Lost Raiders Owner Mark Davis in talks of moving team to san antonio.

this writer here is one of the few media people other than fred roggin who knows what he is talking about..

He is saying what i been saying all along,that the Raiders wont get corporate sponsorship in LA from the corporations to put up the money for them and that a davis owned raiders team is not wanted by the owners in LA.:clap:

Lowell Cohn: Raiders not going to LA, and here's why

what WILL happen is the raiders will either do what davis does not want to do and share levi stadium with the niners in the end or end up in san antonio.I am going with the former because I dont believe the owners want to lose that bay area rivalry with the raiders and 49ers again.remember they did not want the raiders to leave the bay area in the first place,they were forced to when al sued the league to move them which is why they wont be allowed back into LA again because the owners are sore at the davis family for suing the league.
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I live in the bay area! Raider President Marc Badain met with Oakland city officials! They went over designs for new Oakland stadium! That right there shows Rams are getting LA!
the raiders might not move to san antonio after alll.They arent moving to LA.people who think that need to get off the crack they are smoking.:biggrin:

here is why it would be absurd to think they are moving.WHY build a brand new practice facility and spend all that money on it if you are leaving for LA next year?:cuckoo::lmao:

Raiders Team Activity - August 25, 2015 
I think the City is noticing that Mark Davis does not have the final say and Mama Davis does. It is already obvious that the Raiders are stuck in Oakland whether Mark Davis wants to seriously or not. He has not made any true commitment to anywhere not even Carson. Stan Kroenke and the L.A. Rams pretty much is destroying his undercover wishes to move to SoCal. How? Stan Kroenke is building the L.A. Rams stadium in Inglewood in December regardless what the NFL says. Let's be realistic folks, the NFL is not going to say the L.A. Rams can't play a game if they leave without a majority vote by the owners approval. The L.A. market has a lot of L.A. Rams fans to bring in capital and they don't want to miss out on that. So due to Mark Davis has not reached out to Stan Kroenke to be a tenant, he and his mama are not going to say let's not play anywhere until a new stadium is up somewhere else. Even a 2nd grader can see that they are going to remain in Oakland no matter if no deal was done with Kephart, the City and County not willing to pay for $500 million of tax payers money, and the Davis family has no more money to relocate or pay for a stadium. ‪#‎stayinoakland‬ ‪#‎oaklandishome‬

With the Rams vacating St Louis why not the Raiders filling that void?

The Raiders are too smart to do that.They are not going to move to a city that has lost two pro football teams because the fans wont support them.:biggrin:

stank louis is a baseball and hockey town,they support the cardinals and the blues very well there but they dont care about football at all down there.

they are bandwagon fans,they wont support them when they are losing,only when they are winning.the proof is in the pudding.they did not even want the Rams to begin with in the first place.

the first four years the Rams were there when they were god awful and horrible,that place was half empty all the time.wasnt till kurt warner and marshall faulk came along and took them to the superbowl and started winning that they showed up.the last 13 years that they have been horrible,that place is back to being mostly empty again.:biggrin:

they like to use the excuse that the play has been so horrible on the field the last several years for the poor attendance but look at the oakland fans,the raiders have been equally as terrible on the field for the same period of time yet just like last season,they have sold out all their games,they got loyal passionate fans in oakland who care about the raiders and THEY support them win or lose.

they are like the chicago cubs fans,very loyal and passionate about their team.The Cubs have suffered for decades.even when they are in dead last in their division with the worst record in the major leagues,they sell out all their games every year.they are the most loyal fans in the world you will ever find,so are the oakland fans which is why unlike stank louis,they dont deserve to lose their team and deserve to keep them.

Rams fans in LA and Raider fans in Oakland have the same passion for their teams that stank louis does not.Raider fans in LA never even cared about the Raiders there even when they were winning which is why they should stay in oakland.
speaking of the raiders this is very good news.:thup:

this is from someone i know who posted this below.

I live in the bay area.Raiders and Oakland are meeting two times this week! I hear about stadium designs and a new financial plan they like.
With the Rams vacating St Louis why not the Raiders filling that void?

