Low IQ & Conservative Beliefs Linked to Racism

Is she? That would shock me. I know this is stereotyping on my part but when I picture her kind of stupid, I picture a white person.

No, I'm pretty sure she said she was black. But then, she lies about everything, so who knows.

Stupid, she is. Stupid and racist. Virtually illiterate.

She has definitely said elsewhere that she is white. Thank goodness. She gives liberals a bad enough name. She doesn't need her rep to bleed over onto any other special demographic.

She speaks though with the poison that has been taught by the modern day Democrats and the liberal media. It truly is revolting and so different from the freed slaves in the 1800's.

My computer fried just recently and I lost all my bookmarks, but I had the most wonderful speech given by Frederick Douglass in memory of President Abraham Lincoln but I found it again.

Here's just part and I'll put up a link. It truly illustrates how the race baiters in the D party and their supporters like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have warped the minds of so many.

When you get a chance take the time to read the whole thing. It brings me to tears.

Here's part:

Oration In Memory Of Abraham Lincoln
Delivered At The Unveiling Of The Freedmen's Monument In Memory Of Abraham Lincoln
In Lincoln Park, Washington, D.C.
Frederick Douglass
April 14, 1876

From part of the speech:

The sentiment that brings us here today is one of the noblest that can stir and thrill the human heart.

It has crowned and made glorious the high places of all civilized nations with the grandest and most enduring works of art, designed to illustrate the characters and perpetuate the memories of great public men.

It is the sentiment which from year to year adorns with fragrant and beautiful flowers the graves of our loyal, brave, and patriotic soldiers who fell in defense of the Union and liberty.

It is the sentiment of gratitude and appreciation, which often, in the presence of many who hear me, has filled yonder heights of Arlington with the eloquence of eulogy and the sublime enthusiasm of poetry and song; a sentiment which can never die while the Republic lives.

For the first time in the history of our people, and in the history of the whole American people, we join in this high worship, and march conspicuously in the line of this time-honored custom.

First things are always interesting, and this is one of our first things. It is the first time that, in this form and manner, we have sought to do honor to an American great man, however deserving and ilustrious.

I commend the fact to notice; let it be told in every part of the Republic; let men of all parties and opinions hear it; let those who despise us, not less than those who respect us, know that now and here, in the spirit of liberty, loyalty, and gratitude, let it be known everywhere, and by everybody who takes an interest in human progress and in the amelioration of the condition of mankind,

That, in the presence and with the approval of the members of the American House of Representatives, reflecting the general sentiment of the country; that in the presence of that august body, the American Senate, representing the highest intelligence and the calmest judgment of the country;

in the presence of the Supreme Court and Chief-Justice of the United States, to whose decisions we all patriotically bow; in the presence and under the steady eye of the honored and trusted Cabinet,

We, the colored people, newly emancipated and rejoicing in our blood-bought freedom, near the close of the first century in the life of this Republic, have now and here unveiled, set apart, and dedicated a figure of which the men of this generation may read, and those of after-coming generations may read, something of the exalted character and great works of Abraham Lincoln, the first martyr President of the United States.

It's really an enthralling speech and it truly shows how in such little time the Dems and the media have poisoned so many minds with hate by twisting history and lying.

Oration In Memory Of Abraham Lincoln

I love his ending. Douglass was a great and honorable man.

Fellow-citizens, I end, as I began, with congratulations. We have done a good work for our race today. In doing honor to the memory of our friend and liberator, we have been doing highest honors to ourselves and those who come after us;

we have been fastening ourselves to a name and fame imperishable and immortal; we have also been defending ourselves from a blighting scandal. When now it shall be said that the colored man is soulless, that he has no appreciation of benefits or benefactors; when the foul reproach of ingratitude is hurled at us, and it is attempted to scourge us beyond the range of human brotherhood,

We may calmly point to the monument we have this day erected to the memory of Abraham Lincoln.

Check out The Savage Nation for some sanity.

Savage is about as conservative as you can get.

I think I listened to his show a few years ago for about two minutes. The guy went from 0 to the speed of sound in about three seconds. He got himself so worked up, I could hear the foam flying from his mouth hitting the microphone. I changed the station before my speakers blew out.

I remember thinking how apt his surmane was.
So that sums up Rush Limbaugh & talk-radio, George W. Bush, and the Tea-Party nicely.

Low IQ & Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice - Yahoo! News

There's no gentle way to put it: People who give in to racism and prejudice may simply be dumb, according to a new study that is bound to stir public controversy.

The research finds that children with low intelligence are more likely to hold prejudiced attitudes as adults. These findings point to a vicious cycle, according to lead researcher Gordon Hodson, a psychologist at Brock University in Ontario. Low-intelligence adults tend to gravitate toward socially conservative ideologies, the study found. Those ideologies, in turn, stress hierarchy and resistance to change, attitudes that can contribute to prejudice, Hodson wrote in an email to LiveScience...

Of course, the study is utter bullshit because conservative beliefs don't correlate with low intelligence. Terms like "tend to gravitate" are so nebulous that they are utterly meaningless.

This is just another example that proves government funded universities are little more than brain washing institutions and propaganda mills.

Swallowing horseshit like this is a sure sign of stupidity.
Check out The Savage Nation for some sanity.

Savage is about as conservative as you can get.

