Man your TV Preachers are Dumb-Genesis 1:26 explained


Platinum Member
Jun 19, 2009
I feel sorry for the flock & TV viewers who have to take their preachers words as legit & accurate, only because they think their pastors position makes them more qualified & educated.
Surely they are being misslead by hacks who butcher the Bible and interps, because these people are just winging it and throwing dung against the wall to see what sticks and what garbage the people will buy.
Example today a Preacher was talking about Creation of God and thus butchering
Genesis 1:26 saying God was talking to himself, WTH?
The plurality of "US" in that verse is the Head of Host speaking with the hosts not
God speaking to himself.
The term Image in the Hebrew used in Genesis, is a nature of ones being=Essence type image not using the Hebrew word for Physical image.
So the head of hosts in the Olam Habah (world to come=future) is saying "let us" in the civilized age (order),create man in the uncivilized age (chaos), so that man can be in "our image" (more civilized).
That is why Genesis says God created man not from nothing, but created order out of the chaos and brought it to form=hence being called Shalem (completeness/wholeness).
So the hosts made man stop worshiping idols, stop sacrificing children, stop canibalism, stop mating with the other species that was slower ay evolving, that were canibals and did dispicable things.
Taught them to stop being fooled by magic tricks and con men/false prophets.
Taught them laws to live by and how to trat your neighbors.
All to bring order to the chaos, civility to an uncivilized age.
Since every action can have an equal opposite reaction, the task to bring this order can bring disorder in other ways through the process (clash of religions etc) thus sacrificing the hosts and
their chosen position that needs to "Return" to their inheritence. But these clashes are inevitable anyway with or without the changes done by reshaping a disorderly uncivilized world.
Hate religion all you want but imagine what the world would be with anarchy and total chaos like Vikings vs Ghengis Kahn vs Roman legions vs Belshazadar type rage around the globe at all times.
The hosts warned about the Baal worship & false religionists, don't blame them for people falling for the opposite reaction(adversary).
What is the religion of the Hosts?
Even Pastor Hagee knows this one....
: -)
I feel sorry for the flock & TV viewers who have to take their preachers words as legit & accurate, only because they think their pastors position makes them more qualified & educated.
Surely they are being misslead by hacks who butcher the Bible and interps, because these people are just winging it and throwing dung against the wall to see what sticks and what garbage the people will buy.
Example today a Preacher was talking about Creation of God and thus butchering
Genesis 1:26 saying God was talking to himself, WTH?
The plurality of "US" in that verse is the Head of Host speaking with the hosts not
God speaking to himself.
The term Image in the Hebrew used in Genesis, is a nature of ones being=Essence type image not using the Hebrew word for Physical image.
So the head of hosts in the Olam Habah (world to come=future) is saying "let us" in the civilized age (order),create man in the uncivilized age (chaos), so that man can be in "our image" (more civilized).
That is why Genesis says God created man not from nothing, but created order out of the chaos and brought it to form=hence being called Shalem (completeness/wholeness).
So the hosts made man stop worshiping idols, stop sacrificing children, stop canibalism, stop mating with the other species that was slower ay evolving, that were canibals and did dispicable things.
Taught them to stop being fooled by magic tricks and con men/false prophets.
Taught them laws to live by and how to trat your neighbors.
All to bring order to the chaos, civility to an uncivilized age.
Since every action can have an equal opposite reaction, the task to bring this order can bring disorder in other ways through the process (clash of religions etc) thus sacrificing the hosts and
their chosen position that needs to "Return" to their inheritence. But these clashes are inevitable anyway with or without the changes done by reshaping a disorderly uncivilized world.
Hate religion all you want but imagine what the world would be with anarchy and total chaos like Vikings vs Ghengis Kahn vs Roman legions vs Belshazadar type rage around the globe at all times.
The hosts warned about the Baal worship & false religionists, don't blame them for people falling for the opposite reaction(adversary).
So you are you saying that man evolved naturally and god simply civilised man?
I feel sorry for the flock & TV viewers who have to take their preachers words as legit & accurate, only because they think their pastors position makes them more qualified & educated.
Surely they are being misslead by hacks who butcher the Bible and interps, because these people are just winging it and throwing dung against the wall to see what sticks and what garbage the people will buy.
Example today a Preacher was talking about Creation of God and thus butchering
Genesis 1:26 saying God was talking to himself, WTH?
The plurality of "US" in that verse is the Head of Host speaking with the hosts not
God speaking to himself.
The term Image in the Hebrew used in Genesis, is a nature of ones being=Essence type image not using the Hebrew word for Physical image.
So the head of hosts in the Olam Habah (world to come=future) is saying "let us" in the civilized age (order),create man in the uncivilized age (chaos), so that man can be in "our image" (more civilized).
That is why Genesis says God created man not from nothing, but created order out of the chaos and brought it to form=hence being called Shalem (completeness/wholeness).
So the hosts made man stop worshiping idols, stop sacrificing children, stop canibalism, stop mating with the other species that was slower ay evolving, that were canibals and did dispicable things.
Taught them to stop being fooled by magic tricks and con men/false prophets.
Taught them laws to live by and how to trat your neighbors.
All to bring order to the chaos, civility to an uncivilized age.
Since every action can have an equal opposite reaction, the task to bring this order can bring disorder in other ways through the process (clash of religions etc) thus sacrificing the hosts and
their chosen position that needs to "Return" to their inheritence. But these clashes are inevitable anyway with or without the changes done by reshaping a disorderly uncivilized world.
Hate religion all you want but imagine what the world would be with anarchy and total chaos like Vikings vs Ghengis Kahn vs Roman legions vs Belshazadar type rage around the globe at all times.
The hosts warned about the Baal worship & false religionists, don't blame them for people falling for the opposite reaction(adversary).