The Raiders are too smart to do that. They are not going to move to a city that has lost two pro football teams because the fans wont support them.:biggrin:

And tell us exactly what are the Mt Davis tarps?

what you never hear from the mainstream media,i mean LAMESTREAM media,is that those tarps were put up for two reasons.
1.The Mt Davis seats were horrible to begin with.the view of the field was terrible from there.
2.most importantly though is even despite that,fans would still purchase tickets there for games and they would always sell out AFTER they lowered the ticket prices.

In the beginning the ticket prices for those seats were so rediculously high there that you did not have many people there purchasing those seats.Once they lowered the ticket prices though however and made them much more reasonable for the average joe to afford,they sold out all the time. I know this for a fact to be true because i know raider fans that live in the bay area.

they then got stupid again and became morons having the mindset of -"hey they are buying the seats and selling out,lets jack the prices up some."

so after not learning before from their previous boneheaded mistake,they jacked them up again and had lots of empty seats again.

so the tarps were put on not because they did not support them but because the idiots running the stadium decided to jack up the prices again making it too expensive for the average joe to afford.

they have sold out every home game this year as they did last year.unlike stank louis,they have passionate fans there who when you dont jack up the prices so rediclous for the average joe to afford,they sell out. just watch a raiders home game sometime and forget about the mt davis seats,you will see a sold out stadium everytime.no empty seats.

watch a rams game and you will see many empty seats even in the lower level and half the fans are always from the opposing team.:biggrin:

thats why you can take it to the bank and believe it to be true when mark davis has said-st louis is not an option for us as an NFL city.It doesnt fit the raider brand.:biggrin:

both the raiders and chargers have had a HUGE INCREASE in season ticket sales this year.Guess what the Rams have in dogpatch USA? they had a 30% DROPOFF in season ticket sales there :lmao:

its pretty much a ghost town in that dump there for games.:rofl::lmao::lmao:
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this is good news for Oakland fans if this is true.It means san antonio the only option that was ever realistic, "carson was always a hoax." that its off the table as well.:thup:

According to latest murmurs Mark Davis and the Oakland Raiders are to sign a 2-year lease extension at O.co Coliseum if that happens and if this is true this is what it will effect:
NFL to LA:
It effectively eliminates the Raiders as a LA relocation candidate because a lease extension means they have to stay for 2 years at O.co and because the Raiders are wanting a new stadium in Oakland therefore the Raiders won't be relocating anytime soon.
Carson (Los Angeles Stadium) proposal:
It could mean the Raiders drop out of the Los Angeles Stadium proposal leaving the San Diego Chargers (one of the teams part of the proposal) as the only team part of the Carson proposal, It could also mean the Carson proposal falls apart.
Relocation candidates:
As said earlier a 2-year extension at O.co Coliseum by the Raiders means the team is effectively eliminated as a relocation candidate because they would be working on a new stadium in Oakland because of this, it also leaves only 2 Los Angeles relocation candidates, the Chargers and Rams.
The team:
Raiders signing a 2-year lease extension means the team is staying in Oakland for the next 2 years effectively eliminating Los Angeles and San Antonio as possible locations for the team.
The Chargers:
The Raiders are currently partners with the Chargers on the Los Angeles Stadium proposal, the Oakland Raiders signing a 2-year lease extension at O.co Coliseum means team isn't relocating because they would be wanting to negotiate a new stadium in Oakland, it leaves the Chargers as the only team attached to the Carson project (which could mean the proposal falls apart), alternatively the Chargers could team up with the Rams to share a stadium in Inglewood in case if the Raiders stay in Oakland or do it alone in Carson.
The Rams:
The St. Louis Rams (one of the three teams looking at relocation) want to leave their current city (St. Louis) for Los Angeles and currently on a year-to-year lease at the Edward Jones Dome (current home of the team), the Raiders staying put in Oakland and signing a 2-year lease extension at their current home means the Rams are one of the two teams (along with the Chargers) looking at relocation, it also opens the door for the Chargers and Rams to share a stadium in Inglewoood, California and makes a Rams move to Los Angeles more likely because there wouldn't be another team looking at relocation and standing in their way, so either the Rams are going to be one of the teams in L.A. along with the Chargers or the Rams are going to be the only team in Los Angeles.
Possible relocation to San Antonio:
It means the Raiders won't be relocating to San Antonio and San Antonio would not have a NFL team.
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here is the other reason why the Raiders wont be moving to LA.

