Evangelicals better pray the second coming never comes, cause there will be a shitload of table flipping


Diamond Member
Jan 6, 2021
Look at all these money grubbing hypocrites all over TV. Tricking people into giving them their life savings to help them do "god's work". It turns out that god wants them try live in mansions, and travel in limos, yachts, and private jets (all of which are used solely for church business as the law requires, of course). The level of theft by so called "christians" is asstounding. Its almost as if they've never read a world of the teachings of Jesus, or maybe they just like using those teachings to enrich themselves,like the money lenders Jesus cast out of the temple. Well, If Jesus does return, as they claim to believe, all these scumbags are gonna see some table flipping first hand.
Jesus got in a fight with the clergy everywhere he went so what did his church do? They made the worst religious establishment ever.
Look at all these money grubbing hypocrites all over TV. Tricking people into giving them their life savings to help them do "god's work". It turns out that god wants them try live in mansions, and travel in limos, yachts, and private jets (all of which are used solely for church business as the law requires, of course). The level of theft by so called "christians" is asstounding. Its almost as if they've never read a world of the teachings of Jesus, or maybe they just like using those teachings to enrich themselves,like the money lenders Jesus cast out of the temple. Well, If Jesus does return, as they claim to believe, all these scumbags are gonna see some table flipping first hand.
Jesus will never return, they will go to grave of what happened to them, giving all their money to a preacher is dumb.
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What on earth is wrong with prosperity?!
Prosperity churches tell their followers that they HAVE to give money to the church if they want God's blessings, and that the more money they give the more God will help them "prosper'. Its like the Christian version of Scientology.
What on earth is wrong with prosperity?!
Nothing. Nothing.

However the mixing of 'wealth doctrine', and the placing of importance on wealth and 'earthly things' is wrong.

"John 17:14-15

King James Version

14 I have given them thy word; and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.
15 I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil."

Christians are taught to be in the world, but not of it.

Prosperity preaching runs directly in the face of that.

It is heretical.

There is no quid pro quo with God.
Nothing. Nothing.

However the mixing of 'wealth doctrine', and the placing of importance on wealth and 'earthly things' is wrong.

"John 17:14-15

King James Version

14 I have given them thy word; and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.
15 I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil."

Christians are taught to be in the world, but not of it.

Prosperity preaching runs directly in the face of that.

It is heretical.

There is no quid pro quo with God.

The gist of the prosperity doctrine is that if you are not prosperous or don't donate enough money to the church, you lack faith or aren't a real Christian.
Jesus got in a fight with the clergy everywhere he went so what did his church do? They made the worst religious establishment ever.

Why do you think that Christianity is the "worst religion ever"? Do you really think that America would be better off if we followed the Aztec Religion and did human sacrifice? I guess Hinduism would be a more appropriate religion for libs. Pedestrians in Calcutta have to dodge piles of cow crap, libs in San Fran have to keep an eye on the sidewlak for human crap.
The gist of the prosperity doctrine is that if you are not prosperous or don't donate enough money to the church, you lack faith or aren't a real Christian.
Worst yet...if you DO donate...if you DO contribute to the Church then God will grant you riches.

That is critically Earth centric teaching.

No spiritual awakening, no introspection, no Hell, no repentance, just happy, glad handing, faux Christianity.

Quid Pro Quo Preaching.

This is absolutely antithetical to traditional Christian doctrine.
A fool and his money are soon parted.
Religion plays a major part in peoples lives. When ministers claim they need money to cover the costs of legit religious and charitable services, its not foolish to want o donate. The issue is when those same ministers use the money for personal gain,especially when they lie and claim things like private jets are pure for church business. Pat Robison used millions of dollars from his church to buy a jet, claiming he needed it because demons had taken over the airline industry. But he often uses the plain for none church business.
Look at all these money grubbing hypocrites all over TV. Tricking people into giving them their life savings to help them do "god's work". It turns out that god wants them try live in mansions, and travel in limos, yachts, and private jets (all of which are used solely for church business as the law requires, of course). The level of theft by so called "christians" is asstounding. Its almost as if they've never read a world of the teachings of Jesus, or maybe they just like using those teachings to enrich themselves,like the money lenders Jesus cast out of the temple. Well, If Jesus does return, as they claim to believe, all these scumbags are gonna see some table flipping first hand.

So, Who is supposed to benefit from all the things God put on this earth, the sinners and people who don't believe in God?

