s policies. That is just made up bovine excrement. However, BY YOUR OWN ADMISSION you think that people have the right to” discriminate, marginalize and demean” So WTF bubba.

However, if you think that all undocumented immigrants should be deported- then yes you are anti-immigrant. There is no other word for it. And, if you do not think that LGBT folks should treated with respect, equality and dignity- you are indeed anti LGBT- as is anyone who pushed that “special rights” crap or who clings to ignorant misinformation about transsexuals. But, this thread is not about any of that, is it?

It’s funny how people who are in fact racists love to call liberals racists, how people who hate call us hateful and claim that we are the ones who do not want equality. That is just horseshit. You claim that conservatives believe that “we all should strive for excellence despite our differences.” But it is conservatives who’s policies seek to hold back minorities, women, LGBT people, immigrants, the poor and even children. So that assertion is just more horseshit.

Rings true to me
I'm betting there are an equal number of black Democrats against interracial marriage, fool.
Really fool? Where are you getting that from? And so what if it's true? Intolerance by anyone is still intolerance and it does not exonerate these southern yahoos who do not know that they lost the civil war.

People have a right to believe as they do, and that includes being intolerant.

Grow up.

BTW, it was the Democrats who lost the Civil War, and will lose the next one as well.
Yes you have a right to your bigoted antediluvian bovine excrement beliefs. You do not have the right to discriminate, marginalize or demean others. And save that idiotic civil war era "Democrats as racist" horseshit. It is just desperate and stupid. That was then and this is now and we know what the Republicans stand for NOW
Of course he has the right to discriminate, marginalize and demean. He thinks you're an idiot and I agree. It's called disagreement.
I don't like barack obama's policies, you call me racist.
I think illegal immigrants should be deported, I'm "anti immigrant".
I don't think gays should get special treatment and people who are confused about their gender should use the bathroom that corresponds to their plumbing and DNA and you call me a homophobe.
You'd have a damned hard time convincing my second wife that I'm racist, you twit, and for your information, I intensely dislike barack obama's white half as well.
My grandparents were immigrants, son. They came here LEGALLY.

I have lots of gay friends. They don't make me uncomfortable at all much less fearful of them, then they aren't asking me to install another bathroom for them and they don't bitch that the bar's pool team calls themselves the Straight Shooters As a matter of fact, it's a joke with our lesbian member.
Your thing is, you want to create groups and assign them a grievance that you can pretend to care in return for their votes.
Conservatives think we all should strive for excellence despite our differences.
Hell yes! black lives matter, but no more and no differently than any other life. People want equal rights? ACT equal and put in equal effort or shut the fuck up.
Wow dude! That is quite a rant. You sound like you blew a gasket. Chill!! I do not recall calling you a racist, and I certainly would not have called you- or anyone – a racist for simply opposing Obama’s policies. That is just made up bovine excrement. However, BY YOUR OWN ADMISSION you think that people have the right to” discriminate, marginalize and demean” So WTF bubba.

However, if you think that all undocumented immigrants should be deported- then yes you are anti-immigrant. There is no other word for it. And, if you do not think that LGBT folks should treated with respect, equality and dignity- you are indeed anti LGBT- as is anyone who pushed that “special rights” crap or who clings to ignorant misinformation about transsexuals. But, this thread is not about any of that, is it?

It’s funny how people who are in fact racists love to call liberals racists, how people who hate call us hateful and claim that we are the ones who do not want equality. That is just horseshit. You claim that conservatives believe that “we all should strive for excellence despite our differences.” But it is conservatives who’s policies seek to hold back minorities, women, LGBT people, immigrants, the poor and even children. So that assertion is just more horseshit.
No rant, just stating my case. If you disagree, I couldn't be more pleased.
No, young fellow, I didn't say it was OK to discriminate, marginalize and demean just anyone, only idiots like you.
Again, you misunderstand me. I love immigrants. My paternal grandparents were immigrants. My second wife is an immigrant. I despise ILLEGAL immigrants the same way I would despise a man who forced his way into my home in the dead of night. I'm all for treating the same way too.
Of course I think that think that LGBT folks should treated with respect, equality and dignity, just not "special" respect, equality and dignity. They have all the rights I have, no more, no less.
There you go insinuating that I'm a racist again.... You say that it's Conservative policy that holds back minorities. WHAT POLICIES?
The one where we want everyone to compete on a level playing field? The one were we don't want one group to get a benefit that others are unqualified for by nature of race of ethnicity? Maybe the one where we would like to see everyone take advantage of the public education system and stop breeding until they can afford to raise children? That one? Or could it be the one about asking people to obey the laws of society and become productive members of society?
You call horseshit and really guy you are nothing but. You'd be comical if it wasn't so sad that you actually believe in your crap.