Mark Davis’ main realistic objective is get further financial assistance from the league out of this whole LA relocation saga. There is little doubt that the Rams has the most legacy in LA and has the broadest appeal in that market. In addition, it has a very deep pocketed owner. The NFL wants a potential broad based marquee franchise in LA and Rams appears to have the most resources to take the team in that direction. The Inglewood project is also seen as superior as well. That is why the talks of the Rams teaming up with the Charges has been gaining momentum. Having three teams in SoCal is such a relatively short time frame seems unlikely from an economic perspective. Ideally, two teams in SoCal and two teams in NorCal as they’re the nation’s second and third largest markets respectively. What is sometimes overlooked that the he Bay Area is one of the very few markets that can accommodate two NFL teams (especially given the Raiders and Niners historical roots in the area). It is among the largest in terms of population. It certainly has the economics as it is the third largest metro area in total GDP and on average the wealthiest major metro area in the country. Corp sponsorship potential is also robust. Thanks to Silicon Valley, it has the second most fortune 500 companies based there after the NY area. That is why of the three teams (Rams, Chargers and Raiders), only the Raiders have openly said they prefer to stay if they can get a stadium deal done. If the Rams move back to LA, than the Chargers will obviously continue to be in the SoCal market regardless if is in SD or LA. Another obstacle for the Raiders is that the league (Roger Goodell has alluded to in the past) feels that there is already a viable potential stadium solution for the Raiders in its home market with the brand new Levis stadium (when it was constructed, the NFL specifically mandated that it can accommodate two home teams). From that perspective, the Chargers are more in need of a stadium solution than the Raiders. The NFL will likely provide further financial assistance (from the Rams relocation money) to the Raiders in trying to get a stadium done in O.co (could also involve 3rd party or minority investor, perhaps this SunCal developer mentioned in this article) or incentivize the Raiders to work out a "temporary" deal with the Niners in Levis until it settles on a permanent solution in the Bay Area. Ultimately, it'll be the Rams in LA, Chargers in SD or join the Rams in Inglewood, and the Raiders get a deal done in O.co.
I would think Oakland would be far more interested in keeping the A's than Raiders simply based on MLB's 81 home games versus 8 regular plus 2 practice games for the NFL. How do you read situation?

good point.thats a good question to pose.

the national media tries to paint the picture that it would be more beneficial for Oakland to keep the A's over the Raiders because of that reason you mentioned however thats not neccessarily true.

the reason being is that nobody outside of Oakland cares about the A's where thats not the case with the Raiders at all.the Raiders are coined Raider Nation because they are right up there with the cowboys as being the most popular team around the country in the NFL plus football is so much bigger than baseball now as opposed to 20 to 30 years ago.

the Raiders have a national following so people from all over the country want to come to Oakland to see a Raiders game so the city would actually benefit more by keeping the Raiders over the A's with the tourism and all if they had to choose. If you have an hour or so to spare you might want to listen to this Raider podcast here.this Raider fan covers that in more depth than I did.

Tuck Rule - Raiders Podcast

The good news is it looks like Oakland will keep both of them because the A'S tried to move to san jose not too long ago but the courts ruled they could not.

Anti trust laws are very strict in baseball which is why you dont see baseball teams move anymore these days. Unfortunatley for fans of the NFL,NFL antitrust laws are different than they are in MLB so thats why you see a lot of teams in the NFL moving all the time.

here is the good news for oakland fans though below.this was posted by an Oakland fan.

"I live in the bay area.Raiders and Oakland are meeting two times this week! I hear about stadium designs and a new financial plan they like."

