I keep hearing from the Leftists on this board that the Earth is warming up and that this year was the hottest on record. Does this include this week


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
The UK could see its coldest night of the year this weekend, with an arctic blast set to bring snow and sub-zero temperatures.
The Met Office said sleet and snow may fall in the north of Scotland and on peaks above 400 metres (1,312ft) high.
Meteorologists believe Saturday night will see thermometers hitting minus 4C in Wales and minus 5C in the rural South West.
Of course not, because if the Globull Warming "Ex-Spurts) did add in the sub-zero temperatures, it would blow the whole theory of the MMGW Zealots right out the door. I just hope that many of those Leftists gave up their CO2 burning furnaces and Cars for the all electric stuff that requires Solar and Wind. It will be a very good weekend if they did....If you know what i mean.

We are constantly reminded that weather and climate are not the same thing. Close observers have noted that the Left long ago abandoned the expression "global warming," because it implied that the earth was...warming...and that may have been provable statistically, but was not apparent to actual humans looking outside their own windows. Now it's "climate change," and the Left loves that because it makes it possible to blame any unpleasantness in the weather on the same phenomenon that they are trying to protect us from. Some Leftists, in their unbridled enthusiasm, even blame earthquakes and sinkholes on climate change. But I digress.

The "bottom line," as the accountants say, is that nothing done by contemporary humans in Western countries today will have any impact at all on the climate a hundred years out. The massive and increasing use by China, India, and other shit-hole countries will overwhelm any "progress" made by the West. If the objective were to find a workable way of reducing greenhouse gases, the Left would be pushing for maximum use of nuclear power and natural gas. Indeed, the shift from coal to natural gas has "fueled" America's dramatic reduction in greenhouse gases. But these can be done relatively easily, and would not assist in the REAL objective of making all global economic activity subject to centralized bureaucrats, as it is in the EU today, only worse.
We are constantly reminded that weather and climate are not the same thing. Close observers have noted that the Left long ago abandoned the expression "global warming," because it implied that the earth was...warming...and that may have been provable statistically, but was not apparent to actual humans looking outside their own windows. Now it's "climate change," and the Left loves that because it makes it possible to blame any unpleasantness in the weather on the same phenomenon that they are trying to protect us from. Some Leftists, in their unbridled enthusiasm, even blame earthquakes and sinkholes on climate change. But I digress.

The "bottom line," as the accountants say, is that nothing done by contemporary humans in Western countries today will have any impact at all on the climate a hundred years out. The massive and increasing use by China, India, and other shit-hole countries will overwhelm any "progress" made by the West. If the objective were to find a workable way of reducing greenhouse gases, the Left would be pushing for maximum use of nuclear power and natural gas. Indeed, the shift from coal to natural gas has "fueled" America's dramatic reduction in greenhouse gases. But these can be done relatively easily, and would not assist in the REAL objective of making all global economic activity subject to centralized bureaucrats, as it is in the EU today, only worse.

The reason why the Marxists love to blame CO2 for the change in climate, is that it can be taxed as it is pulled from the ground and then those taxes can be stolen by these Globull Warming Zealots. Water Vapor on the other hand, so far cannot be taxed, but the leftist sure are trying to get their hands on such taxes...
I think it is important to note that the solution for the Democrats, the politicians is to build more and more and more.

I have yet been able to express simply the amount of manufacturing by heavy industry, the increase in the use of heavy industry and oil that is required to build the "solution".

Why is it, that the democrat's sheeple, believe the world's largest increase in the use of fossil fuels to build inefficient solar and wind power is a solution.

The sheeple do not think about how much is required to build so much that gives us so little. Wind and Solar power that last only a little amount of time.

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