Manhattan DA Bragg sues Republican Jim Jordan

He can't be guilty of stealing documents that belong to him


Government records don't belong to him.

Amazing how these leftists are condemning Trump for taking documents he was allowed to, as president, while skipping right over how Biden had stashes of documents hidden in his house, and garage, and office, dating back to his senate days when he stole them out of the SCIF.

The hypocrisy and double standards are unbelievable.
To Magic Mike who said the above is fake news: what’s not true about the fact that Biden was caught red-handed with classified documents hidden in his house, and garage, and Biden Penn Whatever office, and that some of these documents date back to when he was a senator? Biden has been removing documents he had no right to for more than a decade!
Amazing how these leftists are condemning Trump for taking documents he was allowed to, as president, while skipping right over how Biden had stashes of documents hidden in his house, and garage, and office, dating back to his senate days when he stole them out of the SCIF.

The hypocrisy and double standards are unbelievable.
Nothing in this post is even remotely accurate.
Prosecution in these cases hinges on "intent."
Biden had less than a dozen documents that, when asked for them, were returned.
Trump had thousands of documents that he would not return when asked for them.
Then, when subpoenaed he began going through them and hiding what he wanted defying the subpoena.
And now we know he may have illegally shared classified information with others.

Nothing in this post is even remotely accurate.
Prosecution in these cases hinges on "intent."
Biden had less than a dozen documents that, when asked for them, were returned.
Trump had thousands of documents that he would not return when asked for them.
Then, when subpoenaed he began going through them and hiding what he wanted defying the subpoena.
And now we know he may have illegally shared classified information with others.

Quantity isn’t the metric.

Trump was permitted to remove documents that he declassified, which he said he did. He was the US President.

Biden was not allowed to be in possession of ANY documents, and yet he was. Some date to when he was only a Senator. And those were discovered AFTER the complicit FBI gave his attorney a heads-up to remove and destroy them. Apparently, Biden had so many that they missed some.

The twisting around to convict Trump of something when Biden did 10x worse is the type of thinking from voters that landed us with the anti-American, demented loser as president. Now look at the mess we’re in: cusp of WWIII, our allies aligning with our enemies, previously middle-class Americans unable to afford groceries, political hit jobs on those who dissent from the Biden agenda, previously free Americans having their speech suppressed, children taken to drag shows and told there are 50 genders from which they can choose, blacks clamoring for reparations, and D.A.s working to get violent criminals back on the street.

And you think Biden was the better choice? Lord Save Us.
Quantity isn’t the metric.

Trump was permitted to remove documents that he declassified, which he said he did. He was the US President.

Biden was not allowed to be in possession of ANY documents, and yet he was. Some date to when he was only a Senator. And those were discovered AFTER the complicit FBI gave his attorney a heads-up to remove and destroy them. Apparently, Biden had so many that they missed some.

The twisting around to convict Trump of something when Biden did 10x worse is the type of thinking from voters that landed us with the anti-American, demented loser as president. Now look at the mess we’re in: cusp of WWIII, our allies aligning with our enemies, previously middle-class Americans unable to afford groceries, political hit jobs on those who dissent from the Biden agenda, previously free Americans having their speech suppressed, children taken to drag shows and told there are 50 genders from which they can choose, blacks clamoring for reparations, and D.A.s working to get violent criminals back on the street.

And you think Biden was the better choice? Lord Save Us.
Textbook whataboutism!
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Government records don't belong to him.

The case in question is titled Judicial Watch v. National Archives and Records Administration and it involved an effort by the conservative watchdog to compel the Archives to forcibly seize hours of audio recordings that Clinton made during his presidency with historian Taylor Branch.
U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson in Washington D.C. ultimately rejected Judicial Watch’s suit by concluding there was no provision in the Presidential Records Act to force the National Archives to seize records from a former president.
. . . . .
“Under the statutory scheme established by the PRA, the decision to segregate personal materials from Presidential records is made by the President, during the President’s term and in his sole discretion,” Jackson wrote in her March 2012 decision, which was never appealed.
“Since the President is completely entrusted with the management and even the disposal of Presidential records during his time in office, it would be difficult for this Court to conclude that Congress intended that he would have less authority to do what he pleases with what he considers to be his personal records,” she added.
In other words, the president decides what he gets to keep, not that national archives.
Don't believe everything in the right wing echo chamber you read on the internet Delldud.

You are mistaking me for a Biden apologist.
I am not one.
Personally I am sickened by the fact that by 2020 a trained chimpanzee could have beaten Donald Trump and yet the best the DNC could produce for a candidate was freaking Joe Biden.