What Oakland should do is since the warriors appear to be out the door headed for san fran is demolish orecle arena and build the A'S their new stadium there. while they tear down the stadium where the A's and Raiders play,the Raiders could use Levi stadium as a temp site while waiting for their new stadium.

I would like to see Oakland be able to keep all three of their teams but since the warriors appear to be out the door after this season headed for SF,they could at least keep the Raiders and A's. that would be the best thing to do I believe because from what i have heard,thats how a lot of oakland sports fans feel as well.They naturally dont want the warriors to leave but they could live with that.

The A's and Raiders they would be very hearttbroken over if they had to go though.thats seems to be the best solution IMO.
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very good video.:thup:
the proof is in the pudding in this video,that the fans in oakland always pack them in unlike in LA.


oh and the proof is in the pudding as well that the raiders were never embraced in LA like they were in Oakland.you can see from watching this video below ,footage of a game played in oakland in the 70's and that stadium is packed sold out,then they show footage of a game played in LA and that place is half empty against their division rival the denver broncos no less.:biggrin:

the year the Raiders won the superbowl out there in LA,the very next year for their home opener,they only drew a crowd of just 46,269.

What was the crowd numbers for the Rams that same year for their home opener? 65,403. pretty impressive since that dump in Anaheim stadium they played in was a baseball stadium and many attending were standing room only because it was only a 62,000 seating capacity.

The OAKLAND Raiders might have won a superbowl out there in LA,but nobody cared.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::haha:

Plus Dan Dierdorf said a couple of months ago that in his entire career as a broadcaster for monday night football games from 1987 to 1994, the NFL never once had the Raiders play a home game because of the fact they never drew well out there in LA and had a half empty stadium all the time so all their monday night games were always televised on the road.:haha:

Meanwhile the Rams on the other hand,had MANY home games in LA televised throughout the 70's and 80's.

so lets see here.The Rams who have led in all polls both locally in LA and around the country from the LA TIMES polls and in a ESPN poll,consistantly show the majority have voted in favor of the Rams over the Raiders, The Rams had a sold out crowd capacity of 65,403 for their home opener the year the Raiders won their superbowl out there in LA,The Raiders on the other hand,even though they won the superbowl out there in LA the previous year,only drew a pitiful capacity crowd of 46,269 for THEIR home opener,never could get a home game televised in the 80's or 90's when they were there,and YOUR trying to tell us nobody outside st louis cares about the Rams and the NFL would be better with the RAIDERS in LA? comedy gold from you as always:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::rofl::rolleyes-41:

LA football fans have passion for ONLY THE RAMS.nobody else.they are passionate about their Rams the same way Oakland fans are about the Raiders.

Lets see the Raiders had horrible fan support out there in LA even the year they won the superbowl never getting any home games televised because of that,They could not get any fans to put their butts in the seats in LA in a year after they won the superbowl out there.

If the fans would not even support the Raiders out there when they were good,WHY would they go and support them when they are terrible like they have been the last 15 years or so? :haha::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lol:

The LA FANS would NEVER be dedicated like the oakland fans are who sat through a driving rainstorm in a game played on a thursday night this past season selling that game out no less as well as selling out EVERY home game this year despite the fact they have been horrible the past 13 years and despite the fact that was late in the season and had not won a single game all year long.

the LA fans wouldnt even support the Raiders out there the year after they won the superbowl,they sure as hell wouldnt sell out their games like oakland did this year after having 13 consecutive LOSING seasons and they sure as hell would not sit through a driving cold rainstorm on a thursday night like the oakland fans did.:lmao::lmao::rofl:

The Rams yes,but not the Raiders.:rofl:
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very good video.:thup:
the proof is in the pudding in this video,that the fans in oakland always pack them in unlike in LA.


oh and the proof is in the pudding as well that the raiders were never embraced in LA like they were in Oakland.you can see from watching this video below ,footage of a game played in oakland in the 70's and that stadium is packed sold out,then they show footage of a game played in LA and that place is half empty against their division rival the denver broncos no less.:biggrin:

the year the Raiders won the superbowl out there in LA,the very next year for their home opener,they only drew a crowd of just 46,269.

