Lost Raiders Owner Mark Davis in talks of moving team to san antonio.

The Rams should go to San Antonio and the Raiders should go to LA.

Nobody cares about the Rams outside of St Louis. The Raiders are an NFL institution.

The NFL would be better with the Raiders in LA.

The Chargers could go there too.

i see your still smoking something as usual. :lmao:

Nobody cares about the Rams outside of st louis? oh really? is that why all polls not only in LA taken in LA but around the country,what teams they would like to see back in LA the most between the Rams,Raiders,and Chargers,that every poll voted the majority wanted the Rams?:lmao:

ESPN did a nationwide poll and the majority wanted the Rams.

in both the LA times poll and the ESPN nationwide poll taken,the polls were consistant with the Rams coming in first with 65% of the votes,Raiders with 30%,and the chargers dead last at 5%.

Your way off as always,st louis sports fans dont even care if they leave.season ticket sales have dropped by 20% since they know they are as good as gone and most sportsfans dont care out there.

I saw a royals/cardinals game played in kansas city a few weeks ago.I asked about 30 cardinal fans how they felt about the rams going back to LA next year.most said-i could care less,they can have them.only a handful or so said they did not want to see them go.one even said he was a cardinals fan but a chiefs fan,didnt even care about the rams.

and LA contact of mine told me his company sends him down there for business trips for his job once a year in may.He told me that while down there,he saw cardinal jerseys everywhere and Blues jerseys,but he did not spot even one Rams jersey out there.

meanwhile in LA,you go to disneyland or to angels,dodgers,lakers,clippers,ducks or kings games,more and more people are coming out wearing their Rams jerseys the fact they know they are coming back.

raiders will never go back to LA despite what USMB's disinfo agent rightwinger says,the proof is in the pudding they are not going back to LA.check post # 102 :rolleyes-41:

the Chargers MIGHT join the Rams a couple years down the road as a second tenant to kroneke.Going to be tough though because spanos has not negotiated in good faith with the city to try and stay there so an antitrust lawsuit might prevent them from leaving.

The Rams honored their lease agreement with the city they signed 20 years ago,they are free to leave because they honored everything they were asked to do in their lease agreement.the city did not honor the lease agreement and are now backpeddling trying to make kroneke look like the bay guy for their incompetence in their desperate attempts to try and keep them.

The chargers though,the major of SD has wisely gone to the NFL to discuss a new stadium because the chargers have not even tried to get anything done with them which is in violation of NFL rules so if it goes to court,they probably wont be allowed to move to LA either.

Now since this thread is about the RAIDERS,LA is not an option for them,get over it...San Antonio would be their only option they would have if they wanted to relocate.LA is not an option,the city doesnt want them there because their colors and logo incites gang violence in LA.when the Raiders left LA,crime dropped drastically,they want to keep it that way.they share the same sentiments UCLA and USC have,they dont want them there.the NFL cant force a city that doesnt want a team there to take them.

Even if the city did want them,they wont get the 3/4 votes from the owners needed to move because the owners are sore at the davis family for suing the NFL to move there.mark davis would have to sell the team and they would have to rebrand their image to get an NFL approval.not happening.

Fred Roggin a radio sportscaster out in LA is the only media source out there that tells it like it is and reports the facts.He has said the same thing i said from day one,that carson was a fantasy and pipe dream just for the raiders and chargers to use as leverage for new stadiums.

the raiders and chargers are doing what disinfo agent kissmy said kronke was doing with the rams saying he made the land purchase for leverage.he has back peddled since then and LIED since then just like i said he would back then and is now claiming he never said the Rams were never coming back.problem he has,is the computer keeps records of your past posts and it shows his words right there in black and white saying that kroneke was just using the land purchase for LEVERAGE for a new stadium.kroneke isnt even talking to the city of st louis,yep thats sure leverage for a new stadium alright.:lmao:

that troll always has to LIE when he is cornered and proven wrong.

now back to the topic of the RAIDERS.LA is not an option for them,san antonio might be,if they move anywhere,it would be SA.

adding on to this post taking you to school here Toto that nobody outside of st louis cares about the Rams and you having egg on your face is the year the Raiders won the superbowl out there in LA,the very next year for their home opener,they only drew a crowd of just 46,269.

