Liz Cheney says Trump appears to have been ‘personally involved in planning’ 6 Jan insurrection

think so? You think it would have been better for them, had they been on the committee? How so? I don't. The facts would have been just as real and just as damning, despite your fantasy to the contrary. The didn't screw the pooch. As your postings show, their tactic was very, very effective.

I mean, they got some Joe Q from Anytown, USA (you) bending over backwards to cover for them and to make preemptive excuses for discounting the findings of the existing committee.

That is GREAT success, by any measure. Propaganda doesn't get any more successful than that.
Lol, OK fort. Let me just say it for you ok?:

"I believe the committee is 100% honorable, and of the utmost integrity. I believe that they cannot and will not lie, ever, and they will present their findings in complete fairness and utter objectivity. I further attest they will not hide any facts that could be favorable to Trump and they will present any evidence in the correct context always and without a bias agenda. I also attest that each member of the committee is completely unbiased and without preconceived ideas, and are only looking for the truth, even if that truth is that they cannot find any credible evidence that links Trump to the planning and launching of the attack on the capitol. Further, each of the members have not divulged any previous notion of guilt and they have only the interest of finding the facts and they are not running the investigation with any intent on trying to find a guilty outcome."

So, did I get it right? Did I represent your position correctly?
ThisIsMe wrote: Yeah, I'm speaking out against the committee because I believe them to be predisposed to an outcome. 21OCT31-POST#662

NFBW wrote: And when ThisIsMe “believes” it .. his belief alone makes it true. It’s tough to know that I am having a discussion with an omniscient being. Silly me wanting facts from a god that prove the Committee members are predisposed to an outcome. Gods need not bother with facts. Facts are for mere mortals to deal with. 21NOV01-POST#738
OK, that statement I wrote to fort applies to you also then. You too believe that this committee is COMPLETELY on the up and up, and have no preconceived notions or thoughts of guilt.

Got it.
So, speaking of that three-part series mentioned above.
Here is a taster of the one part that I have read so far.
I will eagerly wait for....and will read.....the next ones.

This one I read this evening focuses on what our president at the time, Don Trump, did during the attack.

You can read all of it here:


"President Donald Trump had just returned to the White House from his rally at the Ellipse on Jan. 6 when he retired to his private dining room just off the Oval Office, flipped on the massive flat-screen television and took in the show. At the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue, thousands of his supporters were wearing his red caps, waving his blue flags and chanting his name.

Live television news coverage showed the horror accelerating minute by minute after 1:10 p.m., when Trump had called on his followers to march on the U.S. Capitol. The pro-Trump rioters toppled security barricades. They bludgeoned police. They scaled granite walls. And then they smashed windows and doors to breach the hallowed building that has stood for more than two centuries as the seat of American democracy.

The Capitol was under siege — and the president, glued to the television, did nothing. For 187 minutes, Trump resisted entreaties to intervene from advisers, allies and his elder daughter, as well as lawmakers under attack. Even as the violence at the Capitol intensified, even after Vice President Mike Pence, his family and hundreds of Congress members and their staffers hid to protect themselves, even after the first two people died and scores of others were assaulted, Trump declined for more than three hours to tell the renegades rioting in his name to stand down and go home.

During the 187 minutes that Trump stood by, harrowing scenes of violence played out in and around the Capitol. Twenty-five minutes into Trump’s silence, a news photographer was dragged down a flight of stairs and thrown over a wall. Fifty-two minutes in, a police officer was kicked in the chest and surrounded by a mob. Within the first hour, two rioters died as a result of cardiac events. Sixty-four minutes in, a rioter paraded a Confederate battle flag through the Capitol. Seventy-three minutes in, another police officer was sprayed in the face with chemicals. Seventy-eight minutes in, yet another police officer was...............................
So, speaking of that three-part series mentioned above.
Here is a taster of the one part that I have read so far.
I will eagerly wait for....and will read.....the next ones.

This one I read this evening focuses on what our president at the time, Don Trump, did during the attack.

You can read all of it here:


"President Donald Trump had just returned to the White House from his rally at the Ellipse on Jan. 6 when he retired to his private dining room just off the Oval Office, flipped on the massive flat-screen television and took in the show. At the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue, thousands of his supporters were wearing his red caps, waving his blue flags and chanting his name.