It's ok for everyone else to have money, but not God's people?!? What kind of thinking is this? SMH

3 John 1:2 Context​

1The elder unto the wellbeloved Gaius, whom I love in the truth. 2Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. 3For I rejoiced greatly, when the brethren came and testified of the truth that is in thee, even as thou walkest in the truth. 4I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth. 5Beloved, thou doest faithfully whatsoever thou doest to the brethren, and to strangers;

Many religious fanatics say that wealth is against God's will and if believers want to go to heaven they must shun wealth. They say that the only path to heavenly graces is to not yearn for material possessions, especially money, and live a simple life.

And yet, the Holy Bible is full of examples of people who were blessed by God with wealth - this is not just spiritual wealth but material wealth as well. So before you start doubting your ability to get rich or feel guilty about your material possessions, let us look back at the Scriptures and see examples of people who were blessed with riches.

6 Richest and Wealthiest People in the Bible

1. Abraham​

Abraham is considered as the patriarch of the church and is known as the friend of God according to James 2:23. In Genesis 13:2, Abraham is described as rich in gold, silver, and cattle. During those times, having such material possessions is comparable to being an owner of a multi-billion business. As Abraham continued to profess his faith to the Lord, his possessions became even greater. In Genesis 24:1, it is said that God continued to bless him in many ways. Genesis 13:6 explains that Abraham continued to accumulate well to the point that he has to separate from his nephew Lot because their land could longer keep the two of them. What is even amazing is that everyone associated with Abraham were also gifted with material wealth.

2. Isaac​

Isaac is Abraham's son and was also blessed with wealth. During the time of famine, Isaac continued to leave a prosperous life. In Genesis 26:12, Isaac was able to plant and harvest a hundred times more than other people. His wealth became the envy of the Philistines that it came to a point when he was forced to leave his land. Even in face of uncertainty, Genesis 26:17-32 says that Isaac continued to receive blessings no matter where he went.

3. Job​

In the book of Job 1:1 in the Old Testament, Job was described to be a righteous man. Job 1:3 further describes him as the most illustrious man in the East because of his vast material possessions. In spite of his personal conflicts, Job showed his immense loyalty to God. In Job 42:10, he was given richness which surpassed what he previously owned because he remained steadfast in his belief even though he faced so many challenges in his life.

4. Solomon​

If there is one Bible character that can be easily associated with richness and wealth, it is Solomon. Solomon is not only known as the wise king, but also as a man who lived with enormous material possession. In 2 Chronicles 9:20, it is said that he had so many gold in his possession to the point that silver lost its value. His wealth is so legendary that people up to this time are still looking for his hidden treasures. His wealth has become a staple of legends that various expeditions were launched to search for his treasures. It is said that part of the mission of the Crusaders to the Holy Land was to look for Solomon's treasures. There are even speculations that the lineage of the infamous Templar Knights have found the treasure and have hidden and protected them.

5. David​

David is often associated with Goliath and their epic battle where the small child defeated the giant with a slingshot. But like Solomon, David lived a life of prosperity because of his faith in God. The amount of wealth he possessed was chronicled in the Book of Psalms. In Psalm 37:19, it is proclaimed that the righteous would still prosper in the midst of famine. And this was exactly what happened with David and his brethren. In 1 Chronicles 29:28, it is said that David enjoyed a life of prosperity, blessed with wealth and honor, and died after living a life full of contentment.

6. Joseph​

Joseph (not the father of Jesus) was a wealthy man who became a victim of envy. He was a humble person in spite of his wealth. At the age of 30, he became second in command of the country of Egypt. According to Genesis 47:14, he was able to amass his wealth by selling grains. Joseph was blessed not only with business acumen, but with a strong economic outlook that he was able to look at the future and save his country.

Aside from wealth, these people of the Bible remained faithful to their God in spite of the trials and difficulties they encountered. They lived a life of prosperity and were continued to be blessed until their last breath. So before you follow the adage "money is the root of all evil", think again!
Religion plays a major part in peoples lives. When ministers claim they need money to cover the costs of legit religious and charitable services, its not foolish to want o donate. The issue is when those same ministers use the money for personal gain,especially when they lie and claim things like private jets are pure for church business. Pat Robison used millions of dollars from his church to buy a jet, claiming he needed it because demons had taken over the airline industry. But he often uses the plain for none church business.

It was Copeland, not Robertson.

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