Liberal think: New $444 million hockey arena is still a go in Detroit

Having the people pay for the rich owners stadiums is a joke. How the people can't figure out that they're being screwed I have no idea. I remember good old Don Perrata in Oakland being paid 12,600 bucks an hour when he was working for Al Davis to get the Raiders back to Oakland. A bigger example of political corruption played out in plain view would be hard to come up with but the feds and the CA DOJ ignored it 'cause he was a liberal Democrat.

Did you see this new stadium being built?


Yes, it's a brand new stadium complete with a press box, patios that local businesses can rent-out for parties, it will have training facilities, state of the art playing surface, and of course it will be a single-use facility.

Is it professional? No.
Is it for a college? No.

It is a high school football stadium being built in suburban Dallas to the tune of $60,000,000. Not surprisingly, the total amount floated in the bond issue was a measly $119,000,000; over half went to building the stadium. Estimates are that it will go completely unused for 300 days a year.

In brick red conservative Dallas.

Dallas isn't broke. Detroit it.

That wasn't always the case and there is no guarantee it won't be again. Houston is still paying off bond issues for stadiums and will for the foreseeable future while having furloughs of their city employees. The funny thing is that the bonds that I'm referring to are not in Enron Field, Toyota Center or Reliant Stadium (the 3 "job creators" that were built right before the furloughs went into place). No, the City of Houston is STILL paying off bonds that were sold when I lived there. The bonds were used to finance the removal of the scoreboard in the Astrodome (which hasn't had an event played there in over 10 years) and replaced it with some seats at the behest of the NFL owner. The NFL owner took his team to Tennessee about 3 years after the City and it's taxpayers footed the bill for the bonds.

Money still owed on Dome less than previously stated - Houston Chronicle

Dallas had furloughs too by the way so it's not as if there is no budgetary worries in Dallas.


All that being said, I agree with you that spending money like this on a ice rink is crazy. And the Republican Governor of Michigan seems ready to sign off on it.

My point was that stadium carziness knows no party or ideology.
Not all that rare....
Katy ISD unveils designs for planned second football stadium - Houston Chronicle

And it's not like one team is using it. The whole district uses it.
In fact even with two stadiums they'll have trouble scheduling all the games here in Katy.
And is King in Texas.

Do you know how many high schools are in the Katy ISD? I'm asking because that was what I first thought about Allen. But upon checking, Allen High School is the only high school in the district. I assumed there was going to be mad need for it to support their fleet of shcools but, no, Allen was the only HS in it's district.

To your point though, while it is true that JV teams and other clubs I suppose are going to be using it, by and large after December and the end of football season, you won't see much going on at the stadium. The Allen stadium is unique, I think because not only did it suck up half of the "education" bonds that were issued, there isn't a track around the stadium. I guess that would have cost $65,000,000 and no cents. No sense was involved.

You wouldn't get 100 people to show up for a track meet

It would seem that for $60,000,000 dollars and no sense, they could have thrown in a track gratis.
Having the people pay for the rich owners stadiums is a joke. How the people can't figure out that they're being screwed I have no idea. I remember good old Don Perrata in Oakland being paid 12,600 bucks an hour when he was working for Al Davis to get the Raiders back to Oakland. A bigger example of political corruption played out in plain view would be hard to come up with but the feds and the CA DOJ ignored it 'cause he was a liberal Democrat.

Did you see this new stadium being built?


Yes, it's a brand new stadium complete with a press box, patios that local businesses can rent-out for parties, it will have training facilities, state of the art playing surface, and of course it will be a single-use facility.

Is it professional? No.
Is it for a college? No.

It is a high school football stadium being built in suburban Dallas to the tune of $60,000,000. Not surprisingly, the total amount floated in the bond issue was a measly $119,000,000; over half went to building the stadium. Estimates are that it will go completely unused for 300 days a year.

In brick red conservative Dallas.

Dallas isn't broke. Detroit it.

You should go viral with that..."Detroit it". A few months back, "You just pulled an Obama" was going around Twitter. :lol:
Did you see this new stadium being built?


Yes, it's a brand new stadium complete with a press box, patios that local businesses can rent-out for parties, it will have training facilities, state of the art playing surface, and of course it will be a single-use facility.

Is it professional? No.
Is it for a college? No.

It is a high school football stadium being built in suburban Dallas to the tune of $60,000,000. Not surprisingly, the total amount floated in the bond issue was a measly $119,000,000; over half went to building the stadium. Estimates are that it will go completely unused for 300 days a year.

