List of sins to check off on way to Confession at Catholic Church


Diamond Member
Oct 5, 2021

I found this on the internet but it was not exactly what I was looking for... copied it to read later

i hope it is truly Catholic...

What I wanted to address was a tract I found at a local Church

I was glad it said that transgenderism is a mortal sin... and the usual.. fornication, murder... (abortion is murder)

But it also said that getting angry or feeling hate toward God is a mortal sin (mortal is grave matter combined with full knowledge that it is grave, and full freedom...)


It is only a sin if you CLING to that anger and sin against God because of it...
I can never forgive the way God took my almost saintly mother. She suffered the torments of the damned before she finally passed. I don't know what God's purpose was for giving her a stroke followed by the most miserable case of terminal colon cancer I ever heard of but it served to murder my faith.
I can never forgive the way God took my almost saintly mother. She suffered the torments of the damned before she finally passed. I don't know what God's purpose was for giving her a stroke followed by the most miserable case of terminal colon cancer I ever heard of but it served to murder my faith.
understandable. I have been angry @ God for this and that... many catastrophes..

But I usualy get over it, realizing that God is God and objectively, how can we question Him? Besides, it was not God who caused the cancer and the torments of the damned... which, by the way

could u explain what u mean exactly?

i think i have been there... no, i know i have

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