I think I listened to his show a few years ago for about two minutes. The guy went from 0 to the speed of sound in about three seconds. He got himself so worked up, I could hear the foam flying from his mouth hitting the microphone. I changed the station before my speakers blew out.

I remember thinking how apt his surmane was.

Savage is an excellent example of ultra-conservative views leading to racism and the dumbing-down of America. Good case in point.
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Check out The Savage Nation for some sanity.

Savage is about as conservative as you can get.

I think I listened to his show a few years ago for about two minutes. The guy went from 0 to the speed of sound in about three seconds. He got himself so worked up, I could hear the foam flying from his mouth hitting the microphone. I changed the station before my speakers blew out.

I remember thinking how apt his surmane was.

Savage is an excellent example of ultra-conservative views leading to racism and the dumbing-down of America. Good case in point.

Which conservative views lead to racism?
So that sums up Rush Limbaugh & talk-radio, George W. Bush, and the Tea-Party nicely. be careful what you say !!!!

Low IQ & Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice - Yahoo! News

There's no gentle way to put it: People who give in to racism and prejudice may simply be dumb, according to a new study that is bound to stir public controversy.

The research finds that children with low intelligence are more likely to hold prejudiced attitudes as adults. These findings point to a vicious cycle, according to lead researcher Gordon Hodson, a psychologist at Brock University in Ontario. Low-intelligence adults tend to gravitate toward socially conservative ideologies, the study found. Those ideologies, in turn, stress hierarchy and resistance to change, attitudes that can contribute to prejudice, Hodson wrote in an email to LiveScience...
be careful what you post !!! you just labeled an entire minority that consistently scores much,much lower than all other races on IQ tests racist !!!:eusa_eh:
Check out The Savage Nation for some sanity.

Savage is about as conservative as you can get.

I think I listened to his show a few years ago for about two minutes. The guy went from 0 to the speed of sound in about three seconds. He got himself so worked up, I could hear the foam flying from his mouth hitting the microphone. I changed the station before my speakers blew out.

I remember thinking how apt his surmane was.

Savage is an excellent example of ultra-conservative views leading to racism and the dumbing-down of America. Good case in point.

Ed Schultz bigoted rant against Marco Rubio was way over the top racist.

Said Senator Rubio wasn't a real American.
and then they all became republicans because of the passage of the civil rights act.

nice fact to forget.

no surprise. :thup:

Lying again Jillian?

No surprise, you're a leftist democrat - zero integrity.

What year did Bull Conner become a Republican? Oh, that's right, he never did.

Well, what year did Orval Faubus become a Republican? You remember Orval? President Eisenhower - a REPUBLICAN, dispatched troops to for DEMOCRAT Faubus to allow black children to attend school. Oh, that's right - Faubus died a democrat.

Then, must be George Wallace? Oops - Wallace ran independent, but then went right back to his home in the democratic party.

I know - must have been Grand Lizard of the KKK Robert Byrd, right? Ostracized by the dims, Byrd went to the GOP, right? Oh wait, Byrd wasn't ostracized, the filthy fucks of the DNC made the Klansman a hero.
and then they all became republicans because of the passage of the civil rights act.

nice fact to forget.

no surprise. :thup:

Lying again Jillian?

No surprise, you're a leftist democrat - zero integrity.

What year did Bull Conner become a Republican? Oh, that's right, he never did.

Well, what year did Orval Faubus become a Republican? You remember Orval? President Eisenhower - a REPUBLICAN, dispatched troops to for DEMOCRAT Faubus to allow black children to attend school. Oh, that's right - Faubus died a democrat.

Then, must be George Wallace? Oops - Wallace ran independent, but then went right back to his home in the democratic party.

I know - must have been Grand Lizard of the KKK Robert Byrd, right? Ostracized by the dims, Byrd went to the GOP, right? Oh wait, Byrd wasn't ostracized, the filthy fucks of the DNC made the Klansman a hero.

:eusa_shhh: don't confuse them with facts.
How do you explain that black people are too smart to vote republican?

That's pure fear of being cut off by the democrats. It's also a bit of stockholm syndrome. Identifying with your captors.

But they dont have to worry about being "cut off" like you claim, they could just go to the republican party if they dont like the dems right?

Why do black American voters not just change party?

They are thinking human beings with just as much smarts as any group right?

They can work and do work.

They pay taxes.

Why do they refuse to vote republican in such high numbers?
I think I listened to his show a few years ago for about two minutes. The guy went from 0 to the speed of sound in about three seconds. He got himself so worked up, I could hear the foam flying from his mouth hitting the microphone. I changed the station before my speakers blew out.

Besides, Maddow was on and you needed to go find out what you thought about the issues of the day..

I remember thinking how apt his surmane was.

Do you get your news from Comedy Central?

Sure you do......
Face yourselves in the mirror right wingers.

Black Americans dont vote republican for very GOOD reasons.

your party is racist.

You then turn arround and insult 90% of the black voters in this country by claiming they dont have wise reasons NOT to vote republican.

You are caught in a racists circle.

You refuse to give them reasons to vote for your party and then insult 90% of the black voters in America for not ignoring your racism.

You are racists.
Politics trumps race every time. Doesn't matter what your race is as long as you got a D next to your name. Doesn't matter what your race is if you got an R next to your name.

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