Libs stepping up demand for reparations


Gold Member
Dec 5, 2011
Reparations should be paid to black Americans: Here is how America should pay.

if blacks are owed reparations due to slavery and jim crow laws, are all men owed reparations for the draft, being drafted and the selective service. Millions of men have been drafted, hundreds of thousands of those men were sent to their deaths. On my 18th birthday I had to sign something then give it to the government which made me second class citizen, that my life is worth less than a woman's life.

Right liberals?
The White man has been "paying reparations" to Blacks for centuries. What is affirmative action if not a form of reparation to Blacks? Every time a Black Taker receives their free 'everything' each month it's the White Maker's taxes that foot the bill.
I say let's agree with Rev. Al. Every one should be treated exactly the same, in every way right?
IF that were to occur Rev. Al would be 'marching' in protest.
You can't treat a race of people with an average IQ 15 points lower compared to another race in the same way. That would indeed be 'racist'.
The Black race will have to have their collective 'hand held' forever. Better get used to it.
That's not 'racist. It's reality.
White folks don't owe me squat, and Id never beg them to pay me for something I myself never went through. Reperations wouldve been understandable for those who experienced slavery, you give my people reperations today, it'd be completely squandered.
Reparations? LOL

Isn't it pretty obvious by now that for some people it will never be enough. Just in the same way gays will never be equal enough. What would life be like for these people if they didn't have some cause to complain about?
For Al Sharpton and, sadly for some of the posters here, the complete wipe out, extinction, elimination of the evil white race would be just the starting point to wipe out and eliminate the interloper Hymietown diamond merchants and the slant eyed convenience store owners.

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