Libs Lying About Budget Cuts Causing Ebola

What I tell ya! LMAO.

Back to the topic............Ebola is going to really sink libs for their lying about it.

Look at those polls honey bunnies...
Oh looky.......all my gullible little libtard friends keep bumping my thread....LMAO.....I didn't expect it to get bumped THIS much, LMFAO!

Thanks for putting the thread title in everyone's face. :badgrin::eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:


poor wacko... they'd only be gullible if they believed you were credible.

now please go tantrum again....

I'm gonna tantrum you libs right out of the Congress....bwhahahhahahahahaha

Ebola. Did O say it wouldn't come here or not???? LOL
Republicans: "I should cut off my finger" after they cut it off blame liberals for their weak handshake
Oh look there's Synthie's lying thread u dummies claim you couldn't see, LMAO
USMB libs lying?

What's new?

I think you mean usmb rightwingnuts lying.

try again

nice troll thread, though.

It is the left who are lying.
The people who vote for the Dem's need to get it through their heads - that the Dems are not the Lilly white knights in shining armor that those who vote for them think that they are. They are liars and use the people who vote for them so that they can stay in power only. They do not care about this Country or it's people. They just want to control us and be in power only and then give the people just barely enough of some taxpayer's money in order to look like they are for the people.
Don't get me wrong on this because there are Republicans who do the same thing. Just not as many of them as Dem's.

The absurd claim that only Republicans are to blame for cuts to Ebola research - The Washington Post
President Obama asked for cuts but the house republicans gave the CDC more that what they asked for.
From the actual Public Health Service Agencies report.
page 14

The decreased availability of FY 2013 PPHF funds for CDC (and other PHS agencies) was due mainly to a large one time PPHF distribution to CMS for enrollment activities for ACA - mandated health insurance exchanges rather than to sequestration.

The left has always lied and spun more so that the right has ever done.
an international disease morphs into American politics dividing the country to even further extremes ... rather than pull together and act like the World leaders we're supposed to be, and combat a horrific disease that effects everyone, piss and moan politics has become the countrys # 1 defense ..

what a sad, pathetic example the US sets for the world

partisan politics, the cure for Ebola.
Funny to hear you anti-government conservatives begging for the government to save you,

and crying because it hasn't already.

Of course it's funny, because it's not true. Note that they're pointing out the democrat talking point is completely bogus. They're not saying it's a good or bad thing that the government does medical research, they're pointing out that any faux CDC "cuts" were first proposed by Obama and replaced with spending increases by Republicans.

Where's the mighty private sector's vaccine for Ebola? You know, the private sector that you RWnuts always say needs to make the maximum profit possible because that is what motivates research and innovation?

Well, where's that innovative Ebola vaccine after 40 years?

Have any of the countries with full blown socialized medicine developed such a vaccine? Are any of them even close, or are they not really pursuing it because most medical innovations still come from the bad ol' US of A because there still is the ability to make a profit from creating things that people want to buy?

The genuine conservatives will tell you that the CDC isn't even constitutional in its mere existence.
an international disease morphs into American politics dividing the country to even further extremes ... rather than pull together and act like the World leaders we're supposed to be, and combat a horrific disease that effects everyone, piss and moan politics has become the countrys # 1 defense ..

what a sad, pathetic example the US sets for the world

partisan politics, the cure for Ebola.

did you think anything else would happen when the loons start ranting about the president instead of the texas hospital that sent patient zero out into the world with Tylenol?
Forty years, at least, the world has known about Ebola. Now it's Obama's fault there's no vaccine.

What's funniest about that is that if someone were doing a satirical comedy mocking the Right, that would be a great storyline.
Funny to hear you anti-government conservatives begging for the government to save you,

and crying because it hasn't already.

Of course it's funny, because it's not true. Note that they're pointing out the democrat talking point is completely bogus. They're not saying it's a good or bad thing that the government does medical research, they're pointing out that any faux CDC "cuts" were first proposed by Obama and replaced with spending increases by Republicans.