When God said us in genesis, this is the reality of it

Jehovah and his master worker( Jesus)--that is the us.
Are you saying that Judaism is the true religion?

No rejectors of Jesus belong to the true religion--no one serving a non existent trinity god belong to the true religion.
Fact--from Moses until today--the God Israel taught and served is a single being God named-YHVH(Jehovah)
So the new religion Jesus started serve the same God as Israel served, but as well accept Jesus as the Messiah.
This religion was basically murdered along with the apostles and Christians back then--this rose up in its place=2Thess 2:3--which in turn breeded a divided house that will not stand( Mark 3:24-26)--- not until these last days did truth come back-Daniel 12:4)--the true worshippers do this-John 4:22-24)
You are the only JW I've ever known who choses to say Jesus instead of Michael.
When are you getting excommunicated for putting all JWs at risk through your acts of defiance?
So you are you saying that man evolved naturally and god simply civilised man?
The Hebrew God is that Essence to become complete & Whole (Shalem), since that Essence is not a man nor form it has to be
described/defined taught, mediated, thus reflected (Malakh) and manifested.
That's where the term arch(top) malakh (reflection/messenger) comes from, and terms like Metatron (mediator) and
Melchi (king/lord) of Zadok (Tsadek=righteousness) and terms like head of hosts, father in heaven (Olam Habah the time to come),
the lesser yhwh(one who causes to be)
the one "perceived" (in the imperfect age) as your/their god (in their minds it's God speaking to them, yet it's the mediator), not the Creator Essence God which is the most finite expression of source and power in life which has no form nor voice.
(*hence not to anthropromorphize or physically name G-d)

When Daniel is relaying a message from the head messenger, Daniel is not confused for being the head of hosts he's speaking of. Christianity however always combines and converges everything like in it's trinity,
thus turned Jesus (this portion most likely Theudas) into the son of man he spoke for third person tense and about (the one called father in heaven).
If you don't call Daniel the Father in heaven nor call Moses the angel of the Lord, then people should not call Jesus that either, anymore then they'd be calling a Pope Jesus.
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Are you saying that Judaism is the true religion?

hashev was trying to explain what the words in the book of genesis-----ACTUALLY MEAN ---------if you know no Hebrew at all-----you cannot understand Genesis----
Thomas Jefferson knew that. I have heard many silly interpretations based on
the fact that the "interpreter" depended on the English translation------used to be
preachers ALL day on sunday radio-------it was sometimes silly.
so Michael are you saying the preachers cant see the "elephant" in the room...poor "Dumbo" they have the dumb part but forgot to put the"o" in thus they are flapping their gumsinstead of using their big fluffy ears to listen with... but hey bad teachers teach students that become bad students because the teachers fail them not the other way around....
I went to a show in Miami that had a hypnotist show as one of the acts and he made people do funny some funny stuff.
So funny that I spit my sprite over the Balcony (poor souls below thought the roof was leaking).
It only makes sense to make them throw their money at the stage as well, with monkey see monkey do= the one employee leads the pack through the ole follow what I do mentality of the pack.
So you are you saying that man evolved naturally and god simply civilised man?
The Hebrew God is that Essence to become complete & Whole (Shalem), since that Essence is not a man nor form it has to be
described/defined taught, mediated, thus reflected (Malakh) and manifested.
That's where the term arch(top) malakh (reflection/messenger) comes from, and terms like Metatron (mediator) and
Melchi (king/lord) of Zadok (Tsadek=righteousness) and terms like head of hosts, father in heaven (Olam Habah the time to come),
the lesser yhwh(one who causes to be)
the one "perceived" (in the imperfect age) as your/their god (in their minds it's God speaking to them, yet it's the mediator), not the Creator Essence God which is the most finite expression of source and power in life which has no form nor voice.
(*hence not to anthropromorphize or physically name G-d)

When Daniel is relaying a message from the head messenger, Daniel is not confused for being the head of hosts he's speaking of. Christianity however always combines and converges everything like in it's trinity,
thus turned Jesus (this portion most likely Theudas) into the son of man he spoke for third person tense and about (the one called father in heaven).
If you don't call Daniel the Father in heaven nor call Moses the angel of the Lord, then people should not call Jesus that either, anymore then they'd be calling a Pope Jesus.
While calling God an invisible person in the sky is inaccurate I think you are going way too far in the other direction.
When you realize the literal translation states that the gods created, it doesn't really surprise anyone when the Most High states "Let us".