Thankfully in less then a generation these "people" will be long gone or totally marginalized

Despite the fact that the number of interracial marriages in the U.S. reached an all-time high this year, there are many who still believe that mixed-race marriage is unacceptable and should be made illegal, according to a new report.

On Monday, polling firm Public Policy Polling (PPP) revealed that 29 percent of likely GOP voters surveyed in Mississippi believe that interracial marriage should be illegal. Fifty-four percent said intermarriage should remain legal, and the rest responded that they weren’t sure. The survey also found that 21 percent of likely GOP voters polled in Alabama believe that interracial marriage should be illegal.

Interracial Marriage: Many Deep South Republican Voters Believe Interracial Marriage Should Be Illegal
Lived in the south

know a lot of people from there

and no one ever brought it up, not one time, ever.

I did hear a DJ in Philly say she would never insult her family by dating a white man.

course she was never called to task for being a racist, but that's magically different.
I live in the South and there is very little objection to interracial marriage here. Several such couples are among my customers.
You claim that the south is such a mellow and accepting place but that flies in the face of a good deal of news that we get up north about what is going on down there. There is everything from voter suppression of minorities to the polls that have been presented on interracial marriage and now there is this, in Mississippi Mississippi pass most anti-LGBT bill to date ( as well as a similar situation in N. Carolina) How do you explain that?
Really fool? Where are you getting that from? And so what if it's true? Intolerance by anyone is still intolerance and it does not exonerate these southern yahoos who do not know that they lost the civil war.

People have a right to believe as they do, and that includes being intolerant.

Grow up.

BTW, it was the Democrats who lost the Civil War, and will lose the next one as well.
Yes you have a right to your bigoted antediluvian bovine excrement beliefs. You do not have the right to discriminate, marginalize or demean others. And save that idiotic civil war era "Democrats as racist" horseshit. It is just desperate and stupid. That was then and this is now and we know what the Republicans stand for NOW
Of course he has the right to discriminate, marginalize and demean. He thinks you're an idiot and I agree. It's called disagreement.
I don't like barack obama's policies, you call me racist.
I think illegal immigrants should be deported, I'm "anti immigrant".
I don't think gays should get special treatment and people who are confused about their gender should use the bathroom that corresponds to their plumbing and DNA and you call me a homophobe.
You'd have a damned hard time convincing my second wife that I'm racist, you twit, and for your information, I intensely dislike barack obama's white half as well.
My grandparents were immigrants, son. They came here LEGALLY.

I have lots of gay friends. They don't make me uncomfortable at all much less fearful of them, then they aren't asking me to install another bathroom for them and they don't bitch that the bar's pool team calls themselves the Straight Shooters As a matter of fact, it's a joke with our lesbian member.
Your thing is, you want to create groups and assign them a grievance that you can pretend to care in return for their votes.
Conservatives think we all should strive for excellence despite our differences.
Hell yes! black lives matter, but no more and no differently than any other life. People want equal rights? ACT equal and put in equal effort or shut the fuck up.
Wow dude! That is quite a rant. You sound like you blew a gasket. Chill!! I do not recall calling you a racist, and I certainly would not have called you- or anyone – a racist for simply opposing Obama’s policies. That is just made up bovine excrement. However, BY YOUR OWN ADMISSION you think that people have the right to” discriminate, marginalize and demean” So WTF bubba.

