Expect Chiefs to be the new team to give their city and fans the middle finger in the No Fan Loyalty league.


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
Expect the Chiefs to be the newest team to join the forever OAKLAND Raiders and forever SAN DIEGO chargers to desert their fans and give them the middle finger for another city.

I really hope Jackson County does the right thing and says No to the corrupt NFL cartel to give them the sales tax the team is asking for in renovations for a new stadium. Clark Hunt has a net worth of 24 billion,let HIM build his own fucking new stadium. Let these greedy asshole billionaires build their OWN fucking new stadiums. let them relocate to salt lake city or whatever,who cares?

I really am crossing my fingers that jackson county says no to them and leaves.Chiefs fans did not give a shit when the people of san diego and oakland had to suffer and lose their team because it did not affect them,asshole chiefs fans did not care.

If they lose THEIR team,then the shoe will be on the other foot and they will see what assholes they were by not fighting for the people of san diego and oakland and now,all of a sudden care like the selfish pricks they are.

the NFL is a fucking joke the merry go round circus they play,now these days you not only dont know what team your favorite player will playing for next year,you dont even know what city your favorite team will be in anymore. FUCK the NFL.

anybody who pays money to see these games are fucking idiots. sure hope you chiefs fans out there lose your team.you deserve it.
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If the chiefs do leave they will get their just deserts.I will throw a party to see them suffer for not fighting or caring what happened to the people of san diego and oakland and laugh in their faces. the fans in kansas city and around the country should have stopped going to these games every sunday after Oakland and san diego lost their teams and supported those cities after the owners screwed them over.

the NFL keeps screwing fans over and over and over again and yet ,these fucking morons STILL pay money to these greedy owners and go to their games every sunday .BEAM ME UP SCOTTY, THERE IS NO INTELLIGENT LIFE FORMS ON THIS PLANET.

Thats fucked up that there is no law that if a team wants to move,they should have to leave the team name in the city.

you wouldnt think the chiefs would leave their city with all that history and tradition but look at oakland and san diego,san diego had over 50 years in their city and oakland had 40. The Raiders ESPECIALLY leaving Oakland was the most criminal. anytime people here the name Raiders around the world,they dont think of Los Angeles or vegas and NEVER will,they automatically think of OAKLAND.they go hand in hand together.OAKLAND is their fucking identity.

Taking the raiders out of Oakland is like taking the cowboys out of dallas to colorado,or the Green Bay Packers to Maine,or the best example,the yankees out of new york and moving to florida,you just dont do that,.everybody identifys the yankees as the bronx bombers.same with the raiders,when you hear Raiders,everybody thinks OAKLAND the city by the bay.
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Expect the Chiefs to be the newest team to join the forever OAKLAND Raiders and forever SAN DIEGO chargers to desert their fans and give them the middle finger for another city.

I really hope Jackson County does the right thing and says No to the corrupt NFL cartel to give them the sales tax the team is asking for in renovations for a new stadium. Clark Hunt has a net worth of 24 billion,let HIM build his own fucking new stadium. Let these greedy asshole billionaires build their OWN fucking new stadiums. let them relocate to salt lake city or whatever,who cares?

I really am crossing my fingers that jackson county says no to them and leaves.Chiefs fans did not give a shit when the people of san diego and oakland had to suffer and lose their team because it did not affect them,asshole chiefs fans did not care.

If they lose their team,then the shoe will on the other foot and they will see what assholes they were by not fighting for the people of san diego and oakland and all of a sudden care like the selfish pricks they are.
find it hard to believe the Hunt family would toke their team and leave ..
I really am crossing my fingers that jackson county says no to them and leaves.Chiefs fans did not give a shit when the people of san diego and oakland had to suffer and lose their team because it did not affect them,asshole chiefs fans did not care
Why would the fans of ANY particular team give a shit about what happens to any of the other 31 franchises? I’m a Washington Commanders fan. I didn’t give a crap when teams have relocated in the pat and I won’t if/when the Chiefs do either. It’s not my concern.
Why would the fans of ANY particular team give a shit about what happens to any of the other 31 franchises? I’m a Washington Commanders fan. I didn’t give a crap when teams have relocated in the pat and I won’t if/when the Chiefs do either. It’s not my concern.
In other words,you dont care if thousands of people suffer and lose their jobs and livlihoods when teams move,nice. thousands of people in oakland and san dieo lost their livlihoods when they left because they count on the teams in their city for making money and a living.

I have a friend in oakland,he told me all about how people suffered and were out on the streets the first time the raiders left oakland and are now as well because of these motherfucker evil asshole owners.

you wouldnt be saying this if YOUR livlihood was affected by a team moving to another city and especially if your livilhood was at state like those thousands of others were, got to stop supporting this corrupt evil.

