Lowest of Any President At This Point...


Senior Member
Feb 5, 2009
New Gallup information showing no other president has had as low approval as does Obama at this point in their respective terms.

Obama currently sits at 47% - and the bottom of the pile...


The next 11 presidents, both Democrats and Republicans, all had higher job approval ratings than Obama at this stage of their tenure. Their ratings were:

-- George W. Bush, 86 percent
-- Bill Clinton, 52 percent
-- George H.W. Bush, 71 percent
-- Ronald Reagan, 49 percent
-- Jimmy Carter, 57 percent
-- Gerald Ford, 52 percent
-- Richard Nixon, 59 percent
-- Lyndon Johnson, 74 percent
-- John Kennedy, 77 percent
-- Dwight Eisenhower, 69 percent
-- Harry Truman, 49 percent

FOXNews.com - Obama's 47 Percent Approval Lowest of Any President at This Point
Gee i wonder why?? He is presiding over a terrible Socialist Malaise and he's only making it worse. He has unfortunately sunk many future generations to come. The damage he has done in such a short time is simply shocking & frightening. I don't think his terrible damage can really be fixed by any future leaders. It is very sad but it is what it is.
Gee i wonder why?? He is presiding over a terrible Socialist Malaise and he's only making it worse. He has unfortunately sunk many future generations to come. The damage he has done in such a short time is simply shocking & frightening. I don't think his terrible damage can really be fixed by any future leaders. It is very sad but it is what it is.

Seven more years!!!!

Or three????
keep dreaming.

You guys will have to find a candidate who is not bat shit crazy to win.

All your prospects aint there yet
It's ironic when you think back and realize Bush's was so high because of 9/11 at this point.

I believe that the reason Obama's popularity level is so high is due to the fact that ACORN has probably padded that number like they created all of the illegal votes that got him elected.
It's ironic when you think back and realize Bush's was so high because of 9/11 at this point.

Because he was doing Afganistan, the war Obama is trying to clean up because Bush abandoned it for a war for profit built on lies.
It's ironic when you think back and realize Bush's was so high because of 9/11 at this point.

I believe that the reason Obama's popularity level is so high is due to the fact that ACORN has probably padded that number like they created all of the illegal votes that got him elected.

You do realize that ACORN has nothing to do with this polling and has never been involved in illegal votes.
The reason Obama came in so "popular" was because he was not Bush, and he was Black. (White guilt played a huge role)

Neither of those two reasons are important to a growing number of Americans. His popularity was smoke -n- mirrors, and the actual job of leadership is proving far more difficult than repeating the mantra of "Hope n Change"...
Your numbers for Reagan are way off. Ron Reagan had lower approval numbers than Obama at this point in his term. He went as low as 37% by his third year
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I'm not sure how meaningful polls are in terms of comparisons between presidents at measured months into their presidency. There are huge differences in what is going on. Bush was coming off of a 9/11 high - and to his credit he deserved the numbers. Other presidents governed with no real crisis to face. Obama is came in with two unpopular wars on his back, a record deficit and a crashing economy. I pity ANY candidate who takes office with that becuase there is no quick, palatable or popular fix. It will be more relevant to see the numbers in a couple of years when we see where the economy and wars end up.
You know.......I find it rather interesting that the conservatives (who worship Reagan), are taking joy in the fact that Obama's numbers are higher than his, yet they are trumpeting Obama as a failure.

What was Reagan then?
Obama is a dilettante who reads a book and calls it "life". His sum total of experience was a few years as a "Community Organizer". This is a man who has never had a real job.

In my book, a "Community Organizer" is a glorified hippie. Hippies are good for one thing - punching in the face.

Next time you decide to elect a pot smoking hippie to the "highest" office in the land, don't be surprises when he fails. Better yet, punch the hippie in the face before he runs.
How could so many be duped into believing that an inexperienced & failed "Community Organizer" would be a great leader? It really is so perplexing.
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It's ironic when you think back and realize Bush's was so high because of 9/11 at this point.

Because he was doing Afganistan, the war Obama is trying to clean up because Bush abandoned it for a war for profit built on lies.

Right on!!! Also, I don't know why they are even discussing Obama's approval ratings. When Bush's approval ratings were in the 20's, the right wing all said they didn't believe in polls. I wonder what changed??? :lol:
Obama is a dilettante who reads a book and calls it "life". His sum total of experience was a few years as a "Community Organizer". This is a man who has never had a real job.

In my book, a "Community Organizer" is a glorified hippie. Hippies are good for one thing - punching in the face.

Next time you decide to elect a pot smoking hippie to the "highest" office in the land, don't be surprises when he fails. Better yet, punch the hippie in the face before he runs.

I never realized US Senators are mere "Community Organizers"

What does that make half term Governors?

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