What was the crowd numbers for the Rams that same year for their home opener? 65,403. pretty impressive since that dump in Anaheim stadium they played in was a baseball stadium and many attending were standing room only because it was only a 62,000 seating capacity.

The OAKLAND Raiders might have won a superbowl out there in LA,but nobody cared.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::haha:

Plus Dan Dierdorf said a couple of months ago that in his entire career as a broadcaster for monday night football games from 1987 to 1994, the NFL never once had the Raiders play a home game because of the fact they never drew well out there in LA and had a half empty stadium all the time so all their monday night games were always televised on the road.:haha:

Meanwhile the Rams on the other hand,had MANY home games in LA televised throughout the 70's and 80's.

so lets see here.The Rams who have led in all polls both locally in LA and around the country from the LA TIMES polls and in a ESPN poll,consistantly show the majority have voted in favor of the Rams over the Raiders, The Rams had a sold out crowd capacity of 65,403 for their home opener the year the Raiders won their superbowl out there in LA,The Raiders on the other hand,even though they won the superbowl out there in LA the previous year,only drew a pitiful capacity crowd of 46,269 for THEIR home opener,never could get a home game televised in the 80's or 90's when they were there,and YOUR trying to tell us nobody outside st louis cares about the Rams and the NFL would be better with the RAIDERS in LA? comedy gold from you as always:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::rofl::rolleyes-41:

of course,thats not one bit at all surprising hearing that from you since like USMB's resident troll rightwinger,you have never been one who has ever wanted to bother with pesky little facts.:rofl:

oh and the proof is in the pudding as well that the raiders were never embraced in LA like they were in Oakland.you can see from watching it,footage of a game played in oakland in the 70's and that stadium is packed sold out,then they show footage of a game played in LA and that place is half empty against their division rival the denver broncos no less.:biggrin:

PLUS you hear that oakland raider fan in that video there who traveled to games out there in LA saying unlike games played in oakland,the one difference he noticed of games played in LA was he had no problems getting tickets to games out there.lol

it was the OAKLAND fans that went out there and supported them for the most part when they were in LA.If they left them again,they would not support them again.i know many oakland fans who have said they would not go out there and support them again. ticket prices would be too high for them. and the people with deep pockets out there in LA,they wont support them either because they dont want the Raiders.

It was only the thugs that embraced them for the most part out there and they cant afford the ticket prices.:biggrin:

also you are forgetting that was WHY Al Davis moved the team back to Oakland was because he realised that was the biggest mistake he ever made was moving them out there because of the lack of fan support.

Matter of fact he even hinted he wanted to move them back to oakland after he had been out there for just a couple years saying just five years later or so that he really missed having the Raiders in oakland missing the loud roar of the crowds they had there in the bay area.

You wont find any Raider fans around the country and especially in LA passionate about the Raiders like they are in the bay area.

LA football fans have passion for ONLY THE RAMS.nobody else.they are passionate about their Rams the same way Oakland fans are about the Raiders.
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Lets see the Raiders had horrible fan support out there in LA even the year they won the superbowl never getting any home games televised because of that,They could not get any fans to put their butts in the seats in LA in a year after they won the superbowl out there.

If the fans would not even support the Raiders out there when they were good,WHY would they go and support them when they are terrible like they have been the last 15 years or so? :haha::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lol:

The LA FANS would NEVER be dedicated like the oakland fans are who sat through a driving rainstorm in a game played on a thursday night this past season selling that game out no less as well as selling out EVERY home game this year despite the fact they have been horrible the past 13 years and despite the fact that was late in the season and had not won a single game all year long.

the LA fans wouldnt even support the Raiders out there the year after they won the superbowl,they sure as hell wouldnt sell out their games like oakland did this year after having 13 consecutive LOSING seasons and they sure as hell would not sit through a driving cold rainstorm on a thursday night like the oakland fans did.:lmao::lmao::rofl:

The Rams yes,but not the Raiders.:rofl::rolleyes-41:
I was talking to someone the other day that the Rams won't be moving to LA, and instead are looking at Toronto.

And Jacksonville may also be considering a move to LA. Apparently there could be three teams in LA - the Chargers, Raiders AND the jags.

Wouldn't that be interesting?
July 1, 2015: "San Diego and Oakland have made proposals to keep their NFL teams, but it’s clear the owners of those teams remain unconvinced.

Chargers owner Dean Spanos and Raiders owner Mark Davis were in Los Angeles on Tuesday, meeting with Mayor Eric Garcetti and other political heavyweights and promoting their vision for a shared stadium in Carson."