Live television news coverage showed the horror accelerating minute by minute after 1:10 p.m., when Trump had called on his followers to march on the U.S. Capitol. The pro-Trump rioters toppled security barricades. They bludgeoned police. They scaled granite walls. And then they smashed windows and doors to breach the hallowed building that has stood for more than two centuries as the seat of American democracy.

The Capitol was under siege — and the president, glued to the television, did nothing. For 187 minutes, Trump resisted entreaties to intervene from advisers, allies and his elder daughter, as well as lawmakers under attack. Even as the violence at the Capitol intensified, even after Vice President Mike Pence, his family and hundreds of Congress members and their staffers hid to protect themselves, even after the first two people died and scores of others were assaulted, Trump declined for more than three hours to tell the renegades rioting in his name to stand down and go home.

During the 187 minutes that Trump stood by, harrowing scenes of violence played out in and around the Capitol. Twenty-five minutes into Trump’s silence, a news photographer was dragged down a flight of stairs and thrown over a wall. Fifty-two minutes in, a police officer was kicked in the chest and surrounded by a mob. Within the first hour, two rioters died as a result of cardiac events. Sixty-four minutes in, a rioter paraded a Confederate battle flag through the Capitol. Seventy-three minutes in, another police officer was sprayed in the face with chemicals. Seventy-eight minutes in, yet another police officer was...............................
Trump was literally using the power of the presidency, by not calling them off or sending aid, to threaten the lives of Congresspeople trying to certify his election loss.

That is a fact. That happened. Trump's only possible defense is that he had a catatonic event, or a mini-stroke.

But this is a country of star fuckers. And the president is the biggest star. We don't put our Presidents in jail.

In most other first world countries, he would go to prison.
So, did I get it right? Did I represent your position correctly?
No, I would have to say you intentionally misrepresented and obfuscated it, as I have stated it directly to you a few times, and it was basically one sentence. Notice I don't have to equivocate or stumble or backtrack or lob word salads over my shoulder as I retreat from a point, when taking this simple stance:

It is important to finds out facts about January 6th, 2021. We should do it. Right now.

To add: And I think the committee will find facts. And already has.

And there you have it. No 10 pages of equivocation and stumbles. No attempts to put words in "just the right order" to make something false or dubious be true.

Your now extended effort in pushing back against this is telling.

And your attacks are very oblique.

"But, uh, what if ____, then that would just be a waste of time then..."

"But all the facts will just be fake"

"Bannon had nothing to do with it"

"But those people there will form biased opinions about the facts"

None of these oblique shots are doing any damage, or really even landing at all.
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You mean you shouldn't believe the bloated lying orange narcissist? The dolt is guilty of trying to overthrow the election. Just listen to the tape when he called the Georgia Sec of State and the election officials looking for 11,280 votes. Listen to his speech on January 6th as he spoke safely behind bullet proof glass. The guy is a wuss, a lying narcissistic wuss.
No, it's pretty simple. YOu said the transcripts said something, then you admitted that you deduced what you said it said, because "it can only MEAN that".

That was you lying.

HInt: ONCE you admit that what you said was false, insisting it is true, just makes you an asshole.

Lying moron, what a pity you can't actually quote me saying what you ascribe to me.
Really, Faun? Show me where the FBI stated that in their report!

FBI investigators did find that cells of protesters, including followers of the far-right Oath Keepers and Proud Boys groups, had aimed to break into the Capitol.

[edit: ...... They alleged that one Proud Boy leader recruited members and urged them to stockpile bulletproof vests and other military-style equipment in the weeks before the attack and on Jan. 6 sent members forward with a plan to split into groups and make multiple entries to the Capitol.]
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Your are too dense even to understand your own lie. They FBI did not determine they all planned to just stand outside the capitol right up until the second they didn't. That's your weaselly little lie. You are intentionally leaving out your high cult priest's stage act, which is what actually incited them.
You love looking like an ignorant goober don’t you moron? The FBI said NO evidence of ANY plot. Period. Your pathetic lying doesn’t change that retard. No ties to Trump. Period. End of argument. Stamp your feet and hold your breath some more baby.
The FBI said NO evidence of ANY plot. Period.
Gotcha. From interviewing those arrested, searching their social media, etc..

Did the FBI get the records Trump is trying to withhold? How about the Congresspeople, and the people they met with? Was the FBI tasked with investigating Bannon, Eastman, Congresspeople, and/or the President... at all? And did they?

