Zone1 What is the formula for black reparations?

If stealing and redistributing 100% of someone's labor and the fruits thereof is considered slavery, then what percentage of stealing and redistribution of the fruits of someone's labor is not slavery?

This type of ignorance needs to stop. Whites have received direct economic stimulus from the government on seberal occasisions and still want more. And even with everything whites have been given, they have drug addicts and people who live in poverty.

That Africans sold other Africans argument is fiul lof holes and disregards the fact that whites purchased the slaves when they didn't have to. It also ignore things whites did to get war captives from Africans, such as creating conflict between tribes then arming one tribe inreturn for capytives, murdering trbes who refused to give up captives, or how the trade began by kidnapping. There were very few tribes that made agreements to sell others.

So yur argument really has no merit. Also blacks are not the only ones who have ever asked for reparations. Do the reasearch, end your ignorance.
Any group or individual who receives large sums of cash without doing any work will descend into indolence. Think of a spoiled multimillionaire’s child who ceaselessly indulges himself. Black people are not immune to this phenomenon.

Sorry you can’t accept the reality that African kingdoms participated greedily in the slave trade. Of course conflict between African tribes and slavery in Africa predated European arrival.

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Any group or individual who receives large sums of cash without doing any work will descend into indolence. Think of a spoiled multimillionaire’s child who ceaselessly indulges himself. Black people are not immune to this phenomenon.

Sorry you can’t accept the reality that African kingdoms participated greedily in the slave trade. Of course conflict between African tribes and slavery in Africa predated European arrival.

I can accept that a few kingdoms did and the majority did not. Because that's how it was. Whites have received cash and other forms of assistance over and over so your opinion is incorrect.
Congress needs to start the ball rolling with something that won't cause Republicans to get hysterical, there are all kinds of things this country can do to start the process that do not immediately involve any supposed "payments", such as tax breaks, for instance. I'm sure those who have committed their time and energy to studying this can come up with a wide range of things that can happen that are not even controversial.

Republicans will still lose this minds, of course, but let them while the work gets started.
Oh my tax breaks? IM2 wants $100 Trillion dollars I'm surprised he hasn't jumped all over you yet!
I can accept that a few kingdoms did and the majority did not. Because that's how it was. Whites have received cash and other forms of assistance over and over so your opinion is incorrect.
White tax payers received benefits from the government they paid for. Blacks - because of low average intelligence - have rarely made enough money to pay much in taxes.

Most Negroes are a useless burden to civilization. Many are dangerous.
A government run program designed by government for government purposes that will be oversighted by government. What could possibly go wrong?
the watcher,

The low opinion of the government expressed in your post can be explained by what I wrote in my previous post.

As long as most Negroes were restricted to de facto second class citizenship whites knew that the government helped whites get through life, Government programs worked, because whites respond well to a little help now and then. We are much less likely to become useless and sometimes dangerous government dependents.

The response of most Negroes to the civil rights legislation and the War on Poverty reduced the confidence most whites had in the government and the Democrat Party, and benefited the Republicans.

I vote Democrat out of habit, and because beginning in 1980 the Republican party has evolved in ways I do not like. The Democrat Party I really like was the Party that existed from the inauguration of President Roosevelt in 1933 to the assassination of President Kennedy in 1963. Much died with President Kennedy.

I supported the civil rights movement as a child, a teenager, and a young adult. Now I think it was a well intended mistake.
I agree, the original goal had some merit, but placed all responsibility of action on the shoulders of taxpayers, and none on the designated victims. This created a void in the middle, givers and takers, and established a victim mentality on one side and grudging self loathing on the other, cancelling all real gain and devolving into where we are today. A genuine social goal was turned into an ongoing political scam for election purposes, as typically happens in Congress.
the watcher,

The low opinion of the government expressed in your post can be explained by what I wrote in my previous post.

As long as most Negroes were restricted to de facto second class citizenship whites knew that the government helped whites get through life, Government programs worked, because whites respond well to a little help now and then. We are much less likely to become useless and sometimes dangerous government dependents.

