MANDEL: After bad behaviour dating back 20 years, Toronto cop finally fired


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
For 20 years this sob has been making bank, pension, benefits, and not fired. Just last week another sob has been suspended for 13 years! Still making $100k+ and he was charged with multiple and seriosu drug crimes!

Welcome to Stasi Canada. One fooked up authoritarian covert rat bast.ard country.

Do NOT ever become like Canada.

MANDEL: After bad behaviour dating back 20 years, Toronto cop finally fired

At long last, this bad cop is history.

He’s driven drunk with his kids in the car, been convicted of assaulting a woman, swore at his fellow officers and shown up under the influence at work. After almost two decades of misconduct, Toronto Police Const. Troy Sylvester was finally fired Wednesday — the last straw being his stealing $80 from a suspect’s wallet while booking him into custody at 31 Division.

“This was not a single incident in an otherwise unblemished career. He has previous findings against him under the PSA (Police Services Act) and has been convicted twice in criminal court,” wrote acting Supt. Richard Hegedus.

Suspended with pay since 2014, Sylvester was found guilty under the Police Services Act of “corrupt practice” for taking the prisoner’s money. Lawyer Harry Black had asked the police tribunal to extend Sylvester’s current demotion to fourth class constable for another six months.

But the hearing officer agreed with the prosecutor that Sylvester’s “usefulness” has finally reached its expiry date.

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