But still...he's better than Trump.
Trump set the bar pretty damned LOW.
So basically, with that low standard, as long as sleepy Joe doesn't stage a coup against the U.S. Government and lead some bone headed attempted takeover of The U.S. Capitol in order to subvert an election he's performing better than his predecessor. these leaked documents have shown Biden is a pathological liar on everything Ukraine, and everything after that too. You fell for it, all your cronies bought into it.

You see Mike McCormick's statements?

"In February, I went to the FBI and filed one of their tips on their website. If you do that, and you're lying to them, you go to jail. I'm not lying. I'm telling the truth, and I'm not going to jail," McCormick said Thursday. "Joe Biden is a criminal. He was conducting malfeasance in office to enrich his family. Jake Sullivan is a conspirator in that, and there's more... Obama officials involved in it, I believe."

McCormick, who worked with Biden from 2011 to 2017, detailed a key dialogue involving the vice president, aide Jake Sullivan and the press on Air Force Two before a trip to Kyiv, Ukraine, on April 21, 2014.

Sullivan, who is the current national security adviser, outlined in a White House transcript Biden's priorities for his trip to the country, which included U.S. investment in the Ukrainian energy sector days after Hunter joined the board of Burisma, according to the New York Post.

Months later, and well after the trip, Congress allocated $50 million to Ukraine's energy market.


Hunter joined the board of the Ukrainian natural gas firm on April 18, just three days before Biden and his team traveled to Kyiv. But that critical piece of the puzzle was not made public until May 12.

McCormick argued the timeline of the events suggests that Biden funneled American money overseas to "enrich" himself and his family, and used his own influence to aid his son's rookie energy career.

The former stenographer made it clear he wants to present the information under oath before the grand jury in Delaware probing Hunter's business dealings, which is led by U.S. Attorney David Weiss.

Ex-Obama staffer blows whistle on Biden 'kickback scheme' after Hunter joined Burisma: 'Malfeasance in office'
Who cares?

Seriously - who cares?

You're talking about a few documents.

I don't care about a few documents.

I care about a massive, concerted, even conspiratorial abuse of the law. That's happening nation wide.

The ABUSE OF THE LAW is so serious that no one knows (or even cares) where the boundaries are anymore.

The lefties are to blame for this. ENTIRELY. The Democratic party leadership right now, is unquestionably on a Stalinist bent, to destroy the political opposition.

I know human nature. REAL well. I have multiple degrees in all aspects of it, and a lifetime of experience. Any time something like this happens, there is big MONEY involved. Somewhere not too far under the curtains, is a big stream of "income".

Whatever that is, it needs to be exposed.
there were about 100 classified emails on Hillary's server, out of approx 33k emails.
You certainly don't seem to act like it. You're an uncivil magaturd at all times, especially to me. But hey, I give no fucks about that. You're pixels on a screen to me. :dunno:
Yet you’re so triggered by the truth. You deserve nothing but scorn given your idiocy and tantrum throwing libturd. Continue your meltdown.
Yet you’re so triggered by the truth. You deserve nothing but scorn given your idiocy and tantrum throwing libturd. Continue your meltdown.
Bring it, magaturd. See, you constantly lie. You get called out. Then you lie some more. Because you sit on your entitled fat ass and complain about everything. You're a miserable POS with no critical thinking skills.
Bring it, magaturd. See, you constantly lie. You get called out. Then you lie some more. Because you sit on your entitled fat ass and complain about everything. You're a miserable POS with no critical thinking skills.
More tantrum. You can’t show one lie here or anywhere you faggot. I work you welfare mooch. I’m certainly entitled to everything I’ve worked for. You just threaten people and then run like a bitch when you get called out for your stupidity. Now go fuck yourself. Or Clipper. As long as you stay out of public view. By the way, fat boy Bragg already LOST his suit for a TRO because he couldn’t even provide the necessary paperwork. Now melt down over that too.
More tantrum. You can’t show one lie here or anywhere you faggot. I work you welfare mooch. I’m certainly entitled to everything I’ve worked for. You just threaten people and then run like a bitch when you get called out for your stupidity. Now go fuck yourself. Or Clipper. As long as you stay out of public view. By the way, fat boy Bragg already LOST his suit for a TRO because he couldn’t even provide the necessary paperwork. Now melt down over that too.
Welfare. :auiqs.jpg: What a fucking chump you are. Wow, you work. So do I. You wanna cookie fer that, magaturd? :itsok:

I barely give any fucks about this Bragg situation. More political theater. I'm politely waiting for either:
1. A verdict
2. A juicer indictment now there is precedence

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