However, if you think that all undocumented immigrants should be deported- then yes you are anti-immigrant. There is no other word for it. And, if you do not think that LGBT folks should treated with respect, equality and dignity- you are indeed anti LGBT- as is anyone who pushed that “special rights” crap or who clings to ignorant misinformation about transsexuals. But, this thread is not about any of that, is it?

It’s funny how people who are in fact racists love to call liberals racists, how people who hate call us hateful and claim that we are the ones who do not want equality. That is just horseshit. You claim that conservatives believe that “we all should strive for excellence despite our differences.” But it is conservatives who’s policies seek to hold back minorities, women, LGBT people, immigrants, the poor and even children. So that assertion is just more horseshit.
No rant, just stating my case. If you disagree, I couldn't be more pleased.
No, young fellow, I didn't say it was OK to discriminate, marginalize and demean just anyone, only idiots like you.
Again, you misunderstand me. I love immigrants. My paternal grandparents were immigrants. My second wife is an immigrant. I despise ILLEGAL immigrants the same way I would despise a man who forced his way into my home in the dead of night. I'm all for treating the same way too.
Of course I think that think that LGBT folks should treated with respect, equality and dignity, just not "special" respect, equality and dignity. They have all the rights I have, no more, no less.
There you go insinuating that I'm a racist again.... You say that it's Conservative policy that holds back minorities. WHAT POLICIES?
The one where we want everyone to compete on a level playing field? The one were we don't want one group to get a benefit that others are unqualified for by nature of race of ethnicity? Maybe the one where we would like to see everyone take advantage of the public education system and stop breeding until they can afford to raise children? That one? Or could it be the one about asking people to obey the laws of society and become productive members of society?
You call horseshit and really guy you are nothing but. You'd be comical if it wasn't so sad that you actually believe in your crap.

That is the second time you called me "young man" I am retired and 68 years old bubba. I have been around the block a few times and can see right through your horseshit. You speak with forked tongue. Just one case in point- your claim to support gay rights while reiterating the nonsense about special rights which is just code for denying them protections from discrimination. Are laws against discrimination of blacks giving them "special rights" ?
Thankfully in less then a generation these "people" will be long gone or totally marginalized

Despite the fact that the number of interracial marriages in the U.S. reached an all-time high this year, there are many who still believe that mixed-race marriage is unacceptable and should be made illegal, according to a new report.

On Monday, polling firm Public Policy Polling (PPP) revealed that 29 percent of likely GOP voters surveyed in Mississippi believe that interracial marriage should be illegal. Fifty-four percent said intermarriage should remain legal, and the rest responded that they weren’t sure. The survey also found that 21 percent of likely GOP voters polled in Alabama believe that interracial marriage should be illegal.

Interracial Marriage: Many Deep South Republican Voters Believe Interracial Marriage Should Be Illegal
Lived in the south

know a lot of people from there

and no one ever brought it up, not one time, ever.

I did hear a DJ in Philly say she would never insult her family by dating a white man.

course she was never called to task for being a racist, but that's magically different.
I live in the South and there is very little objection to interracial marriage here. Several such couples are among my customers.
You claim that the south is such a mellow and accepting place but that flies in the face of a good deal of news that we get up north about what is going on down there. There is everything from voter suppression of minorities to the polls that have been presented on interracial marriage and now there is this, in Mississippi Mississippi pass most anti-LGBT bill to date ( as well as a similar situation in N. Carolina) How do you explain that?
How do I explain it? There are corrupt politicians and racists on both sides; down here and up north. We try to protect our way of life, including our religious values and if we have a religious reason to refuse participation in an event or feel that our beliefs would make us ineffective in rendering service to a person we believe is acting in a way that our God despises, we should have the right not to place ourselves in that position. Call these folks conscientious objectors. Liberals decided they didn't have to fight for their country back in the 60s. You set the stage.
Come on down to Foley Alabama. Stop by my bar. I'll buy you a beer and educate you.
People have a right to believe as they do, and that includes being intolerant.

Grow up.

