Liberals determine ice cream names are now racists.

Big deal. A company made a business decision to change the name of their product. If they had somehow been force to make the change against their will, you might have something to whine about, even though I'm not sure what that something might be. Don't want to buy that product under it's new name? Then don't buy it. Problem solved.
/—-/ You missed the point that the company caved when a few lunatic whiners complained. But you usually miss the point.
Libtard save the world from racist ice cream names. And it's White privilege vanilla ice cream to boot. No wonder liberalism is considered a mental disorder.
Ice Cream Flavor Name Changed Due to Racism Accusations

View attachment 466328

Funny, the link says nothing about any form of "libtards" or "Liberalism" at all. Nor does Liberalism have anything to do with ice cream in the first place.

Never heard of a problem with the word "jimmies". I didn't grow up in New England but that's always what they were called.

Brigham's was founded in 1914 in Newton, Massachusetts. Hood, which is based in Lynnfield, Massachusetts, bought Brigham's in 2008 and continues to sell the brand's most popular flavors in the New England area, according to the Patch.

Mass is liberal lala land.

Before anyone spouts off, I'm Boston born

But even Snopes didn't agree that 'jimmies' was racist.

Further snooping.....from Snopes

“Jimmies” is the Boston/New England word for “chocolate sprinkles.” Ask any ice cream vendor for jimmies on your sundae, and so long as you’re within a 200-mile radius of Boston, chances are he’ll understand you.

When I was 16 or 17, I heard for the first time this doozy of an urban legend, causing me to feel guilt for taking pride in this linguistic quirk — although I never stopped using the word. My friend told me, after I had ordered jimmies on my ice cream, that it was racist to say jimmies. She explained that because chocolate sprinkles are black, early Bostonian racists referred to them as jimmies — because of the Jim Crow laws. As little sense as this makes to me now, I was taken aback as a teenager, and was vaguely ashamed every time I got a chocolate-sprinkled sundae.

I’ve heard it about 20 times since then, from all different sources, inside and outside of Boston, each accompanied by a dire warning not to perpetuate this racist expression!

Were Jimmies Named After Jim Crow? |
/——/ Does that mean you can’t called James Durante, Jimmy or is it just Jimmie that offends three people in LiberalLaLaLand?
Libtard save the world from racist ice cream names. And it's White privilege vanilla ice cream to boot. No wonder liberalism is considered a mental disorder.
Blame Quentin Tarantino.
Libtard save the world from racist ice cream names. And it's White privilege vanilla ice cream to boot. No wonder liberalism is considered a mental disorder.
Ice Cream Flavor Name Changed Due to Racism Accusations

View attachment 466328
The thread premise is a lie.

This has nothing to do with ‘liberals.’

Newsmax is an unreliable source.

“Overall, we rate Newsmax Right Biased and Questionable based on the promotion of conspiracy theories and pseudoscience as well as numerous failed fact checks.”

The Nazi's used to call it, "Information control". Today, they call it fact checking.

Mediabiasfactcheck has no credibility to rate anyone's bias.
Who's credible in your alternative world? OAN, gateway pundit, infowars, epoch times, newsmax, brietbart??? :lol:
And once again leftards have found something to whine about and be offended by. :cuckoo:

Yet this thread is mostly whining trumpbotts. Imagine that.

Actually, we're laughing that you morons whine about ice cream names. Is there nothing that is safe from your sniveling?
Big deal. A company made a business decision to change the name of their product. If they had somehow been force to make the change against their will, you might have something to whine about, even though I'm not sure what that something might be. Don't want to buy that product under it's new name? Then don't buy it. Problem solved.
You are easily offended

He’s constantly grumpy.
Big deal. A company made a business decision to change the name of their product. If they had somehow been force to make the change against their will, you might have something to whine about, even though I'm not sure what that something might be. Don't want to buy that product under it's new name? Then don't buy it. Problem solved.
Funny coming from people that are offended by a cartoon character and a plastic potatoe.
Libtard save the world from racist ice cream names. And it's White privilege vanilla ice cream to boot. No wonder liberalism is considered a mental disorder.
Ice Cream Flavor Name Changed Due to Racism Accusations

View attachment 466328
The thread premise is a lie.

This has nothing to do with ‘liberals.’

Newsmax is an unreliable source.

“Overall, we rate Newsmax Right Biased and Questionable based on the promotion of conspiracy theories and pseudoscience as well as numerous failed fact checks.”

This Massachusetts ice cream changed its name because of racist connotations
Brigham’s Ice Cream is changing its ice cream flavor from ‘Just Jimmies’ to ‘Just Sprinkles’

Wait, So Are 'Jimmies' Racist or Not?
By Wil Fulton
Published on 9/26/2016 at 1:00 PM

I guess when people graduate college with a major in racism studies, they really cant find a job in anything else, so they need to spend their waking hours trying to enlighten all of us that our every motive has been and always will be racist... even if we thought it was just ice cream, or butter... or pancake mix.

As in most revolutions, the thing that the revolutionaries think they hate, is what they become. In this case intolerant, hateful and having the desire to suck they joy out of life for everyone else.

You hit the nail on the head.

More and more college "students" were admitted because of who they are, not because they were college material.

So they naturally drift to such degrees as "Martian Studies" (studying the oppression of beings who migrated to the United States from Mars).

So when they graduate, they are not qualified for any real employment.

They are forced to become activists ("Young Martian Americans are victims of the system") in order to make a living. They set up organizations that "persuade" big corporations to "donate" financial aid.
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Libtard save the world from racist ice cream names. And it's White privilege vanilla ice cream to boot. No wonder liberalism is considered a mental disorder.
Ice Cream Flavor Name Changed Due to Racism Accusations

View attachment 466328

I like racist vanilla ice cream. If the PC idiots don't like it. Tough fucking shit. LOL
This Massachusetts ice cream changed its name because of racist connotations

Correction ... ' Anonymously Claimed' Racial Connotations.

The article doesn't actually identify who made the claim, or the reasoning behind the obscure connection they were making.
Everyone, including Snopes, has tried to find a connection and come up empty.

It's just another brick in the wall.
Wear a mask, jabber on social media, jump when someone says 'boo'.
They got you where they want you, ratting yourselves out for who you are over nothing more than nonsense.

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I remember getting Ben & Jerry's Chunky Monkey. I love that ice cream. Especially, with lots of whipped cream and chocolate jimmies. I suppose that is racist to make at home now. Since we can't combine chocolate jimmies with vanilla ice cream. :icon_rolleyes: (It has chocolate fudge and banana.)

This Massachusetts ice cream changed its name because of racist connotations

Correction ... ' Anonymously Claimed' Racial Connotations.

The article doesn't actually identify who made the claim, or the reasoning behind the obscure connection they were making.
Everyone, including Snopes, has tried to find a connection and come up empty.

It's just another brick in the wall.
Wear a mask, gabber on social media, jump when someone says 'boo'.
They got you where they want you, ratting yourselves out for who you are over nothing more than nonsense.

To some literally everything is racist. It is sad and pathetic.

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