In brick red conservative Dallas.

Not all that rare....
Katy ISD unveils designs for planned second football stadium - Houston Chronicle

And it's not like one team is using it. The whole district uses it.
In fact even with two stadiums they'll have trouble scheduling all the games here in Katy.
And is King in Texas.

Do you know how many high schools are in the Katy ISD? I'm asking because that was what I first thought about Allen. But upon checking, Allen High School is the only high school in the district. I assumed there was going to be mad need for it to support their fleet of shcools but, no, Allen was the only HS in it's district.

To your point though, while it is true that JV teams and other clubs I suppose are going to be using it, by and large after December and the end of football season, you won't see much going on at the stadium. The Allen stadium is unique, I think because not only did it suck up half of the "education" bonds that were issued, there isn't a track around the stadium. I guess that would have cost $65,000,000 and no cents. No sense was involved.

There are six High Schools in KISD.
Allen definitely has a nice stadium for a single high school. But like I said,football is King In Texas. And if they can afford it,more power to em.
Taxpayers should not be asked to pay a nickel to build arenas for Professional Teams

Billion dollar arena that the average taxpayer can't even afford a ticket for
Not all that rare....
Katy ISD unveils designs for planned second football stadium - Houston Chronicle

And it's not like one team is using it. The whole district uses it.
In fact even with two stadiums they'll have trouble scheduling all the games here in Katy.
And is King in Texas.

Do you know how many high schools are in the Katy ISD? I'm asking because that was what I first thought about Allen. But upon checking, Allen High School is the only high school in the district. I assumed there was going to be mad need for it to support their fleet of shcools but, no, Allen was the only HS in it's district.

To your point though, while it is true that JV teams and other clubs I suppose are going to be using it, by and large after December and the end of football season, you won't see much going on at the stadium. The Allen stadium is unique, I think because not only did it suck up half of the "education" bonds that were issued, there isn't a track around the stadium. I guess that would have cost $65,000,000 and no cents. No sense was involved.

There are six High Schools in KISD.
Allen definitely has a nice stadium for a single high school. But like I said,football is King In Texas. And if they can afford it,more power to em.

The money for school bonds should be used for education, not 1/2 for a stadium that will certainly benefit boys more than girls, sit vacant for hundreds of days per year etc... What kind of priorities does this teach the kids; what kind of priorities does the episode unfolding in Detroit teach kids?

And the problem with bonds is that when they are have money. That isn't always the case when they are being paid back by future generations.

I don't begrudge them wanting and paying for a nice stadium but 1/2 of the entire issue? It's irresponsible but, as you said, it's their money.
Do you know how many high schools are in the Katy ISD? I'm asking because that was what I first thought about Allen. But upon checking, Allen High School is the only high school in the district. I assumed there was going to be mad need for it to support their fleet of shcools but, no, Allen was the only HS in it's district.

To your point though, while it is true that JV teams and other clubs I suppose are going to be using it, by and large after December and the end of football season, you won't see much going on at the stadium. The Allen stadium is unique, I think because not only did it suck up half of the "education" bonds that were issued, there isn't a track around the stadium. I guess that would have cost $65,000,000 and no cents. No sense was involved.

There are six High Schools in KISD.
Allen definitely has a nice stadium for a single high school. But like I said,football is King In Texas. And if they can afford it,more power to em.

The money for school bonds should be used for education, not 1/2 for a stadium that will certainly benefit boys more than girls, sit vacant for hundreds of days per year etc... What kind of priorities does this teach the kids; what kind of priorities does the episode unfolding in Detroit teach kids?

And the problem with bonds is that when they are have money. That isn't always the case when they are being paid back by future generations.

I don't begrudge them wanting and paying for a nice stadium but 1/2 of the entire issue? It's irresponsible but, as you said, it's their money.

I'm going to say this one more time.......Football Is King In Texas !!!!!
I can promise you they had overwhelming support to build the stadium.
More NFL QBs come from Texas then anywhere else. They play 7 on 7 football in the off season to groom QBs for the NFL.
WE LIKE OUR FOOTBALL !!!!! And we dont mind paying for it.

As far as lessons to be learned in detriot? Dont let liberals run your city comes to mind.
New $444 million hockey arena is still a go in Detroit

Detroit's financial crisis hasn't derailed the city's plans to spend more than $400 million in Michigan taxpayer funds on a new hockey arena for the Red Wings.

