Live: Are you watching Trump talk to Conservatives in DC?

The church knows how to create strong and loving communities. (don't tell that to unarmed blacks)

We are returning moral clarity to our view of the world. (yea, we know. That's what's so frightening)

Pakistan and other countries are starting to respect the US again (oh no they aren't)

We know the first duty of government is protecting Americans (like Puerto Rico)

We will always defend and protect Israel (biggest applause)

We have made tremendous strides against Isis. They never got hit like this before.

Unarmed blacks. But you left out trying to run away or resisting arrest while committing crimes.
Trayvon Martin tried to run away from George Zimmerman. George tracked him down and shot him in the chest. Republicans loved seeing that child murdered so much, one of them here on the USMB used that child's dead body as his Avatar.
Or the guy who was shopping for toys for his baby. Unarmed and in a store shopping.
The list goes on and on.
You know that but clearly, you hate blacks. You belong in the GOP.

I am an elected official in the GOP.

It's simple, don't run away or resist arrest.

Zimmerman shot and killed the animal that attacked him. Self defense.
Didn't you hear about the trial?
Why do you say that when you know it's a lie?
It's on tape. Zimmerman was told to leave that child alone.
Zimmerman wasn't a police officer. For all that kid knew, Zimmerman was a robber.
This kid only had Skittles and a soda.
You kind believes blacks have no rights. That they can be stopped and harassed on the street by anyone not black. If they don't stop and put their hands up, they can be legally shot. That's what your kind believes. You know it and I know it.
Zimmerman shot and killed the animal
The Right always let their pure evil show through!!!


At the core of evil is the process of dehumanization by which certain other people or collectives of them, are depicted as less than human, as non comparable in humanity or personal dignity to those who do the labeling. Prejudice employs negative stereotypes in images or verbally abusive terms to demean and degrade the objects of its narrow view of superiority over these allegedly inferior persons. Discrimination involves the actions taken against those others based on the beliefs and emotions generated by prejudiced perspectives.

Dehumanization is one of the central processes in the transformation of ordinary, normal people into indifferent or even wanton perpetrators of evil. Dehumanization is like a cortical cataract that clouds ones thinking and fosters the perception that other people are less than human. It makes some people come to see those others as enemies deserving of torment, torture, and even annihilation.
I signed a new executive order for a national day of prayer. It' prevents the Johnson amendment from interfering with you 1st amendment rights. Gov workers cannot silence your rights (no matter what you say). No religious group can ever be targeted.
We will not let bureaucrats take away your rights. We are stopping the attacks on Christian Judaeo values.

Thank you Trump for removing the target that Obama put on our backs.
Zimmerman shot and killed the animal
The Right always let their pure evil show through!!!


At the core of evil is the process of dehumanization by which certain other people or collectives of them, are depicted as less than human, as non comparable in humanity or personal dignity to those who do the labeling. Prejudice employs negative stereotypes in images or verbally abusive terms to demean and degrade the objects of its narrow view of superiority over these allegedly inferior persons. Discrimination involves the actions taken against those others based on the beliefs and emotions generated by prejudiced perspectives.

Dehumanization is one of the central processes in the transformation of ordinary, normal people into indifferent or even wanton perpetrators of evil. Dehumanization is like a cortical cataract that clouds ones thinking and fosters the perception that other people are less than human. It makes some people come to see those others as enemies deserving of torment, torture, and even annihilation.
Human beings, like any other animal can go feral. Trayvon Martin went feral. He saw a chubby little mexican and thought "prey ". The prey was armed.
It's blowing my mind on a couple of levels.

When he is expecting cheers, he's getting lukewarm applause.

Big applause: We are allowed to use the work Christmas again.

Lukewarm: Tax cuts, Healthcare
I doubt there is a single conservative in that room.
Non stop standing ovations are hardly "lukewarm". Americans waited for years to hear a president say "you no longer have to be afraid to say Merry Christmas". Hooah

Yet another right wing fuck head brings out what he heard Bill O'Reilly spew....

Yet, just wait for Jarred Kushner to wish you a Merry Christmas.....LOL
Non stop standing ovations are hardly "lukewarm". Americans waited for years to hear a president say "you no longer have to be afraid to say Merry Christmas". Hooah.
Anyone afraid to say Merry Xmas was and is a pussy Sorry Whitey Think you qualify
It's blowing my mind on a couple of levels.

When he is expecting cheers, he's getting lukewarm applause.

Big applause: We are allowed to use the work Christmas again.

Lukewarm: Tax cuts, Healthcare

Biggest cheers - how much they all love him. How he is keeping his promise by coming back and talking. And he will come back next year.

Standing ovation.

Big cheer - we need prayer, not government.

I signed a new executive order for a national day of prayer. It' prevents the Johnson amendment from interfering with you 1st amendment rights. Gov workers cannot silence your rights (no matter what you say). No religious group can ever be targeted.
We will not let bureaucrats take away your rights. We are stopping the attacks on Christian Judaeo values.

