Major Media FAIL on Reporting the Pacific Northwest Heatwave


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2018
Watts Up With That?

Major Media FAIL on Reporting the Pacific Northwest Heatwave​

Anthony Watts

July 1, 2021


The headline in E&E News, WOWT-TV, Scientific American, WorldNewsNetwork, and other media outlets this week, “Unprecedented Heat Wave in Pacific Northwest Driven by Climate Change” couldn’t possibly be more unscientific. With absolutely no analysis, no historical context, and nothing but conjecture, author Anne. C. Mulkern eschewed science for advocacy in her reporting of the brief Pacific Northwest (PNW) heat wave this week.

Yes, the heat wave set all-time high temperature records in Washington, Oregon, and Canada. But consider this: At best, we have about 150 years of reliable weather records for the PNW, so a “black swan” outlier event like this isn’t surprising. It’s happened before, most certainly. We just weren’t around to observe it. After all, Native Americans did not keep written weather records.

High (and low) temperature records are nothing new. But it is important to look at the past, because data show us that more high temperature records were set during the first half of the twentieth century than during the past 50 years. Even the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) confirms this.




The asshole media ignores the RECORD COOL DOWN that came afterwards........, not only that warmist/alarmists ignore the rest of the country as this map shows what these turds ignore:


USA actually COOLED over all that day.
Last edited:
Watts Up With That?

Major Media FAIL on Reporting the Pacific Northwest Heatwave​

Anthony Watts

July 1, 2021


The headline in E&E News, WOWT-TV, Scientific American, WorldNewsNetwork, and other media outlets this week, “Unprecedented Heat Wave in Pacific Northwest Driven by Climate Change” couldn’t possibly be more unscientific. With absolutely no analysis, no historical context, and nothing but conjecture, author Anne. C. Mulkern eschewed science for advocacy in her reporting of the brief Pacific Northwest (PNW) heat wave this week.

Yes, the heat wave set all-time high temperature records in Washington, Oregon, and Canada. But consider this: At best, we have about 150 years of reliable weather records for the PNW, so a “black swan” outlier event like this isn’t surprising. It’s happened before, most certainly. We just weren’t around to observe it. After all, Native Americans did not keep written weather records.

High (and low) temperature records are nothing new. But it is important to look at the past, because data show us that more high temperature records were set during the first half of the twentieth century than during the past 50 years. Even the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) confirms this.

View attachment 507852


The asshole media ignores the RECORD COOL DOWN that came afterwards........, not only that warmist/alarmists ignore the rest of the country as this map shows what these turds ignore:

View attachment 507853

USA actually COOLED over all that day.
Remember kiddies, with progressives, when it gets really cold outside and record low temperatures happen, it is weather. When it gets really hot outside in the summer, then it is climate change.....
Watts Up With That?

Major Media FAIL on Reporting the Pacific Northwest Heatwave​

Anthony Watts

July 1, 2021


The headline in E&E News, WOWT-TV, Scientific American, WorldNewsNetwork, and other media outlets this week, “Unprecedented Heat Wave in Pacific Northwest Driven by Climate Change” couldn’t possibly be more unscientific. With absolutely no analysis, no historical context, and nothing but conjecture, author Anne. C. Mulkern eschewed science for advocacy in her reporting of the brief Pacific Northwest (PNW) heat wave this week.

Yes, the heat wave set all-time high temperature records in Washington, Oregon, and Canada. But consider this: At best, we have about 150 years of reliable weather records for the PNW, so a “black swan” outlier event like this isn’t surprising. It’s happened before, most certainly. We just weren’t around to observe it. After all, Native Americans did not keep written weather records.

High (and low) temperature records are nothing new. But it is important to look at the past, because data show us that more high temperature records were set during the first half of the twentieth century than during the past 50 years. Even the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) confirms this.

View attachment 507852


The asshole media ignores the RECORD COOL DOWN that came afterwards........, not only that warmist/alarmists ignore the rest of the country as this map shows what these turds ignore:

View attachment 507853

USA actually COOLED over all that day.
Remember kiddies, with progressives, when it gets really cold outside and record low temperatures happen, it is weather. When it gets really hot outside in the summer, then it is climate change.....

Perfect example of their utter stupidity.
Our all-time record temperature last week was 109ºF ... without global warming, we would have set the record on Sunday at 112ºF ... with warming, we set the record at 114ºF ...

