Black Racism


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
So, people here have whined to me about why I never show examples of "black racism." So let's discuss this "black racism" that people complain about. And I am not going to come from the simple minded assertion that any consideration of a persons skin color makes a person a racist. Nor am I going to come with the cloddish notion of "if you substitute the word white" this is racist. I refuse to give validity to the two wrongs defense without starting with the first wrong, which I  will be showing and so let's begin.

The argument or claim of black racism comes from a belief in a racial symmetry or egalitarianism that has never existed in this country. Symmetry assumes everything is the same, egalitarianism assumes everybody has had the same experience. Some Whites and some people of color have adopted this false reality.

So let's look at how things began. The that was in the past argument convenently denies the difference in the experiences of blacks and whites which is esential to understanding the disingenuous nature of the black racism claim.

The system in America is built upon a belief in white racial superiority. What made whites believe they were superior therefore entitled to things that others were not? What made the whites from Europe decide they had the right to invade this continent and create a government when governments were already here?

For the answer, it appears that we must take ourselves back to the era of what was called the Age of Enlightenment. Now I do not know just exactly who was enlightened by these ideas, because to people who were not of European descent the era had nothing to do with being “enlightened.” Europeans really were not enlightened either. This era was also called the Age of Reason, but what came out of this age were some of the most unreasoned and crazed ideas in the history of mankind. This era is credited with advancing modern concepts like liberty, constitutional government, as well as the separation of church and state. Such “reason and enlightenment” came equipped with philosophies steeped in racism. As usual, half of the story is not told to promote some great ideal of the superiority of thought and reason based on the European or white model. However, the top thinkers of the time held ideas or beliefs such as this:

“I am apt to suspect the negroes and in general all other species of men (for there are four or five different kinds) to be naturally inferior to the whites. There never was a civilized nation of any other complexion than white, nor even any individual eminent either in action or speculation. No ingenious manufactures amongst them, no arts, no sciences. On the other hand, the most rude and barbarous of the whites, such as the ancient GERMANS, the present TARTARS, have still something eminent about them in their valour, form of government, or some other particular. Such a uniform and constant differences could not happen in so many countries and ages, if nature had not made an original distinction betwixt these breeds of men. Not to mention our colonies, there are Negroe slaves dispersed all over Europe, of which none ever discovered any symptoms of ingenuity, tho' low people, without education, will start up amonst us, and distinguish themselves in every profession. In JAMAICA indeed they talk of one negroe as a man of parts and learning; but 'tis likely he is admired for very slender accomplishments like a parrot, who speaks a few words plainly. “

David Hume, “Of National Characters”

Scientific racism, sometimes termed biological racism, is the pseudoscientific belief that empirical evidence exists to support or justify racism (racial discrimination), racial inferiority, or racial superiority. Historically, scientific racism received credence throughout the scientific community, but it is no longer considered scientific. Dividing humankind into biologically distinct groups is sometimes called racialism, race realism, or race science by its proponents.

Simply put, scientific racism is the use of scientific theories to justify racial superiority or inferiority. It creates a belief in the natural or genetic superiority of a race. Scientific racism as a belief or ideology has been a problem since the 1600s. Such beliefs still exist today among specific segments of the worldwide white community, and it is called racial realism. Scientific racism more bluntly put, is racist B.S.

Immanuel Kant was one of the earliest advocates of scientific racism and was considered the greatest thinker of the times. This is how misguided we have been relative to our educations in this and other western societies. The excuse of “that is how they thought at the time” has been used as a defense for his racism.

In three separate works Kant claimed that the Negro is, in most respects, the lowest of all races. He also referred to blacks as the “bad race” and whites as “the good race,” argued that the white race contains “all incentives and talents,” and felt that whites were the “only ones who always progress toward perfection.”

To my knowledge, Kant never repudiated any of these explicitly racist claims.

- Ryan Very, Kant’s Racism,

Kant's belief that the European white was the only race capable of self-improvement and the highest level of civilization, were widely accepted. These ideas created the belief in European superiority that we still see today couched under a newer descriptive term called western civilization. Kant and Hume were not alone in this belief. 

It is a serious question among them whether they [Africans] are descended from monkeys or whether the monkeys come from them. Our wise men have said that man was created in the image of God. Now here is a lovely image of the Divine Maker: a flat and black nose with little or hardly any intelligence. A time will doubtless come when these animals will know how to cultivate the land well, beautify their houses and gardens, and know the paths of the stars: one needs time for everything.

Voltaire - Les Lettres d'Amabed (1769)

A long line of European thinkers supported this and expanded it. Voltaire is given credit as an advocate for civil liberties, yet Voltaire had a racial hierarchy where blacks were lower than whites and ranked just above oysters. Benjamin Rush, a founding father of this country, believed that being black meant you had a skin disease. He even had a name for it, Negroidism. He believed that people born black had a form of leprosy. In every instance of trying to provide this “scientific” understanding of cultural differences and skin complexion whites always gave themselves top billing as being more advanced.

Scientific racism has been a huge part of the American experience. On March 12, 1851, Dr. Samuel Cartwright read a report he was appointed as a member of a committee to do for the Medical Association of Louisiana titled, “Report On The Diseases And Physical Peculiarities Of The Negro Race”. Dr. Samuel Cartwright was the guy who made up the disease called drapetomania to claim blacks running away from slavery suffered from a mental disorder. Hoss Cartwright could have written a better report. Cartwright claimed Blacks had been running around in Africa with no medical facilities or medical study. I think Imhotep and a few others would disagree with Cartwright regarding his opinion. Cartwright also claimed that the brain size of blacks is a “ninth or tenth less than in other races of men.” He goes on to use the skeletal, vascular, and nervous systems of blacks to claim that blacks are like children and that blacks can only prosper in a situation where they are governed by a controlling force. He claimed that blacks were incapable of self-rule, that blacks gravitate towards slavery and enjoy being under such rule.

This is just a small bit of the things that created a belief in white racial superiority in America. These beliefs manifested itself into a legal, govermental, educational and economic system of white racial preference. This preference was and still today has been enforced and maintained by enacting or enforcing law and policy.

And so what is black racism?

The response to this system by blacks in opposition by calling out whites because of the existence of this system is called black racism. The comeback by primarily far right extremist or racist whites is that because blacks are calling out racists they are claiming an inherent trait in all white people therefore they are racists. But this is not the case.

What many whites call black racism is a conclusion blacks have made by observed behavior and lived experiences based on actions committed by members of the white race. The conclusion is based on things having actual existence and are actual occurrences. It is information presented having objective reality: originating in or based on observation or experience. These conclusions rely on experience or observation alone often without due regard for system and theory. Not only are they capable of being verified or disproved by observation or experiment, they have been verified or disproved by such. These conclusions do not include any claim of inherent traits in every single white person, but it does describe a behavior that has been exhibited among members of the white race. A belief in black inferiority does not meet any of these requirements.

My point here is that blacks did not develop racial classifications and determine that blacks were at the top of the ladder. Blacks did not come to America on the Mayflower either. Blacks did not establish laws in this country that have denied whites of constitutional rights. Blacks have not found ways to subvert laws to continue maintaining a racial advantage every time potential racial advancements were supposed to be made. The old line of two wrongs don’t make a right needs to be dropped from the rhetoric of white people. It is time to recognize the first wrong from whence all others have come.