Raiders Chargers Owners Meet With Mayor Garcetti About Potential Los Angeles Stadium KTLA
July 1, 2015: "San Diego and Oakland have made proposals to keep their NFL teams, but it’s clear the owners of those teams remain unconvinced.

Chargers owner Dean Spanos and Raiders owner Mark Davis were in Los Angeles on Tuesday, meeting with Mayor Eric Garcetti and other political heavyweights and promoting their vision for a shared stadium in Carson."

Raiders Chargers Owners Meet With Mayor Garcetti About Potential Los Angeles Stadium KTLA

Pretty obvious that Carson is being exposed for the hoax i said it was from day one. Garcetti is the mayor of LA,not carson so he has no say on what carson does.lol

Carson has encountered one scandal after another and is a pure fantasy and pipe dream and everyone is finding that out day by day so davis and spanos are getting desperate in their attempts to continue to try and use LA as leverage so they are trying a new ploy and meeting with the LA mayor now since carson has been exposed as a pipe dream.:lmao:
I was talking to someone the other day that the Rams won't be moving to LA, and instead are looking at Toronto.

And Jacksonville may also be considering a move to LA. Apparently there could be three teams in LA - the Chargers, Raiders AND the jags.

Wouldn't that be interesting?

as always,i see when you are taken to school by me in your debates and proven wrong,like clockwork,just like USMB's resident troll rightwinger,you evade facts and change the topic.:happy-1::up:
The Rams should go to San Antonio and the Raiders should go to LA.

Nobody cares about the Rams outside of St Louis. The Raiders are an NFL institution.

The NFL would be better with the Raiders in LA.

The Chargers could go there too.

i see your still smoking something as usual. :lmao:

Nobody cares about the Rams outside of st louis? oh really? is that why all polls not only in LA taken in LA but around the country,what teams they would like to see back in LA the most between the Rams,Raiders,and Chargers,that every poll voted the majority wanted the Rams?:lmao:

ESPN did a nationwide poll and the majority wanted the Rams.

in both the LA times poll and the ESPN nationwide poll taken,the polls were consistant with the Rams coming in first with 65% of the votes,Raiders with 30%,and the chargers dead last at 5%.

Your way off as always,st louis sports fans dont even care if they leave.season ticket sales have dropped by 20% since they know they are as good as gone and most sportsfans dont care out there.

I saw a royals/cardinals game played in kansas city a few weeks ago.I asked about 30 cardinal fans how they felt about the rams going back to LA next year.most said-i could care less,they can have them.only a handful or so said they did not want to see them go.one even said he was a cardinals fan but a chiefs fan,didnt even care about the rams.

and LA contact of mine told me his company sends him down there for business trips for his job once a year in may.He told me that while down there,he saw cardinal jerseys everywhere and Blues jerseys,but he did not spot even one Rams jersey out there.

meanwhile in LA,you go to disneyland or to angels,dodgers,lakers,clippers,ducks or kings games,more and more people are coming out wearing their Rams jerseys the fact they know they are coming back.

raiders will never go back to LA despite what USMB's disinfo agent rightwinger says,the proof is in the pudding they are not going back to LA.check post # 102 :rolleyes-41:

the Chargers MIGHT join the Rams a couple years down the road as a second tenant to kroneke.Going to be tough though because spanos has not negotiated in good faith with the city to try and stay there so an antitrust lawsuit might prevent them from leaving.

The Rams honored their lease agreement with the city they signed 20 years ago,they are free to leave because they honored everything they were asked to do in their lease agreement.the city did not honor the lease agreement and are now backpeddling trying to make kroneke look like the bay guy for their incompetence in their desperate attempts to try and keep them.

The chargers though,the major of SD has wisely gone to the NFL to discuss a new stadium because the chargers have not even tried to get anything done with them which is in violation of NFL rules so if it goes to court,they probably wont be allowed to move to LA either.

Now since this thread is about the RAIDERS,LA is not an option for them,get over it...San Antonio would be their only option they would have if they wanted to relocate.LA is not an option,the city doesnt want them there because their colors and logo incites gang violence in LA.when the Raiders left LA,crime dropped drastically,they want to keep it that way.they share the same sentiments UCLA and USC have,they dont want them there.the NFL cant force a city that doesnt want a team there to take them.