The response of most Negroes to the civil rights legislation and the War on Poverty reduced the confidence most whites had in the government and the Democrat Party, and benefited the Republicans.

I vote Democrat out of habit, and because beginning in 1980 the Republican party has evolved in ways I do not like. The Democrat Party I really like was the Party that existed from the inauguration of President Roosevelt in 1933 to the assassination of President Kennedy in 1963. Much died with President Kennedy.

I supported the civil rights movement as a child, a teenager, and a young adult. Now I think it was a well intended mistake.
You say that you vote Democrat 1) out of habit, and 2) you don’t like how the Republican Party has evolved.

Let’s skip over #1, since I’m sure you recognize doing things out of habit is no reason to continue doing them, if they’re bad things. So let’s move to #2: that you don’t like how the Republican Party has evolved.

Well, do you like that the Democrat Party has evolved?

1. They now support illegals over law-abiding citizens - even ahead of elderly vets.

2. They are soft on crime at the expense of law-abiding citizens.

3. They prioritize “blackness” over qualifications and competence, weakening everything from the military to education, all in the name of DEI.

4. They demean success, and mock the hard-working lower-middle class, while making excuses for people on welfare.

5. They‘ve become the anti-Israel Party, allowing antisemitism to flourish to the point that I’ve been advised not to wear my Star of David, and a friend of mine walked by a group of Arabs screaming “Death to Jews!”

6. They have enslaved the media (read about what Madison warned in this regard), blocking knowledge from voters to keep them ignorant - and voting Democrat.

7. They have increasingly taken on Banana Republic methods, trying to imprison the #1 political opponent with nothingburger lawfar.

8. Similar to above, they have imprisoned the 1/6 rioters for blocking an official proceeding, while doing nothing to leftists who burst into a Congressional session. (Have you seen the Code Pink leftists in action? Their leader is a rich, Jewish woman who hates Israel.)

Do not all these horrible things the Democrat Party has become Give you pause to reconsider your vote?

(Also, are you in a swing state?)
You say that you vote Democrat 1) out of habit, and 2) you don’t like how the Republican Party has evolved.

Let’s skip over #1, since I’m sure you recognize doing things out of habit is no reason to continue doing them, if they’re bad things. So let’s move to #2: that you don’t like how the Republican Party has evolved.

Well, do you like that the Democrat Party has evolved?

1. They now support illegals over law-abiding citizens - even ahead of elderly vets.

2. They are soft on crime at the expense of law-abiding citizens.

3. They prioritize “blackness” over qualifications and competence, weakening everything from the military to education, all in the name of DEI.

4. They demean success, and mock the hard-working lower-middle class, while making excuses for people on welfare.

5. They‘ve become the anti-Israel Party, allowing antisemitism to flourish to the point that I’ve been advised not to wear my Star of David, and a friend of mine walked by a group of Arabs screaming “Death to Jews!”

6. They have enslaved the media (read about what Madison warned in this regard), blocking knowledge from voters to keep them ignorant - and voting Democrat.

7. They have increasingly taken on Banana Republic methods, trying to imprison the #1 political opponent with nothingburger lawfar.

8. Similar to above, they have imprisoned the 1/6 rioters for blocking an official proceeding, while doing nothing to leftists who burst into a Congressional session. (Have you seen the Code Pink leftists in action? Their leader is a rich, Jewish woman who hates Israel.)

Do not all these horrible things the Democrat Party has become Give you pause to reconsider your vote?

(Also, are you in a swing state?)

The Republican Party used to care about balanced budgets. It lost that concern during the Reagan administration. During the Reagan administration the top tax rate declined from 70% to 28%. Consequently, the national debt rose from $908 billion during President Carter's last year in office in 1980 to $2,602 billion during President Reagan's last year in office in 1988. In 2020 during Trump's last year in office the national debt grew to $27,748.

The national debt continued to grow under President Biden, but the national debt as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) declined from 129% in 2020 to 123% in 2022.