Extreme temperature records only go back to 1931 here ... so, not quite a "100 year event" ... close, but not quite ... I've been in long jeans and flannel shirts the past three days, mid to upper 50's in the mornings, 70's in the afternoon ... burrrrr ... no rain, shocker there ... forests are all burning, which is normal this time of year ... see how that works: no rain, forests burn; rain, no forests burn ... simple eh? ...

Spoiled because of offensive empirical data ... NSFL (Not safe for liberals, you've been warned):
132 AM PDT MON JUN 28 2021




MAXIMUM 114R 432 PM 101 2015 80 34 78
MINIMUM 71 520 AM 38 1965 54 17 58
AVERAGE 93 67 26 68

YESTERDAY 0.00 0.60 1969 0.01 -0.01 0.00
MONTH TO DATE 1.45 0.89 0.56 0.96
SINCE OCT 1 22.83 30.69 -7.86 22.42
SINCE JAN 1 13.48 17.60 -4.12 16.09


YESTERDAY 0 1 -1 0
MONTH TO DATE 58 75 -17 65
SINCE JUN 1 58 75 -17 65
SINCE JUL 1 3593 3907 -314 3759

YESTERDAY 28 4 24 3
MONTH TO DATE 183 59 124 91
SINCE JUN 1 183 59 124 91
SINCE JAN 1 204 85 119 138




Let's not let facts spoil a good narrative.

The beauty of all of this is that WHEN it becomes obvious that the planet is not heading for a super greenhouse state - and it will eventually be proven that it isn't - the same people who are arguing that we are will be the ones who tell us that they knew all along that we weren't. ;)
Despite the very hot 14 days of June in America, and that La Nina vanished last month, it cooled:

UAH Global Temperature Update for June 2021: -0.01 deg. C​

July 2nd, 2021 by Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D.

The Version 6.0 global average lower tropospheric temperature (LT) anomaly for June, 2021 was -0.01 deg. C, down from the May, 2021 value of +0.08 deg. C.


Let's not let facts spoil a good narrative.

The beauty of all of this is that WHEN it becomes obvious that the planet is not heading for a super greenhouse state - and it will eventually be proven that it isn't - the same people who are arguing that we are will be the ones who tell us that they knew all along that we weren't. ;)
Scientific Consensus: Earth's Climate is Warming
Let's not let facts spoil a good narrative.

The beauty of all of this is that WHEN it becomes obvious that the planet is not heading for a super greenhouse state - and it will eventually be proven that it isn't - the same people who are arguing that we are will be the ones who tell us that they knew all along that we weren't. ;)
Scientific Consensus: Earth's Climate is Warming
We have been in an ice age for the past 2.7 million years. The planet is uniquely configured for bipolar glaciation. At no other time in the earth's history was it so configured for the planet to become colder. The same conditions which led to the transition from a greenhouse planet to an icehouse planet still exist today.

Talk to me when you can tell me what those conditions are and explain why they led to the transition to an ice house planet.
Let's not let facts spoil a good narrative.

The beauty of all of this is that WHEN it becomes obvious that the planet is not heading for a super greenhouse state - and it will eventually be proven that it isn't - the same people who are arguing that we are will be the ones who tell us that they knew all along that we weren't. ;)
Scientific Consensus: Earth's Climate is Warming
We have been in an ice age for the past 2.7 million years. The planet is uniquely configured for bipolar glaciation. At no other time in the earth's history was it so configured for the planet to become colder. The same conditions which led to the transition from a greenhouse planet to an icehouse planet still exist today.

Talk to me when you can tell me what those conditions are and explain why they led to the transition to an ice house planet.
What's your degree in?
Let's not let facts spoil a good narrative.

The beauty of all of this is that WHEN it becomes obvious that the planet is not heading for a super greenhouse state - and it will eventually be proven that it isn't - the same people who are arguing that we are will be the ones who tell us that they knew all along that we weren't. ;)
Scientific Consensus: Earth's Climate is Warming
We have been in an ice age for the past 2.7 million years. The planet is uniquely configured for bipolar glaciation. At no other time in the earth's history was it so configured for the planet to become colder. The same conditions which led to the transition from a greenhouse planet to an icehouse planet still exist today.

Talk to me when you can tell me what those conditions are and explain why they led to the transition to an ice house planet.
What's your degree in?
Engineering. What's yours in?
Let's not let facts spoil a good narrative.