Hume, David, “Of Natural Characters,” Part I Essay XXI of Essays, Moral, Political, and Literary
Ryan Very, Kant’s Racism, Kant's Racism
A'ndrea Elyse Messer, Scientific racism's long history mandates caution, Penn State News, February 14, 2014
Kenan Malik, On The Enlightenment’s ‘Race Problem’, ON THE ENLIGHTENMENT’S ‘RACE PROBLEM’
Bernasconi, R. (2001) ‘Who Invented the Concept of Race? Kant’s Role in the Enlightenment Construction of Race’ in Bernasconi, R. (Ed.) Race, Oxford: Blackwell Publishers
Voltaire, Les Lettres d’Amabed, Volume 21 (p. 462-463)., Les Lettres d’Amabed/Lettre 7b d’Amabed - Wikisource
“Report On The Diseases And Physical Peculiarities Of The Negro Race” The New Orleans Medical And Surgical Journal : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Thomas Jefferson, “Notes on the State of Virginia”(1785), pg.240, Thomas Jefferson, 1743-1826. Notes on the State of Virginia
So, people here have whined to me about why I never show examples of "black racism." So let's discuss this "black racism" that people complain about. And I am not going to come from the simple minded assertion that any consideration of a persons skin color makes a person a racist. Nor am I going to come with the cloddish notion of "if you substitute the word white" this is racist. I refuse to give validity to the two wrongs defense without starting with the first wrong, which I  will be showing and so let's begin.

The argument or claim of black racism comes from a belief in a racial symmetry or egalitarianism that has never existed in this country. Symmetry assumes everything is the same, egalitarianism assumes everybody has had the same experience. Some Whites and some people of color have adopted this false reality.

So let's look at how things began. The that was in the past argument convenently denies the difference in the experiences of blacks and whites which is esential to understanding the disingenuous nature of the black racism claim.

The system in America is built upon a belief in white racial superiority. What made whites believe they were superior therefore entitled to things that others were not? What made the whites from Europe decide they had the right to invade this continent and create a government when governments were already here?

For the answer, it appears that we must take ourselves back to the era of what was called the Age of Enlightenment. Now I do not know just exactly who was enlightened by these ideas, because to people who were not of European descent the era had nothing to do with being “enlightened.” Europeans really were not enlightened either. This era was also called the Age of Reason, but what came out of this age were some of the most unreasoned and crazed ideas in the history of mankind. This era is credited with advancing modern concepts like liberty, constitutional government, as well as the separation of church and state. Such “reason and enlightenment” came equipped with philosophies steeped in racism. As usual, half of the story is not told to promote some great ideal of the superiority of thought and reason based on the European or white model. However, the top thinkers of the time held ideas or beliefs such as this:

“I am apt to suspect the negroes and in general all other species of men (for there are four or five different kinds) to be naturally inferior to the whites. There never was a civilized nation of any other complexion than white, nor even any individual eminent either in action or speculation. No ingenious manufactures amongst them, no arts, no sciences. On the other hand, the most rude and barbarous of the whites, such as the ancient GERMANS, the present TARTARS, have still something eminent about them in their valour, form of government, or some other particular. Such a uniform and constant differences could not happen in so many countries and ages, if nature had not made an original distinction betwixt these breeds of men. Not to mention our colonies, there are Negroe slaves dispersed all over Europe, of which none ever discovered any symptoms of ingenuity, tho' low people, without education, will start up amonst us, and distinguish themselves in every profession. In JAMAICA indeed they talk of one negroe as a man of parts and learning; but 'tis likely he is admired for very slender accomplishments like a parrot, who speaks a few words plainly. “

David Hume, “Of National Characters”

Scientific racism, sometimes termed biological racism, is the pseudoscientific belief that empirical evidence exists to support or justify racism (racial discrimination), racial inferiority, or racial superiority. Historically, scientific racism received credence throughout the scientific community, but it is no longer considered scientific. Dividing humankind into biologically distinct groups is sometimes called racialism, race realism, or race science by its proponents.

Simply put, scientific racism is the use of scientific theories to justify racial superiority or inferiority. It creates a belief in the natural or genetic superiority of a race. Scientific racism as a belief or ideology has been a problem since the 1600s. Such beliefs still exist today among specific segments of the worldwide white community, and it is called racial realism. Scientific racism more bluntly put, is racist B.S.

Immanuel Kant was one of the earliest advocates of scientific racism and was considered the greatest thinker of the times. This is how misguided we have been relative to our educations in this and other western societies. The excuse of “that is how they thought at the time” has been used as a defense for his racism.

In three separate works Kant claimed that the Negro is, in most respects, the lowest of all races. He also referred to blacks as the “bad race” and whites as “the good race,” argued that the white race contains “all incentives and talents,” and felt that whites were the “only ones who always progress toward perfection.”

To my knowledge, Kant never repudiated any of these explicitly racist claims.

- Ryan Very, Kant’s Racism,

Kant's belief that the European white was the only race capable of self-improvement and the highest level of civilization, were widely accepted. These ideas created the belief in European superiority that we still see today couched under a newer descriptive term called western civilization. Kant and Hume were not alone in this belief. 

It is a serious question among them whether they [Africans] are descended from monkeys or whether the monkeys come from them. Our wise men have said that man was created in the image of God. Now here is a lovely image of the Divine Maker: a flat and black nose with little or hardly any intelligence. A time will doubtless come when these animals will know how to cultivate the land well, beautify their houses and gardens, and know the paths of the stars: one needs time for everything.

Voltaire - Les Lettres d'Amabed (1769)

A long line of European thinkers supported this and expanded it. Voltaire is given credit as an advocate for civil liberties, yet Voltaire had a racial hierarchy where blacks were lower than whites and ranked just above oysters. Benjamin Rush, a founding father of this country, believed that being black meant you had a skin disease. He even had a name for it, Negroidism. He believed that people born black had a form of leprosy. In every instance of trying to provide this “scientific” understanding of cultural differences and skin complexion whites always gave themselves top billing as being more advanced.

Scientific racism has been a huge part of the American experience. On March 12, 1851, Dr. Samuel Cartwright read a report he was appointed as a member of a committee to do for the Medical Association of Louisiana titled, “Report On The Diseases And Physical Peculiarities Of The Negro Race”. Dr. Samuel Cartwright was the guy who made up the disease called drapetomania to claim blacks running away from slavery suffered from a mental disorder. Hoss Cartwright could have written a better report. Cartwright claimed Blacks had been running around in Africa with no medical facilities or medical study. I think Imhotep and a few others would disagree with Cartwright regarding his opinion. Cartwright also claimed that the brain size of blacks is a “ninth or tenth less than in other races of men.” He goes on to use the skeletal, vascular, and nervous systems of blacks to claim that blacks are like children and that blacks can only prosper in a situation where they are governed by a controlling force. He claimed that blacks were incapable of self-rule, that blacks gravitate towards slavery and enjoy being under such rule.

This is just a small bit of the things that created a belief in white racial superiority in America. These beliefs manifested itself into a legal, govermental, educational and economic system of white racial preference. This preference was and still today has been enforced and maintained by enacting or enforcing law and policy.

And so what is black racism?

The response to this system by blacks in opposition by calling out whites because of the existence of this system is called black racism. The comeback by primarily far right extremist or racist whites is that because blacks are calling out racists they are claiming an inherent trait in all white people therefore they are racists. But this is not the case.

What many whites call black racism is a conclusion blacks have made by observed behavior and lived experiences based on actions committed by members of the white race. The conclusion is based on things having actual existence and are actual occurrences. It is information presented having objective reality: originating in or based on observation or experience. These conclusions rely on experience or observation alone often without due regard for system and theory. Not only are they capable of being verified or disproved by observation or experiment, they have been verified or disproved by such. These conclusions do not include any claim of inherent traits in every single white person, but it does describe a behavior that has been exhibited among members of the white race. A belief in black inferiority does not meet any of these requirements.

