Liberal vs Conservative; good vs evil

Liberals vs greedy idiot mega rich Pubs and their poor silly dupes ya mean. see sig para. 1...

your cousins on the other side Frankie say...."Conservatives vs greedy idiot mega rich Dems and their poor silly dupes ". .......see how the game is played?....see sig para. 1
Interesting idea the Repus bribe with tax cuts and Dems bribe with hand outs.

Of course if you make subsistence wages to begin with, tax cuts don't really appeal to you.

So where does that leave the Republicans? Wondering why poor people don't vote repub.

Republican just are not smart enough to figure this out. Poor and middle class people need good paying jobs.

Not more tax cuts. And not more benefit cuts. And more cuts and more cuts. Sometimes I think Rethugs want to kill off the poor with the death of a thousand cuts.

so you are saying that the poor need jobs not tax cuts.....but i notice you did not mention those hand do realize that they get a job the hand outs stop and then they get the tax cuts......then who are they going to lean towards voting for?...just askin....

GOOD paying jobs was what I said. Not correct me if I am wrong here. But I swear that I keep hearing Repubs complaining the subsistence wages paid by lots of service and retail companies are already to high. Or at least shouldn't be raised.

So I don't think there will be a lack of low wage workers who qualify for government hand outs anytime soon.

And you do realize that there are tens of thousands of poor people who work everyday for subsistence wages and that they do qualify for government assistance.

You repubs got any idea how you would get these folks to vote for repubs?
Racism in politics isn't about mere hated of minorities be they ethnic, religious, or something else. It's about power. Conservative power. Since most ethnic minorities vote democrat, the more minorities there are, the less political power conservative politicians will keep control of as they get voted out of office.

Watching these forums and threads all the racist ones are from conservatives. Or at least, I've yet to see one from a liberal or democract. I don't believe all conservatives are racist. But the fact remains that while not all Muslims are extremists, and not all extremists are terrorists, if the only Muslims we ever hear from are the terrorist variety then in a way all Muslims are terrorists. Just as in the same way, all conservatives are racists.

But it gets worse. Conservative/Republican strategy to win elections can never win stating their racist views so they do the next best (worse) thing: They try to bribe their way in by promising to lower taxes (which is really just putting more money into the hands of the voters which is what a bribe is.) Democrats don't try to buy your vote and usually (or so goes the conventional thinking) raise your taxes.

This election is about good and evil as it so often is. Can vote for the racist party of bribers, or the party of those who actually follow the laws of G-d rather than ignoring them except when politically convenient.

G-d commands us to be charitable. Democrats wanna raise taxes to better provide for the weakest and poorest among us. (Deuteronomy 15:7-10) Republicans wanna cut such funding since they believe everyone should earn their own daily bread regardless.

G-d commands us not to take a bribe. (Exodus 23:8) Voting in any part because of the promise of lower taxes is accepting a bribe. And if accepting a bribe is bad, so too is offering one.

G-d commands us to love each other and our neighbors (Leviticus 19:18) Democrats aren't the ones against illegal immigration to the extent Republicans are because we remember we were all illegal in the beginning. Republicans seem to think white people originated here in North America.

The motive for Democrats raising taxes is twofold. It gives them more money to hire government employees that are needed to administer the programs that provide help for the weakest and poorest among us. That ensures them of more union dues and guaranteed votes from the additional government emplyees and the votes of the weakest and poorest among us.

I consider that bribery.

God commanded people to be charitable, and I don't think he intended for the government to take the peoples money at the point of a gun, take their cut, and than give out what is left.

And, lowering taxes allows those among us who follow God's word to have more money to contribute to charity.

Saying we were all illegal to begin with is absurd to the extreme. What immigration law was broken? You really are a rather silly person.

I may be wrong, but your use of G-d instead of God indicates you do not believe in God. Don't use God's word and substitute your interpretation. It makes you appear to be an arrogant dickhead.
Interesting idea the Repus bribe with tax cuts and Dems bribe with hand outs.

Of course if you make subsistence wages to begin with, tax cuts don't really appeal to you.

So where does that leave the Republicans? Wondering why poor people don't vote repub.

Republican just are not smart enough to figure this out. Poor and middle class people need good paying jobs.

Not more tax cuts. And not more benefit cuts. And more cuts and more cuts. Sometimes I think Rethugs want to kill off the poor with the death of a thousand cuts.

so you are saying that the poor need jobs not tax cuts.....but i notice you did not mention those hand do realize that they get a job the hand outs stop and then they get the tax cuts......then who are they going to lean towards voting for?...just askin....

GOOD paying jobs was what I said. Not correct me if I am wrong here. But I swear that I keep hearing Repubs complaining the subsistence wages paid by lots of service and retail companies are already to high. Or at least shouldn't be raised.

So I don't think there will be a lack of low wage workers who qualify for government hand outs anytime soon.

And you do realize that there are tens of thousands of poor people who work everyday for subsistence wages and that they do qualify for government assistance.

You repubs got any idea how you would get these folks to vote for repubs?

We Republicans could raise taxes on those who made the right choices and got good high paying jobs and give it to those that didn't.

Do you think that would work?
so you are saying that the poor need jobs not tax cuts.....but i notice you did not mention those hand do realize that they get a job the hand outs stop and then they get the tax cuts......then who are they going to lean towards voting for?...just askin....

GOOD paying jobs was what I said. Not correct me if I am wrong here. But I swear that I keep hearing Repubs complaining the subsistence wages paid by lots of service and retail companies are already to high. Or at least shouldn't be raised.

So I don't think there will be a lack of low wage workers who qualify for government hand outs anytime soon.