Al Davis is burning in hell right now and his son will join him along with dean spanos, Dean is a sellout to his father alex,Alex would NEVER have taken them team out of san diego. these owners are perfectly aware the suffering people suffer when they move but same as you,they dont care,those fuckers dont care about anybody but THEMSELVES,.may they rot in hell forever.

again i hope the chiefs fans suffer for not caring about what happened to the people of oakland and sd AND WILL LAUGH AT THEM WHEN THE SHOW IS ON THE OTHER FOOT.
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find it hard to believe the Hunt family would toke their team and leave ..
when it comes to having a city fund and build another stadium instead of them footing the bill,then they will have the city build it as motherfucker mark davis did.,hunt will be no different for greener pastures,thats what its all about the fucking green.

if motherfucker hunt finds a city with corrupt politicians thst have the tax payers fund the stadium and he doesn’t have to fund arrowhead as motherfucker davis did with corrupt politicians in Vegas,the chiefs are as good as gone,the only question is will he find a city willing to do that as davis did with Vegas,that’s the million dollar question.
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Al Davis is burning in hell right now and his son will join him along with dean spanos, Dean is a sellout to his father alex,Alex would NEVER have taken them team out of san diego. these owners are perfectly aware the suffering people suffer when they move but same as you,they dont care,those fuckers dont care about anybody but THEMSELVES,.may they rot in hell forever
Al Davis is one of my favorite sport team owners, right along with Daniel Snyder. TRAM over League. I’m not an BFL fan. I’m a COMANDERS fan. I’m not a MLB or NHL fan either. I’m a Red Sox and Bruins fan. The owner needs to try to do what’s in the best interest of the team, not the league, city, etc…
Al Davis is one of my favorite sport team owners, right along with Daniel Snyder. TRAM over League. I’m not an BFL fan. I’m a COMANDERS fan. I’m not a MLB or NHL fan either. I’m a Red Sox and Bruins fan. The owner needs to try to do what’s in the best interest of the team, not the league, city, etc…
Motherfucker davis is burning in hell,the owner needs to not only do what’s in the best interest in the team but the people in the city that support you.

leaving a city when you know thousands of innocent people are going to suffer is inhumane and evil. to be a fan of an evil motherfucker like thst is also being evil.that fucker was so stupid he realized his mistake moving them to LA,he said many times while in LA he missed the loud roar of the Oakland crowds. the fact nobody in LA cared about the raiders in LA sense LA was Rams country.nobody in LA gives a shit about the chargers either and they have horrible fan support out there same as the raiders did.

Mark is a chip off the old block same as his father,an evil motherfucker same as him who also will join him and burn in hell.

Oh and explain your logic here,how is it that that motherfucker al davis was doing what was in the best interests in the team moving them from Oakland where he had the most loyal fans in the world who would turn out no matter what their record was under the worst weather conditions to LA where they had dream weather conditions yet had half empty stadiums all the time even in the years they were great? :abgg2q.jpg: He had no home field advantage in LA because of that that’s why he moved them back to Oakland,so no more of this nonsense crap he was doing what was in the best interest in the team the fact he moved them back to Oakland. :rofl: :laughing0301:

Oh and Daniel Snyder same as mark davis has also taken a once proud organization and ran them into the ground so how is that doing what’s in the best interest in the team,your crippling your arguments here. :rofl: :laughing0301:
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In other words,you dont care if thousands of people suffer and lose their jobs and livlihoods when teams move,nice. thousands of people in oakland and san dieo lost their livlihoods when they left because they count on the teams in their city for making money and a living.

I have a friend in oakland,he told me all about how people suffered and were out on the streets the first time the raiders left oakland and are now as well because of these motherfucker evil asshole owners.

you wouldnt be saying this if YOUR livlihood was affected by a team moving to another city and especially if your livilhood was at state like those thousands of others were, got to stop supporting this corrupt evil.

Al Davis is burning in hell right now and his son will join him along with dean spanos, Dean is a sellout to his father alex,Alex would NEVER have taken them team out of san diego. these owners are perfectly aware the suffering people suffer when they move but same as you,they dont care,those fuckers dont care about anybody but THEMSELVES,.may they rot in hell forever.

again i hope the chiefs fans suffer for not caring about what happened to the people of oakland and sd AND WILL LAUGH AT THEM WHEN THE SHOW IS ON THE OTHER FOOT.
Dude, you need to chill the F*ck out as far as sports. Go take a walk.. geez
Dude, you need to chill the F*ck out as far as sports. Go take a walk.. geez
The nfl is as evil and corrupt as our government is I don’t ignore that reality,you may choose to do so but I dont.other than the rams Super Bowl and this last years Super Bowl which I only watched cause I got sick of hearing all these years the patriots being the last team to repeat and because I knew the chiefs had an excellent chance to repeat. I have not watched a playoff game sense the patriots and Seahawks when it became crystal clear to at least half of Americans these games are as phony as pro wrestling,only stupid sheep still go and pay money to watch these games every Sunday.the smart don’t give a dime to the NFL.