My point here is that blacks did not develop racial classifications and determine that blacks were at the top of the ladder. Blacks did not come to America on the Mayflower either. Blacks did not establish laws in this country that have denied whites of constitutional rights. Blacks have not found ways to subvert laws to continue maintaining a racial advantage every time potential racial advancements were supposed to be made. The old line of two wrongs don’t make a right needs to be dropped from the rhetoric of white people. It is time to recognize the first wrong from whence all others have come.


Hume, David, “Of Natural Characters,” Part I Essay XXI of Essays, Moral, Political, and Literary
Ryan Very, Kant’s Racism, Kant's Racism
A'ndrea Elyse Messer, Scientific racism's long history mandates caution, Penn State News, February 14, 2014
Kenan Malik, On The Enlightenment’s ‘Race Problem’, ON THE ENLIGHTENMENT’S ‘RACE PROBLEM’
Bernasconi, R. (2001) ‘Who Invented the Concept of Race? Kant’s Role in the Enlightenment Construction of Race’ in Bernasconi, R. (Ed.) Race, Oxford: Blackwell Publishers
Voltaire, Les Lettres d’Amabed, Volume 21 (p. 462-463)., Les Lettres d’Amabed/Lettre 7b d’Amabed - Wikisource
“Report On The Diseases And Physical Peculiarities Of The Negro Race” The New Orleans Medical And Surgical Journal : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Thomas Jefferson, “Notes on the State of Virginia”(1785), pg.240, Thomas Jefferson, 1743-1826. Notes on the State of Virginia

tl; dr
Let’s just agree to separate. You guys get your own country and we all agree to mind our own business.
No. Let's just agree to improve this one for everybody.
So, people here have whined to me about why I never show examples of "black racism." So let's discuss this "black racism" that people complain about. And I am not going to come from the simple minded assertion that any consideration of a persons skin color makes a person a racist. Nor am I going to come with the cloddish notion of "if you substitute the word white" this is racist. I refuse to give validity to the two wrongs defense without starting with the first wrong, which I  will be showing and so let's begin.

The argument or claim of black racism comes from a belief in a racial symmetry or egalitarianism that has never existed in this country. Symmetry assumes everything is the same, egalitarianism assumes everybody has had the same experience. Some Whites and some people of color have adopted this false reality.

So let's look at how things began. The that was in the past argument convenently denies the difference in the experiences of blacks and whites which is esential to understanding the disingenuous nature of the black racism claim.

The system in America is built upon a belief in white racial superiority. What made whites believe they were superior therefore entitled to things that others were not? What made the whites from Europe decide they had the right to invade this continent and create a government when governments were already here?

For the answer, it appears that we must take ourselves back to the era of what was called the Age of Enlightenment. Now I do not know just exactly who was enlightened by these ideas, because to people who were not of European descent the era had nothing to do with being “enlightened.” Europeans really were not enlightened either. This era was also called the Age of Reason, but what came out of this age were some of the most unreasoned and crazed ideas in the history of mankind. This era is credited with advancing modern concepts like liberty, constitutional government, as well as the separation of church and state. Such “reason and enlightenment” came equipped with philosophies steeped in racism. As usual, half of the story is not told to promote some great ideal of the superiority of thought and reason based on the European or white model. However, the top thinkers of the time held ideas or beliefs such as this:

“I am apt to suspect the negroes and in general all other species of men (for there are four or five different kinds) to be naturally inferior to the whites. There never was a civilized nation of any other complexion than white, nor even any individual eminent either in action or speculation. No ingenious manufactures amongst them, no arts, no sciences. On the other hand, the most rude and barbarous of the whites, such as the ancient GERMANS, the present TARTARS, have still something eminent about them in their valour, form of government, or some other particular. Such a uniform and constant differences could not happen in so many countries and ages, if nature had not made an original distinction betwixt these breeds of men. Not to mention our colonies, there are Negroe slaves dispersed all over Europe, of which none ever discovered any symptoms of ingenuity, tho' low people, without education, will start up amonst us, and distinguish themselves in every profession. In JAMAICA indeed they talk of one negroe as a man of parts and learning; but 'tis likely he is admired for very slender accomplishments like a parrot, who speaks a few words plainly. “

David Hume, “Of National Characters”

Scientific racism, sometimes termed biological racism, is the pseudoscientific belief that empirical evidence exists to support or justify racism (racial discrimination), racial inferiority, or racial superiority. Historically, scientific racism received credence throughout the scientific community, but it is no longer considered scientific. Dividing humankind into biologically distinct groups is sometimes called racialism, race realism, or race science by its proponents.

Simply put, scientific racism is the use of scientific theories to justify racial superiority or inferiority. It creates a belief in the natural or genetic superiority of a race. Scientific racism as a belief or ideology has been a problem since the 1600s. Such beliefs still exist today among specific segments of the worldwide white community, and it is called racial realism. Scientific racism more bluntly put, is racist B.S.

Immanuel Kant was one of the earliest advocates of scientific racism and was considered the greatest thinker of the times. This is how misguided we have been relative to our educations in this and other western societies. The excuse of “that is how they thought at the time” has been used as a defense for his racism.

In three separate works Kant claimed that the Negro is, in most respects, the lowest of all races. He also referred to blacks as the “bad race” and whites as “the good race,” argued that the white race contains “all incentives and talents,” and felt that whites were the “only ones who always progress toward perfection.”

To my knowledge, Kant never repudiated any of these explicitly racist claims.

- Ryan Very, Kant’s Racism,

Kant's belief that the European white was the only race capable of self-improvement and the highest level of civilization, were widely accepted. These ideas created the belief in European superiority that we still see today couched under a newer descriptive term called western civilization. Kant and Hume were not alone in this belief. 

It is a serious question among them whether they [Africans] are descended from monkeys or whether the monkeys come from them. Our wise men have said that man was created in the image of God. Now here is a lovely image of the Divine Maker: a flat and black nose with little or hardly any intelligence. A time will doubtless come when these animals will know how to cultivate the land well, beautify their houses and gardens, and know the paths of the stars: one needs time for everything.

Voltaire - Les Lettres d'Amabed (1769)

A long line of European thinkers supported this and expanded it. Voltaire is given credit as an advocate for civil liberties, yet Voltaire had a racial hierarchy where blacks were lower than whites and ranked just above oysters. Benjamin Rush, a founding father of this country, believed that being black meant you had a skin disease. He even had a name for it, Negroidism. He believed that people born black had a form of leprosy. In every instance of trying to provide this “scientific” understanding of cultural differences and skin complexion whites always gave themselves top billing as being more advanced.

Scientific racism has been a huge part of the American experience. On March 12, 1851, Dr. Samuel Cartwright read a report he was appointed as a member of a committee to do for the Medical Association of Louisiana titled, “Report On The Diseases And Physical Peculiarities Of The Negro Race”. Dr. Samuel Cartwright was the guy who made up the disease called drapetomania to claim blacks running away from slavery suffered from a mental disorder. Hoss Cartwright could have written a better report. Cartwright claimed Blacks had been running around in Africa with no medical facilities or medical study. I think Imhotep and a few others would disagree with Cartwright regarding his opinion. Cartwright also claimed that the brain size of blacks is a “ninth or tenth less than in other races of men.” He goes on to use the skeletal, vascular, and nervous systems of blacks to claim that blacks are like children and that blacks can only prosper in a situation where they are governed by a controlling force. He claimed that blacks were incapable of self-rule, that blacks gravitate towards slavery and enjoy being under such rule.

This is just a small bit of the things that created a belief in white racial superiority in America. These beliefs manifested itself into a legal, govermental, educational and economic system of white racial preference. This preference was and still today has been enforced and maintained by enacting or enforcing law and policy.