We hope congress will pass massive tax cuts for the American people.
Lukewarm applause.

You saw what we did yesterday with healthcare step by step by step.
We are going to have great healthcare. (tiny applause)
Bureaucrats think they can run your lives, tell you how to play, how to raise your children. We know faith and prayer, not federal regulation we are cutting at a clip never seen before.

The jobs are coming back (yea, automated jobs coming back. Almost no applause. They know)

The church knows how to create strong and loving communities. (don't tell that to unarmed blacks)

We are returning moral clarity to our view of the world. (yea, we know. That's what's so frightening)

Pakistan and other countries are starting to respect the US again (oh no they aren't)

We know the first duty of government is protecting Americans (like Puerto Rico)

We will always defend and protect Israel (biggest applause)

We have made tremendous strides against Isis. They never got hit like this before.

We have done more against Isis than the previous administration in 8 years.

We will not lift sanctions on Iran and Venezuela and another countries until they restore freedom and religious freedom (While fighting to take away freedom here)

Soldiers going out and fighting for God. (huh?)

They make sure the future of their children has God involved. So important to them. (huh?)

As long as we have pride in our country, confidence in our future and faith in God then America will prevail. We will overcome evil. We will pass on liberty and our God.

That's it at the Values Voter Summit.

The church knows how to create strong and loving communities. (don't tell that to unarmed blacks)

We are returning moral clarity to our view of the world. (yea, we know. That's what's so frightening)

Pakistan and other countries are starting to respect the US again (oh no they aren't)

We know the first duty of government is protecting Americans (like Puerto Rico)

We will always defend and protect Israel (biggest applause)

We have made tremendous strides against Isis. They never got hit like this before.

Unarmed blacks. But you left out trying to run away or resisting arrest while committing crimes.
Trayvon Martin tried to run away from George Zimmerman. George tracked him down and shot him in the chest. Republicans loved seeing that child murdered so much, one of them here on the USMB used that child's dead body as his Avatar.
Or the guy who was shopping for toys for his baby. Unarmed and in a store shopping.
The list goes on and on.
You know that but clearly, you hate blacks. You belong in the GOP.

Big cheer - we need prayer, not government.

I always roll my eyes, when Dotard Trump pretends to be a Christian.
There's how he could care less about healthcare of the poor, the sick and the elderly. Every plan that has Trumpster loved, leaves those groups with nothing.
His tax reform, benefits him the most and leaves crumbs for 90% of US citizens.
He's approach to the environment is to pollute, pollute, pollute. And of course, his plan destroys the earth.
And then there's his hyper-narcissistic personality.
His love for punishing those who disagree with him.
His bigotry and sexism.
Trump is a fake Christian, who obviously has never read the Bible and using the Christian religion for personal gain.
The reason they applaud him is because he said he is bringing back their values. I'm guessing that means racism and hatred of gays and disrespect for other religions.

By This Time, doubt has to be creeping into the minds of Trump supporters. How can it not?

The church knows how to create strong and loving communities. (don't tell that to unarmed blacks)

We are returning moral clarity to our view of the world. (yea, we know. That's what's so frightening)

Pakistan and other countries are starting to respect the US again (oh no they aren't)

We know the first duty of government is protecting Americans (like Puerto Rico)

We will always defend and protect Israel (biggest applause)

We have made tremendous strides against Isis. They never got hit like this before.

Unarmed blacks. But you left out trying to run away or resisting arrest while committing crimes.
Trayvon Martin tried to run away from George Zimmerman. George tracked him down and shot him in the chest. Republicans loved seeing that child murdered so much, one of them here on the USMB used that child's dead body as his Avatar.
Or the guy who was shopping for toys for his baby. Unarmed and in a store shopping.
The list goes on and on.
You know that but clearly, you hate blacks. You belong in the GOP.

I am an elected official in the GOP.

It's simple, don't run away or resist arrest.

Zimmerman shot and killed the animal that attacked him. Self defense.
Didn't you hear about the trial?
Why do you say that when you know it's a lie?
It's on tape. Zimmerman was told to leave that child alone.
Zimmerman wasn't a police officer. For all that kid knew, Zimmerman was a robber.
This kid only had Skittles and a soda.
You kind believes blacks have no rights. That they can be stopped and harassed on the street by anyone not black. If they don't stop and put their hands up, they can be legally shot. That's what your kind believes. You know it and I know it.

Non stop standing ovations are hardly "lukewarm". Americans waited for years to hear a president say "you no longer have to be afraid to say Merry Christmas". Hooah

Yet another right wing fuck head brings out what he heard Bill O'Reilly spew....