From the end of World War II, in 1945, to the end of Carter's administration in 1980 the national debt as a percentage of GDP declined from 114% to 32% during 1980. There were yearly declines during Democrat and Republican administrations, and during the Korean War and the War in Vietnam. During this time the top tax rate never got below 70%, and was often much higher.

The national debt as a percentage of GDP rose to 50% in 1988, and to 129& in 2020. After two years of Biden's presidency this declined to 123%.

Now Congressional Republicans are using the rise in the national debt, for which they are responsible, to cut or eliminate domestic spending programs they have never liked, but which are popular with the voters. Republicans tend to pretend that global warming is a hoax.

President Biden has not been as supportive toward Israel as you and I would prefer, but he has taken Israel's side against Hamas. Nevertheless, he needs to consider:

"WASHINGTON, D.C. -- After a decade in which Democrats have shown increasing affinity toward the Palestinians, their sympathies in the Middle East now lie more with the Palestinians than the Israelis, 49% versus 38%."

I wish President Biden did more to protect our borders. Nevertheless, he needs to consider that 26% of Americans, most of whom are Democrats, favor more immigration. Immigration

I like Orientals a lot, and I appreciate the way Hispanics fight back against Negroes, and often take the initiative against them.

There is a Mexican restaurant near to where I live, where I usually dine after church services on Sunday. Most of the employees and the patrons know little or no English. I suspect over half of them are illegal immigrants. Nevertheless, I like them and they like me. Sometimes we buy each other drinks, and they practice their English with me.

I feel safe there. When I m surrounded by young black me I do not know I suspect the possibility of violent crime, unless they are obviously dressed for work or church.

Lisa558, I have learned to respect opinions based on experiences I have not had. I am not trying to persuade you, or to defeat you in an argument. I am only trying to explain why I continue to vote Democrat, although I vote Democrat without enthusiasm.

You are probably my best friend on the U.S. Message Board. Let's keep it that way.

The Republican Party used to care about balanced budgets. It lost that concern during the Reagan administration. During the Reagan administration the top tax rate declined from 70% to 28%. Consequently, the national debt rose from $908 billion during President Carter's last year in office in 1980 to $2,602 billion during President Reagan's last year in office in 1988. In 2020 during Trump's last year in office the national debt grew to $27,748.

The national debt continued to grow under President Biden, but the national debt as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) declined from 129% in 2020 to 123% in 2022.

From the end of World War II, in 1945, to the end of Carter's administration in 1980 the national debt as a percentage of GDP declined from 114% to 32% during 1980. There were yearly declines during Democrat and Republican administrations, and during the Korean War and the War in Vietnam. During this time the top tax rate never got below 70%, and was often much higher.

The national debt as a percentage of GDP rose to 50% in 1988, and to 129& in 2020. After two years of Biden's presidency this declined to 123%.

Now Congressional Republicans are using the rise in the national debt, for which they are responsible, to cut or eliminate domestic spending programs they have never liked, but which are popular with the voters. Republicans tend to pretend that global warming is a hoax.

President Biden has not been as supportive toward Israel as you and I would prefer, but he has taken Israel's side against Hamas. Nevertheless, he needs to consider:

"WASHINGTON, D.C. -- After a decade in which Democrats have shown increasing affinity toward the Palestinians, their sympathies in the Middle East now lie more with the Palestinians than the Israelis, 49% versus 38%."

I wish President Biden did more to protect our borders. Nevertheless, he needs to consider that 26% of Americans, most of whom are Democrats, favor more immigration. Immigration

I like Orientals a lot, and I appreciate the way Hispanics fight back against Negroes, and often take the initiative against them.

There is a Mexican restaurant near to where I live, where I usually dine after church services on Sunday. Most of the employees and the patrons know little or no English. I suspect over half of them are illegal immigrants. Nevertheless, I like them and they like me. Sometimes we buy each other drinks, and they practice their English with me.