And so what is black racism?

The response to this system by blacks in opposition by calling out whites because of the existence of this system is called black racism. The comeback by primarily far right extremist or racist whites is that because blacks are calling out racists they are claiming an inherent trait in all white people therefore they are racists. But this is not the case.

What many whites call black racism is a conclusion blacks have made by observed behavior and lived experiences based on actions committed by members of the white race. The conclusion is based on things having actual existence and are actual occurrences. It is information presented having objective reality: originating in or based on observation or experience. These conclusions rely on experience or observation alone often without due regard for system and theory. Not only are they capable of being verified or disproved by observation or experiment, they have been verified or disproved by such. These conclusions do not include any claim of inherent traits in every single white person, but it does describe a behavior that has been exhibited among members of the white race. A belief in black inferiority does not meet any of these requirements.

My point here is that blacks did not develop racial classifications and determine that blacks were at the top of the ladder. Blacks did not come to America on the Mayflower either. Blacks did not establish laws in this country that have denied whites of constitutional rights. Blacks have not found ways to subvert laws to continue maintaining a racial advantage every time potential racial advancements were supposed to be made. The old line of two wrongs don’t make a right needs to be dropped from the rhetoric of white people. It is time to recognize the first wrong from whence all others have come.


Hume, David, “Of Natural Characters,” Part I Essay XXI of Essays, Moral, Political, and Literary
Ryan Very, Kant’s Racism, Kant's Racism
A'ndrea Elyse Messer, Scientific racism's long history mandates caution, Penn State News, February 14, 2014
Kenan Malik, On The Enlightenment’s ‘Race Problem’, ON THE ENLIGHTENMENT’S ‘RACE PROBLEM’
Bernasconi, R. (2001) ‘Who Invented the Concept of Race? Kant’s Role in the Enlightenment Construction of Race’ in Bernasconi, R. (Ed.) Race, Oxford: Blackwell Publishers
Voltaire, Les Lettres d’Amabed, Volume 21 (p. 462-463)., Les Lettres d’Amabed/Lettre 7b d’Amabed - Wikisource
“Report On The Diseases And Physical Peculiarities Of The Negro Race” The New Orleans Medical And Surgical Journal : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Thomas Jefferson, “Notes on the State of Virginia”(1785), pg.240, Thomas Jefferson, 1743-1826. Notes on the State of Virginia

tl; dr
You would read it if it said what you wanted it to say and besides if you are in a forum, you have time to read a few paragraphs
No. Let's just agree to improve this one for everybody.

Is this improvement?

So, people here have whined to me about why I never show examples of "black racism." So let's discuss this "black racism" that people complain about. And I am not going to come from the simple minded assertion that any consideration of a persons skin color makes a person a racist. Nor am I going to come with the cloddish notion of "if you substitute the word white" this is racist. I refuse to give validity to the two wrongs defense without starting with the first wrong, which I  will be showing and so let's begin.

The argument or claim of black racism comes from a belief in a racial symmetry or egalitarianism that has never existed in this country. Symmetry assumes everything is the same, egalitarianism assumes everybody has had the same experience. Some Whites and some people of color have adopted this false reality.

So let's look at how things began. The that was in the past argument convenently denies the difference in the experiences of blacks and whites which is esential to understanding the disingenuous nature of the black racism claim.

The system in America is built upon a belief in white racial superiority. What made whites believe they were superior therefore entitled to things that others were not? What made the whites from Europe decide they had the right to invade this continent and create a government when governments were already here?

For the answer, it appears that we must take ourselves back to the era of what was called the Age of Enlightenment. Now I do not know just exactly who was enlightened by these ideas, because to people who were not of European descent the era had nothing to do with being “enlightened.” Europeans really were not enlightened either. This era was also called the Age of Reason, but what came out of this age were some of the most unreasoned and crazed ideas in the history of mankind. This era is credited with advancing modern concepts like liberty, constitutional government, as well as the separation of church and state. Such “reason and enlightenment” came equipped with philosophies steeped in racism. As usual, half of the story is not told to promote some great ideal of the superiority of thought and reason based on the European or white model. However, the top thinkers of the time held ideas or beliefs such as this:

“I am apt to suspect the negroes and in general all other species of men (for there are four or five different kinds) to be naturally inferior to the whites. There never was a civilized nation of any other complexion than white, nor even any individual eminent either in action or speculation. No ingenious manufactures amongst them, no arts, no sciences. On the other hand, the most rude and barbarous of the whites, such as the ancient GERMANS, the present TARTARS, have still something eminent about them in their valour, form of government, or some other particular. Such a uniform and constant differences could not happen in so many countries and ages, if nature had not made an original distinction betwixt these breeds of men. Not to mention our colonies, there are Negroe slaves dispersed all over Europe, of which none ever discovered any symptoms of ingenuity, tho' low people, without education, will start up amonst us, and distinguish themselves in every profession. In JAMAICA indeed they talk of one negroe as a man of parts and learning; but 'tis likely he is admired for very slender accomplishments like a parrot, who speaks a few words plainly. “

David Hume, “Of National Characters”

Scientific racism, sometimes termed biological racism, is the pseudoscientific belief that empirical evidence exists to support or justify racism (racial discrimination), racial inferiority, or racial superiority. Historically, scientific racism received credence throughout the scientific community, but it is no longer considered scientific. Dividing humankind into biologically distinct groups is sometimes called racialism, race realism, or race science by its proponents.

Simply put, scientific racism is the use of scientific theories to justify racial superiority or inferiority. It creates a belief in the natural or genetic superiority of a race. Scientific racism as a belief or ideology has been a problem since the 1600s. Such beliefs still exist today among specific segments of the worldwide white community, and it is called racial realism. Scientific racism more bluntly put, is racist B.S.

Immanuel Kant was one of the earliest advocates of scientific racism and was considered the greatest thinker of the times. This is how misguided we have been relative to our educations in this and other western societies. The excuse of “that is how they thought at the time” has been used as a defense for his racism.

In three separate works Kant claimed that the Negro is, in most respects, the lowest of all races. He also referred to blacks as the “bad race” and whites as “the good race,” argued that the white race contains “all incentives and talents,” and felt that whites were the “only ones who always progress toward perfection.”

To my knowledge, Kant never repudiated any of these explicitly racist claims.

- Ryan Very, Kant’s Racism,

Kant's belief that the European white was the only race capable of self-improvement and the highest level of civilization, were widely accepted. These ideas created the belief in European superiority that we still see today couched under a newer descriptive term called western civilization. Kant and Hume were not alone in this belief. 

It is a serious question among them whether they [Africans] are descended from monkeys or whether the monkeys come from them. Our wise men have said that man was created in the image of God. Now here is a lovely image of the Divine Maker: a flat and black nose with little or hardly any intelligence. A time will doubtless come when these animals will know how to cultivate the land well, beautify their houses and gardens, and know the paths of the stars: one needs time for everything.

Voltaire - Les Lettres d'Amabed (1769)

A long line of European thinkers supported this and expanded it. Voltaire is given credit as an advocate for civil liberties, yet Voltaire had a racial hierarchy where blacks were lower than whites and ranked just above oysters. Benjamin Rush, a founding father of this country, believed that being black meant you had a skin disease. He even had a name for it, Negroidism. He believed that people born black had a form of leprosy. In every instance of trying to provide this “scientific” understanding of cultural differences and skin complexion whites always gave themselves top billing as being more advanced.