Where's the mighty private sector's vaccine for Ebola? You know, the private sector that you RWnuts always say needs to make the maximum profit possible because that is what motivates research and innovation?

Well, where's that innovative Ebola vaccine after 40 years?

Have any of the countries with full blown socialized medicine developed such a vaccine? Are any of them even close, or are they not really pursuing it because most medical innovations still come from the bad ol' US of A because there still is the ability to make a profit from creating things that people want to buy?

The genuine conservatives will tell you that the CDC isn't even constitutional in its mere existence.

AND that it should protect us. Figure that one out
the next time Ted Cruz et al, steps up and chest pounds for hours wanting to shut down the government and all the RW cheer for, and with him, then something like Ebola crops up and our government is necessary for the entire country if not the world, just remember who you cheered for and against.. then STFU.

that the Dems are not the Lilly white knights in shining armor that those who vote for them think that they are.

Just making up shit again.

I posted the facts from the actual report from the Public Health Service Agencies Overview and Funding Nov. 12, 2013.

Yeah what I'm looking for is facts that show anyone thinks that any political party are knights in shining armor. Thats why I quoted that part you see
no sources needed, of course
You need to get up to speed. Even the Washington Post gave this lie 4 full pinnochios.

The Washington Post

The absurd claim that only Republicans are to blame for cuts to Ebola research


The absurd claim that only Republicans are to blame for cuts to Ebola research - The Washington Post
Funny to hear you anti-government conservatives begging for the government to save you,

and crying because it hasn't already.

Where's the mighty private sector's vaccine for Ebola? You know, the private sector that you RWnuts always say needs to make the maximum profit possible because that is what motivates research and innovation?

Well, where's that innovative Ebola vaccine after 40 years?

Well you need to get up to speed too. The DOD has been funding private research and the NIH has been supportive of endeavors.

A private US company is working with our scientists who have developed a vaccine in Canada just 2 hours up the road from me in Winnipeg.

On a shoe string budget I might add. The vaccine is 100% effective in animals and human testing has begun in the US at I believe Walter Reed.
Anything to deflect from Obama's incompetence. All over the lib cable networks that Republican budget cuts allegedly caused Ebola (as if anyone would be stupid enough to believe it). Except now their lies being trounced, LOL.

But watch far left libs on USMB try this excuse. Ready....5...4....3....2.....
I would love to see at least one link to what you claim. How about it?

Really nit wit?????

It's right there in front of your eyes as a THREAD.

So you will have no problem linking it, will you? :D

From the Fact Checker at WaPo:

As for the CDC, you will see a similar pattern. The numbers have bounced around $6.5 billion in recent years. (CDC receives both an appropriation from Congress and, since 2010, hundreds of millions of dollars from the Prevention and Public Health Fund established by the Affordable Care Act.)

Before 2008, the agency received less than $6 billion a year. In fiscal year 2013, the White House proposed a cut in CDC’s funding, but Congress added about $700 million. In 2014, the administration again proposed reducing the budget, but Congress boosted it to $6.9 billion,

The absurd claim that only Republicans are to blame for cuts to Ebola research - The Washington Post
Funny to hear you anti-government conservatives begging for the government to save you,

and crying because it hasn't already.

Where's the mighty private sector's vaccine for Ebola? You know, the private sector that you RWnuts always say needs to make the maximum profit possible because that is what motivates research and innovation?

Well, where's that innovative Ebola vaccine after 40 years?

Well you need to get up to speed too. The DOD has been funding private research and the NIH has been supportive of endeavors.

A private US company is working with our scientists who have developed a vaccine in Canada just 2 hours up the road from me in Winnipeg.

On a shoe string budget I might add. The vaccine is 100% effective in animals and human testing has begun in the US at I believe Walter Reed.

Why are you telling me?

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