And you do realize that there are tens of thousands of poor people who work everyday for subsistence wages and that they do qualify for government assistance.

You repubs got any idea how you would get these folks to vote for repubs?

We Republicans could raise taxes on those who made the right choices and got good high paying jobs and give it to those that didn't.

Do you think that would work?

Do you really think Repubs could raise taxes? Hell, we have people making tens of millions of dollars every year and repubs fight tooth and nail to keep their taxes from going up.

So raising them on lower wage earners wouldn't happen. Unless the choice was to give the ultra wealthy another tax break. Then I could see Repubs supporting raising taxes on the middle class and the working poor. Yea, I could see that happening.

Or repubs could change the qualifying incomes for assistance. In other words, if a person makes over 5 thousand dollars a year, they would not qualify for any assistance. Of any kind. Yea I could see a repub doing something like that.

But what I would really like to see is the promise made by John Bohner kept. You remember that promise right? Jobs jobs jobs. Like a laser Repubs were going to be focused on creating jobs jobs jobs.

Didn't happen.

So how many of the compassionate conservatives who thanked ba1614 have actually lifted a finger to help or volunteer for someone or an organization for poor or the needy?


At least get off your fat asses and take some food to your local food bank this weekend.
G-d commands us to be charitable. Democrats wanna raise taxes to better provide for the weakest and poorest among us. (Deuteronomy 15:7-10) Republicans wanna cut such funding since they believe everyone should earn their own daily bread regardless.

G-d commands us not to take a bribe. (Exodus 23:8) Voting in any part because of the promise of lower taxes is accepting a bribe. And if accepting a bribe is bad, so too is offering one.

G-d commands us to love each other and our neighbors (Leviticus 19:18) Democrats aren't the ones against illegal immigration to the extent Republicans are because we remember we were all illegal in the beginning. Republicans seem to think white people originated here in North America.
Too bad the 1st amendment prohibits Congress from enacting God's will.

God commands us not to take a bribe. Interesting. Recalling conversation with one of my grandsons 12 yr' old buddies before the last presidential election...
Buddy: "Who are you going to vote for?"
Me : Mitt Romney
Buddy: "What!! If Obama doesn't win, they will take away your foodstamps!"

Out the mouth of babes. Listening to the older folk talk. Tell me that isn't a bribe.

So how many of the compassionate conservatives who thanked ba1614 have actually lifted a finger to help or volunteer for someone or an organization for poor or the needy?


At least get off your fat asses and take some food to your local food bank this weekend.

and of course everyone is supposed to believe you when you say you have done this....right?...
Wow that psychological analysis article was right:

Conservatives are more sensitive and easily offended by insults than liberals...Conservatives are more anxious...Conservatives need someone to hold their hand to walk them down a dark hallway in their own homes. (Ok I added that last one.)
Curious as to why you want Congress to enact God's Will. Please do explain.
The OP is kind of a lengthy ad hominen attack/strawman argument that is basically worthless. There are all kinds of bigotry. In my experience, bigotry is not confined to any one group based on any variable (i.e. color, religion, political belief, etc.).

Bigotry exists in the human heart. In some more than others. I think political ideology has very little to do with it.

I tend to disagree.

as much as bigotry is a common feature to ALL people, but political beliefs of one kind or the other do attract some psychological types more than the others.

Left views, especially the ones propagated nowadays by the dimocrap brainwashing machine attract more weak, collective- minded, dependent people. as a group those people tend to feel stronger in a crowd and feeling in a crowd increases their zealotry and hate against others - that includes bigotry as well. Therefore the bigotry of the left is ALWAYS so full of bile and hateful. Combined with a general ignorance so prevalent among the left, the bigotry of the left is therefore so primitive and visible.

People who tend to think for themselves and do not like to be put into the group ( the types represented the most by libertarians) also have the most attitude of "live and let live" to another human being.
Plus those types are usually much more educated and informed, so the more lenient approach to others and their choices is inevitable.
Politics is not "good vs evil".

It's those willing to use government power to control over the moral lives and behaviors of others through the use of religion, into what they deem to be acceptable and tolerable in their view of society ....

... Or using government power to dictate control over the lives of the people through submission under another ideological law, that removes the choices and decisions of the individual in exchange for the needs of the collective whole through some belief in a 'moral' entitlement code.

In either case, the rights of each individual to make their OWN choices, for those needs they themselves feel at liberty to pursue as important for their own lives, suffers.
Interesting idea the Repus bribe with tax cuts and Dems bribe with hand outs.

Of course if you make subsistence wages to begin with, tax cuts don't really appeal to you.

So where does that leave the Republicans? Wondering why poor people don't vote repub.

Republican just are not smart enough to figure this out. Poor and middle class people need good paying jobs.

Not more tax cuts. And not more benefit cuts. And more cuts and more cuts. Sometimes I think Rethugs want to kill off the poor with the death of a thousand cuts.

so you are saying that the poor need jobs not tax cuts.....but i notice you did not mention those hand do realize that they get a job the hand outs stop and then they get the tax cuts......then who are they going to lean towards voting for?...just askin....

GOOD paying jobs was what I said. Not correct me if I am wrong here. But I swear that I keep hearing Repubs complaining the subsistence wages paid by lots of service and retail companies are already to high. Or at least shouldn't be raised.

So I don't think there will be a lack of low wage workers who qualify for government hand outs anytime soon.

And you do realize that there are tens of thousands of poor people who work everyday for subsistence wages and that they do qualify for government assistance.

You repubs got any idea how you would get these folks to vote for repubs?
ask a Republican.....

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