Scientific racism has been a huge part of the American experience. On March 12, 1851, Dr. Samuel Cartwright read a report he was appointed as a member of a committee to do for the Medical Association of Louisiana titled, “Report On The Diseases And Physical Peculiarities Of The Negro Race”. Dr. Samuel Cartwright was the guy who made up the disease called drapetomania to claim blacks running away from slavery suffered from a mental disorder. Hoss Cartwright could have written a better report. Cartwright claimed Blacks had been running around in Africa with no medical facilities or medical study. I think Imhotep and a few others would disagree with Cartwright regarding his opinion. Cartwright also claimed that the brain size of blacks is a “ninth or tenth less than in other races of men.” He goes on to use the skeletal, vascular, and nervous systems of blacks to claim that blacks are like children and that blacks can only prosper in a situation where they are governed by a controlling force. He claimed that blacks were incapable of self-rule, that blacks gravitate towards slavery and enjoy being under such rule.

This is just a small bit of the things that created a belief in white racial superiority in America. These beliefs manifested itself into a legal, govermental, educational and economic system of white racial preference. This preference was and still today has been enforced and maintained by enacting or enforcing law and policy.

And so what is black racism?

The response to this system by blacks in opposition by calling out whites because of the existence of this system is called black racism. The comeback by primarily far right extremist or racist whites is that because blacks are calling out racists they are claiming an inherent trait in all white people therefore they are racists. But this is not the case.

What many whites call black racism is a conclusion blacks have made by observed behavior and lived experiences based on actions committed by members of the white race. The conclusion is based on things having actual existence and are actual occurrences. It is information presented having objective reality: originating in or based on observation or experience. These conclusions rely on experience or observation alone often without due regard for system and theory. Not only are they capable of being verified or disproved by observation or experiment, they have been verified or disproved by such. These conclusions do not include any claim of inherent traits in every single white person, but it does describe a behavior that has been exhibited among members of the white race. A belief in black inferiority does not meet any of these requirements.

My point here is that blacks did not develop racial classifications and determine that blacks were at the top of the ladder. Blacks did not come to America on the Mayflower either. Blacks did not establish laws in this country that have denied whites of constitutional rights. Blacks have not found ways to subvert laws to continue maintaining a racial advantage every time potential racial advancements were supposed to be made. The old line of two wrongs don’t make a right needs to be dropped from the rhetoric of white people. It is time to recognize the first wrong from whence all others have come.


Hume, David, “Of Natural Characters,” Part I Essay XXI of Essays, Moral, Political, and Literary
Ryan Very, Kant’s Racism, Kant's Racism
A'ndrea Elyse Messer, Scientific racism's long history mandates caution, Penn State News, February 14, 2014
Kenan Malik, On The Enlightenment’s ‘Race Problem’, ON THE ENLIGHTENMENT’S ‘RACE PROBLEM’
Bernasconi, R. (2001) ‘Who Invented the Concept of Race? Kant’s Role in the Enlightenment Construction of Race’ in Bernasconi, R. (Ed.) Race, Oxford: Blackwell Publishers
Voltaire, Les Lettres d’Amabed, Volume 21 (p. 462-463)., Les Lettres d’Amabed/Lettre 7b d’Amabed - Wikisource
“Report On The Diseases And Physical Peculiarities Of The Negro Race” The New Orleans Medical And Surgical Journal : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Thomas Jefferson, “Notes on the State of Virginia”(1785), pg.240, Thomas Jefferson, 1743-1826. Notes on the State of Virginia
instead of posting over a dozen paragraphs a simple i [hate whitey and America] would have been sufficient .
Then recognize the first wrong done by whites

The first wrong was done by a criminal when he took an overdose of drugs and resisted arrest. The second wrong was done by a police officer when he used force disproportionate to the objective of affecting that arrest. Every wrong there after, including millions of dollars of property damage and violent assaults was done by people unwilling to allow the system to correct the first two wrongs.

Race doesn't enter into the equation at all ... these aren't Blacks, or Whites, or Hispanics, or Lithuanian Dwarfs. These are human beings who commit wrongs,
Let’s just agree to separate. You guys get your own country and we all agree to mind our own business.
No. Let's just agree to improve this one for everybody.
We tried. It can’t work.
then we may not be trying hard enough......
What else can be done? Decades of income transfers by government totaling trillions, affirmative action pushing unqualified minorities to the top, and a big educational effort on condemning racism hasn’t resulted in blacks succeeding.
The laws and systems/institutions are not racist. They could only be racist if blacks are truly incapable of excelling within these parameters. When Ghanian/Nigerian Americans make more money on average than whites in the USA it blows any leftist argument up. Even Haitian Americans make more than AA's. From the horse's mouth CRT books,

Marxists are against the 2 main points of the 60's Civil Rights era.

-They are against color blindness in laws. Against equal application of laws.
-They are against racial integration. They call that cultural genocide because there are more whites so they will have more "power" lol.
What is black culture BTW?

"Critical race theorists questions the very foundations of the liberal order, including equality theory, legal reasoning, enlightenment rationalism, and neutral principles of constitutional law".

-Historically academics were objective, neutral and balanced. CRT says these are "white" values. LOL.

Great video
So, people here have whined to me about why I never show examples of "black racism." So let's discuss this "black racism" that people complain about. And I am not going to come from the simple minded assertion that any consideration of a persons skin color makes a person a racist. Nor am I going to come with the cloddish notion of "if you substitute the word white" this is racist. I refuse to give validity to the two wrongs defense without starting with the first wrong, which I  will be showing and so let's begin.

The argument or claim of black racism comes from a belief in a racial symmetry or egalitarianism that has never existed in this country. Symmetry assumes everything is the same, egalitarianism assumes everybody has had the same experience. Some Whites and some people of color have adopted this false reality.

So let's look at how things began. The that was in the past argument convenently denies the difference in the experiences of blacks and whites which is esential to understanding the disingenuous nature of the black racism claim.

The system in America is built upon a belief in white racial superiority. What made whites believe they were superior therefore entitled to things that others were not? What made the whites from Europe decide they had the right to invade this continent and create a government when governments were already here?

For the answer, it appears that we must take ourselves back to the era of what was called the Age of Enlightenment. Now I do not know just exactly who was enlightened by these ideas, because to people who were not of European descent the era had nothing to do with being “enlightened.” Europeans really were not enlightened either. This era was also called the Age of Reason, but what came out of this age were some of the most unreasoned and crazed ideas in the history of mankind. This era is credited with advancing modern concepts like liberty, constitutional government, as well as the separation of church and state. Such “reason and enlightenment” came equipped with philosophies steeped in racism. As usual, half of the story is not told to promote some great ideal of the superiority of thought and reason based on the European or white model. However, the top thinkers of the time held ideas or beliefs such as this:

“I am apt to suspect the negroes and in general all other species of men (for there are four or five different kinds) to be naturally inferior to the whites. There never was a civilized nation of any other complexion than white, nor even any individual eminent either in action or speculation. No ingenious manufactures amongst them, no arts, no sciences. On the other hand, the most rude and barbarous of the whites, such as the ancient GERMANS, the present TARTARS, have still something eminent about them in their valour, form of government, or some other particular. Such a uniform and constant differences could not happen in so many countries and ages, if nature had not made an original distinction betwixt these breeds of men. Not to mention our colonies, there are Negroe slaves dispersed all over Europe, of which none ever discovered any symptoms of ingenuity, tho' low people, without education, will start up amonst us, and distinguish themselves in every profession. In JAMAICA indeed they talk of one negroe as a man of parts and learning; but 'tis likely he is admired for very slender accomplishments like a parrot, who speaks a few words plainly. “

David Hume, “Of National Characters”

Scientific racism, sometimes termed biological racism, is the pseudoscientific belief that empirical evidence exists to support or justify racism (racial discrimination), racial inferiority, or racial superiority. Historically, scientific racism received credence throughout the scientific community, but it is no longer considered scientific. Dividing humankind into biologically distinct groups is sometimes called racialism, race realism, or race science by its proponents.

