The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Got to love how all of this is playing out. If True that Manafort is going to be indicted, he is going to be indicted for work he did with The Podesta Brothers who are arguably going to be the next target of Mueller's. And if Mueller is not a political hack like many are accusing him of, he will keep following the trail to Hillary Clinton then Barak Obama.

At any rate, hard to tell anyways if Mueller can get anything to stick since he relied on accusations made in the Fake Russian Dossier which Hillary Clinton paid $12 Million for in an attempt to smear the president, and impact the results of the election in her favor by directly colluding with Russia through an Ex British Spy.

Manafort was dumped by the Trump Campaign after just two short months of employment and was not doing any work with Russia or The Ukraine at the time....but he was definitely was working with The Podesta Brothers doing that kind of work. I'd also find it hilarious if Manafort turns out to be "The Informant" and this is just a distraction from that, or cover even.
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Got to love how all of this is playing out. If True that Manafort is going to be indicted, he is going to be indicted for work he did with The Podesta Brothers who are arguably going to be the next target of Mueller's. And if Mueller is not a political hack like many are accusing him of, he will keep following the trail to Hillary Clinton then Barak Obama.

At any rate, hard to tell anyways if Mueller can get anything to stick since he relied on accusations made in the Fake Russian Dossier which Hillary Clinton paid $12 Million for in an attempt to smear the president, and impact the results of the election in her favor.

Manafort was dumped by the Trump Campaign after just two short months of employment and was not doing any work with Russia or The Ukraine at the time....but he was definitely was working with The Podesta Brothers doing that kind of work. I'd also find it hilarious if Manafort turns out to be "The Informant" and this is just a distraction from that, or cover even.

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Got to love how all of this is playing out. If True that Manafort is going to be indicted, he is going to be indicted for work he did with The Podesta Brothers who are arguably going to be the next target of Mueller's. And if Mueller is not a political hack like many are accusing him of, he will keep following the trail to Hillary Clinton then Barak Obama.

At any rate, hard to tell anyways if Mueller can get anything to stick since he relied on accusations made in the Fake Russian Dossier which Hillary Clinton paid $12 Million for in an attempt to smear the president, and impact the results of the election in her favor by directly colluding with Russia through an Ex British Spy.

Manafort was dumped by the Trump Campaign after just two short months of employment and was not doing any work with Russia or The Ukraine at the time....but he was definitely was working with The Podesta Brothers doing that kind of work. I'd also find it hilarious if Manafort turns out to be "The Informant" and this is just a distraction from that, or cover even.
Wait. So it's not a witchhunt? A conservative in another thread painted this indictment as part of a "witch hunt".
Your damage control campaign needs some fine-tuning, guys. LOL.
Got to love how all of this is playing out. If True that Manafort is going to be indicted, he is going to be indicted for work he did with The Podesta Brothers who are arguably going to be the next target of Mueller's. And if Mueller is not a political hack like many are accusing him of, he will keep following the trail to Hillary Clinton then Barak Obama.

At any rate, hard to tell anyways if Mueller can get anything to stick since he relied on accusations made in the Fake Russian Dossier which Hillary Clinton paid $12 Million for in an attempt to smear the president, and impact the results of the election in her favor by directly colluding with Russia through an Ex British Spy.

Manafort was dumped by the Trump Campaign after just two short months of employment and was not doing any work with Russia or The Ukraine at the time....but he was definitely was working with The Podesta Brothers doing that kind of work. I'd also find it hilarious if Manafort turns out to be "The Informant" and this is just a distraction from that, or cover even.
Wait. So it's not a witchhunt? A conservative in another thread painted this indictment as part of a "witch hunt".
Your damage control campaign needs some fine-tuning, guys. LOL.

The Podesta brothers were accused of the McCann child's disappearance on the same alt right websites on which the current accusations arise.
Got to love how all of this is playing out. If True that Manafort is going to be indicted, he is going to be indicted for work he did with The Podesta Brothers who are arguably going to be the next target of Mueller's. And if Mueller is not a political hack like many are accusing him of, he will keep following the trail to Hillary Clinton then Barak Obama.

At any rate, hard to tell anyways if Mueller can get anything to stick since he relied on accusations made in the Fake Russian Dossier which Hillary Clinton paid $12 Million for in an attempt to smear the president, and impact the results of the election in her favor by directly colluding with Russia through an Ex British Spy.

Manafort was dumped by the Trump Campaign after just two short months of employment and was not doing any work with Russia or The Ukraine at the time....but he was definitely was working with The Podesta Brothers doing that kind of work. I'd also find it hilarious if Manafort turns out to be "The Informant" and this is just a distraction from that, or cover even.
Wait. So it's not a witchhunt? A conservative in another thread painted this indictment as part of a "witch hunt".
Your damage control campaign needs some fine-tuning, guys. LOL.