BTW, it was the Democrats who lost the Civil War, and will lose the next one as well.
Yes you have a right to your bigoted antediluvian bovine excrement beliefs. You do not have the right to discriminate, marginalize or demean others. And save that idiotic civil war era "Democrats as racist" horseshit. It is just desperate and stupid. That was then and this is now and we know what the Republicans stand for NOW
Of course he has the right to discriminate, marginalize and demean. He thinks you're an idiot and I agree. It's called disagreement.
I don't like barack obama's policies, you call me racist.
I think illegal immigrants should be deported, I'm "anti immigrant".
I don't think gays should get special treatment and people who are confused about their gender should use the bathroom that corresponds to their plumbing and DNA and you call me a homophobe.
You'd have a damned hard time convincing my second wife that I'm racist, you twit, and for your information, I intensely dislike barack obama's white half as well.
My grandparents were immigrants, son. They came here LEGALLY.

I have lots of gay friends. They don't make me uncomfortable at all much less fearful of them, then they aren't asking me to install another bathroom for them and they don't bitch that the bar's pool team calls themselves the Straight Shooters As a matter of fact, it's a joke with our lesbian member.
Your thing is, you want to create groups and assign them a grievance that you can pretend to care in return for their votes.
Conservatives think we all should strive for excellence despite our differences.
Hell yes! black lives matter, but no more and no differently than any other life. People want equal rights? ACT equal and put in equal effort or shut the fuck up.
Wow dude! That is quite a rant. You sound like you blew a gasket. Chill!! I do not recall calling you a racist, and I certainly would not have called you- or anyone – a racist for simply opposing Obama’s policies. That is just made up bovine excrement. However, BY YOUR OWN ADMISSION you think that people have the right to” discriminate, marginalize and demean” So WTF bubba.

However, if you think that all undocumented immigrants should be deported- then yes you are anti-immigrant. There is no other word for it. And, if you do not think that LGBT folks should treated with respect, equality and dignity- you are indeed anti LGBT- as is anyone who pushed that “special rights” crap or who clings to ignorant misinformation about transsexuals. But, this thread is not about any of that, is it?

It’s funny how people who are in fact racists love to call liberals racists, how people who hate call us hateful and claim that we are the ones who do not want equality. That is just horseshit. You claim that conservatives believe that “we all should strive for excellence despite our differences.” But it is conservatives who’s policies seek to hold back minorities, women, LGBT people, immigrants, the poor and even children. So that assertion is just more horseshit.
No rant, just stating my case. If you disagree, I couldn't be more pleased.
No, young fellow, I didn't say it was OK to discriminate, marginalize and demean just anyone, only idiots like you.
Again, you misunderstand me. I love immigrants. My paternal grandparents were immigrants. My second wife is an immigrant. I despise ILLEGAL immigrants the same way I would despise a man who forced his way into my home in the dead of night. I'm all for treating the same way too.
Of course I think that think that LGBT folks should treated with respect, equality and dignity, just not "special" respect, equality and dignity. They have all the rights I have, no more, no less.
There you go insinuating that I'm a racist again.... You say that it's Conservative policy that holds back minorities. WHAT POLICIES?
The one where we want everyone to compete on a level playing field? The one were we don't want one group to get a benefit that others are unqualified for by nature of race of ethnicity? Maybe the one where we would like to see everyone take advantage of the public education system and stop breeding until they can afford to raise children? That one? Or could it be the one about asking people to obey the laws of society and become productive members of society?
You call horseshit and really guy you are nothing but. You'd be comical if it wasn't so sad that you actually believe in your crap.

That is the second time you called me "young man" I am retired and 68 years old bubba. I have been around the block a few times and can see right through your horseshit. You speak with forked tongue. Just one case in point- your claim to support gay rights while reiterating the nonsense about special rights which is just code for denying them protections from discrimination. Are laws against discrimination of blacks giving them "special rights" ?
OK, you're 2 years my senior but 40 years less mature. No forked tongue and no code. I really don't give a shit who you sleep with. I think you should have the right to enter into a legally binding civil union with whoever you choose. It doesn't effect me at all. Don't flaunt your shit at me and don't expect me to put a urinal in my ladies' room because you're confused.
Demanding that racial quotas be abolished is vastly different than denying protection from discrimination.
LEVEL PLAYING FIELD. This ain't a Saturday round of golf with your friends there's no handicap.
Get back to me when you find you can be intellectually honest

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