Simply put, scientific racism is the use of scientific theories to justify racial superiority or inferiority. It creates a belief in the natural or genetic superiority of a race. Scientific racism as a belief or ideology has been a problem since the 1600s. Such beliefs still exist today among specific segments of the worldwide white community, and it is called racial realism. Scientific racism more bluntly put, is racist B.S.

Immanuel Kant was one of the earliest advocates of scientific racism and was considered the greatest thinker of the times. This is how misguided we have been relative to our educations in this and other western societies. The excuse of “that is how they thought at the time” has been used as a defense for his racism.

In three separate works Kant claimed that the Negro is, in most respects, the lowest of all races. He also referred to blacks as the “bad race” and whites as “the good race,” argued that the white race contains “all incentives and talents,” and felt that whites were the “only ones who always progress toward perfection.”

To my knowledge, Kant never repudiated any of these explicitly racist claims.

- Ryan Very, Kant’s Racism,

Kant's belief that the European white was the only race capable of self-improvement and the highest level of civilization, were widely accepted. These ideas created the belief in European superiority that we still see today couched under a newer descriptive term called western civilization. Kant and Hume were not alone in this belief. 

It is a serious question among them whether they [Africans] are descended from monkeys or whether the monkeys come from them. Our wise men have said that man was created in the image of God. Now here is a lovely image of the Divine Maker: a flat and black nose with little or hardly any intelligence. A time will doubtless come when these animals will know how to cultivate the land well, beautify their houses and gardens, and know the paths of the stars: one needs time for everything.

Voltaire - Les Lettres d'Amabed (1769)

A long line of European thinkers supported this and expanded it. Voltaire is given credit as an advocate for civil liberties, yet Voltaire had a racial hierarchy where blacks were lower than whites and ranked just above oysters. Benjamin Rush, a founding father of this country, believed that being black meant you had a skin disease. He even had a name for it, Negroidism. He believed that people born black had a form of leprosy. In every instance of trying to provide this “scientific” understanding of cultural differences and skin complexion whites always gave themselves top billing as being more advanced.

Scientific racism has been a huge part of the American experience. On March 12, 1851, Dr. Samuel Cartwright read a report he was appointed as a member of a committee to do for the Medical Association of Louisiana titled, “Report On The Diseases And Physical Peculiarities Of The Negro Race”. Dr. Samuel Cartwright was the guy who made up the disease called drapetomania to claim blacks running away from slavery suffered from a mental disorder. Hoss Cartwright could have written a better report. Cartwright claimed Blacks had been running around in Africa with no medical facilities or medical study. I think Imhotep and a few others would disagree with Cartwright regarding his opinion. Cartwright also claimed that the brain size of blacks is a “ninth or tenth less than in other races of men.” He goes on to use the skeletal, vascular, and nervous systems of blacks to claim that blacks are like children and that blacks can only prosper in a situation where they are governed by a controlling force. He claimed that blacks were incapable of self-rule, that blacks gravitate towards slavery and enjoy being under such rule.

This is just a small bit of the things that created a belief in white racial superiority in America. These beliefs manifested itself into a legal, govermental, educational and economic system of white racial preference. This preference was and still today has been enforced and maintained by enacting or enforcing law and policy.

And so what is black racism?

The response to this system by blacks in opposition by calling out whites because of the existence of this system is called black racism. The comeback by primarily far right extremist or racist whites is that because blacks are calling out racists they are claiming an inherent trait in all white people therefore they are racists. But this is not the case.

What many whites call black racism is a conclusion blacks have made by observed behavior and lived experiences based on actions committed by members of the white race. The conclusion is based on things having actual existence and are actual occurrences. It is information presented having objective reality: originating in or based on observation or experience. These conclusions rely on experience or observation alone often without due regard for system and theory. Not only are they capable of being verified or disproved by observation or experiment, they have been verified or disproved by such. These conclusions do not include any claim of inherent traits in every single white person, but it does describe a behavior that has been exhibited among members of the white race. A belief in black inferiority does not meet any of these requirements.

My point here is that blacks did not develop racial classifications and determine that blacks were at the top of the ladder. Blacks did not come to America on the Mayflower either. Blacks did not establish laws in this country that have denied whites of constitutional rights. Blacks have not found ways to subvert laws to continue maintaining a racial advantage every time potential racial advancements were supposed to be made. The old line of two wrongs don’t make a right needs to be dropped from the rhetoric of white people. It is time to recognize the first wrong from whence all others have come.


Hume, David, “Of Natural Characters,” Part I Essay XXI of Essays, Moral, Political, and Literary
Ryan Very, Kant’s Racism, Kant's Racism
A'ndrea Elyse Messer, Scientific racism's long history mandates caution, Penn State News, February 14, 2014
Kenan Malik, On The Enlightenment’s ‘Race Problem’, ON THE ENLIGHTENMENT’S ‘RACE PROBLEM’
Bernasconi, R. (2001) ‘Who Invented the Concept of Race? Kant’s Role in the Enlightenment Construction of Race’ in Bernasconi, R. (Ed.) Race, Oxford: Blackwell Publishers
Voltaire, Les Lettres d’Amabed, Volume 21 (p. 462-463)., Les Lettres d’Amabed/Lettre 7b d’Amabed - Wikisource
“Report On The Diseases And Physical Peculiarities Of The Negro Race” The New Orleans Medical And Surgical Journal : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Thomas Jefferson, “Notes on the State of Virginia”(1785), pg.240, Thomas Jefferson, 1743-1826. Notes on the State of Virginia
Indisputable. POWERFUL!
So, people here have whined to me about why I never show examples of "black racism." So let's discuss this "black racism" that people complain about. And I am not going to come from the simple minded assertion that any consideration of a persons skin color makes a person a racist. Nor am I going to come with the cloddish notion of "if you substitute the word white" this is racist. I refuse to give validity to the two wrongs defense without starting with the first wrong, which I  will be showing and so let's begin.

The argument or claim of black racism comes from a belief in a racial symmetry or egalitarianism that has never existed in this country. Symmetry assumes everything is the same, egalitarianism assumes everybody has had the same experience. Some Whites and some people of color have adopted this false reality.

So let's look at how things began. The that was in the past argument convenently denies the difference in the experiences of blacks and whites which is esential to understanding the disingenuous nature of the black racism claim.

The system in America is built upon a belief in white racial superiority. What made whites believe they were superior therefore entitled to things that others were not? What made the whites from Europe decide they had the right to invade this continent and create a government when governments were already here?