The beauty of all of this is that WHEN it becomes obvious that the planet is not heading for a super greenhouse state - and it will eventually be proven that it isn't - the same people who are arguing that we are will be the ones who tell us that they knew all along that we weren't. ;)
Scientific Consensus: Earth's Climate is Warming
We have been in an ice age for the past 2.7 million years. The planet is uniquely configured for bipolar glaciation. At no other time in the earth's history was it so configured for the planet to become colder. The same conditions which led to the transition from a greenhouse planet to an icehouse planet still exist today.

Talk to me when you can tell me what those conditions are and explain why they led to the transition to an ice house planet.
What's your degree in?
Engineering. What's yours in?
So you know better than all those scientists and NASA?
Let's not let facts spoil a good narrative.

The beauty of all of this is that WHEN it becomes obvious that the planet is not heading for a super greenhouse state - and it will eventually be proven that it isn't - the same people who are arguing that we are will be the ones who tell us that they knew all along that we weren't. ;)
Scientific Consensus: Earth's Climate is Warming
We have been in an ice age for the past 2.7 million years. The planet is uniquely configured for bipolar glaciation. At no other time in the earth's history was it so configured for the planet to become colder. The same conditions which led to the transition from a greenhouse planet to an icehouse planet still exist today.

Talk to me when you can tell me what those conditions are and explain why they led to the transition to an ice house planet.
What's your degree in?
Engineering. What's yours in?
So you know better than all those scientists and NASA?
I know what this means and why it is this way.

F2 annotated.jpg

transition to icehouse.png

Do you?
Let's not let facts spoil a good narrative.

The beauty of all of this is that WHEN it becomes obvious that the planet is not heading for a super greenhouse state - and it will eventually be proven that it isn't - the same people who are arguing that we are will be the ones who tell us that they knew all along that we weren't. ;)
Scientific Consensus: Earth's Climate is Warming
We have been in an ice age for the past 2.7 million years. The planet is uniquely configured for bipolar glaciation. At no other time in the earth's history was it so configured for the planet to become colder. The same conditions which led to the transition from a greenhouse planet to an icehouse planet still exist today.

Talk to me when you can tell me what those conditions are and explain why they led to the transition to an ice house planet.
What's your degree in?
Engineering. What's yours in?
So you know better than all those scientists and NASA?
So no degree?
Let's not let facts spoil a good narrative.

The beauty of all of this is that WHEN it becomes obvious that the planet is not heading for a super greenhouse state - and it will eventually be proven that it isn't - the same people who are arguing that we are will be the ones who tell us that they knew all along that we weren't. ;)
Scientific Consensus: Earth's Climate is Warming
We have been in an ice age for the past 2.7 million years. The planet is uniquely configured for bipolar glaciation. At no other time in the earth's history was it so configured for the planet to become colder. The same conditions which led to the transition from a greenhouse planet to an icehouse planet still exist today.

Talk to me when you can tell me what those conditions are and explain why they led to the transition to an ice house planet.
What's your degree in?
Engineering. What's yours in?
So you know better than all those scientists and NASA?
I know what this means and why it is this way.

View attachment 508451

View attachment 508452

Do you?
I bet the people at NASA would laugh at you. Smart people follow their lead.
Let's not let facts spoil a good narrative.

The beauty of all of this is that WHEN it becomes obvious that the planet is not heading for a super greenhouse state - and it will eventually be proven that it isn't - the same people who are arguing that we are will be the ones who tell us that they knew all along that we weren't. ;)
Scientific Consensus: Earth's Climate is Warming
We have been in an ice age for the past 2.7 million years. The planet is uniquely configured for bipolar glaciation. At no other time in the earth's history was it so configured for the planet to become colder. The same conditions which led to the transition from a greenhouse planet to an icehouse planet still exist today.

Talk to me when you can tell me what those conditions are and explain why they led to the transition to an ice house planet.
What's your degree in?
Engineering. What's yours in?
So you know better than all those scientists and NASA?
So no degree?
I was asking because you think you know better than the scientists at NASA, so I figured you had a related degree, which you don't. So you're just another one of those pompous fakers that I've been told to look out for here.
Let's not let facts spoil a good narrative.

