LOL, Hawaii is GETTING SNOW - Now the makes all 50 States this year!!!

And, once again, one of the primary predictions of global warming is weather swings that are wider and wilder, with an overall warming trend. That has been precisely what we have seen in the past decade. Both in the temperature and the precipitation patterns.
It's very fitting that Hawaii is getting snow for the President's holiday trip! I mean global warming has to be happening! :lol: I mean snow in Hawaii is very VERY rare occurence and only global warming can make it cold enough to make it happen :eusa_eh:!

Actually, snow in Hawaii is not rare due to the altitude of the volcanos (as can be seen in one of the photos in your link.

Snow in Florida, on the other hand, is quite rare.
Not really. It snows in north Florida probably as often as it does in Atlanta.

With you global warming alarmist, it wasn't even supposed to snow in Canada or Alaska. YET, its snowed in all 50 states and Europe is getting dumped on by more than just Muslims! :eusa_whistle:
Increased snow is due to increased evaporation from the ocean because there is no ice to reflect the suns rays. The ice has melted because the planet is warmer.

Yes, it's just that simple.

So now the science is global warming is causing cold temperatures and snow! :eusa_eh:

What aren't we blaming on global warming? :eusa_whistle:
Snow in Hawaii isn't even unusual. There's an old saying that you can start out skiing at the top of Mauna Kea and work your way down through every kind of climate found on Earth. High forest, grassland, tropical paradise, even an area of desert. I've never been there but looking at the maps it seems perfectly plausible.

Gotta love people who lap up propaganda without question, no matter which side they belong to. :thup:

Hey Goldie,

I also put London's record snow, snow in all 50 states and record snow and cold during Austraila's summer!
QUOTE=Old Rocks;3121111]
Da point is the global warming being a foregone conclusion seems far off? Yep I bought into all of it when I was in college and all the science classes I took preached it. It was strengthened by Inconvenient Deception opps I mean Truth!
However, I don't think its a foregone conclusion and at the very least we should be able to challenge these theories and our colleges should be teaching both sides of the equation not just Global Warming Is Coming, Be Prepared!

Even the most prominent and active scientist that is a sceptic, Dr. Spencer, states that warming is here and increasing. He still thinks that the anthropogenic part is minor, most being a natural cycle. However, he cannot state just why that natural cycle is occuring, or what is driving it.

Nov. 2010 UAH Global Temperature Update: +0.38 deg. C Roy Spencer, Ph. D.

Now we are in a moderate to strong La Nina, and that normally leads to a cooling. Yet, for the past 3 months, the anomolys have all been on the positve, warmer, side. We will see what the anomoly for December is. Should it be on the positive side also, that is a definate indication that the warming is getting stronger. If you look at past years, back to 1979, you will see that there have been a number of negative anomolies, yet since 1998, very few.[/QUOTE]

Spencer may not be able to define which natural processes are causing the warming but he sure does a good job of debunking computer climate models. there is a big difference between not knowing, and believing in something that is obviously not true
And how will he debunk the continueing rise in temperatures as more GHGs are added to the atmosphere? Yes, you people will win in that there will be no decrease in the GHGs emitted by man until catastrophe occurs. Just as a teenager wins when he sneaks out of the house and gets drunk. And his parents get to bury him after he wrecks the car. Only we are wrecking the world that our descendents will recieive from us.
Actually, snow in Hawaii is not rare due to the altitude of the volcanos (as can be seen in one of the photos in your link.

Snow in Florida, on the other hand, is quite rare.
Not really. It snows in north Florida probably as often as it does in Atlanta.

With you global warming alarmist, it wasn't even supposed to snow in Canada or Alaska. YET, its snowed in all 50 states and Europe is getting dumped on by more than just Muslims! :eusa_whistle:

Ah get off of it, dumb ass. You know damned well that no one in science has said that. You are approaching peer level with Kookybill.
Time for a Global Cooling Cult i guess. Global Warming/Global Cooling? Who cares? Don't live in fear,just try and be happy. We're just not here on this Earth very long. Don't waste this short time living in fear.
Increased snow is due to increased evaporation from the ocean because there is no ice to reflect the suns rays. The ice has melted because the planet is warmer.

Yes, it's just that simple.