Even if the city did want them,they wont get the 3/4 votes from the owners needed to move because the owners are sore at the davis family for suing the NFL to move there.mark davis would have to sell the team and they would have to rebrand their image to get an NFL approval.not happening.

Fred Roggin a radio sportscaster out in LA is the only media source out there that tells it like it is and reports the facts.He has said the same thing i said from day one,that carson was a fantasy and pipe dream just for the raiders and chargers to use as leverage for new stadiums.

the raiders and chargers are doing what disinfo agent kissmy said kronke was doing with the rams saying he made the land purchase for leverage.he has back peddled since then and LIED since then just like i said he would back then and is now claiming he never said the Rams were never coming back.problem he has,is the computer keeps records of your past posts and it shows his words right there in black and white saying that kroneke was just using the land purchase for LEVERAGE for a new stadium.kroneke isnt even talking to the city of st louis,yep thats sure leverage for a new stadium alright.:lmao:

that troll always has to LIE when he is cornered and proven wrong.

now back to the topic of the RAIDERS.LA is not an option for them,san antonio might be,if they move anywhere,it would be SA.

adding on to this post taking you to school here Toto that nobody outside of st louis cares about the Rams and you having egg on your face is the year the Raiders won the superbowl out there in LA,the very next year for their home opener,they only drew a crowd of just 46,269.

What was the crowd numbers for the Rams that same year for their home opener? 65,403. pretty impressive since that dump in Anaheim stadium they played in was a baseball stadium and many attending were standing room only because it was only a 62,000 seating capacity.

The OAKLAND Raiders might have won a superbowl out there in LA,but nobody cared.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::haha:

Plus Dan Dierdorf said a couple of months ago that in his entire career as a broadcaster for monday night football games from 1987 to 1994, the NFL never once had the Raiders play a home game because of the fact they never drew well out there in LA and had a half empty stadium all the time so all their monday night games were always televised on the road.:haha:

Meanwhile the Rams on the other hand,had MANY home games in LA televised throughout the 70's and 80's.

so lets see here.The Rams who have led in all polls both locally in LA and around the country from the LA TIMES polls and in a ESPN poll,consistantly show the majority have voted in favor of the Rams over the Raiders, The Rams had a sold out crowd capacity of 65,403 for their home opener the year the Raiders won their superbowl out there in LA,The Raiders on the other hand,even though they won the superbowl out there in LA the previous year,only drew a pitiful capacity crowd of 46,269 for THEIR home opener,never could get a home game televised in the 80's or 90's when they were there,and YOUR trying to tell us nobody outside st louis cares about the Rams and the NFL would be better with the RAIDERS in LA? comedy gold from you as always:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::rofl::rolleyes-41:

of course,thats not one bit at all surprising hearing that from you since like USMB's resident troll rightwinger,you have never been one who has ever wanted to bother with pesky little facts.:rofl:

oh and the proof is in the pudding as well that the raiders were never embraced in LA like they were in Oakland.you can see from watching it,footage of a game played in oakland in the 70's and that stadium is packed sold out,then they show footage of a game played in LA and that place is half empty against their division rival the denver broncos no less.:biggrin:

PLUS you hear that oakland raider fan in that video there who traveled to games out there in LA saying unlike games played in oakland,the one difference he noticed of games played in LA was he had no problems getting tickets to games out there.lol

it was the OAKLAND fans that went out there and supported them for the most part when they were in LA.If they left them again,they would not support them again.i know many oakland fans who have said they would not go out there and support them again. ticket prices would be too high for them. and the people with deep pockets out there in LA,they wont support them either because they dont want the Raiders.

It was only the thugs that embraced them for the most part out there and they cant afford the ticket prices.:biggrin:

also you are forgetting that was WHY Al Davis moved the team back to Oakland was because he realised that was the biggest mistake he ever made was moving them out there because of the lack of fan support.

Matter of fact he even hinted he wanted to move them back to oakland after he had been out there for just a couple years saying just five years later or so that he really missed having the Raiders in oakland missing the loud roar of the crowds they had there in the bay area.

You wont find any Raider fans around the country and especially in LA passionate about the Raiders like they are in the bay area.

LA football fans have passion for ONLY THE RAMS.nobody else.they are passionate about their Rams the same way Oakland fans are about the Raiders.

I agree the passion is in Oakland.

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