The beauty of all of this is that WHEN it becomes obvious that the planet is not heading for a super greenhouse state - and it will eventually be proven that it isn't - the same people who are arguing that we are will be the ones who tell us that they knew all along that we weren't. ;)
Scientific Consensus: Earth's Climate is Warming
We have been in an ice age for the past 2.7 million years. The planet is uniquely configured for bipolar glaciation. At no other time in the earth's history was it so configured for the planet to become colder. The same conditions which led to the transition from a greenhouse planet to an icehouse planet still exist today.

Talk to me when you can tell me what those conditions are and explain why they led to the transition to an ice house planet.
What's your degree in?
Engineering. What's yours in?
So you know better than all those scientists and NASA?
I know what this means and why it is this way.

View attachment 508451

View attachment 508452

Do you?
I bet the people at NASA would laugh at you. Smart people follow their lead.
I get a lot of my data on past climates from NASA.

Maybe you should study the earth's climate for yourself.
Let's not let facts spoil a good narrative.

The beauty of all of this is that WHEN it becomes obvious that the planet is not heading for a super greenhouse state - and it will eventually be proven that it isn't - the same people who are arguing that we are will be the ones who tell us that they knew all along that we weren't. ;)
Scientific Consensus: Earth's Climate is Warming
We have been in an ice age for the past 2.7 million years. The planet is uniquely configured for bipolar glaciation. At no other time in the earth's history was it so configured for the planet to become colder. The same conditions which led to the transition from a greenhouse planet to an icehouse planet still exist today.

Talk to me when you can tell me what those conditions are and explain why they led to the transition to an ice house planet.
What's your degree in?
Engineering. What's yours in?
So you know better than all those scientists and NASA?
So no degree?
I was asking because you think you know better than the scientists at NASA, so I figured you had a related degree, which you don't. So you're just another one of those pompous fakers that I've been told to look out for here.
No one disputes anything I have told you so far. Not NASA. Not IPCC. No one. The oxygen isotope curve is well established for the Cenozoic. No one besides you disputes it.

Do you blindly accept everything you are told without any investigation whatsoever?
Watts Up With That?

Major Media FAIL on Reporting the Pacific Northwest Heatwave​

Anthony Watts

July 1, 2021


The headline in E&E News, WOWT-TV, Scientific American, WorldNewsNetwork, and other media outlets this week, “Unprecedented Heat Wave in Pacific Northwest Driven by Climate Change” couldn’t possibly be more unscientific. With absolutely no analysis, no historical context, and nothing but conjecture, author Anne. C. Mulkern eschewed science for advocacy in her reporting of the brief Pacific Northwest (PNW) heat wave this week.

Yes, the heat wave set all-time high temperature records in Washington, Oregon, and Canada. But consider this: At best, we have about 150 years of reliable weather records for the PNW, so a “black swan” outlier event like this isn’t surprising. It’s happened before, most certainly. We just weren’t around to observe it. After all, Native Americans did not keep written weather records.

High (and low) temperature records are nothing new. But it is important to look at the past, because data show us that more high temperature records were set during the first half of the twentieth century than during the past 50 years. Even the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) confirms this.

View attachment 507852


The asshole media ignores the RECORD COOL DOWN that came afterwards........, not only that warmist/alarmists ignore the rest of the country as this map shows what these turds ignore:

View attachment 507853

USA actually COOLED over all that day.

It's not climate change! It's not!
It's not!
It's not!
Let's not let facts spoil a good narrative.

The beauty of all of this is that WHEN it becomes obvious that the planet is not heading for a super greenhouse state - and it will eventually be proven that it isn't - the same people who are arguing that we are will be the ones who tell us that they knew all along that we weren't. ;)
Scientific Consensus: Earth's Climate is Warming
We have been in an ice age for the past 2.7 million years. The planet is uniquely configured for bipolar glaciation. At no other time in the earth's history was it so configured for the planet to become colder. The same conditions which led to the transition from a greenhouse planet to an icehouse planet still exist today.

Talk to me when you can tell me what those conditions are and explain why they led to the transition to an ice house planet.
What's your degree in?
Engineering. What's yours in?
So you know better than all those scientists and NASA?
I know what this means and why it is this way.

View attachment 508451

View attachment 508452

Do you?
I bet the people at NASA would laugh at you. Smart people follow their lead.
I get a lot of my data on past climates from NASA.

Maybe you should study the earth's climate for yourself.
I have, I agree with everything the scientists say.

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