For the answer, it appears that we must take ourselves back to the era of what was called the Age of Enlightenment. Now I do not know just exactly who was enlightened by these ideas, because to people who were not of European descent the era had nothing to do with being “enlightened.” Europeans really were not enlightened either. This era was also called the Age of Reason, but what came out of this age were some of the most unreasoned and crazed ideas in the history of mankind. This era is credited with advancing modern concepts like liberty, constitutional government, as well as the separation of church and state. Such “reason and enlightenment” came equipped with philosophies steeped in racism. As usual, half of the story is not told to promote some great ideal of the superiority of thought and reason based on the European or white model. However, the top thinkers of the time held ideas or beliefs such as this:

“I am apt to suspect the negroes and in general all other species of men (for there are four or five different kinds) to be naturally inferior to the whites. There never was a civilized nation of any other complexion than white, nor even any individual eminent either in action or speculation. No ingenious manufactures amongst them, no arts, no sciences. On the other hand, the most rude and barbarous of the whites, such as the ancient GERMANS, the present TARTARS, have still something eminent about them in their valour, form of government, or some other particular. Such a uniform and constant differences could not happen in so many countries and ages, if nature had not made an original distinction betwixt these breeds of men. Not to mention our colonies, there are Negroe slaves dispersed all over Europe, of which none ever discovered any symptoms of ingenuity, tho' low people, without education, will start up amonst us, and distinguish themselves in every profession. In JAMAICA indeed they talk of one negroe as a man of parts and learning; but 'tis likely he is admired for very slender accomplishments like a parrot, who speaks a few words plainly. “

David Hume, “Of National Characters”

Scientific racism, sometimes termed biological racism, is the pseudoscientific belief that empirical evidence exists to support or justify racism (racial discrimination), racial inferiority, or racial superiority. Historically, scientific racism received credence throughout the scientific community, but it is no longer considered scientific. Dividing humankind into biologically distinct groups is sometimes called racialism, race realism, or race science by its proponents.

Simply put, scientific racism is the use of scientific theories to justify racial superiority or inferiority. It creates a belief in the natural or genetic superiority of a race. Scientific racism as a belief or ideology has been a problem since the 1600s. Such beliefs still exist today among specific segments of the worldwide white community, and it is called racial realism. Scientific racism more bluntly put, is racist B.S.

Immanuel Kant was one of the earliest advocates of scientific racism and was considered the greatest thinker of the times. This is how misguided we have been relative to our educations in this and other western societies. The excuse of “that is how they thought at the time” has been used as a defense for his racism.

In three separate works Kant claimed that the Negro is, in most respects, the lowest of all races. He also referred to blacks as the “bad race” and whites as “the good race,” argued that the white race contains “all incentives and talents,” and felt that whites were the “only ones who always progress toward perfection.”

To my knowledge, Kant never repudiated any of these explicitly racist claims.

- Ryan Very, Kant’s Racism,

Kant's belief that the European white was the only race capable of self-improvement and the highest level of civilization, were widely accepted. These ideas created the belief in European superiority that we still see today couched under a newer descriptive term called western civilization. Kant and Hume were not alone in this belief. 

It is a serious question among them whether they [Africans] are descended from monkeys or whether the monkeys come from them. Our wise men have said that man was created in the image of God. Now here is a lovely image of the Divine Maker: a flat and black nose with little or hardly any intelligence. A time will doubtless come when these animals will know how to cultivate the land well, beautify their houses and gardens, and know the paths of the stars: one needs time for everything.

Voltaire - Les Lettres d'Amabed (1769)

A long line of European thinkers supported this and expanded it. Voltaire is given credit as an advocate for civil liberties, yet Voltaire had a racial hierarchy where blacks were lower than whites and ranked just above oysters. Benjamin Rush, a founding father of this country, believed that being black meant you had a skin disease. He even had a name for it, Negroidism. He believed that people born black had a form of leprosy. In every instance of trying to provide this “scientific” understanding of cultural differences and skin complexion whites always gave themselves top billing as being more advanced.

Scientific racism has been a huge part of the American experience. On March 12, 1851, Dr. Samuel Cartwright read a report he was appointed as a member of a committee to do for the Medical Association of Louisiana titled, “Report On The Diseases And Physical Peculiarities Of The Negro Race”. Dr. Samuel Cartwright was the guy who made up the disease called drapetomania to claim blacks running away from slavery suffered from a mental disorder. Hoss Cartwright could have written a better report. Cartwright claimed Blacks had been running around in Africa with no medical facilities or medical study. I think Imhotep and a few others would disagree with Cartwright regarding his opinion. Cartwright also claimed that the brain size of blacks is a “ninth or tenth less than in other races of men.” He goes on to use the skeletal, vascular, and nervous systems of blacks to claim that blacks are like children and that blacks can only prosper in a situation where they are governed by a controlling force. He claimed that blacks were incapable of self-rule, that blacks gravitate towards slavery and enjoy being under such rule.

This is just a small bit of the things that created a belief in white racial superiority in America. These beliefs manifested itself into a legal, govermental, educational and economic system of white racial preference. This preference was and still today has been enforced and maintained by enacting or enforcing law and policy.

And so what is black racism?

The response to this system by blacks in opposition by calling out whites because of the existence of this system is called black racism. The comeback by primarily far right extremist or racist whites is that because blacks are calling out racists they are claiming an inherent trait in all white people therefore they are racists. But this is not the case.

What many whites call black racism is a conclusion blacks have made by observed behavior and lived experiences based on actions committed by members of the white race. The conclusion is based on things having actual existence and are actual occurrences. It is information presented having objective reality: originating in or based on observation or experience. These conclusions rely on experience or observation alone often without due regard for system and theory. Not only are they capable of being verified or disproved by observation or experiment, they have been verified or disproved by such. These conclusions do not include any claim of inherent traits in every single white person, but it does describe a behavior that has been exhibited among members of the white race. A belief in black inferiority does not meet any of these requirements.

My point here is that blacks did not develop racial classifications and determine that blacks were at the top of the ladder. Blacks did not come to America on the Mayflower either. Blacks did not establish laws in this country that have denied whites of constitutional rights. Blacks have not found ways to subvert laws to continue maintaining a racial advantage every time potential racial advancements were supposed to be made. The old line of two wrongs don’t make a right needs to be dropped from the rhetoric of white people. It is time to recognize the first wrong from whence all others have come.


Hume, David, “Of Natural Characters,” Part I Essay XXI of Essays, Moral, Political, and Literary
Ryan Very, Kant’s Racism, Kant's Racism
A'ndrea Elyse Messer, Scientific racism's long history mandates caution, Penn State News, February 14, 2014
Kenan Malik, On The Enlightenment’s ‘Race Problem’, ON THE ENLIGHTENMENT’S ‘RACE PROBLEM’
Bernasconi, R. (2001) ‘Who Invented the Concept of Race? Kant’s Role in the Enlightenment Construction of Race’ in Bernasconi, R. (Ed.) Race, Oxford: Blackwell Publishers
Voltaire, Les Lettres d’Amabed, Volume 21 (p. 462-463)., Les Lettres d’Amabed/Lettre 7b d’Amabed - Wikisource
“Report On The Diseases And Physical Peculiarities Of The Negro Race” The New Orleans Medical And Surgical Journal : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Thomas Jefferson, “Notes on the State of Virginia”(1785), pg.240, Thomas Jefferson, 1743-1826. Notes on the State of Virginia

tl; dr
You would read it if it said what you wanted it to say and besides if you are in a forum, you have time to read a few paragraphs

There's no convincing you otherwise clearly you're not open-minded
So, people here have whined to me about why I never show examples of "black racism." So let's discuss this "black racism" that people complain about. And I am not going to come from the simple minded assertion that any consideration of a persons skin color makes a person a racist. Nor am I going to come with the cloddish notion of "if you substitute the word white" this is racist. I refuse to give validity to the two wrongs defense without starting with the first wrong, which I  will be showing and so let's begin.

The argument or claim of black racism comes from a belief in a racial symmetry or egalitarianism that has never existed in this country. Symmetry assumes everything is the same, egalitarianism assumes everybody has had the same experience. Some Whites and some people of color have adopted this false reality.

So let's look at how things began. The that was in the past argument convenently denies the difference in the experiences of blacks and whites which is esential to understanding the disingenuous nature of the black racism claim.

The system in America is built upon a belief in white racial superiority. What made whites believe they were superior therefore entitled to things that others were not? What made the whites from Europe decide they had the right to invade this continent and create a government when governments were already here?