And the scriptures don't say creation out of nothing. Elements are eternal. They've always existed.
Random, I understand the hesitation...
But, they did not have the capacity to describe that essence in life with theorems like David Bohms or Kohns theorems.
They used words like Bestow- Receive
Son's pay for the sins of the father, transform, redeem, restore, salvation, pay the price, reep what you sow etc...

The most finite sense of creation has to be the nature to progress to all one could & should, because it's in all those other forms you call God and is a further process in creating those forms thus those concepts of life's source and force are not most finite.
Furthermore we can without subjective opinion recognize what is right or wrong, good or bad through recognizing this Essence as the purpose and force/source of life. Thus know our path. Why else woyld focus in life be on a mere Holy city and it's name= city of Shalem

Sources in scripture:
Isaiah 42:8 we can't pray to any image of anything physical- Exodus 20:3-7 and Deuteronomy 5:8-10
God is not a man nor form-(Isaiah 2:22, 14:13, I Samuel 15:29, Numbers 23:19, and Hosea 11:9, Deuteronomy 4:11-12 and the 13 major principles of the Jewish faith based on the Rambam's teaching of "ain lo demus haguf ve'ayno guf" -- that Hashem has no physical form.)

Sources for Shalem:
YeruShalem would carry the name. (1 Kings 11:36 &
in dead sea scrolls: Words of the Archangel Michael scroll 4Q529, 6Q23)
The Gemarah (Baba Batra 75) Tells us Jerusalem is named after G0D and is the place commemorating his name and essence. In Sefer D’varim (12:5, 11, 14, 18, 21; 14:23,24, 25; 15:20; 16:2, 6, 7, 11, 15, 16; 17:8, 10; 18:6; 26:2; 31:11).the place that I will choose to place My Name. That is referring to YeruShalem because Sifri identifies the place which Hashem will choose (12:18) as “Yerushalayim”.
"Let us create man in our image"

"God" was referring to other extraterrestrials​
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Random, I understand the hesitation...
But, they did not have the capacity to describe that essence in life with theorems like David Bohms or Kohns theorems.
They used words like Bestow- Receive
Son's pay for the sins of the father, transform, redeem, restore, salvation, pay the price, reep what you sow etc...

The most finite sense of creation has to be the nature to progress to all one could & should, because it's in all those other forms you call God and is a further process in creating those forms thus those concepts of life's source and force are not most finite.
Furthermore we can without subjective opinion recognize what is right or wrong, good or bad through recognizing this Essence as the purpose and force/source of life. Thus know our path. Why else woyld focus in life be on a mere Holy city and it's name= city of Shalem

Sources in scripture:
Isaiah 42:8 we can't pray to any image of anything physical- Exodus 20:3-7 and Deuteronomy 5:8-10
God is not a man nor form-(Isaiah 2:22, 14:13, I Samuel 15:29, Numbers 23:19, and Hosea 11:9, Deuteronomy 4:11-12 and the 13 major principles of the Jewish faith based on the Rambam's teaching of "ain lo demus haguf ve'ayno guf" -- that Hashem has no physical form.)

Sources for Shalem:
YeruShalem would carry the name. (1 Kings 11:36 &
in dead sea scrolls: Words of the Archangel Michael scroll 4Q529, 6Q23)
The Gemarah (Baba Batra 75) Tells us Jerusalem is named after G0D and is the place commemorating his name and essence. In Sefer D’varim (12:5, 11, 14, 18, 21; 14:23,24, 25; 15:20; 16:2, 6, 7, 11, 15, 16; 17:8, 10; 18:6; 26:2; 31:11).the place that I will choose to place My Name. That is referring to YeruShalem because Sifri identifies the place which Hashem will choose (12:18) as “Yerushalayim”.
So who/which god spoke to Moses out of the burning bush?
Everything has a process, if it was based on a literal event: ever heard of a hologram?
We NOW have the technology to send sound and such as photon light images faster then light, so it's not impossible an event.
But it could be a focus for something that was emulated and secreted later matching the story.
"Let us create man in our image"

"God" was referring to other extraterrestrials​

Christians are describing the same concept, however they never bother to ask if there is a further process in creating those beings then they aren't the source and power of life (that even created them) they'd just be the manufacturers or tinklers of our lives as our god, but not over all Creations. The idea is to recognize the most finite source and power to know and understand what is in line or opposition to creation so it's bo longer subjective.
Also so you are not tools, fools, and slaves that have no right controling you just because they are one up on you and you've yet to figure the process they hold over you.

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