I am proud of Oakland and San Diego not funding these stadiums to these motherfucker greedy owners,I hope Jackson county does the same thing to motherfucker hunt and makes him build his own fucking stadium.that happens,he will move and find a corrupt state with corrupt politicians as David did in Vegas.

Fuck the NFL.
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The nfl is as evil and corrupt as our government is I don’t ignore that reality,you may choose to do so but I dont.other than the rams Super Bowl and this last years Super Bowl which I only watched cause I got sick of hearing all these years the patriots being the last team to repeat and because I knew the chiefs had an excellent chance to repeat. I have not watched a playoff game sense the patriots and Seahawks when it became crystal clear to at least half of Americans these games are as phony as pro wrestling,only stupid sheep still go these games every Sunday.
Here's an idea...

Dont' freaking watch, and STFU
Here's an idea...

Dont' freaking watch, and STFU
Believe me now that the chiefs have repeated and I don’t have to hear about the cheatriots being the last team in the nfl to repeat anymore finally,the team thst has disgraced the sport with the help of all the other owners,,I won’t.

i only decided to watch the playoffs and Super Bowl this year because I knew they had an excellent chance of doing so.college football is all I pay attention now instead of the fucking criminal nfl cartel.these owners are so fucking evil and greedy they would kill their own mother if it meant they would profit in the millions yet the stupid sheep in America go to these games and give them money every Sunday in the No fan loyalty league.

What a bunch of fucking morons.
Criminal Clark hunt who has 24 billion dollars only wants to spend 300 million of the 800 million required for upgrades and ask the tax payers to fund the rest,Jackson county needs to say fuck you to thst motherfucker evil greedy bastard and tell him to pay to build his own fucking stadium.Jackson county I hope does the right thing and tells that motherfucker to go fuck himself.
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Oh and Daniel Snyder same as mark davis has also taken a once proud organization and ran them into the ground so how is that doing what’s in the best interest in the team,your crippling your arguments here
I believe in a Strong TEAM, Weak League governance model. So did Al Davis and Dan Snyder. Davis went so far as suing the league. Snyder should have done the same in 2012, but he chickened out. After that, the LEAGUE went out of its way to attack both franchises in every way possible.

As for the loss of jobs…. 2500 jobs lost in one place is 2500 jobs gained somewhere else. If the community isn’t willing or able to pony up the $$$ to keep the team, such is life.
Expect the Chiefs to be the newest team to join the forever OAKLAND Raiders and forever SAN DIEGO chargers to desert their fans and give them the middle finger for another city.

I really hope Jackson County does the right thing and says No to the corrupt NFL cartel to give them the sales tax the team is asking for in renovations for a new stadium. Clark Hunt has a net worth of 24 billion,let HIM build his own fucking new stadium. Let these greedy asshole billionaires build their OWN fucking new stadiums. let them relocate to salt lake city or whatever,who cares?

I really am crossing my fingers that jackson county says no to them and leaves.Chiefs fans did not give a shit when the people of san diego and oakland had to suffer and lose their team because it did not affect them,asshole chiefs fans did not care.

If they lose THEIR team,then the shoe will be on the other foot and they will see what assholes they were by not fighting for the people of san diego and oakland and now,all of a sudden care like the selfish pricks they are.

the NFL is a fucking joke the merry go round circus they play,now these days you not only dont know what team your favorite player will playing for next year,you dont even know what city your favorite team will be in anymore. FUCK the NFL.

anybody who pays money to see these games are fucking idiots. sure hope you chiefs fans out there lose your team.you deserve it.
Money? Why bother? Unless you are on the 50 Yard line about half way up ,ya really can't see anything. TV is so much better. If one likes LIVE sports , go see a Baseball game. No problem seeing everything. Unless one is parsimonious and buys cheap seats out in Right Field. Far as Oakland , it is a shithole City. Losing the Raiders. Losing the A's.
Expect the Chiefs to be the newest team to join the forever OAKLAND Raiders and forever SAN DIEGO chargers to desert their fans and give them the middle finger for another city.

I really hope Jackson County does the right thing and says No to the corrupt NFL cartel to give them the sales tax the team is asking for in renovations for a new stadium. Clark Hunt has a net worth of 24 billion,let HIM build his own fucking new stadium. Let these greedy asshole billionaires build their OWN fucking new stadiums. let them relocate to salt lake city or whatever,who cares?

I really am crossing my fingers that jackson county says no to them and leaves.Chiefs fans did not give a shit when the people of san diego and oakland had to suffer and lose their team because it did not affect them,asshole chiefs fans did not care.

