list of world athletes who died or suffered severe covid jab reactions


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2021
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That's because they didn't trust Trumps vaccine.

However, as soon as Biden took office, it became a wonder drug.

I saw a Twitter mashup pic not long ago confirming just that. Literally same people when Trump was in office saying they'd never take it and as soon as Biden was in "Hook it to my veins"! I'll try to locate some.

Meanwhile Mr Olympia Shawn Roden passed away today at 48. Heart Attack brought on by the jab so sadly add him to the list
Can't really blame Aaron Rodgers for not getting jabbed. Libs will still claim it's ToTaLlY SaFe. Funny, they didn't sing that tune when Trump was in office. Anyways here's the List.

I guess I can’t blame him either, some of us are just born selfish and cowardly. I don’t think twice about getting the jab to help keep my family and community safe. Wasn’t a big deal. I didn’t see it is brave but seeing how many people are scared of it apparently it does take some cajones
I guess I can’t blame him either, some of us are just born selfish and cowardly. I don’t think twice about getting the jab to help keep my family and community safe. Wasn’t a big deal. I didn’t see it is brave but seeing how many people are scared of it apparently it does take some cajones
LOL what's selfish is you thinking we all should live in some medical tyranny state so YOU can feel safe.

It's not our job to protect you from covid that's your vaccines job. What's the matter don't trust your medicine?
Can't really blame Aaron Rodgers for not getting jabbed. Libs will still claim it's ToTaLlY SaFe. Funny, they didn't sing that tune when Trump was in office. Anyways here's the List.

How about a list of athletes who did not have injuries and didn't suffer? Or do you people only want to focus on half the story?
How about the 99.97% of people who recovered from Covid? Nah let's close down NZ and Australia because 1 person died.

You seriously making that argument? LOL
No. You are making that argument, what leaders did is on them yet people have died from Covid and you want to discredit their lives to make yer political points.
Here's another list of Hollywood stars and athletes

ToTaLlY SaFe tho right?

Your site claims Celine Dion was "paralyzed" by the jab. LoL!!
The COVID Blog? :laughing0301:

No. You are making that argument, what leaders did is on them yet people have died from Covid and you want to discredit their lives to make yer political points.
Says the person discrediting all the people reporting adverse reactions to the jab
Says the person discrediting all the people reporting adverse reactions to the jab
I have never said there is not an adverse reaction to vaccinations, it is well documented that every vaccination has them. The percentages are low considering the amount of loss of life without the vaccinations.

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