For the answer, it appears that we must take ourselves back to the era of what was called the Age of Enlightenment. Now I do not know just exactly who was enlightened by these ideas, because to people who were not of European descent the era had nothing to do with being “enlightened.” Europeans really were not enlightened either. This era was also called the Age of Reason, but what came out of this age were some of the most unreasoned and crazed ideas in the history of mankind. This era is credited with advancing modern concepts like liberty, constitutional government, as well as the separation of church and state. Such “reason and enlightenment” came equipped with philosophies steeped in racism. As usual, half of the story is not told to promote some great ideal of the superiority of thought and reason based on the European or white model. However, the top thinkers of the time held ideas or beliefs such as this:

“I am apt to suspect the negroes and in general all other species of men (for there are four or five different kinds) to be naturally inferior to the whites. There never was a civilized nation of any other complexion than white, nor even any individual eminent either in action or speculation. No ingenious manufactures amongst them, no arts, no sciences. On the other hand, the most rude and barbarous of the whites, such as the ancient GERMANS, the present TARTARS, have still something eminent about them in their valour, form of government, or some other particular. Such a uniform and constant differences could not happen in so many countries and ages, if nature had not made an original distinction betwixt these breeds of men. Not to mention our colonies, there are Negroe slaves dispersed all over Europe, of which none ever discovered any symptoms of ingenuity, tho' low people, without education, will start up amonst us, and distinguish themselves in every profession. In JAMAICA indeed they talk of one negroe as a man of parts and learning; but 'tis likely he is admired for very slender accomplishments like a parrot, who speaks a few words plainly. “

David Hume, “Of National Characters”

Scientific racism, sometimes termed biological racism, is the pseudoscientific belief that empirical evidence exists to support or justify racism (racial discrimination), racial inferiority, or racial superiority. Historically, scientific racism received credence throughout the scientific community, but it is no longer considered scientific. Dividing humankind into biologically distinct groups is sometimes called racialism, race realism, or race science by its proponents.

Simply put, scientific racism is the use of scientific theories to justify racial superiority or inferiority. It creates a belief in the natural or genetic superiority of a race. Scientific racism as a belief or ideology has been a problem since the 1600s. Such beliefs still exist today among specific segments of the worldwide white community, and it is called racial realism. Scientific racism more bluntly put, is racist B.S.

Immanuel Kant was one of the earliest advocates of scientific racism and was considered the greatest thinker of the times. This is how misguided we have been relative to our educations in this and other western societies. The excuse of “that is how they thought at the time” has been used as a defense for his racism.

In three separate works Kant claimed that the Negro is, in most respects, the lowest of all races. He also referred to blacks as the “bad race” and whites as “the good race,” argued that the white race contains “all incentives and talents,” and felt that whites were the “only ones who always progress toward perfection.”

To my knowledge, Kant never repudiated any of these explicitly racist claims.

- Ryan Very, Kant’s Racism,

Kant's belief that the European white was the only race capable of self-improvement and the highest level of civilization, were widely accepted. These ideas created the belief in European superiority that we still see today couched under a newer descriptive term called western civilization. Kant and Hume were not alone in this belief. 

It is a serious question among them whether they [Africans] are descended from monkeys or whether the monkeys come from them. Our wise men have said that man was created in the image of God. Now here is a lovely image of the Divine Maker: a flat and black nose with little or hardly any intelligence. A time will doubtless come when these animals will know how to cultivate the land well, beautify their houses and gardens, and know the paths of the stars: one needs time for everything.

Voltaire - Les Lettres d'Amabed (1769)

A long line of European thinkers supported this and expanded it. Voltaire is given credit as an advocate for civil liberties, yet Voltaire had a racial hierarchy where blacks were lower than whites and ranked just above oysters. Benjamin Rush, a founding father of this country, believed that being black meant you had a skin disease. He even had a name for it, Negroidism. He believed that people born black had a form of leprosy. In every instance of trying to provide this “scientific” understanding of cultural differences and skin complexion whites always gave themselves top billing as being more advanced.

Scientific racism has been a huge part of the American experience. On March 12, 1851, Dr. Samuel Cartwright read a report he was appointed as a member of a committee to do for the Medical Association of Louisiana titled, “Report On The Diseases And Physical Peculiarities Of The Negro Race”. Dr. Samuel Cartwright was the guy who made up the disease called drapetomania to claim blacks running away from slavery suffered from a mental disorder. Hoss Cartwright could have written a better report. Cartwright claimed Blacks had been running around in Africa with no medical facilities or medical study. I think Imhotep and a few others would disagree with Cartwright regarding his opinion. Cartwright also claimed that the brain size of blacks is a “ninth or tenth less than in other races of men.” He goes on to use the skeletal, vascular, and nervous systems of blacks to claim that blacks are like children and that blacks can only prosper in a situation where they are governed by a controlling force. He claimed that blacks were incapable of self-rule, that blacks gravitate towards slavery and enjoy being under such rule.

This is just a small bit of the things that created a belief in white racial superiority in America. These beliefs manifested itself into a legal, govermental, educational and economic system of white racial preference. This preference was and still today has been enforced and maintained by enacting or enforcing law and policy.

And so what is black racism?

The response to this system by blacks in opposition by calling out whites because of the existence of this system is called black racism. The comeback by primarily far right extremist or racist whites is that because blacks are calling out racists they are claiming an inherent trait in all white people therefore they are racists. But this is not the case.

What many whites call black racism is a conclusion blacks have made by observed behavior and lived experiences based on actions committed by members of the white race. The conclusion is based on things having actual existence and are actual occurrences. It is information presented having objective reality: originating in or based on observation or experience. These conclusions rely on experience or observation alone often without due regard for system and theory. Not only are they capable of being verified or disproved by observation or experiment, they have been verified or disproved by such. These conclusions do not include any claim of inherent traits in every single white person, but it does describe a behavior that has been exhibited among members of the white race. A belief in black inferiority does not meet any of these requirements.

My point here is that blacks did not develop racial classifications and determine that blacks were at the top of the ladder. Blacks did not come to America on the Mayflower either. Blacks did not establish laws in this country that have denied whites of constitutional rights. Blacks have not found ways to subvert laws to continue maintaining a racial advantage every time potential racial advancements were supposed to be made. The old line of two wrongs don’t make a right needs to be dropped from the rhetoric of white people. It is time to recognize the first wrong from whence all others have come.


Hume, David, “Of Natural Characters,” Part I Essay XXI of Essays, Moral, Political, and Literary
Ryan Very, Kant’s Racism, Kant's Racism
A'ndrea Elyse Messer, Scientific racism's long history mandates caution, Penn State News, February 14, 2014
Kenan Malik, On The Enlightenment’s ‘Race Problem’, ON THE ENLIGHTENMENT’S ‘RACE PROBLEM’
Bernasconi, R. (2001) ‘Who Invented the Concept of Race? Kant’s Role in the Enlightenment Construction of Race’ in Bernasconi, R. (Ed.) Race, Oxford: Blackwell Publishers
Voltaire, Les Lettres d’Amabed, Volume 21 (p. 462-463)., Les Lettres d’Amabed/Lettre 7b d’Amabed - Wikisource
“Report On The Diseases And Physical Peculiarities Of The Negro Race” The New Orleans Medical And Surgical Journal : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Thomas Jefferson, “Notes on the State of Virginia”(1785), pg.240, Thomas Jefferson, 1743-1826. Notes on the State of Virginia
Indisputable. POWERFUL!
White people fought and died to end slavery. White people amended the Constitution to give ex slaves equal rights. Indisputable, powerful and factual.

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