No, no, no, and also no.

Well then, I guess your complaint has about as much merit as tits on a boar, as they say. This isn't about the FBI investigation, and its narrow scope.
Gotcha. From interviewing those arrested.

Did the FBI get the records Trump is trying to withhold? How about the Congresspeople, and the people they met with? Was the FBI tasked with investigating Bannon, Eastman, the Congresspeople and/or President... at all? And did they?

No and no and no.

Well then, I guess your complaint has about as much merit as tits on a boar, as they say. This isn't about the FBI investigation, and its narrow scope. So you can take that talking point and cram it.
Poor baby. I see you provide no proof of your lies about what the FBI found. See, you lying doesn’t make things real. It makes me laugh at how an uneducated ass like you thinks he knows more than an agency that investigates for 8+ months, turning over every rock and blade of grass to try to blame Trump and found nothing. So take your bullshit and shove back up your ignorant lying ass. Continue crying.
It's amusing to watch you accuse me of lying when you're the one who posted a picture of the hallway on the other side of the doors where Ashli Babbitt was shot and killed. claimed it was taken moments before the shooting happened and was full of Congressmen! I posted a video that shows that same hallway for several minutes before that shooting happened and there were no members of Congress in it. As a matter of fact the hallway is basically deserted. So you deliberately tried to mislead people with your picture and the claim you made about it!
It's rather revealing how you can't post without lying. I posted this video which shows lawmakers and others being escorted out through the Speaker's Lobby which you lied about and claimed was empty.

In reality, it wasn’t empty about 2 minutes before Ashli Targetpractice got herself shot.

And after spotting that group in the Speaker's Lobby, Trump's mob yelled, "hurry, they're getting away!" Followed by smashing the windows right behind the cops. Followed by, "they're leaving! They're leaving!"

I would say you should stop lying; but clearly, you're pathological and can't stop.
I haven't seen that. Got a link to it?


Those don't say what you claim.
Are you and Correll going to get your stories straight? You Oldestyle are the one lying about no planning. Just ask Correll

Correll wrote: My understanding is that some people had plans ahead of time to use the demonstration as cover to start a violent confrontation. - - - SO, nothing "Sparked" it. Some people chose to DO it. 21MAR07-POST-#1042

They owe you an explanation Faun .

Oldestyle says bad policing caused the riot. It was spontaneous. Correll says militia types planned it. Nothing spontaneous about it. But both the dumbasses seem to be thinking the riot took place outside.

Its also hilarious when DJTvoterrrs believe the complete opposite of each other - but in Trumpworld they are still both absolutely right anyway.
All they do is lie. There will be no explanations forthcoming from that pair.

From your own link...

FBI investigators did find that cells of protesters, including followers of the far-right Oath Keepers and Proud Boys groups, had aimed to break into the Capitol.


They alleged that one Proud Boy leader recruited members and urged them to stockpile bulletproof vests and other military-style equipment in the weeks before the attack and on Jan. 6 sent members forward with a plan to split into groups and make multiple entries to the Capitol.
Fort Fun Indiana wrote: Because whether or not something is strictly illegal is not the only standard we hold in this country. ….. The FBI can find factual info on this to give to the committee, and the committee is tasked with pulling that and all other info together into a bigger picture. 21JUL25-POST#40

ThisIsMe wrote: Yeah, but you'll never find any truth, the dems aren't looking for truth. They're looking for whatever Republicans they can nail to the wall. …. 21SJUL26-POST#595

NFBW wrote: ThisIsMe already knew back in July that the bigger picture the committee produces will not be based on finding any truth. There is truth but this particular committee wont find “any” of it or will suppress it. 21NOV02 POST#759
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From your own link...

FBI investigators did find that cells of protesters, including followers of the far-right Oath Keepers and Proud Boys groups, had aimed to break into the Capitol.
They alleged that one Proud Boy leader recruited members and urged them to stockpile bulletproof vests and other military-style equipment in the weeks before the attack and on Jan. 6 sent members forward with a plan to split into groups and make multiple entries to the Capitol.
Just curious, Faun...did you happen to notice that link also reported that the FBI found that the group who planned to "break into" the Capitol had no plan to DO anything once they did? Some violent "insurrection"! (eye roll) It more like a bunch of students occupying the Dean's office back in the Vietnam War protest days. Once they were there...they didn't really know what else to do other than stand around.

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