The Podesta brothers were accused of the McCann child's disappearance on the same alt right websites on which the current accusations arise.
And Pizzagate. Hehe.
There will have to be an independent investigation into Obama illegally using the DOJ as his political weapon.


There will have to be an independent investigation into Hillary deleting her emails to hide the evidence of her corruption.
I just find it refreshing that political operatives are being charged. Where has that been since W left office and before Trump entered office?
All the transactions in question took place between 2008 & 2013.

So lets make this clear AGAIN, this was all work done for The Podesta Brothers and Hillary Clinton, and in my opinion, it had something to do with Uranium One, since some of the companies named here if anyone bothers to read, are actually holding companies and other financial institutions associated with URANIUM ONE.

Can I get a big......

"UH OH!"

How stupid can The Democrat Party be, to pay $12 Million for a Fake Russian Dossier to smear The President, and plot to have an investigation launched based upon it, that eventually leads right back to them, and The Podesta Brothers making shady deals with Russia, and also involving Uranium One?

Hey Mueller, show us THE DNC Server!
And then recuse yourself for your complicity with James Comey, McCabe, Rosenstein, YOURSELF, Clinton & Obama for covering up The Uranium One Bribery Scandal to keep Clinton & The Podestas out of jail.
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Manafort was charged with conspiracy.

Who are the coconspirators? In 2012 and 2013, who conspired with Paul Manafort and Rick Gates to launder money?
let's bring down the trump admin and the clinton machine. they are all corrupt. washington is nothing but crooks. we need to clean house.
When are folks gonna get it? It's only about taking Trump out. He's not going along with the NWO Globalist agenda. He's a Nationalist, fighting for American Citizens. Therefore he must go.

Remember, it isn't just Democrats trying to take him out. Many NWO Republicans are working tirelessly to remove him too. It's gonna be very difficult for Trump to win a war against both corrupt Parties. He'll have to count on the People to help him. I pray that happens, and he wins.
let's bring down the trump admin and the clinton machine. they are all corrupt. washington is nothing but crooks. we need to clean house.

How are you going to bring down The Trump Admin when everything Mueller is now looking at happened between 2008 - 2013?
That is when Manafort was working for PODESTA who btw, did not file as a Foreign Agent for his work and compensation he received from Russia.

Manafort worked two short months for The Trump Campaign and was dismissed.
Manafort was charged with conspiracy.

Who are the coconspirators? In 2012 and 2013, who conspired with Paul Manafort and Rick Gates to launder money?

Podesta and Clinton, The DNC and Obama are your co-conspirators.

Donald Trump was not even on The Radar.

Manafort worked two short months for President Trump and was dismissed, in 2016.

Lastly, not only are these holding companies and financial institutions being looked at tied to Uranium One, but they also have ties to the Fake Dossier and Fusion GPS. Remember the illegal meeting at The Ukranian Embassy to plan the creation of THE FAKE DOSSIER?

Not only did Hillary Clinton pay $12 Million for the Fake Dossier, it was just exposed that Obama Bin Lying himself chipped in a cool MILLION DOLLARS in to the Fake Dossier Fund.

How fucking awesome is that?
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The manafort podesta connection is interesting considering Tony podesta resigned today
There will have to be an independent investigation into Obama illegally using the DOJ as his political weapon.


There will have to be an independent investigation into Hillary deleting her emails to hide the evidence of her corruption.

Both instigated by Trump Supporters... This is just the usual Trump misdirection... Do you seriously think we are going to fall for this shit...

I tell you... Bring Obama and Clinton to testify and watch both of them wipe the floor
Manafort was charged with conspiracy.

Who are the coconspirators? In 2012 and 2013, who conspired with Paul Manafort and Rick Gates to launder money?

with GOP congressmen...
In anticipation of the other shoe dropping, Tony Podesta resigned from the Podesta Group.

Tony Podesta stepping down from lobbying giant amid Mueller probe
Yah, that asshole was working furiously to "AMEND" his disclosures just a couple months ago because he neglected to mention that he was working with MANAFORT as a FOREIGN AGENT while doing work in RUSSIA between 2008 & 2013!

And here is the kicker....not only do these financial institutions have ties to Uranium One, and FUSION GPS, but Obama himself chipped in ONE MILLION DOLLARS along with HILLARY CLINTON to pay for the creation of THE FAKE RUSSIAN DOSSIER.

Do you know what that means?


Talk about trying to rig an ELECTION.....THERE IS YOUR EVIDENCE OF IT, along with CLINTON's NOSE BEING RUBBED IN IT FROM THE BEGINNING. Now Obama smells like shit too!

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