So now the science is global warming is causing cold temperatures and snow! :eusa_eh:

What aren't we blaming on global warming? :eusa_whistle:

What causes colder temperatures is because the northern hemisphere is furthest from the sun this time of year. It's why we call this season "winter".

Tell me you knew that.'s what NASA (you know......a whole bunch of scientists and rocket engineers) say about the situation.........

The 2010 meteorological year, which ended on 30 November, was the warmest in NASA's 130-year record, data posted by the agency today shows. Over the oceans as well as on land, the average global temperature for the 12-month period that began last December was 14.65˚C. That's 0.65˚C warmer than the average global temperature between 1951 and 1980, a period scientists use as a basis for comparison.

The 2010 meteorological year was slightly warmer than the previous warmest year, the 2005 calendar year, when the average temperature was 14.53˚C.

In 2010, temperatures measured over land alone were also the warmest ever, with instruments showing a December-November average of 14.85˚C. Combining this warming with above-average ocean temperatures led to the global average of 14.65˚C.

November brought frigid temperatures to certain areas of Europe. But the data, compiled by the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York City, show that, globally, last month was the warmest November ever recorded, nearly 0.96˚C warmer than the 1951 to 1980 average for the month.

NASA: 2010 Meteorological Year Warmest Ever - ScienceNOW

And's a real science news site.

As far as climate change? Well.........according to scientists, the earth is apparently working through a polar shift. At one time, many thousands of years ago, such a thing happened, and the places were it was coldest was at the equator.

Magnetic pole shift would kinda explain why Vancouver BC had NO SNOW for the Olympics, and DC got socked by snow.

Would also explain why Europe's climate is creeping down from the north.
Increased snow is due to increased evaporation from the ocean because there is no ice to reflect the suns rays. The ice has melted because the planet is warmer.

Yes, it's just that simple.

So now the science is global warming is causing cold temperatures and snow! :eusa_eh:

What aren't we blaming on global warming? :eusa_whistle:

Wilder weather and extremes. Everything goes nuts.:tongue:
Yup, 2010. Record cold in many places in January, February, and December. Record heat in the same places for the months of the summer. Just the norm, folks.
Just enjoy life. Don't live in fear over Global Warming/Global Cooling. None of it matters. You're only on this Earth for a very short time. I recommend you start enjoying that short time. You'll be long gone and forgotten very soon.
Just enjoy life. Don't live in fear over Global Warming/Global Cooling. None of it matters. You're only on this Earth for a very short time. I recommend you start enjoying that short time. You'll be long gone and forgotten very soon.

Yep, you are so right. Since I am 67 already, I guess I have only about 40 years left. And I plan to enjoy them doing, among many other things, needling the hell out of ignorant Conservatives.:lol:
Just enjoy life. Don't live in fear over Global Warming/Global Cooling. None of it matters. You're only on this Earth for a very short time. I recommend you start enjoying that short time. You'll be long gone and forgotten very soon.

Yep, you are so right. Since I am 67 already, I guess I have only about 40 years left. And I plan to enjoy them doing, among many other things, needling the hell out of ignorant Conservatives.:lol:

Senile, very sad, a hypocrite as well. Did you cut down another tree for Christmas, how many trees have you destroyed in your life old crock.
Just enjoy life. Don't live in fear over Global Warming/Global Cooling. None of it matters. You're only on this Earth for a very short time. I recommend you start enjoying that short time. You'll be long gone and forgotten very soon.

Yep, you are so right. Since I am 67 already, I guess I have only about 40 years left. And I plan to enjoy them doing, among many other things, needling the hell out of ignorant Conservatives.:lol:

67 and "40 years left?" Nice wishful thinking there. lol! :lol:
In the end if you have common sense you understand that it's the Bed-Wetting Leftists from Western Europe and the U.S. who have created this Global Warming Cult. It is a Worldwide Socialist/Globalist political movement. So don't let them fool you. You want to wet your bed daily panicking about Global Warming/Global Cooling than by all means go for it. Just don't think you have the right to force your agenda on the rest of us.
Just enjoy life. Don't live in fear over Global Warming/Global Cooling. None of it matters. You're only on this Earth for a very short time. I recommend you start enjoying that short time. You'll be long gone and forgotten very soon.

I have 3 kids, I care more about their future than my own. If global warming fears are used to push through cap and trade or other 2000 page laws that stifle US business even more then I fear for that!

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