What was the crowd numbers for the Rams that same year for their home opener? 65,403. pretty impressive since that dump in Anaheim stadium they played in was a baseball stadium and many attending were standing room only because it was only a 62,000 seating capacity.

The OAKLAND Raiders might have won a superbowl out there in LA,but nobody cared.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::haha:

Plus Dan Dierdorf said a couple of months ago that in his entire career as a broadcaster for monday night football games from 1987 to 1994, the NFL never once had the Raiders play a home game because of the fact they never drew well out there in LA and had a half empty stadium all the time so all their monday night games were always televised on the road.:haha:

Meanwhile the Rams on the other hand,had MANY home games in LA televised throughout the 70's and 80's.

so lets see here.The Rams who have led in all polls both locally in LA and around the country from the LA TIMES polls and in a ESPN poll,consistantly show the majority have voted in favor of the Rams over the Raiders, The Rams had a sold out crowd capacity of 65,403 for their home opener the year the Raiders won their superbowl out there in LA,The Raiders on the other hand,even though they won the superbowl out there in LA the previous year,only drew a pitiful capacity crowd of 46,269 for THEIR home opener,never could get a home game televised in the 80's or 90's when they were there,and YOUR trying to tell us nobody outside st louis cares about the Rams and the NFL would be better with the RAIDERS in LA? comedy gold from you as always:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::rofl::rolleyes-41:

LA football fans have passion for ONLY THE RAMS.nobody else.they are passionate about their Rams the same way Oakland fans are about the Raiders.

Lets see the Raiders had horrible fan support out there in LA even the year they won the superbowl never getting any home games televised because of that,They could not get any fans to put their butts in the seats in LA in a year after they won the superbowl out there.

If the fans would not even support the Raiders out there when they were good,WHY would they go and support them when they are terrible like they have been the last 15 years or so? :haha::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lol:

The LA FANS would NEVER be dedicated like the oakland fans are who sat through a driving rainstorm in a game played on a thursday night this past season selling that game out no less as well as selling out EVERY home game this year despite the fact they have been horrible the past 13 years and despite the fact that was late in the season and had not won a single game all year long.

the LA fans wouldnt even support the Raiders out there the year after they won the superbowl,they sure as hell wouldnt sell out their games like oakland did this year after having 13 consecutive LOSING seasons and they sure as hell would not sit through a driving cold rainstorm on a thursday night like the oakland fans did.:lmao::lmao::rofl:

The Rams yes,but not the Raiders.:rofl:

I saw the videos and to me that is what a team deserves fans who cheer on. I have seen that from old film and it seems a move would make it happen again.
Keep the Raiders in Oakland shared a link. - Keep the Raiders in Oakland | Facebook

It's was great to be at the Oakland Paramount today withThe Oakland Raidersfans that feel the same passion for my home team. I thank each and everyone of you for attending and addressing your opinions directly to the NFL, Libby Schaff, and Mark Davis.

We all provided valuable information that they may not see from a fans point of view. Positive feedback that was given to them certainly didn't fall on deaf ears to get this deal done in Oakland, California.

Some thought thiswas a "pony or dog show" or whatever pessimists were trying to discourage everyone to believe. But we took charge at making statements that they either had a hard time answering, had to research more, or assisted and provided them the answers that they had no knowledge of knowing.

The greatest part of the meeting is to see leaders of the City of Oakland, and Mark Davis present for the entire meeting, and it made me even change a lot of what I even planned to say in my speech.

However, as I mentioned I hope that this is a sign that they are going to communicate personally with each other without counting on others to seal the deal. When everyone has the same mission to Stay in Oakland there is a time that all parties must prove what the stand for.

Oakland, Ca is the only option for the Raiders that the NFL has, and they better not forget it when we are willing to invest what we can.

Keep the Raiders in Oakland's Photos - Keep the Raiders in Oakland | Facebook

Keep the Raiders in Oakland's Photos - Keep the Raiders in Oakland | Facebook

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