If they lose THEIR team,then the shoe will be on the other foot and they will see what assholes they were by not fighting for the people of san diego and oakland and now,all of a sudden care like the selfish pricks they are.

the NFL is a fucking joke the merry go round circus they play,now these days you not only dont know what team your favorite player will playing for next year,you dont even know what city your favorite team will be in anymore. FUCK the NFL.

anybody who pays money to see these games are fucking idiots. sure hope you chiefs fans out there lose your team.you deserve it.
Doubtful. Center of country with easiest travel. Can draw from 5-state area….,similar to the old MLB STL Cardinals (Who are on a major downslide since 2012, giving away top players willy-nilly). Oh, i could go in. But touch tyoe sucketh like commee maggot posters.
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Believe me now that the chiefs have repeated and I don’t have to hear about the cheatriots being the last team in the nfl to repeat anymore finally,the team thst has disgraced the sport with the help of all the other owners,,I won’t.

i only decided to watch the playoffs and Super Bowl this year because I knew they had an excellent chance of doing so.college football is all I pay attention now instead of the fucking criminal nfl cartel.these owners are so fucking evil and greedy they would kill their own mother if it meant they would profit in the millions yet the stupid sheep in America go to these games and give them money every Sunday in the No fan loyalty league.

What a bunch of fucking morons.
Criminal Clark hunt who has 24 billion dollars only wants to spend 300 million of the 800 million required for upgrades and ask the tax payers to fund the rest,Jackson county needs to say fuck you to thst motherfucker evil greedy bastard and tell him to pay to build his own fucking stadium.Jackson county I hope does the right thing and tells that motherfucker to go fuck himself.

if they built it right day1, upgrades may work? Dodger stadium is still open.
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Money? Why bother? Unless you are on the 50 Yard line about half way up ,ya really can't see anything. TV is so much better. If one likes LIVE sports , go see a Baseball game. No problem seeing everything. Unless one is parsimonious and buys cheap seats out in Right Field. Far as Oakland , it is a shithole City. Losing the Raiders. Losing the A's.
The Warriors played there also until a couple of years ago.
Money? Why bother? Unless you are on the 50 Yard line about half way up ,ya really can't see anything. TV is so much better. If one likes LIVE sports , go see a Baseball game. No problem seeing everything. Unless one is parsimonious and buys cheap seats out in Right Field. Far as Oakland , it is a shithole City. Losing the Raiders. Losing the A's.
The Pittsburgh Steeler games are always sold out but the last time that every seat had an actual butt in it was a game in 2013. It`s easy to sell out when you only play 8 or 9 home games a year. Having season tickets for the Steelers was once somewhat of a prestigious thing but Monday and Thursday night games have always been hard tickets to even give away. 60,000 or so will be in the stadium and at least 10,000 of them are degenerate drunks. This stiller fan is choking a pregnant woman.
At the same game, the head butt seen around the world.
Would you take a child to a Steeler game?
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Expect the Chiefs to be the newest team to join the forever OAKLAND Raiders and forever SAN DIEGO chargers to desert their fans and give them the middle finger for another city.

I really hope Jackson County does the right thing and says No to the corrupt NFL cartel to give them the sales tax the team is asking for in renovations for a new stadium. Clark Hunt has a net worth of 24 billion,let HIM build his own fucking new stadium. Let these greedy asshole billionaires build their OWN fucking new stadiums. let them relocate to salt lake city or whatever,who cares?

I really am crossing my fingers that jackson county says no to them and leaves.Chiefs fans did not give a shit when the people of san diego and oakland had to suffer and lose their team because it did not affect them,asshole chiefs fans did not care.

If they lose THEIR team,then the shoe will be on the other foot and they will see what assholes they were by not fighting for the people of san diego and oakland and now,all of a sudden care like the selfish pricks they are.

the NFL is a fucking joke the merry go round circus they play,now these days you not only dont know what team your favorite player will playing for next year,you dont even know what city your favorite team will be in anymore. FUCK the NFL.

anybody who pays money to see these games are fucking idiots. sure hope you chiefs fans out there lose your team.you deserve it.

Cities have to pay for those "bragging rights" when having a winning team! I think KC's been fortunate! From what I recall, Arrowhead's still a "state of the art" facility even though over 30 years old! A little refresh to the place is in order after all this time! True enough the NFL teams have the money to do it on their own, but why not "rip off the fans" when we're suckers enough to do it? Living in Chicago, it's always been a threat of the Bears to leave town; maybe go to the suburbs, but so far they've held on by just landing that spaceship on the facility utilized as luxury accommodations of Soldiers' Field! Since the 90's, everything's been upgraded except Wrigley Field! Both The Chicago Stadium for the Bulls & Blackhawks & Cellular Field for the Sox will probably be demanding "facelifts" soon as well! :rolleyes: :meow::dunno::stir:
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