New $444 million hockey arena is still a go in Detroit - Jul. 26, 2013

i need to switch from independent to democrat, i could use that kind of financial planning


What's liberal about it?

Not a thing.

Greenlighting a huge business deal while public worker pensions are in jeopardy is about as conservative as it gets.

Bringing in more business and people first, that's growth, is what is conservative.
Growth brings in more revenue for the city, not continually spending money that is not there.
A liberal politician would get that extra money in growth and still figure out how to spend it, rather than using it wisely.
Then they should build the stadium after the spending is under control. Have it built entirely by businesses not the taxpayers.
Having the people pay for the rich owners stadiums is a joke. How the people can't figure out that they're being screwed I have no idea. I remember good old Don Perrata in Oakland being paid 12,600 bucks an hour when he was working for Al Davis to get the Raiders back to Oakland. A bigger example of political corruption played out in plain view would be hard to come up with but the feds and the CA DOJ ignored it 'cause he was a liberal Democrat.

Did you see this new stadium being built?


Yes, it's a brand new stadium complete with a press box, patios that local businesses can rent-out for parties, it will have training facilities, state of the art playing surface, and of course it will be a single-use facility.

Is it professional? No.
Is it for a college? No.

It is a high school football stadium being built in suburban Dallas to the tune of $60,000,000. Not surprisingly, the total amount floated in the bond issue was a measly $119,000,000; over half went to building the stadium. Estimates are that it will go completely unused for 300 days a year.

In brick red conservative Dallas.

damn... Texans sure love their football....:cool:
There are six High Schools in KISD.
Allen definitely has a nice stadium for a single high school. But like I said,football is King In Texas. And if they can afford it,more power to em.

The money for school bonds should be used for education, not 1/2 for a stadium that will certainly benefit boys more than girls, sit vacant for hundreds of days per year etc... What kind of priorities does this teach the kids; what kind of priorities does the episode unfolding in Detroit teach kids?

And the problem with bonds is that when they are have money. That isn't always the case when they are being paid back by future generations.

I don't begrudge them wanting and paying for a nice stadium but 1/2 of the entire issue? It's irresponsible but, as you said, it's their money.

I'm going to say this one more time.......Football Is King In Texas !!!!!
I can promise you they had overwhelming support to build the stadium.
More NFL QBs come from Texas then anywhere else. They play 7 on 7 football in the off season to groom QBs for the NFL.
WE LIKE OUR FOOTBALL !!!!! And we dont mind paying for it.

As far as lessons to be learned in detriot? Dont let liberals run your city comes to mind.

Since popularity trumps good sense, should #1 Best Seller Fifty Shades of Grey replace Beowulf?

Those that run Allen ISD are pretty liberal too, it seems
New $444 million hockey arena is still a go in Detroit

Detroit's financial crisis hasn't derailed the city's plans to spend more than $400 million in Michigan taxpayer funds on a new hockey arena for the Red Wings.

New $444 million hockey arena is still a go in Detroit - Jul. 26, 2013

i need to switch from independent to democrat, i could use that kind of financial planning


LIBTARDS think it will make a good Katrina shelter next time a hurricane hits Detroit.
The money for school bonds should be used for education, not 1/2 for a stadium that will certainly benefit boys more than girls, sit vacant for hundreds of days per year etc... What kind of priorities does this teach the kids; what kind of priorities does the episode unfolding in Detroit teach kids?

And the problem with bonds is that when they are have money. That isn't always the case when they are being paid back by future generations.

I don't begrudge them wanting and paying for a nice stadium but 1/2 of the entire issue? It's irresponsible but, as you said, it's their money.

I'm going to say this one more time.......Football Is King In Texas !!!!!
I can promise you they had overwhelming support to build the stadium.
More NFL QBs come from Texas then anywhere else. They play 7 on 7 football in the off season to groom QBs for the NFL.
WE LIKE OUR FOOTBALL !!!!! And we dont mind paying for it.

As far as lessons to be learned in detriot? Dont let liberals run your city comes to mind.

Since popularity trumps good sense, should #1 Best Seller Fifty Shades of Grey replace Beowulf?

Those that run Allen ISD are pretty liberal too, it seems

yet a "good sense" minority thinks Heather Has Two Mommies should replace Dick and Jane....:rolleyes:
Here's the problem.

Detroit is a car with a blown motor and peeling paint.