Yet, just wait for Jarred Kushner to wish you a Merry Christmas.....LOL

cry baby 3.jpg
To paraphrase Jeff Foxworthy.... you think the feelings of less than 1% of confused people who identify with the opposite sex are more important than the mental health of young girls who would no doubt have been forced to share locker rooms and showers with confused boys might be a regressive. If you think that Christmas trees and Christian beliefs and tradition should be might be a regressive. President Trump's address was a breath of fresh air and it is only nine months. Will angry crazy incoherent smash windows and torch cars again?
The church knows how to create strong and loving communities. (don't tell that to unarmed blacks)

We are returning moral clarity to our view of the world. (yea, we know. That's what's so frightening)

Pakistan and other countries are starting to respect the US again (oh no they aren't)

We know the first duty of government is protecting Americans (like Puerto Rico)

We will always defend and protect Israel (biggest applause)

We have made tremendous strides against Isis. They never got hit like this before.

Unarmed blacks. But you left out trying to run away or resisting arrest while committing crimes.
Trayvon Martin tried to run away from George Zimmerman. George tracked him down and shot him in the chest. Republicans loved seeing that child murdered so much, one of them here on the USMB used that child's dead body as his Avatar.
Or the guy who was shopping for toys for his baby. Unarmed and in a store shopping.
The list goes on and on.
You know that but clearly, you hate blacks. You belong in the GOP.
I see... you are one of those stupidassdumbfuckingidiots who think that a short chubby middle-aged white dude ran down a tall, athletic (wide receiver - a position reserved for the fastest athletes on the football team) black teenager. :rolleyes:
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Oh Gawd, is this the Democrat-manufactured faux outrage flavor of the week? Pretty weak. Clearly, Democrats are gettin desperate. They received more 'bad news' today. Consumer Sentiment is at a 13-Year high.

Most aren't buying into the mass Democrat Fake News 'Sky is Falling' propaganda. Trump's Economy is humming along at record levels. They're in agony over that. They're truly hoping the Economy collapses. Pretty messed up folks, huh? Go Trump! :)
It's blowing my mind on a couple of levels.

When he is expecting cheers, he's getting lukewarm applause.

Big applause: We are allowed to use the work Christmas again.

Lukewarm: Tax cuts, Healthcare
I know you implied it was live but to follow your standards of such a claim I need a LINK otherwise you're lying.

Am I doing this right?
To paraphrase Jeff Foxworthy.... you think the feelings of less than 1% of confused people who identify with the opposite sex are more important than the mental health of young girls who would no doubt have been forced to share locker rooms and showers with confused boys might be a regressive. If you think that Christmas trees and Christian beliefs and tradition should be might be a regressive. President Trump's address was a breath of fresh air and it is only nine months. Will angry crazy incoherent smash windows and torch cars again?

No one suggested that transgender boys share women's locker rooms. Not once ever.

We've been sharing bathrooms with transgendered men since I was s teenager. It's never been a problem until it was made public policy. Suddenly idiots like the posters here discovered this has been going on and it's a HUGE problem. It wasn't and it isn't.

I grew up with friends who stood in the hallways while (not their prayers) were said in class. That included Jehovah's Witnesses, Jews, B'Hai's, and Mennonites. It was wrong. No prayers in schools.

I've always said Merry Christmas. It's never been a problem. I live in a country where 70% of people celebrate Christmas.

This whole "War on Christians" bullshit is an excuse to shove Christianity down people's throats and it's wrong. The Founders vehemently opposed such tests.

This is your country on its ways to becoming a radical right wing theocracy. Welcome to 1984 boys and girls. Orwell would be pleased.
Pres. Trump is awesome!! ... :clap:
how so?
This is the greatest speech ever, with the best words. Future historians will look back at this speech as the high water mark of American greatness and terrificality. Flowers will bloom bigger, the sun will shine brighter, and Chinese food will taste better after this colossal prose. A great American communicating epic badassery. The audience needs lots of towels to sploog in while they listen.
Zimmerman shot and killed the animal
The Right always let their pure evil show through!!!


At the core of evil is the process of dehumanization by which certain other people or collectives of them, are depicted as less than human, as non comparable in humanity or personal dignity to those who do the labeling. Prejudice employs negative stereotypes in images or verbally abusive terms to demean and degrade the objects of its narrow view of superiority over these allegedly inferior persons. Discrimination involves the actions taken against those others based on the beliefs and emotions generated by prejudiced perspectives.

Dehumanization is one of the central processes in the transformation of ordinary, normal people into indifferent or even wanton perpetrators of evil. Dehumanization is like a cortical cataract that clouds ones thinking and fosters the perception that other people are less than human. It makes some people come to see those others as enemies deserving of torment, torture, and even annihilation.
Human beings, like any other animal can go feral. Trayvon Martin went feral. He saw a chubby little mexican and thought "prey ". The prey was armed.
Yet another who rationalizes pure evil.
Trayvon saw a white skinhead STALKING him and tried to defend himself from the racist.

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