I feel safe there. When I m surrounded by young black me I do not know I suspect the possibility of violent crime, unless they are obviously dressed for work or church.

Lisa558, I have learned to respect opinions based on experiences I have not had. I am not trying to persuade you, or to defeat you in an argument. I am only trying to explain why I continue to vote Democrat, although I vote Democrat without enthusiasm.

You are probably my best friend on the U.S. Message Board. Let's keep it that way.

View attachment 911609
OK, but please understand that you will be voting for the Party that is not merely tolerating, but outright defending if not advancing, the worst antisemitism since Nazism.

I pray for Trump’s win. He had an EO in place that withheld funds from universities that allowed Jew-hate to foster on their campuses. I want that back. You can see the overlap between antisemitism and hate for Israel, although the far left denies it, and Trump had Iran broke and cut off funding for HAMAS. I want that back too.

I appreciate the big smile.
OK, but please understand that you will be voting for the Party that is not merely tolerating, but outright defending if not advancing, the worst antisemitism since Nazism.

I pray for Trump’s win. He had an EO in place that withheld funds from universities that allowed Jew-hate to foster on their campuses. I want that back. You can see the overlap between antisemitism and hate for Israel, although the far left denies it, and Trump had Iran broke and cut off funding for HAMAS. I want that back too.

I appreciate the big smile.

Check out this New York Times article that appeared on a right wing website that banned me because of my respect tor Jews and East Asians:

Paul Krugman, who is Jewish, is one of my two favorite columnists. I saw his column as an expression of compassion for those who are being left behind bu economic changes.

Unfortunately, many posters on that website used Professor Krugman's column as an excuse to bash Jews. One of them posted this appalling comment:

"These abhorrent and psychotic leftists were interviewed by the odious Joe Scarborough, whose been unhinged and hysterical every morning 5-days a week even since Trump came down the escalator to announce that he was running for President in 2015. Their lunacy and hatred will intensify when Trump defeats by far the worst president in US history and abolishes democracy and rules as dictator until he dies in his late 80s or 90s."


As of this writing, the author of this repulsive comment got 15 upvotes.

Maybe you can establish a profile on that website, and tell that poster what you think of him.

I would, but I was banned for responding to outrageous comments like that.

I can accept that a few kingdoms did and the majority did not. Because that's how it was. Whites have received cash and other forms of assistance over and over so your opinion is incorrect.
Which whites today receive cash and other forms of assistance today, perhaps equal to the same blacks that endured slavery and inequality TODAY.
Which whites today receive cash and other forms of assistance today, perhaps equal to the same blacks that endured slavery and inequality TODAY.
There will never be reparations. Blacks who demand reparations lose white support. Democrats who pretend to be open to reparations benefit the GOP in the next election.
Any group or individual who receives large sums of cash without doing any work will descend into indolence. Think of a spoiled multimillionaire’s child who ceaselessly indulges himself. Black people are not immune to this phenomenon.
That pretty much happened with the Saudis in the '70s and '80s with all that oil money that were awash in. The youths were idol and a lot of them were turned into sjws, ie: terrorists with adopted beefs all over the world. Easy prey for slick intel operatives from all over.
8. Similar to above, they have imprisoned the 1/6 rioters for blocking an official proceeding, while doing nothing to leftists who burst into a Congressional session. (Have you seen the Code Pink leftists in action? Their leader is a rich, Jewish woman who hates Israel.)

Do not all these horrible things the Democrat Party has become Give you pause to reconsider your vote?

(Also, are you in a swing state?)
No, and no.

Republicans only care about rich people. Republican tax cuts for the rich are responsible for the fact that the gross domestic product rose from 32% during Carter's last year in office to 129% during Trump's last year in office.

Now Republicans are using the rise in the national debt that they are responsible for in order to try to cut popular domestic spending programs.

I have always liked Joe Biden. My hatred for Trump is visceral. I hate him because he cut taxes for the rich, and because of his character and personality. I want him to spend the rest of his life in prison, in disgrace, and very badly in debt.

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