You would never paint a car with a blown motor.

First you fix the motor, then, when you can afford it, you give it a nice paint job.

IOW, when you can't pay retirees and half the streetlights don't work, you use what resources you have to fix that, THEN you think about building a half a billion dollar arena.

Common sense just ain't as common as it used to be...
The money for school bonds should be used for education, not 1/2 for a stadium that will certainly benefit boys more than girls, sit vacant for hundreds of days per year etc... What kind of priorities does this teach the kids; what kind of priorities does the episode unfolding in Detroit teach kids?

And the problem with bonds is that when they are have money. That isn't always the case when they are being paid back by future generations.

I don't begrudge them wanting and paying for a nice stadium but 1/2 of the entire issue? It's irresponsible but, as you said, it's their money.

I'm going to say this one more time.......Football Is King In Texas !!!!!
I can promise you they had overwhelming support to build the stadium.
More NFL QBs come from Texas then anywhere else. They play 7 on 7 football in the off season to groom QBs for the NFL.
WE LIKE OUR FOOTBALL !!!!! And we dont mind paying for it.

As far as lessons to be learned in detriot? Dont let liberals run your city comes to mind.

Since popularity trumps good sense, should #1 Best Seller Fifty Shades of Grey replace Beowulf?

Those that run Allen ISD are pretty liberal too, it seems

Is there any reason to think that Allen is cutting education elsewhere for the stadium?
Are the kids making crappy grades?
If it's a quality school and they have the money because the people support it,I dont see the problem. And when you consider how much the poorer districts cost the the wealthier ones due to the robin hood plan? I say more power to em,because they already give more then their fair share to the poor districts.
Not all that rare....
Katy ISD unveils designs for planned second football stadium - Houston Chronicle

And it's not like one team is using it. The whole district uses it.
In fact even with two stadiums they'll have trouble scheduling all the games here in Katy.
And is King in Texas.

Do you know how many high schools are in the Katy ISD? I'm asking because that was what I first thought about Allen. But upon checking, Allen High School is the only high school in the district. I assumed there was going to be mad need for it to support their fleet of shcools but, no, Allen was the only HS in it's district.

To your point though, while it is true that JV teams and other clubs I suppose are going to be using it, by and large after December and the end of football season, you won't see much going on at the stadium. The Allen stadium is unique, I think because not only did it suck up half of the "education" bonds that were issued, there isn't a track around the stadium. I guess that would have cost $65,000,000 and no cents. No sense was involved.

You wouldn't get 100 people to show up for a track meet

Conference meets draw thousands, but they are only once per year.
Here's the problem.

Detroit is a car with a blown motor and peeling paint.

You would never paint a car with a blown motor.

First you fix the motor, then, when you can afford it, you give it a nice paint job.

IOW, when you can't pay retirees and half the streetlights don't work, you use what resources you have to fix that, THEN you think about building a half a billion dollar arena.

Common sense just ain't as common as it used to be...

The only problem is that losing the Redwings to the suburbs would be a major hit on Detroit's already lagging economy. By building a new arena with retail and office space, they are creating an environment that is conducive to growth which is what they need. Detroit is going to boom again; it's just a matter of figuring out how to give all the land away to developers without causing a taxing nightmare for everyone involved.
New $444 million hockey arena is still a go in Detroit

Detroit's financial crisis hasn't derailed the city's plans to spend more than $400 million in Michigan taxpayer funds on a new hockey arena for the Red Wings.

New $444 million hockey arena is still a go in Detroit - Jul. 26, 2013

i need to switch from independent to democrat, i could use that kind of financial planning


What's liberal about it?

nothing. He is just trying to make liberals look bad one way or another.
Do you know how many high schools are in the Katy ISD? I'm asking because that was what I first thought about Allen. But upon checking, Allen High School is the only high school in the district. I assumed there was going to be mad need for it to support their fleet of shcools but, no, Allen was the only HS in it's district.

To your point though, while it is true that JV teams and other clubs I suppose are going to be using it, by and large after December and the end of football season, you won't see much going on at the stadium. The Allen stadium is unique, I think because not only did it suck up half of the "education" bonds that were issued, there isn't a track around the stadium. I guess that would have cost $65,000,000 and no cents. No sense was involved.

You wouldn't get 100 people to show up for a track meet

Conference meets draw thousands, but they are only once per year.
When I ran track our dual meets would draw maybe 30-50
Even the counties and sectionals were mostly family

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